Life On Mars? (Dustin Henderson x Reader): Chapter Two: Hellfire Joins In
Description: Dustin tells the Hellfire Club about him fake dating Y/n at breakfast, then she talks to Hellfire at lunch.
Warning (s): cursing, mild kissing, mention of kissing
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Dustin's Pov
I leave Y/n with her friends and join the rest of the Hellfire Club at the table next to Mike.
What the hell was that, Henderson? Eddie stands and asks angrily.
"Y/n Harrington? You two are dating?" Gareth enquires.
"What happened to Suzie?" Mike asks a query.
"We broke up," I reply. "We're trying to convince her friends that I'm her boyfriend, we're not actually dating."
Eddie says, "Looked pretty real to me."
I sneer, "It was supposed to,"
"That's fair," says Jeff in reply.
Chris nods in agreement. (AN: Wikipedia refers to him as "Unnamed Freak," but I'm going to call him Chris because he looks like a Chris.)
Y/n's Pov
Together with my friends Elena, Jessie, and Amber, we head to my locker. When I arrive, Dustin is already waiting while chatting with Chrissy and Lucas. He looks up when he sees me and says, "Hello, Honeybun."
I say, "Hey, Dusty."
In order for me to access my locker, Dustin moves away from it. He wraps an arm around my waist and gives me a cheek kiss.
Elena, Amber, and Jessie groan. Jessie announces, "We're going to lunch," and the three of them leave.
As soon as my friends are out of sight, Dustin releases his hold on me."I don't like this," Lucas says. "One day you'll get caught and be in deep shit."
"A lot of the cheer team will be angry with you," Chrissy adds.
"If that happens I'll say that it was a prank," I respond.
"You're a good liar," Lucas says, "I don't know if I should like that about you or not."
"You're a friend that I trust," I tell him, "So you should." I shut my locker and the four of us head to lunch.
Chrissy and I go sit with the cheerleaders once we have our lunch, Lucas with the basketball team, and Dustin with the Hellfire Club.
Why a nerd, Y/N? Hailey enquires.
He's cute, I like him, I dunno, I respond.
"How exactly did this happen?" Jesse queries.
I tell her, "He's best friends with Steve."
"What?" Amber asks with an odd expression.
I answer, "I don't know, but they're friends."
I ate my meal and then discarded my tray. I approach the table where Hellfire is seated. Eddie is shouting about the basketball team while standing on the table. He hops off the table when he sees me and lands a foot or so away. "If it isn't my favorite Certified Dumbass."
I say, "Hey, Titanium."
Eddie smirks jokingly, "One of my sheep told me that he's your fake boyfriend."
"Is that so?" I enquire, smirking in return.
"Yes", he responds. "I had best remain your favorite."
I respond, "Don't worry, you are. I begin to move in the direction of my friends, who are motioning for me to join them. When I walk behind Gareth, I stop and whisper to him, " You're actually my favorite."
I'm sitting in the driver's seat of my car with Dustin in the passenger seat.
"Do you think I went too far?" Dustin asks.
"No," I reply, "I think it was convincing."
"Okay," He mutters.
"You're a good kisser," I say mindlessly while backing out of the parking space. It's not until I see Dustin's flustered face that I realize what I had said. "Shit, I'm sorry. I don't have a filter."
"It's okay," He responds, his face bright red. "Looks like we're going to be doing more of it. I think you'd rather like it than hate it."
"That's true," I say.
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@steveharringtonswifey09 @barnaclebeeshive
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Life on Mars? Masterlist
Description: Steve Harrington's younger sister is in a little bit of trouble since her best friends keep bugging her about not having a boyfriend, so Dustin Henderson offers to pose as her boyfriend. However, they wind up falling in love, and she is subsequently drawn into the mysteries of Hawkins and The Upside Down—something Steve had never intended to happen to her.
Chapter One: Fake Boyfriend
Chapter Two: Hellfire Joins In
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Life on Mars? (Dustin Henderson x Reader)
Chapter One: Fake Boyfriend
Description: The younger sister of Steve Harrington has a bit of a predicament, her best friends keep pestering her about not having a boyfriend so Dustin offers to pretend to be her boyfriend.
Warning(s): None, I don't think, kissing ig
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It's finally Saturday, meaning that I don't have to worry about your friends pestering you about not having a boyfriend. They keep asking if I have one but I always respond with an extremely vague answer.
I'm at Family Video with Steve, my older brother, and Robin Buckley, who is currently having a conversation with Dustin Henderson, he is my brother's best friend. I'm just glad that Tommy and Carol are gone, I hated them.
"I'm in a predicament," I tell Steve.
"What's the problem?" He asks.
"My best friends keep pestering me and asking if I have a boyfriend, which I don't. If I tell them that, they're gonna pester me even more. I don't know what to do," I explain.
Robin and Dustin look over and me and Steve, clearly interested in our conversation.
"Get a boyfriend?" Steve suggests.
"I would but I don't like most of the dudes at school." I explain, "My friends all date athletes but the only athlete that I'm okay with is Lucas Sinclair because he's actually a decent human being but he's one of my friends, and I couldn't see him any other way. Any other guys that I'm actually okay with are the Hellfire Club and that's it."
"I could pretend to be your boyfriend," Dustin suggests.
"I thought you had a girlfriend?" Robin asks.
"No, me and Suzie broke up," Dustin responds.
"Oh," Robin says.
"That's a good idea, Dustin," I say.
"Absolutely not!" Steve exclaims, "Not happening, I don't care if it's fake! No!"
"What? Why not?!" I whine.
"Dustin is my best friend, he's off limits," Steve tells me.
"That's why we're pretending," I respond.
"Fine," Steve sighs.
It's Monday morning and I go to pick Dustin up, I pull into his driveway and wait for him to come out. I see him open his front, walk out, close it, then run to your car looking oddly excited.
"Good morning," I say, "You look really happy."
"I don't why, but I am," He answers with a chuckle.
I back out of his driveway and start driving toward school. "We need a story and a plan," I tell him.
"Okay, about we've been together for almost two months and have been keeping it a secret," He suggests.
"That works," I agree. "We should walk in holding hands, I'll go sit with my friends when we get there, you kiss me, if you're okay with that, tell me bye with some cute name then sit with your friends. You can tell them the truth if you want, I planned on telling Lucas, Chrissy, and Eddie the truth."
"Okay, I'm fine with kissing you. I'm probably gonna tell my frien- wait, are you friends with Eddie?" He interrupted himself with a question.
"Oh yeah, we're friends. He calls me 'Certified Dumbass'," I tell Dustin.
"Why?" He laughs.
"He said that he was a metalhead and I wasn't thinking and said 'Oh my god is your head made of titanium or something?'," I sat the quote with a gasp, imitating how you said it to Eddie. "He was like, 'No, it means I listen to metal music!' and I was like, 'Oh yeah makes a lot more sense.' So his nickname is titanium now. I also call him Eduardo."
"That's great," He chuckles.
I pull into the school parking lot. I park and we both get out of the car.
He opens the door for me and we both walk into school. Dustin grabs my hand right after the door shuts, he walks you to the table that your friends are at, since it's winter almost everyone is in the cafeteria.
I let go of his hand and move to face him. He leans to capture my lips in a kiss that probably should not be this passionate, clearly getting caught in the moment, he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach, but at the same time, this doesn't feel right. We both pull away out of breath.
"I'll see you later, Honeybun," Dustin says.
"Bye, Dusty," I respond.
He pecks my licks then turns to walk towards his friends.
I look at my friends and they all have very shocked looks on their faces.
I open my locker, fortunately the only friends that have lockers beside me are Lucas and Chrissy and my locker is sandwiched between theirs.
"Y/n, what the hell was that in the cafeteria?!" Lucas somewhat yells, his pitch sounds like yelling but his volume sounds like talking.
I explain everything to him, about what happened at Family Video, my friends pestering me, mine and Dustin's plan, etc…
"That was really acting, N/n," Chrissy compliments.
"Thanks, Chrissy," I respond. "Could you guys go along with this, meaning please don't tell Jason."
"Don't tell Jason, what?" Jason asks, suddenly appearing behind Chrissy. "About your new boyfriend, I'm pretty sure the whole school knows, Y/n."
"No, it's something else that you are not allowed to know, it's between me, Chrissy, and Lucas. Not you, sorry, bro," I say then close my locker and head to first hour.
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coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Life on Mars? ~ Dustin Henderson x Harrington!Fem!Cheerleader!Reader
Love Is A Battlefield ~ Steve Harrington x Henderson!Fem!Reader (coming soon)
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I hope the duffer brothers choke on every triscuit they ever eat.
I hope the duffer brothers get an incurable case of hiccups.
I hope every soda the duffer brothers get either explodes on them or is flat.
I hope the duffer brothers get a painful itch somewhere they can’t reach.
I hope the duffer brothers always get a shopping cart with bad wheels.
I hope the duffer brothers don’t realize they have paper cuts until after they squeeze a lemon or use hand sanitizer.
I hope the duffer brothers miss the bottom step of their stairs.
I hope the duffer brothers have a dream that they’re falling.
I hope the duffer brothers get a buzzing in their ears that won’t go away.
I hope the duffer brothers get a paper cut every time they open a book.
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me thinkin abt how perry the platypus is Often referred to as an egg laying mammal, even in his theme song:
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Mom: What do you want for lunch?
Me: I'll have leftover pizza
Mom: Ok I'll warm it up
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if steve dies… 🔪
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