#c: Lyla
hernando-valdez · 7 months
"You know, you're the first person besides me that has been in this bed." Nando laughed, genuinely so, for the first time in what felt like months. It had only been 3 weeks since he had left town but time felt like it was running on a whole new track. He had been hesitant about letting people in but he had told Lyla he wouldn't run this time. Which is why with Chase's help he had managed to help Lyla get a bag packed to stay with him at the safehouse for a little while. It was amazing how easily the space had seemed brighter. So much so that they couldn't help but christen the place. Apparently it had been 3 weeks too many despite being able to text and call on a secure line. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder, then her lips as they lay wrapped up in each other. "Have I said how much I missed you cause I missed you? Phone calls are so not enough but it was kind of cute. Very retro." @lylasalazar
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nokkiart · 8 days
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The latest chapter of Fins & Crinolines is now up on Webtoon!!
Heres a link to the series!
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sunnydayzes · 1 year
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A Supernatural Coming of Age Drama taking place in the town of Millhaven. The #Portsim Save file belongs to @florwal. All lore involving the town and the people in it, besides my own creative liberties, my characters, and supernatural lore, belongs to them. This story will be rated R and will contain several adult themes; including but not limited to teen pregnancy, drug abuse, and sexual themes. I will do my best to tag trigger warnings as they come up to hopefully prevent hurting anyone with my story.
Lyla Frye's entire life changed when her mother, Delilah, passed away from a long fight against an autoimmune disease that left her confined to her bed for years. The seventeen year old girl lost her home, and without any real family to turn to, she was forced out onto the streets to fend for herself. Before she could be taken away into foster care, Lyla gathered all of the money she had, a little over 500 dollars, and made her way to the local trailer park in an attempt to find a place to call home.
What Lyla doesn't know, however, is that because of her mother's passing, things are about to get very strange for her. She never knew much about her father, as he had disappeared when she was only two years old, but his legacy had been something that had haunted her for her entire life. Being a Frye came with responsibilities that she had no clue about, and she was unprepared for the challenges that awaited her. Surprises await around every corner for the young girl, and just like the phases of the moon, she would learn that change is inevitable - whether you're prepared for it or not.
Author's Notes Below The Cut!
Hi there!
If you are still reading this I wanted to say thank you. Phases is a story idea I've had in my mind for years. I've always wanted to implement it into Simblr, but I am admittedly not the best at world building nor am I the best at designing houses/decorating in this game. Making characters/giving them backstories is what I'm best at, and I'm still working on improving that skill.
So, when I came across this save file the other day, I was so inspired. I spent hours going over all of the lore that @florwal had already added into this save file, and I was shocked at how well it had always fitted the idea I had for my character, Lyla, and her story, which I've always called Phases.
I've really struggled with sticking with something/being consistent on Simblr, and honestly I think it's because I just don't enjoy doing challenges. I try to turn everything into a story and sometimes the stories just don't fit with what the confines of the challenge allow. I also simply haven't had the time I wish I had.
I work a full time job that is very demanding, and I don't often have time for gaming. But in an attempt to get back into writing, something that I've been struggling with the last few years despite how much I love it, and to find some joy outside of my work, I've decided to focus on telling Lyla's story - a story I've always wanted to tell and just haven't had the courage to.
I can't wait to start sharing this story with you all. I don't have a set date on when this will start, but I'm hoping to start posting this in October, as this is the perfect season for this story. Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing this story that is almost a decade in the making.
With Love,
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legends-and-savages · 5 months
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@frosthidden sent: [ PATCH ] sender carefully patches one of receiver's wounds (For Lyla)
PROMPTS FOR ordinary things that feel intimate| Accepting
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Lyla was resourceful that was what surviving M.idway C.ity and finding her dad had taught her. So the wound had been a surprise. "Thanks." She said softly to Alice. "It's merely a graze so at least there's that. Bullet wounds are a bitch." She'd had a couple of them.
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nervosims · 10 months
Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs. (if you already received it, feel free to ignore ♥)
TY FOR THE TAG! So much strangetown would fit into this tag, but I tried to add some BACC dialogue... uh but I barely have any dialogue in my BACC, yet. hahahhhhhh. I wanna flesh out my characters there a lot more. Looking back on all my dialogue posts... bro I love angst it seems. Anyway, onto the quotes!
Qaletaqa: I have slaughtered men for less
Lyla: Some people aren't meant for certain things. I never envisioned myself married. Let alone with children. But sacrifices need to be made... You're a smart boy, I'm sure you understand
Olive: I understand, better than anyone, that being a mother is difficult. It's not for the faint of heart. But you didn't even try, Lyla.
Pascal: As immoral as you view my 'lifestyle', at least I am not a dishonourably charged war criminal that stole organs to sell on the black market. Circe Beaker is not to be trusted. Loki Beaker is not to be trusted. Your admiration for their service should be separate from this.
Tank: My parents are NOT abusive! Stop saying that! My dad is going to accept me. And, one day, when he tells me he's proud of me, I'll prove you wrong.
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shxpeshifterr · 3 months
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All the books I’ve read in June
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coquettecowboy · 3 months
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Walmart haul! Shirt is for my cg lol
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jackslocket · 6 months
we’re just idiots your honor
you're literally the charles to my carlos i luv us 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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ianmonts · 9 months
where: a hotel room in st louis, missouri who: @lylasalazar & ian montgomery
Ian might have been single, but that didn't mean he was keen on doing many things alone, and that's where Lyla came in, bags packed and ready to go the second he'd suggested an outing or a trip. After all, their close friendship aside, who could turn down an all-expenses-paid vacation? He'd grown up only three hours outside of St. Louis, and some of his better childhood memories had consisted of getting on a bus with his mom and sister and spending the day there. The nightlife was all the rage, and flights were cheap, so Ian figured -- why not?
It was a question quickly answered during the second night of the trip when they stopped by the hotel bar for a nightcap. Ian hadn't recognized him immediately; the dim lighting behind the counter and lively atmosphere were enough to pry his attention away. It wasn't until the bartender opened his mouth to ask what they'd like to order that Ian felt his body freeze, heartbeat thrashing violently against his chest even before he connected the dots.
His father.
Byron had aged a lot over the last twenty-three years, which was to be expected, of course, but it had also meant that the face Ian had left behind in his memories didn't quite match the one he was seeing now. He was thinner, balding, wearing that same shit-eating grin he'd put on whenever they went out in public. There didn't seem to be a hint of recognition in his eyes, either, even as Ian sputtered out his usual order with an incredulous gaze. Ian didn't know if that made things better or worse, that Byron couldn't recognize his own son -- perhaps a side effect of early alcohol and drug abuse, or perhaps he'd just forgotten. His father had always taken odd, blue-collar jobs here and there while they were growing up, but in a million years, he'd never have guessed he would end up working somewhere this nice.
"Y'all on a little romantic getaway or somethin'?" The older man had asked while setting their drinks down. His fingers wrapped tightly around the glass as Lyla spouted off an answer to explain the nature of their friendship, clearly just engaging in simple conversation. After all, how would she know that the man serving them whiskey sours had been the cause of Ian's scars, the object of his irrevocable pain and trauma?
Once the surgeon finally got his bearings, he reached into his wallet for some cash, not bothering to count up the amount before setting it on the counter. He shot Lyla an apologetic look, his drink untouched, before wordlessly slipping off the barstool and making a beeline for the hotel room. Suddenly, he was a child again-- scared, helpless, useless as always.
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oliviaxsinclair · 9 months
Closed: @lylasalazar – A girl's night out at Puente.
This was an attempt. This was no promise that she would partake in such endeavors in the future. It was Lyla's persistence and egging on that brought the Sinclair out tonight with the seven other women. They just come from a delicious dinner at La Macina and now were planning to dance the night away. An IV hydration scheduled for the morning, Monica the ring leader, encouraged the girls to let all their ambitions go for the night. Chuckling at the absurdity of it all, she widened her eyes at Lyla as another round of shots reached their table. Olivia never really had a college experience, let alone one with excessive partying. She could only hope her liver would survive and keep up. "Okay, I think I'm tapping out on the shots," she winced as the remnants burned her throat. "Anymore and I think I might trip over my own feet."
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hernando-valdez · 1 year
For as many times as Hernando had thought about this moment since he left, nothing could actually prepare him for it. It had only been a month and yet it still felt like too long to be away from her. Their fight seemed so foolish now after what he had experienced and through all of it, she had been the only person he wanted to talk to. But they hadn't talked and he felt nervous, which wasn't a normal feeling to ever have around her. But there he was, in front of her door, with flowers and a six pack and a stupidly rehearsed line of notes in his head. When she opened the door though, they all fell away from him, his face softening as he took her in. "Hey, amor. Fuck, it's so good to see you." @lylasalazar
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nokkiart · 3 days
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I’m genuinely in tears over the response to that last chapter of Fins & Crinolines.
Thank you all for the wonderful messages and comments. And thank you so much for being so understanding! 😭💕💖💕
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lylahammar · 2 years
Is it just me or does the run cycle of the trainer in pokemon scarlet and violet look a whole lot like Sora’s run cycle in kingdom hearts 👀
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sunnydayzes · 1 year
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Lyla didn't know what to say as she watched the little girl smiling over at her. She seemed so happy; but Lyla knew that wasn't always the case. Children were resilient. They would be the first to look on the bright side even if their entire world was falling apart. The fact that she was outside of her home in the chill evening air just to avoid her parents and their fights spoke volumes.
"How old is she?", Lyla asked as she turned back towards Barbara and followed her over towards the front steps of the trailer.
"Just turned nine this past August. Her mom, Brielle, got pregnant when she was fifteen, and Butch, the father, is a lot older than her. Her mother made her marry Butch because of the pregnancy so the baby wouldn't be a bastard. It's the worst kept secret in the world, and that poor girl has suffered because of it."
Lyla hated that she knew what that was like. Her own father had disappeared shortly after her mother got pregnant. Her mother never really explained why. She always said that having a family hadn't been a part of his plans, and she had accepted that. Still, it had left Lyla growing up wondering who her father was and what had happened to him. Did he even know that she existed? She may never know for certain, but she knew that the answers ate her away at night.
"My advice to you, child, is to keep to yourself. Southern hospitality is for people who deserve it and they don't. Butch does a lot of things he shouldn't, and he's constantly in and out of jail. And Brielle...well, she's been known to run off my tenants with her theatrics. Buy earplugs. You can still hear their screaming over here. "
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"I don't know! Some girl. The old bat is taking her over there right now."
Butch was quiet as Brielle continued to stare out the window. Having someone occupy that trailer was going to put a wrench in his plans, but there was nothing he could do about that. He would just have to look for a place elsewhere to move. He couldn't keep doing what he was doing with the landlord watching his every move, and he had to get away from Brielle. He couldn't stand living with her and her brat of a daughter for one more minute.
"How old is she?", he asked, curiously, as the gears began to move in his head.
"She looks young, but who knows. Pretty, I guess, but she's wearing the rattiest clothes I've ever seen. I thought we had it bad here."
Butch rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket, searching for the blunt that he has stuffed inside of it earlier.
Maybe his plans weren't completely ruined after all, he thought, as he lit the blunt and moved it to his lips to take the first of many smokes that day.
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legends-and-savages · 2 years
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She had maybe gone a bit overboard.  She could feel it with all of the blood drying on her.  She wiped the blade off carefully with her hand.  “That’s for my dad asshole.”  She said as she stood.  “Don’t touch me.” She said as someone approached her.  “He deserved it.”
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nervosims · 2 years
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GRUNT: week two
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