dollvie · 1 year
@16lies​  ✩    一   “grey” !
the raindrops danced a melancholic ballet upon the windowpanes of the cozy coffee house. the air was filled with the earthy aroma of freshly brewed coffee, mingling with the petrichor scent of the rain-soaked streets. the soft glow of warm lights reflected off the glistening cobblestones, casting a romantic ambiance over the scene. inside, the coffee place was a haven from the storm, with its rustic decor and the gentle hum of chatter blending harmoniously with the rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops outside. the air was infused with the fragrant steam rising from cups of rich, dark brew, creating a sensory symphony that enveloped the senses.
she adored these sceneries. unlike most, the gentle harmonies of rain drops mixed with various beats of thunder. on top of that— even— her favorite clerk calling out her name and order by memory. oh, what could she ever do without this shop to aid to her early morning cravings? she'd possibly die from a lack of caffeine drilled into her system. "thank you."
as she carried the steaming cup of coffee in her hand, she navigated through the slow coffee shop, her steps careful and deliberate. the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, invigorating her senses. lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the person who suddenly appeared in her path, and before she knew it, her coffee cup teetered precariously on the edge.
her eyes widened in panic as she reached out instinctively, fingers fumbling to catch the cup before disaster struck. for a moment that felt like an eternity, time seemed to stand still as the cup tilted dangerously, the hot liquid threatening to spill over. her heart raced, her pulse quickened, and she held her breath, willing her reflexes to be swift enough to avert the impending catastrophe.
with a deft, albeit clumsy, maneuver, she managed to regain her balance and prevent the hot liquid from splashing onto the unsuspecting person in front of her. a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she righted the cup, her hand trembling slightly from the adrenaline rush. "can you watch where you're going?" she rudely announced to the person, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, grateful that disaster had been narrowly averted.
but, then realization dawned on her from the not-so-friendly comment being tied to her worst enemy (gossip girl). "i wouldn't want to ruin your cute shoes, where'd you get them?" the girl quickly added, blinking up at the stranger standing in-front of her. it was only then she noticed the obvious fact that she was missing an umbrella in such brooding weather. did she run a marathon in the rain just now? someone's clearly having a bad day and it wasn't herself for once.
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dollvie · 1 year
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dollvie · 1 year
@rudebcy​  ✩    一   “red” !
she feels rather content for once. hana has finally managed to convince the man she's legally tied to, to a 'romantic' binge of one of her favorite shows. obviously he doesn't seem too fascinated by the concept—he's always been the type to despise cheesy love stories she's quickly come to realize; but she's happy enough he's taken the time to sit beside her and suffer his way through it. besides, the only thing she truly cares for in the moment is the way his arm is slung over the back of the couch behind her, his opposite hand rubbing circles over her thigh that's somehow slung its way over one of his. she's never received this sort of affection from him before. it feels euphoric to her.
well, for the time being it did.
the silence was beginning to become too deafening to her. sure, he's not one to typically engage in conversations or short remarks.. it's just that this time around something seems off in his overall aura. maybe it was the way the television light shined at his gnawing jaw through the darkness of his bachelor pad, or maybe it was the abrupt stop in the movement of his thumb against her skin. she could tell a thought had caught the majority of his attention from her and that sends a fearful chill down her spine. his anger will consistently be the one thing that haunts her.
"honey?" the young celebrity manages to shakily roll off her tongue. at this point she's attempting to massage at his wrist, and press soft slow kisses to the side of his neck in hopes to tame whatever his head had brewing. "honey? what's wrong?"
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dollvie · 1 year
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dollvie · 1 year
truth. do you judge people based on how they look?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
frankly she was getting bored of her livestream. the continuous spam of sexualized questions is permitting a headache she's trying to satisfy with a cup of coffee she's brewed during her break away from the camera. hana is letting out a soft sigh while she scrolls through some more, nothing seems to grab her interest since most are ones you can look up on the internet.
"who doesn't?" she randomly blurts out. "there's a question that asked if i judge people based on how they look— but who doesn't?" the model starts stirring at her drink by utilizing the straw. it honestly is an excuse to give her time on how to word herself without cancelling her career again. "people that say they don't judge others or get romantic interests in people based off of looks, they're lying. we naturally pick our partners or friends from how they appeal to us. it's just how society has developed."
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dollvie · 1 year
truth. if you had to trade lives with someone for a year who would it be and why?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
"if you had to tr..." hana was reading through the comments popping up on the screen as always, but one in particular caught her attention. "if i had to trade lives with someone who would it be?" she continued from her mumbled trail off. she had to pause again to come up with a response to this one, her tongue licking over her lip in thought. "daphne bridgerton."
it was after her response that a bright smile creased at her features. the idea of trading with the fictional character excited her too much. "i love the aesthetics of the regency era in england. watching the show was absolutely beautiful. but, i wanted to chose daphne because she is the main character, was gifted a blessing from the queen— she even got the attention of both a dutch and a prince. i think her story is one of the prettiest. i'd love to trade with her to experience what life would be like. she was the crown jewel of the ton, after all."
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dollvie · 1 year
truth: do you think you got married too young?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
"no, i don't," the answer was almost immediate. this isn't the first time she's had to deal with comments like this. her viewers, friends— family— all agree that she's wasting herself away by getting married so young. the common mindset seems to be that she's not giving herself enough room to explore what she wants or with whom. that she wasn't matured enough to be handling a relationship that serious.
"our wedding was three weeks after my twenty-first birthday.. there's no way that's too young, right? plenty of people get married at that age," she attempted to light-heartedly say; even if she can feel a small tinge of frustration from seeing the question. "i think if you believe someone will be in your life for an extremely long time, you should marry them. it's as easy as that."
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dollvie · 1 year
truth — why did you marry your husband?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
"why is there so many questions about minjun..?" the statement made her laugh a little quite honestly. she shouldn't be surprised that the most revolving questions were based on her 'scandalous' husband— that she's yet to include in any of her videos/streams or even bother to talk about; but she couldn't keep avoiding it since a certain.. anonymous enjoys spreading false natures about their marriage.
"i've always had a crush on him since we were kids.. and not as a fan. it was kind of more like that guy you'd see in the hallways and get shy about because you like him," she speaks modestly while her fingers tapped on the table. "minjun can be really sweet, he has a cute smile, he enjoys focusing on me— he's really good in bed.." obviously, that last statement was meant to be a joke, but truthfully it's all she really had behind her reasoning. especially since there was no reason. she simply adored his attention and got excited about the thought of marriage that she quickly accepted his proposal. maybe she was more in love with the idea of marriage than the man himself.
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dollvie · 1 year
truth: when did you fall in love with your husband?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
hana was scrolling through the various comments after answering the previous question and they all flooded with the same thing that specified what she attempted to ignore before. she couldn't answer this one honestly. the truth was— she hasn't yet. the married couple knew one another well in terms of sexuality, but when it came to anything revolving personal matters, he was guarded by walls she struggled to get past. even half a year later the girl still questions how they ended up in a legalized relationship despite their lack of feelings for one another.
she could only sigh in return, hoping a different question would appear instead. there's no way she could respond about her feelings publicly. not like this.
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dollvie · 1 year
truth: are you in love?
@ yunhana is live: t&d !
she knew the purpose behind the question that popped up on the screen; yet her mouth still mumbled it out from natural response. it took her a genuine moment to think on how to properly answer a question like this without spewing lies— which.. wasn't the easiest task. "i guess it depends what you mean by that," the young model continued after a few pauses of silence. "i love my family, all of you, i love my life?" obviously, she's teetering around the question. it makes her lightly laugh at the camera, suddenly pulling out different products to showcase to the lens. "this lipstick is something i love, too."
"you could say i'm in love with a lot of things."
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dollvie · 1 year
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new face ? new intro ! lili (s/h) here again to introduce the lovely yun hana. hana was created to fill in the back to reality subplot & spin-off skeleton. she's quite the ride for someone her age (21), but she has a lot of hopes and dreams—for now she's stuck being daddy's girl by displaying her face as a beauty influencer and ex-high end model. the public generally sees her as a spoiled teenager that got married too quickly and to the wrong person. yet, she still somehow manages to rake in large numbers on her social medias. attention seems to be her greatest forte.
under the cut — profile, tldr bio, wanted plots/connections.
— yes, i'm that girl.
yun hana / juliet • july 22nd, 2001 • second born by cho deji, retired actor & yun chul, muse ent ceo • top of class sopas graduate • ex-model, current contracted influencer to muse • singles inferno's boring but pretty cast mate • somehow married to minjun • cancer, snake, enfp-t, lawful neutral(?)
gossip girl's favorite topic and resident homewrecker. doesn't get any better than that. unless you remember her old nepotism trends? now, those feel like a summer fever dream.
— i'm too pretty for this.
oh, so, luckily given birth by entertainment socialites that utilize their beautiful daughter as company propaganda. the public adores her anyways. she's become korea's 'lil doll that somehow scored impossible jobs when she was in high school. everyone thought she was naturally gifted. obviously, daddy had some behind the scenes work to ensure his daughter got the front pages. groomed to be famous you could say.
anyways. when all you know is how to make your parents proud since they showcase nothing in love outside of public achievements, you tend to stick to that. showing bright smiles to the camera and pretending you're someone who's sole purpose is for entertainment or attractive looks. even when your image is taking a heavy tank in opposite of your favor (thanks gg), you keep going. and you keep running into road blocks since appearing on a show was probably the worst idea. lack of personality? clearly. how was she meant to be interested in boys that only asked for her ideal type and not her favorite food? food is more important.
reality is: hana is incredibly smart. top of her class. has ideas to create a sub-label called "prototype," designed for her various idol group concepts and shows. it is essentially her dream to become a creative designer. it's just too bad the company keeps declining those hopes in favor of her current career. they'd probably make new trends.
smart yet impulsively married a man she was merely lost her virginity with at the age of twenty. who even gets married that young still? hana adores fairy tale endings or stories of true love. he was anything but that. he was just soo handsome and soo well off. she's been crushing on him since she were a kid. maybe his attention is what caused her to say yes (if he had a ring at the time or not). honestly, she wasn't sure anymore. the tabloids themselves say their wedding must have been another paid event by the company they both were under. at least the way he uses his dick with her is fantastic.
today she's attempting to make the best of herself. a popular youtube channel followed by various social media pages that get flooded with both love and hate. on a surface level, she's your spoiled girl with a handsome husband she's using for clout, well known for always getting her way due to familial connections. underneath, she feels like screaming into a pillow in hopes the noise will drown out her chaotic thoughts of feeling truly and utterly alone/misunderstood.
— princess treatment only.
let's try to get that group of friends that wear purple on wednesdays because pink is too overrated at this point. besides, purple is hana's iconic color.
probably an ultra best friend but they actually hate her. use her for clout, money, her husband— something of the sort. no one can actually be this much of an airhead, right? she adores spoiling her, uhm, best friend. giving them gifts or taking them on trips.
older brother figure she idolizes more than her father. maybe a man that she met in the weirdest of places. she needs someone big and strong to prevent her from getting into bad situations that'd get her in trouble. softie hours. let her share her ideas with him.
singles inferno cast mates that's flirted with/kissed her maybe. cast mates that saw her as boring. cast mates she had drama with that she ignored. cast mates that she's still friends with after the show.
give me haterrrs.. or anyone jealous of her title/marriage.
classmates from sopas she wasn't the kindest to. yes, go get me a chocolate bar. i'm hungry, peasant. why didn't you bring my cat foam cappuccino today?
maybe someone that wants to get with her husband, more so after finding out their marriage isn't filled with a lot of love. i'd love to see jealous hana fuming. there may be no love but she'd bring claws out to keep her man to herself.
i'll probably add more as i go along. kinda brain dead. better at plotting than making bunnies.
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dollvie · 1 year
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