dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
I just thought they were easy costumes, but that's a good analysis. Even though I'm not going to college until the Spring semester.
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I've met quite a few readers. Can't really say anything about myself since the most reading I ever did was assigned and for a grade.
Well..that’s like…your future self and your past self. The concepts are there. 
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I’m not sure if you’ve looked around Harwich but not many of them are readers. It’s all chick lit and magazines on their library cards. But yeah…that depressed author guy. 
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
I think if I went as a sexy bunny I'd be arrested. That's why I go with frat guy or just use my old baseball uniform. No effort at all on my part.
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Well, I'll know you're that depressed author guy. I'm pretty sure some other readers would realize it as well.
That’s what the calendar says. I just like to put a little effort into it. I can’t got as a sexy bunny. Well. I could, but I doubt the narrow minded school board would approve. 
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I guess. No one ever knows who I am anyway. Once someone asked if I was Johnny Depp. 
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
You have a month to figure it out, don't you?
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Whatever floats your boat, go with it.
Would it be weird if I went as Edgar Allen Poe for Halloween?
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I mean, it would be the third year in a row but I’ve outgrown my Sherlock Holmes costume. 
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
[Dom slid to the end in the couch, so Willa could fit more comfortably. He tried to stay calm, but he knew his physical appearance betrayed him more than it did him any favors. He didn't want to look at Willa as she spoke, but he still did so if just to reassure her somehow that he still cared. He didn't know how the girl he had dated for more than half a year was so difficult to talk to. He'd kept his secret for so long he wasn't exactly sure if he could reveal it to her.] I've liked you, since the first time we picked up equipment together. [He started with something he had never made a secret. He liked Willa. Love was something else, but like he could manage.] But... [Here was the hard part. Dom felt as if his throat had somehow been obstructed by a large object, and he could barely finish the sentence.] I asked you out, because of a bet. I don't know if you know about... um... well, you have to date the least likely girl and... You're beautiful and amazing, but I didn't know you at all back then... [He paused, trying to gauge her reaction. She'd been concerned from the start of the conversation and pouring it all out at once wasn't going to make anything better.]
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Confessions About Love and Other Things || Willa & Dom
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
It is a bit urgent… I wanted to talk about… [Dom paused for a second, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to do the same if she wanted to. He was gathering his words, not exactly sure of what he was going to say or how he would say it, all that he knew that he had to say it so that the couple would have a chance at staying together.] Well it’s hard to say. I don’t know if you’ve heard from Ruby Grant lately, but she gave me a task that I have to do or she’ll reveal my secret. The thing is, I don’t think I can do it. [He took a breath, looking at Willa to make sure it wasn’t too much information too fast. He knew he had to tell Willa the complete truth now, but he was afraid of what that would mean for their relationship. It wasn’t like he’d be seeing her every day at school anymore. His time with her was finite but he didn’t want it to end because of a horrible choice of words.] She wants me to break up with you… She has her reasons to ask that of me, but I want you to know my… secret, before I let her tell everyone else. [That was it. That was his purpose to call her over. He hadn’t known it before but now it was abundantly clear to him why he felt like he should talk to Willa. Because he didn’t want her to be hurt by anyone other than himself.] I don’t mind everyone knowing as long as you heard it from me. [He leaned back on the sofa, away from Willa, knowing that the next minutes of the conversation would be hard for the two of them. He didn’t even know how he would justify what he had done in the beginning of their relationship, but he would try to explain as best as he could.]
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Confessions About Love and Other Things || Willa & Dom
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
Confessions About Love and Other Things || Willa & Dom
{text: I have to tell you smth. About Ruby Grant. Stop by my house?}
[Dom couldn't help but check his watch every five minutes. He had texted Willa to come meet him at his house, that they needed to talk. It was a cliche, he knew, to refer to a possible break up as 'needing to talk' but in this case he really did have to talk to Willa. About Ruby Grant, their relationship, and the circumstances of that relationship. He didn't want to break up with her, and that's why he had to tell her his secret. She would be crushed if she found out a few weeks later when Ruby Grant decided to reveal him. He checked his watch once again, seeing the seconds crawl away as if they were trapped in quicksand and couldn't go as fast as they should. He hadn't even planned how he was going to begin explaining to Willa, he just hoped that she would hear him out. He wasn't exactly expecting for her to understand. There was a knock on the door and Dom bolted from the couch. He opened the door hesitantly, with a rare smile on his face.] I'm glad you got here fast. Want something to drink? [He shook his head briefly, almost forgetting the most important part of his greeting.] You look beautiful.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
Uh... It was a joke. Like, 'family feud' as in it always ends in a fight for no reason? But yeah I guess Scrabble would be a popular game choice.
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Really? No Trouble, Sorry, Scrabble? Just uh, family feud?
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
Usually the only game people end up playing on family game night is family feud, at least that's what I've heard from almost everyone.
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I don’t think.. family game night is supposed to end with my dad sleeping on the couch… Maybe, maybe cheating’s isn’t how you win.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
I'm saying that friendship is a two way street.
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So, are you saying you don’t want to be friends?
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
I'm not sure you know how the whole friends thing works.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
Just a wild guess... You found porn instead?
I couldn’t find my dvd so I was just looking for the film online.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
And you were searching for..?
That wasn’t Star Wars….
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
What game is it?
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OK, so I’m really bad at this game, but..
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
Think of it like this, if you move you can go somewhere with shade or air conditioning.
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It’s too hot for me to move. Someone call an ambulance. Or a motivational counselor.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
I think a good bet would be the salvation army. Usually they accept all kinds of clothes.
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Does anyone know where I can go to donate some old clothes?
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
From the desk of Ruby Grant
Dominick, The Baseball Star
Tell Willa you don’t think you should continue to date now that you’ve graduated. Your entire relationship is a lie, anyways. It shouldn’t be that difficult to break things off.
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dominickclyde-blog · 10 years
If only we had a couple hundred flamethrowers at hand that might be possible.
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I think the only solution is to destroy the iceberg before it can destroy us.
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I’m already a man down, I have nothing to lose.
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