Another final dissertation survey!!
I’m looking into book cover design and aiming to discover how designers target specific social groups (focusing on sex, gender identity, and sexuality), and if they successfully target these groups.
It’s all pictures so it’ll take no time at all, I promise! and I would really appreciate if anybody could participate and possibly share! All responses remain completely anonymous! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-yooouuuu!
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Final dissertation time!!
I’m looking into book cover design and aiming to discover how designers target specific social groups (focusing on sex, gender identity, and sexuality), if they successfully target these groups, and if people can identify the author’s gender identity based on the cover design alone!
It’s all pictures so it’ll take no time at all, I promise! and I would really appreciate if anybody could participate and possibly share! All responses remain completely anonymous! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-yooouuuu!
2 notes · View notes
Final dissertation time!!
I'm looking into book cover design and aiming to discover how designers target specific social groups (focusing on sex, gender identity, and sexuality), if they successfully target these groups, and if people can identify the author's gender identity based on the cover design alone!
It's all pictures so it'll take no time at all, I promise! and I would really appreciate if anybody could participate and possibly share! All responses remain completely anonymous! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-yooouuuu!
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Daniel Craig being wonderful self while meeting a little James Bond fan. Mr. Craig, you are beautiful isnide & out.
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