Hannibal RP Blog .:. Semi-Selective .:..:. Literate .:..:. Multipara to Novella .:..:. Crossovers/OCs/AUs Welcome .:..:. Open to all Seasons and Post S3 .:..:. 18+ For Descriptive Violence .:. Please message for plotting or send me a starter (and tag me) to rp. S T A R T | H E R E NOTE: I am new to RPing on tumblr; forgive me for any faux pas. Suggestions or comments are welcome. .:.
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As the other began to explain where he was, Hannibal found himself paying rapt attention. While Will could recognize that he was in many ways slipping, breaking, he didn’t understand that it was all part of a process. Hannibal had every intention of turning this boy into the beautiful creature he was meant to be, but it wasn’t a change that would occur quickly. Considering how he was still learning how to navigate within the other’s palace, he was constantly shifting and changing his plans. He had a feeling that whatever was about to come out of the other’s mouth would need yet another adaptation on his part. Not that he particularly minded, it was part of what drew Hannibal to him so intensely, he simply made sure to focus. Hannibal wanted to move to him. While not many would guess, he was a man who enjoyed physicality. One didn’t intimately hold another’s lungs without a desire to be close. He was still trying to recognize his own desires when it came to Will, whether it was physical in the need to be near another human being, that social drive to find like for like, or his desire to be wrist deal within Will’s body, his stomach, rearranging his insides into something more suitable to his design. Whichever happened to drive the motion, he stepped closer to Will as he spoke, wanting those eyes to drift from the glass the man cupped to his own. “Some of that is to be expected, considering the work you do,” he intoned, his hand moving to Will’s glass to take it from him. His fingers brushed along Will’s, a momentary caress that allowed him to feel the cooler digits. He took in the callouses, the rough edges around his nails, the cracks considering the cooler weather that was beginning to grace the state. All observed in an instant, before he was stepping from Will and grabbing something a little stronger. As he walked, he debated on how to handle the words he wanted to speak, or perhaps more the thought he wanted Will to take away from the conversation. He wanted Will to rely on him, to come to need and wish their sessions as intensely as he did. He wanted Will to not be able to step out of this room and crave the comfort of conversation without thinking of him. He wondered if there would come a time where Will showed up on his doorstep, where he’d call, much as Franklin attempted from time to time. A momentary idea flooded his mind of Will joining him at a dinner party, but he didn’t imagine the agent would want to. Too many people. Though a quiet evening, a dinner with a small few who Will felt comfortable with... It was something to consider. He set down Will’s used glass on the small tray, then grabbed a clean glass and poured three fingers of scotch within it. Closing the decanter, he headed back to Will and held the glass out for him. “You spend your time trying to lose yourself in another’s perspective to understand them. It doesn’t surprise me that you find yourself lost within your work. There is always a risk involved, but I believe the more you see, the more work you’re able to do, the easier you’ll be able to distinguish yourself from the killers. It takes practice, and that’s something you’ve yet to allow yourself to properly do.” His head raised to regard the other for a moment, watching the younger man’s features carefully. “I want to help you, Will. Not because on paper I’m your psychiatrist, but because I like to think of us as friends. We agreed we’re -- merely having conversations, yes? Thus there is no risk with me. I am not part of your work, I’m not there at crime scenes, as Jack and the rest are. Our time is ours, and whenever you need it, should you need it, I can be your return to reality. There is no body, no blood, to distract you. No mind to enter. Instead it’s simply us. If you wish, of course.”
.:. I Will Smite All Thy Borders With Frogs .:.
The Story so Far with @unstableempathy
Summary: After solving the Stammets case, Will quickly finds himself working on another case with a violent killer. The deaths center around frogs found in the victims’ throats, and Will embarks on a journey of violence through the mind of the killer. He’s losing himself in the anger, and quickly finds himself discussing the case with Hannibal. The doctor has a choice: help Will find himself grounded once more in reality or encourage the young male to embrace this new violent nature.
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His hands tightened on the blade, his head tilting slightly as amusement crossed his features. “I will not,” he replied, turning to the face the other more. He was coated in blood, not his own of course, Will just had unfortunate timing. “It seems we have reached an impasse.” He looked at the other closely, the worry that seemed to fill his eyes. “I don’t wish to kill you, but I will if necessary. Is it necessary, Will?”
💀 .:. dont-be-rude .:.
“Hannibal… Put the knife down.” Will is on guard, his body stiff. He can feel his old scar burning and he has to resist the urge to cover his stomach. Despite how much his body is screaming for him to run, he remains there, standing before Hannibal, meeting his gaze with fearful eyes.@dont-be-rude
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The Hannibal RP Archive is the solution for every roleplayer interested in interacting with others portraying the characters of Thomas Harris’ universe (Book, movie and TV series). It is an ordered alphabetical list that even includes Hannibal based OCs.
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This is my world || American Gods & Hannibal
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‘Your lips may be sweet,
Such that I can’t compete,
But your heart is as black as night.’ –Melody Gardot
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// Move completed. Office should be set up next week. Once it's up I'll be officially back. I might reply here and there to certain pieces, but should be back in working order come next weekend. 💕❤💕
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Will's recovered memories. [Requested by jenacar]
By: thejennire
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Mads Mikkelsen movies.
Michael Kohlhaas. (3/?)
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Please tag hannigram.
// Most of my stuff is already on a queue and I'm still moving so I can't go through and fix what's currently in the queue. However, for anything else I add I will make an attempt. Most of the time I'm going through Tumblr when I can't sleep at 3am so I can't make any promises, but I will try. That's all I can really offer... If it gets bad enough you're welcome to unfollow. There's a shitton of Hannigram.
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