done-anon · 4 days
*A note is on the ground, it reads*
Þ#3 )3@|...... #0₩ )!) !þ 3ɲ) þ#!§ ₩@_?
! <@ɲþ #>řþ @ɲ_ 0£ þ#3¿. ß>þ ₩#@þ ₩!|| §#3 )0?
! )0ɲþ #@^3 |0ɲ€...... ₩3|| ! €>3§§ þ#!s €00)ß_3.
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done-anon · 5 days
.....B0red0000m. (Irl and in character >:))
@nyw@ys uh @sks @re 0p3n, c0me h@r@ss m3 !f y0u w@nt? Ju§t d0nt g3t t00 cl0se.
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done-anon · 7 days
........*No words*...... *Static before‐*
"I refuse"
"I promised your sister's safety, I gave that. What about your end of the deal."
"I- I can't do that to anyone"
"Fine, you'll be my subject then."
"!- ...... j0p h3lp m3."
*a black substance covered the unknown radio before it smoked and vanished. Leaving behind the mystery of what happened*
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done-anon · 12 days
C-caligo.......May jop help us..
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done-anon · 12 days
I wonder who will translate it first
Tumblr is so quiet lately-
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done-anon · 12 days
Good luck lol
Tumblr is so quiet lately-
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done-anon · 12 days
Tumblr is so quiet lately-
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done-anon · 13 days
...........₩#@þ§ H@p]3n!ng.. ! D0nt w@nt t0 l!sten.
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done-anon · 14 days
Tumblr media
|3@^3.... ]|3@§3
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done-anon · 17 days
T-the de@l... ! R3gr3t !t.
0# ĵ0].... þ#!§ ₩0ɲþ 3ɲ) ₩3||.
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done-anon · 17 days
I'm all in for helping, we must make this happen
please can we do inbox trick-or-treating this year. can we make that a thing on tumblr. please please please please please
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done-anon · 17 days
S-so I've been told you can help me?
That I can....Of course with a deal that is.
What kind of deal?
Let's just say.... you'll owe me something much much later but I promise you will have no threat of leaving, not unless you don't agree.
I- I guess, I can't leave the little one alone, it's a deal then.
Good, much later when you are in your twenties I will collect my debt, though failure to comply with what I tell you may be catastrophic. Good luck-
*The radio times out once again, seemingly just sending out these frequencies on its own.*
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done-anon · 18 days
Y3@, ! G0t a b!t b0red.
Guess who?
Done, I didn’t even notice this until now-
3 notes · View notes
done-anon · 18 days
Ex@ctly. Wh@t d03s m@!n @rc summ0ner ev3n m3an?
@nother @n0n. S3ri0usly d0 th3y ju3t sp@wn?
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done-anon · 18 days
@nother @n0n. S3ri0usly d0 th3y ju3t sp@wn?
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done-anon · 19 days
N0pe, just w@nt s0me f00d. *Gives money before casually dissapearing with food*
Can I order a 10 piece nugget and a mcflurry?
*While limping*
-Done anon (This is what happens when I'm even slightly bored)
"Erm.... that'll be 12.99, also you okay there? Need me to take a look at that?"
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done-anon · 19 days
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