|| whatever it takes ||
89 posts
Blind || 37 || Dating Becky Tate  "From the second I was born, it seems I had a loaded gun. And I shot, shot, a hole through everything I loved...."
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
“Ugh, I know…” Becky pouted, though she was mostly kidding. Mostly. But she did want to be near her brother, especially now that she had apparently had to cut ties with her parents… ugh. She smiled as he kissed her hand, feeling warmth rushing through her. God, she loved him. “That sounds perfect.” She said, liking the idea a lot. “But for right now..” Becky moved to stand up, keeping hold of his hand and giving him a gentle tug. “Come back to bed, I just wanna snuggle up.”
Dominic smiled a bit. There was a lot that was holding them to Baberton, but that was okay. They could take multiple trips and make sure they saw the world and had alone time without all the Baberton drama. He loved her so much and wanted to be with her always. He was also too afraid of the idea of popping the question. He had lost Nikki after proposing. He didn’t want to lose Becky.  “Mm cuddles. I’m in...” He purred, moving to stand up.
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Christopher grinned while looking over at him. “Oh really? Well maybe we should do it. Come on not unless you are scared.” He teased lightly. But he wouldn’t mind fighting his friend again. 
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He chuckled a bit, putting his hands on his hips. He shrugged his shoulders. “Of course, I’m not scared of you! Pfft.” He scoffed, shaking his head. “I think we should. We haven’t in a very long time.” He hadn’t done much fighting at all since his underground London trip that resulted in a coma. 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Dominic chuckled. “I would say we don’t have to go back, but eventually the gym would need us and your brother would kill me if I stole you away forever...” He leaned down to kiss her hand. “We could do things like this more often though. Bridgefield, London, Spain...” He shrugged.
Dominic nodded and leaned forward to feel for the pot to pour her a cup. “I always sleep better when you are next to me… and being away from Baberton has its freeing perks…” He held the cup out in her direction before laying his hand across the table, palm up for hers.
Becky smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up. She really liked knowing that he actually gave a damn, that she had an effect. “Definitely - this was such a good idea.” She said, moving her hand out to his with a little chuckle. “I almost don’t even wanna go back.” Becky joked.
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Dominic nodded and leaned forward to feel for the pot to pour her a cup. “I always sleep better when you are next to me... and being away from Baberton has its freeing perks...” He held the cup out in her direction before laying his hand across the table, palm up for hers.
Dominic smiled a bit, tilting his head to the side.  One arm reached back to try and maneuver around her waist. “I am just sitting here enjoying the peace of morning with a cup of coffee… –want some?” He tilted his head back as if he were looking up at her and leaned up to try and find her lips. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Ooh, yes… I’d love some.” Becky smiled, lenaing down slightly and kissing him back with a little chuckle. She moved to sit down and nodded. “Better than I have in weeks, actually.. you?” Becky watched him for a moment. “I’m really glad we did this.”
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
“Hey, hey!” Dominic moved to stand. He feigned being mad for a moment, but there was a ghost of a grin peaking its way at the corners of his lips. “You wanna smack talk, you have to take it to the mat. And damn, Chris... I don’t want to have to kick your ass...”
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“So you beat up anyone lately?” He joked lightly with a small chuckle. “Or did you actually do that?”
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Becky loved getting away from Baberton, especially with Dominic. After everything that had happened with her father and Abi and herself, the last place she wanted to be on the holidays was there to be honest. She still wasn’t too sure how she wanted to handle the whole situation or how to feel but she didn’t want to think about that right now. She woke up and rolled over, finding Dom missing, but she figured he was just up and about so she slowly dragged herself up out of bed with a tired sigh, stretching. She moved through, raking her fingers through her hair, and spotted him, a smile appearing on her lips as she walked over. “Hey, you..” She wrapped her arms loosely round his neck from behind, kissing the side of his head. “What are you up to?”
Dominic smiled a bit, tilting his head to the side.  One arm reached back to try and maneuver around her waist. “I am just sitting here enjoying the peace of morning with a cup of coffee... --want some?” He tilted his head back as if he were looking up at her and leaned up to try and find her lips. “Did you sleep well?” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
[ @beckyxtate ] 
Any chance to escape Baberton was worth while, but to escape with Becky made things even better. He loved any chance to be alone with her. Currently, he was sitting at the breakfast table of their BNB. He was leaning back in the chair, sipping on a cup of coffee. He had one Airpod in his ear, listening to the Baberton news. As much as he wanted to escape completely, he still felt required to know some of what was going on in the town they had left for a week away. He heard the floor creak as someone stepped. He sat up straight, reaching up to tap the headphone to pause it. “Good morning, beautiful...” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Becky brightened at the idea, nodding almost right away. “Yeah!” She said, squeezing his hand in excitement. “We totally should, that sounds awesome.” She would have to let Jonas know but she was sure he wouldn’t mind and it’s not like she had to play the in-the-middle daughter this year. “I love the sound of that.”
Dom smiled a bit and gave a small nod. “Sounds like a good plan then.” He loved getting away with her. Being away from reality made it easier for him to stay away from the alcohol and made the desire to fight a lot less, but he also just loved being away with her. 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Becky bit her lip, quiet for a moment. “Well… probably won’t be going to my parents…” After that ordeal. “I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. I’m sure I’ll see Jonas and Emily and stop in on Abi but other than that…” She shrugged.
“Would you like to go away with me again...?” Dom asked with a soft smile. “Colmar has some absolutely fantastic Christmas lights... We don’t have to go for Christmas. We could go before...”
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
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Becky laughed lightly, leaning into him with a little shake of her head. “Well, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Dominic grinned a bit and took her hand to kiss it softly. “Good.” He thought for a moment. “What are you doing for Christmas?” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
“Yeah, I hate when it gets cold.” She sighed, looking up at the sky and knowing that it would be soon. “Water makes me feel so at peace.”
“I agree with you there.” He tilted his head back, letting the sun warm his face. “Even just the sound of it is so peaceful.” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
“Yeah… sorry.” She worked up a chuckle.
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He grinned. “It’s fine. I don’t blame you. It is a good talent to have the rest of the time.” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Emily smiled as she nodded, watching the two of them with a chuckle. “I’ll bet.”
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Dom wrapped his arms around the dog as they stepped out into the water. He leaned down, ducking his head beneath the surface. When he came up, he grinned a bit. “You are right. The water is perfect... Wouldn’t it be nice if it just stayed this way all the time?” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Danielle smiled a little, realising that he couldn’t actually see her. “Yeah, uh… I can be a bit light on my feet.” She chuckled.
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“That can be a very good thing.” He smiled brightly and shrugged slightly, “--except when a blind guy walks up and doesn’t hear you.” 
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
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Becky smiled brightly, leaning into him as he kissed her cheek. She felt much better with him around, she’d been on her way to a bad morning. “Careful, you might never get rid of me if you say things like that.” She teased.
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“I am absolutely fine with that...” He chuckled a bit, reaching down to wrap his arms around her. “I hate when we part.”
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
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“Oh, yes...” Dom grinned a bit, “I always want your company.” He chuckled a bit, leaning over to kiss her cheek. 
“Hey, buddy…” She grinned, petting the dog and then looking up. “Want some company?” Becky wondered, figuring they were just out for a walk or something.
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dom--anderson · 4 years ago
Emily chuckled, watching him as she bobbed around gently. “That dog is the cutest.” 
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Dom laughed a bit and nodded. “He is pretty fantastic and he is a great set of eyes.” 
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