talking about movies, games, books and all kinds of stories I love and the ones that fuel my fire of hatred! or something.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Okay so Update post Natlan Quest -
(spoilers for that ahead! I'll try to keep it to a minimum but be aware!)
I have since thought a LOT about this game and what it does and doesn't do great. And I say this with all the love in my heart! Because I really do love this game and the story. So I'll just reiterate my points and add things.
I have nothing bad to say about the music score except that I wish some titles were longer because they're all so delightful, and especially in special areas with a very notable score where you spend a lot of time (like Neuvillette's office, The fortress of meropide, Nathan's stadium) it can and does get a little repetitive. In the overworld and while exploring they do this really well though.
Nothing at all to add about the scenery. It's grand, it's breathtaking, it's beautiful, I wanna roll in it, please and thank you.
The story is ramping up, and it's clear with Natlan's quest. Now that you're properly involved in the world themes are getting heavier and more emotionally charged, situations more fraught and grand with every main quest. Then again, all of them feel like the world is about to fall apart when you come in, but Natlan did add a cherry on top I feel. The visual effects and story beats were absolutely delightful and the combination of effects mostly used in manga, with the usually great animation in high stakes moments really added to it. Buuuut on the flip side, as for the lore itself, genshin keeps sort of half-committing to things. There are suddenly angels (why? where is biblical lore coming from? Having Seelöwe also be lost souls but like, idk, ascended ones or some shit would have been fine) and - maybe I missed something but Xilonen saying she will die forging our ancient name - suddenly doesn't die. Which I don't mind but listen, I was stressing out about this since the moment it was revealed and then nothing happened about it. It's a bit the thing I've said before where they will commit to a plot or some piece of lore but then don't have the courage to leave the player guessing long enough so it really pays off, and instead reveals a plot twist too early to be really satisfying. It's not bad! But it sometimes is a little anticlimactic when it could have been very satisfying.
Once you figure out how to actually play and especially figure out how to fight in this game, it is incredibly fun and rewarding. Which leads me exactly to my point. Boss fights are epic and rewarding in a way I've seen very few games accomplish. I don't think there's ever been a game where I was so excited for boss fights. And a new boss fight on top of that. I usually hate figuring out how to get through a hard boss but genshin makes it so fun. There will be new gameplay mechanics introduced for each boss, which is great at not making them feel repetitive and really helps make every battle feel like it's a unique experience. Buuuut that does give me great frustration sometimes - and that ties into my next point - genshin is horrible at tutorials. Really just abysmal. I am an avid tutorial-reader and -player. I spent as much time in botw in the tutorial area as others spend on the whole game (no I'm not kidding, yes I spent a full 60 hours on the plateau, shh we don't have to talk about it). But! I cannot and will not read tutorials the game gives me, mostly because they're useless in helping me figure out how anything works. They sometimes leave out important explanations, they try to be short and concise but still end up confusing, and even the pictures they are really don't help most of the time. I've started fully disregarding them and it has honestly been easier that way. Which is not how tutorials are supposed to work. So to my earlier point. There will be new mechanics introduced during boss battles, I will be incredibly confused on what the hell I'm supposed to do and in the middle of a big battle with heightened emotions this has brought me great frustration. To be fair, the mechanics are usually not extremely complicated or complex and do add to the gameplay in a positive way, and I do figure them out in a timely matter, but not after swearing at my screen and asking it what the fuck it wants of me. Now I'm no expert, but my suggestion? There is usually smaller fights leading up to the big battle, just add the same mechanics (with a differnt look so it still is a surprise later on) to let the player test it out in a slightly more chill environment. Then make it bigger and grander for the finale with more effects, etc., and let the player go wild with something they're at least a little familiar with already.
I'll only make a quick point to the voice acting since I don't have much to say about that, besides that I changed my mind about Paimon. I like her voice much better, and especially during a big battle, her voice acting was really good, and really added to the story for me. The only sad thing was some of my more favourite characters in natlan not having a voice at all (which I think is due to the strikes with the parent company of where the VA's work, so all blame to whatever company that is lol). But the voicelines that were there were fun and really added to the story, especially with the minimal expression changes in the characters. Which brings me to my next and last point.
Character design! Now this one's... a personal interest of mine and let's say, a double edged sword. The character design in genshin is both very good and very bad - I'll start with the bad. The characters models for playable characters are very boring and ignoring some minor changes almost all almost the same. The base models have little to no variations with three basic sizes and some height differences here and there, some small changes the torso but considering this is animated and these are sculpted models the changed are virtually none. There is no shape language, characters' base models are in no way visually distinct of each other, their flat stomachs, long legs and skinny arms always the same. And there's I think over 90 of them now. With (if we're generous) 5 base models. The thing of course, of this double edged sword, is that this is also the reason genshin's character design is so good. Because in order to have over 90 unique characters, and in order to have over 90 characters people want to spend money on, you have to make them visually distinct somehow. Which is done with their clothes, accessories, capes, hoods, hair, hats- you get the point. The game does an amazing job creating unique silhouettes. And by amazing I so good, that if I look at a blank silhouette of a character, I will know who it is. Out of every one of the 90 characters. That is shape language!! That is exactly what I was harping on about earlier. And that is a truly impressive feat with about 5 base models. The game does also show in various side characters that it is very well within their capabilities to create differnt models, granted not a ton of them, but there are more differnt models and body types than just the playable characters. And as a small side note, the even show in side characters that they are able to have coily hair textures and protective styles. This also does not translate to playable characters, not even from Natlan. This is all I will say about that. On a more lighter note, the colour palettes for the outfits and accessories are also incredibly well done. Somehow each character is unique, and they have still not run out of colour combinations that in combination with their outfits are new and fun and exciting. Also! Details. My god. Having drawn a few genshin characters, I really hesitate to do more because I cannot handle this level of detail with every single drawing. Making a model and puppeting it is slightly easier than drawing it by hand every time, but still, it is no easy feat and base models and body types aside I am truly impressed with their character design each and every time.
I know I don't really use this account anymore but I need to shout about it somewhere. Genshin impact y'all. Genshin impact.
The music score is absolute top tier not only in quality but also quantity. Almost 100 titles for Fontaine alone, and I probably am not even counting all areas of Fontaine. A unique fighting soundtrack for every region that somehow does not get old. Cinematic scores that to me are honestly big cinema worthy. Sometimes orchestral, sometimes more subdued, Inazuma Sumeru and Fontaine boss fights are what I think is rock? And it's so fun.
Scenery? This is the most obvious one but I will not discount it bc you will see previews and still images and go yes, this is nice actually. Very pretty and picturesque. And then you'll stand on a mountaintop looking at the sun set, see the colours change and know it looks completely different standing at the foot of the mountain and you couldn't decide which view is better while the colours shift from one delightful hue to another.
The story feels so full and it is clear how much it has evolved from mondstadt to Fontaine alone. And mondstadt was already fun! I enjoyed it, and it felt like a satisfying narrative. In fact, all of the areas I've explored have had extremely interesting and satisfying narratives that have drawn me in and made me want to know more. I personally am a fan of all things mystery, so I have been having a blast specifically in Sumeru and Fontaine, but Inazuma and Liyue were engaging and fun to play through as well. Really the only thing I would criticise is them not fully following through on the mystery. Both in Sumeru and Fontaine did they in my opinion reveal the truth a smidge too soon, and put scenes after where The Traveller is still trying to find out the mystery while you, the player already have gotten an extended cutscene. For example in Fontaine, Neuvilette and Furina's cutscene should come just after The Traveller and Furina's and not The Travellers in the middle. I think it would have been great to build a bit more tension and make the reveal hit even harder. And, I do understand why they did it in this way because narratively it does make sense like this too. I just like being hit in the face with realisation even more. I don't remember what exactly the scene in Sumeru was, but I remember thinking a similar thing, because they had built anticipation with hints and all these insinuations really well, but it did feel a bit like not following through, because all the way through you and your Traveller know the same amount, but suddenly they change that right before the end where The Traveller gets all the information anyways. But all in all as I've said. The stories are incredibly engaging and more than once ice found myself unable to stop at the time I wanted to because I need to know what happens next.
Boss fights. After having finished Tears of the Kingdom just before, I had been curious about the boss fights since Totk had been slightly lacking in that. Especially in Totk the boring thing was that every boss fight had pretty much the same lead-up and the same beats. Essentially it was the same fight in differnt clothes. Even Breath of the Wild had had more variety. So I was curious about how genshin would handle it. Divalin's two stages were fun if a bit hard to get the hang of, but I was optimistic and thought that if the next fight would just not be exactly the same, I would be fine. And the next boss fight in liyue was the coolest fucking thing. I had. So much fun in that. It did such a good job really making you feel as powerful as people kept telling you that you were. And it was very different! Inazumas and Sumerus boss fights were not my favourite but I think I had had my characters slightly underleveled for both. But they also were completely different! And uniquely fun and challenging.
The levelling system is incredibly complex considering how many characters you can and will have, there are multiple ways to level characters, weapons and the difficulty and rewards in-game which is just a fully wildass system that they somehow manage to implement so slowly that you can get your head around it by the time it's time to actually do something about it. How. And also why. There's already 84 characters and counting. I don't think I want to know how many weapons there actually are.
And also. This game is free. I have not paid a single cent and I've been able to do all of this. Fully for zero cents and zero euros. None. What the fuck. I would fully buy this game and with all of the included gameplay expect it to cost me a small fortune but I do not in fact have to. Because this game does not cost. Anything.
(Yes you can buy things and yes it is a gacha game. I am aware that they do in fact need a way to actually make money and this is it. But still. No one's forcing you to play a guessing game with real money. I have a decent amount of characters and as said, have not spent a single cent.)
#my god I apparently have a lot of thoughts#well you know you love a thing when you look at all the flaws and the good things this closely lol#I think about this game too much#to be fair have also spent wayyyy too many hours playing this game haha
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I FORGOT THE VOICE ACTING. Which is brilliant. I have the English one on and especially playable characters are so well done. Neuvillete was an absolute highlight with the subtle shifts in tone and the voice cracks. Navia was also really good with emotions. Personal faves are in no particular order tighnari, cyno, zhongli, freminet, gaming, beidou, and probably I few others I'm forgetting. I also lovingly hate furina, mona, fischl and paimon. By which I mean they're good and very distinctive which is fun, but also i personally dislike the cadence and ... octave for some of them. I did listen to the Chinese version a while ago as the original version and since I don't speak any of it, all I can say about that one is that it is also very pleasant to listen to.
I know I don't really use this account anymore but I need to shout about it somewhere. Genshin impact y'all. Genshin impact.
The music score is absolute top tier not only in quality but also quantity. Almost 100 titles for Fontaine alone, and I probably am not even counting all areas of Fontaine. A unique fighting soundtrack for every region that somehow does not get old. Cinematic scores that to me are honestly big cinema worthy. Sometimes orchestral, sometimes more subdued, Inazuma Sumeru and Fontaine boss fights are what I think is rock? And it's so fun.
Scenery? This is the most obvious one but I will not discount it bc you will see previews and still images and go yes, this is nice actually. Very pretty and picturesque. And then you'll stand on a mountaintop looking at the sun set, see the colours change and know it looks completely different standing at the foot of the mountain and you couldn't decide which view is better while the colours shift from one delightful hue to another.
The story feels so full and it is clear how much it has evolved from mondstadt to Fontaine alone. And mondstadt was already fun! I enjoyed it, and it felt like a satisfying narrative. In fact, all of the areas I've explored have had extremely interesting and satisfying narratives that have drawn me in and made me want to know more. I personally am a fan of all things mystery, so I have been having a blast specifically in Sumeru and Fontaine, but Inazuma and Liyue were engaging and fun to play through as well. Really the only thing I would criticise is them not fully following through on the mystery. Both in Sumeru and Fontaine did they in my opinion reveal the truth a smidge too soon, and put scenes after where The Traveller is still trying to find out the mystery while you, the player already have gotten an extended cutscene. For example in Fontaine, Neuvilette and Furina's cutscene should come just after The Traveller and Furina's and not The Travellers in the middle. I think it would have been great to build a bit more tension and make the reveal hit even harder. And, I do understand why they did it in this way because narratively it does make sense like this too. I just like being hit in the face with realisation even more. I don't remember what exactly the scene in Sumeru was, but I remember thinking a similar thing, because they had built anticipation with hints and all these insinuations really well, but it did feel a bit like not following through, because all the way through you and your Traveller know the same amount, but suddenly they change that right before the end where The Traveller gets all the information anyways. But all in all as I've said. The stories are incredibly engaging and more than once ice found myself unable to stop at the time I wanted to because I need to know what happens next.
Boss fights. After having finished Tears of the Kingdom just before, I had been curious about the boss fights since Totk had been slightly lacking in that. Especially in Totk the boring thing was that every boss fight had pretty much the same lead-up and the same beats. Essentially it was the same fight in differnt clothes. Even Breath of the Wild had had more variety. So I was curious about how genshin would handle it. Divalin's two stages were fun if a bit hard to get the hang of, but I was optimistic and thought that if the next fight would just not be exactly the same, I would be fine. And the next boss fight in liyue was the coolest fucking thing. I had. So much fun in that. It did such a good job really making you feel as powerful as people kept telling you that you were. And it was very different! Inazumas and Sumerus boss fights were not my favourite but I think I had had my characters slightly underleveled for both. But they also were completely different! And uniquely fun and challenging.
The levelling system is incredibly complex considering how many characters you can and will have, there are multiple ways to level characters, weapons and the difficulty and rewards in-game which is just a fully wildass system that they somehow manage to implement so slowly that you can get your head around it by the time it's time to actually do something about it. How. And also why. There's already 84 characters and counting. I don't think I want to know how many weapons there actually are.
And also. This game is free. I have not paid a single cent and I've been able to do all of this. Fully for zero cents and zero euros. None. What the fuck. I would fully buy this game and with all of the included gameplay expect it to cost me a small fortune but I do not in fact have to. Because this game does not cost. Anything.
(Yes you can buy things and yes it is a gacha game. I am aware that they do in fact need a way to actually make money and this is it. But still. No one's forcing you to play a guessing game with real money. I have a decent amount of characters and as said, have not spent a single cent.)
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I know I don't really use this account anymore but I need to shout about it somewhere. Genshin impact y'all. Genshin impact.
The music score is absolute top tier not only in quality but also quantity. Almost 100 titles for Fontaine alone, and I probably am not even counting all areas of Fontaine. A unique fighting soundtrack for every region that somehow does not get old. Cinematic scores that to me are honestly big cinema worthy. Sometimes orchestral, sometimes more subdued, Inazuma Sumeru and Fontaine boss fights are what I think is rock? And it's so fun.
Scenery? This is the most obvious one but I will not discount it bc you will see previews and still images and go yes, this is nice actually. Very pretty and picturesque. And then you'll stand on a mountaintop looking at the sun set, see the colours change and know it looks completely different standing at the foot of the mountain and you couldn't decide which view is better while the colours shift from one delightful hue to another.
The story feels so full and it is clear how much it has evolved from mondstadt to Fontaine alone. And mondstadt was already fun! I enjoyed it, and it felt like a satisfying narrative. In fact, all of the areas I've explored have had extremely interesting and satisfying narratives that have drawn me in and made me want to know more. I personally am a fan of all things mystery, so I have been having a blast specifically in Sumeru and Fontaine, but Inazuma and Liyue were engaging and fun to play through as well. Really the only thing I would criticise is them not fully following through on the mystery. Both in Sumeru and Fontaine did they in my opinion reveal the truth a smidge too soon, and put scenes after where The Traveller is still trying to find out the mystery while you, the player already have gotten an extended cutscene. For example in Fontaine, Neuvilette and Furina's cutscene should come just after The Traveller and Furina's and not The Travellers in the middle. I think it would have been great to build a bit more tension and make the reveal hit even harder. And, I do understand why they did it in this way because narratively it does make sense like this too. I just like being hit in the face with realisation even more. I don't remember what exactly the scene in Sumeru was, but I remember thinking a similar thing, because they had built anticipation with hints and all these insinuations really well, but it did feel a bit like not following through, because all the way through you and your Traveller know the same amount, but suddenly they change that right before the end where The Traveller gets all the information anyways. But all in all as I've said. The stories are incredibly engaging and more than once ice found myself unable to stop at the time I wanted to because I need to know what happens next.
Boss fights. After having finished Tears of the Kingdom just before, I had been curious about the boss fights since Totk had been slightly lacking in that. Especially in Totk the boring thing was that every boss fight had pretty much the same lead-up and the same beats. Essentially it was the same fight in differnt clothes. Even Breath of the Wild had had more variety. So I was curious about how genshin would handle it. Divalin's two stages were fun if a bit hard to get the hang of, but I was optimistic and thought that if the next fight would just not be exactly the same, I would be fine. And the next boss fight in liyue was the coolest fucking thing. I had. So much fun in that. It did such a good job really making you feel as powerful as people kept telling you that you were. And it was very different! Inazumas and Sumerus boss fights were not my favourite but I think I had had my characters slightly underleveled for both. But they also were completely different! And uniquely fun and challenging.
The levelling system is incredibly complex considering how many characters you can and will have, there are multiple ways to level characters, weapons and the difficulty and rewards in-game which is just a fully wildass system that they somehow manage to implement so slowly that you can get your head around it by the time it's time to actually do something about it. How. And also why. There's already 84 characters and counting. I don't think I want to know how many weapons there actually are.
And also. This game is free. I have not paid a single cent and I've been able to do all of this. Fully for zero cents and zero euros. None. What the fuck. I would fully buy this game and with all of the included gameplay expect it to cost me a small fortune but I do not in fact have to. Because this game does not cost. Anything.
(Yes you can buy things and yes it is a gacha game. I am aware that they do in fact need a way to actually make money and this is it. But still. No one's forcing you to play a guessing game with real money. I have a decent amount of characters and as said, have not spent a single cent.)
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Season 2 of the witcher, or as I like to call it
„Geralt learns how to be a dad, Ciri learns to be a person and everyone else is doing shit fucking knows what“
Also: Yennefer and Jaskier might be friendly with eachother (?), still to be determined
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What I’m saying is, I don’t watch marvel anymore for a reason. What was so appealing to me, what drew me in about their stories was how they’re superheroes, right, and that means that they always win, they always somehow come out on top. Sure, sometimes things fall apart, but if you watch the early movies - well, basically anything before infinity war (maybe excluding civil war?) the heroes win, they are alive, and they saved, and helped people.
And that is precisely why I haven’t watched the Loki series. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested; I love loki! I have since I saw him in the avengers and Thor movies. But since infinity war, marvel has ended that era with the need for more dramatics. More tragic, more plot twists, more death, more sadness. Some people like that! And that’s completely fine ofc! But for me, the real world has enough tragic in it already. I don’t want that in made up stories too.
And while there are still some exceptions - Falcon and the winter soldier ended rather well I think, but if you look at infinity war, then endgame, then wandavision and now the Linie series, which all seem to be very well made, but in each of these is the need for dramatics, for flare, for tragedy.
As said, that’s fine if you like tragedy and that stuff, but I for one don’t like having my heart broken into a million pieces by a corporation who, let’s be honest, has grown way too big and thinks way too much of itself.
#unpopular opinion#I do miss my loki#i used to read a lot of fanfics with him#Marvel never got to his full potential imo he could’ve been so cool#doe rates stuff
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Oh yah I forgot; my boy almost died like 3 times in what, 2 days?? Is he ok?????
Thoughts about New gods: Nezha reborn
I love Li Yunxiang, he’s a cinnamon roll and needs to be protected
Also Kasha is a fucking badass, have you seen how fast she gets used to her new prosthetic leg??
Bad dragon bois }:( and using the water creatures ; ;
The setup was really good; so he’s an expert racer on his bike, which makes really cool car/motorbike chases totally logical, and makes him pretty agile, and able to think on the spot if chased. He also tunes his own bike, so of course he’d be able to make his own suit, and Kashas leg!
They let him cry!!! It was sad and the audience was sad, and my boy was sobbing!! Yes!! Let those feelings out!!! (I honestly thought wow, a guy who’s crying, that’s gotta be healthy! /genuine)
Kittyyyy 😭😭😭
But also water kitty 🥰🥰
Tbh the only critique is that it was kinda fatphobic in the sense that the only fat person was that one butler that turned out to be a very ugly moster (toad?? I couldn’t tell), while everyone else’s „god forms“ were very pretty and aesthetic
A good platonic relationship between Yunxiang and Kasha!! Without it being weird or anyone being jealous!! Yes!!!
Li Yunxiang constantly saving people, Kasha, his brother, the whole hospital, the doctor,,, the whole city,, yeah alright, hero things I know but still
I also really just enjoyed the animation style and how their faces looked! That was really nice.
The fight scenes and everytime they have an establishing shot I was swooning because Jesus fuck those were good!
The fight scenes had excellent pacing and dramatic shots, sometimes in slow-mo, sometimes not, but even though it was mostly close-ups it was always clear what was going on!! Which isn’t very usual in a lot of like, action based films!
And I don’t think I need to elaborate on the establishing shots; please watch the movie for that, I cannot do them justice with my itty bitty words here.
The concept of learning to accept yourself and shit always hits close to home too, and him and his parent being like that, too, so yknow, I liked that.
The flower looked pretty I liked that too
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Thoughts about New gods: Nezha reborn
I love Li Yunxiang, he’s a cinnamon roll and needs to be protected
Also Kasha is a fucking badass, have you seen how fast she gets used to her new prosthetic leg??
Bad dragon bois }:( and using the water creatures ; ;
The setup was really good; so he’s an expert racer on his bike, which makes really cool car/motorbike chases totally logical, and makes him pretty agile, and able to think on the spot if chased. He also tunes his own bike, so of course he’d be able to make his own suit, and Kashas leg!
They let him cry!!! It was sad and the audience was sad, and my boy was sobbing!! Yes!! Let those feelings out!!! (I honestly thought wow, a guy who’s crying, that’s gotta be healthy! /genuine)
Kittyyyy 😭😭😭
But also water kitty 🥰🥰
Tbh the only critique is that it was kinda fatphobic in the sense that the only fat person was that one butler that turned out to be a very ugly moster (toad?? I couldn’t tell), while everyone else’s „god forms“ were very pretty and aesthetic
A good platonic relationship between Yunxiang and Kasha!! Without it being weird or anyone being jealous!! Yes!!!
Li Yunxiang constantly saving people, Kasha, his brother, the whole hospital, the doctor,,, the whole city,, yeah alright, hero things I know but still
I also really just enjoyed the animation style and how their faces looked! That was really nice.
The fight scenes and everytime they have an establishing shot I was swooning because Jesus fuck those were good!
The fight scenes had excellent pacing and dramatic shots, sometimes in slow-mo, sometimes not, but even though it was mostly close-ups it was always clear what was going on!! Which isn’t very usual in a lot of like, action based films!
And I don’t think I need to elaborate on the establishing shots; please watch the movie for that, I cannot do them justice with my itty bitty words here.
The concept of learning to accept yourself and shit always hits close to home too, and him and his parent being like that, too, so yknow, I liked that.
The flower looked pretty I liked that too
#anyways#generally just really enjoyed this movie#doe rates movies#doe rates animated movies#doe rates stuff#li yunxiang#i Hope I spelled all that right#nezha reborn#new gods: nezha reborn
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Oh, has anyone here ever read the novel ascension?
Because I picked it out some time bc the cover art is super good and the premise sounded nice;
WELL, I read, I think about 10 pages until I thought „this was written by a man“ And after about 20 pages i knew that it was that kinda man that has never met a human woman before.
!! The novel is about 6 (i think it was 6) women going to space and NONE OF THEM BEHAVE LIKE PEOPLE !!
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Anyways, yesterday I watched Wonder Woman 1984 and I watched it bootlegged, which meant, yknow, screenshots! Yay!
Anyways, I made exactly 3 screenshots and I’m happy to inform you I have drawn parallels that are very sad without meaning to at all.
So please enjoy:
#they hold#; ;#i was genuinely surprised when I looked after#somehow I got them exactly the same but#yknow#sad
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Me playing botw: oh come on! There’s no way weather changes this fast! It’s changed from cloudy to sunny to rainy today day!
Me, for once looking out the window: It’s hailed, rained, been sunny out, been cloudy, and now it’s 10 degrees warmer. *looks at watch* it’s 10:30 in the morning
#doe plays Zelda#botw#tloz#tloz botw#open world games#open world rp#doe rates stuff#doe rates video games#doe rates games
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I feel like commenting this for no other reason that
I love that dude
What the fuck
Ok so, first of all, that must’ve been the longest song he has ever made bc halfway through I checked and he was still going strong. So nice! Unexpected but nice!
Also th music was unexpectedly „chill“ for like, his standards? Like it wasn’t as chaotic as previous songs? And less of that funky sound I can’t name
Whatever the heck was going on in that video? I mean yah, normal for him but? I’d like to say I’m confused but I feel like that’s an understatement
And lastly, good for him! He seems to know his stuff. Also! I agree.
bill wurtz really spent two years in a secluded cave teaching himself 3d animation and then went ham on us
#guess we’re rating bill wurtz today#that is a man of chaos#anyways#doe rates stuff#doe rates songs#(?)
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More updates, it’s been exactly 2 months since I started playing and I have around 160 hours of game play.
I have also completed all 4 champions, and gotten the master sword! I’ve been doing a lot of side quests because
I don’t want the game to end bc I’ll lose interest once I’m finished
They’re fun
I love the memories more and more, especially Zelda and links relationship. I especially love the scene where Zelda gets her powers (spoiler) protecting link?? (Also omg him almost dying anyways, like nice! Still dead tho 💀
Nah jk but the storyline is super cool.
Also about the gameplay; I absolutely adore it, because it’s made for a very wide audience. Before every like, attack you make on enemies you can thoroughly prepare (or just not do it) and you can always choose to fight or just make a run for it if you’re not in the mood. It’s super nice! And it’s what I’m missing in a lot of other games (like links awakening f.e.)
I’ve been playing Zelda BOTW!
((This is spoiler free))
My experience with games, just for context:
I’m not a Gamer
I have a relative aversion against most games because I don’t like meeting enemies and fighting them very much, BUT i adore when there’s pretty scenery to run around in
I have played the new Zelda: Links Awakening - and after 7 months of playing I’m about halfway finished. I hat e the dungeons tho.
Other than these two Zelda games, I’ve got animal crossing and a few games with my sister together, like Go Vacation and Mario Kart
So! I got the game on the 24th, and today is the 29th and I have played the last days for at least 2-4 hours.
And as said, I’m pretty new to gaming and the way the game eases you into playing is fantastic for me.
I still hate encountering the bork-thingies and try to forego any enemies I haven’t beaten before, but I also have sought out many of these „enemy bases“ on my own accord contrary to what I usually do.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the controls, especially when fighting because there’s just so many things to think of while you’re trying not to die, but there’s always enough space and things to practice on/with is again! So nice, because it gives me space to master it and then attack monsters without panicking.
What I really love as well is how the story is presented. I like that at first you talk to the old man and he tells you more with time.
I hate that you only have so little hearts at the beginning, but it makes sense, you have to earn them.
The shrines might be my favourite things so far (alongside the scenery, yes) they’re mostly based on teaching you things or having puzzles to solve, which i love because I can think without having to rush and think on your feet too much (which I don’t like, especially if I’m inexperienced in something, you know, like video games)
That’s my verdict so far, I’ll add to this once I get further along!
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I’ve been playing everyday since the 24th (today is the 12 of January) and for at least 1-2 hrs a day.
By now I’ve got a bit over 60 hrs in, and I’ve beat only one of the 4 champions (miphas!)
I love all the exploring though. I’m still skirting around the enemies and mostly just climbing and flying when I need to get somewhere, especially like a tower-thingy that gives me the map, or a shrine, where I know there’ll be a lot of enemies I dont want to/can’t beat.
I’ve been playing Zelda BOTW!
((This is spoiler free))
My experience with games, just for context:
I’m not a Gamer
I have a relative aversion against most games because I don’t like meeting enemies and fighting them very much, BUT i adore when there’s pretty scenery to run around in
I have played the new Zelda: Links Awakening - and after 7 months of playing I’m about halfway finished. I hat e the dungeons tho.
Other than these two Zelda games, I’ve got animal crossing and a few games with my sister together, like Go Vacation and Mario Kart
So! I got the game on the 24th, and today is the 29th and I have played the last days for at least 2-4 hours.
And as said, I’m pretty new to gaming and the way the game eases you into playing is fantastic for me.
I still hate encountering the bork-thingies and try to forego any enemies I haven’t beaten before, but I also have sought out many of these „enemy bases“ on my own accord contrary to what I usually do.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the controls, especially when fighting because there’s just so many things to think of while you’re trying not to die, but there’s always enough space and things to practice on/with is again! So nice, because it gives me space to master it and then attack monsters without panicking.
What I really love as well is how the story is presented. I like that at first you talk to the old man and he tells you more with time.
I hate that you only have so little hearts at the beginning, but it makes sense, you have to earn them.
The shrines might be my favourite things so far (alongside the scenery, yes) they’re mostly based on teaching you things or having puzzles to solve, which i love because I can think without having to rush and think on your feet too much (which I don’t like, especially if I’m inexperienced in something, you know, like video games)
That’s my verdict so far, I’ll add to this once I get further along!
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I’ve been playing Zelda BOTW!
((This is spoiler free))
My experience with games, just for context:
I’m not a Gamer
I have a relative aversion against most games because I don’t like meeting enemies and fighting them very much, BUT i adore when there’s pretty scenery to run around in
I have played the new Zelda: Links Awakening - and after 7 months of playing I’m about halfway finished. I hat e the dungeons tho.
Other than these two Zelda games, I’ve got animal crossing and a few games with my sister together, like Go Vacation and Mario Kart
So! I got the game on the 24th, and today is the 29th and I have played the last days for at least 2-4 hours.
And as said, I’m pretty new to gaming and the way the game eases you into playing is fantastic for me.
I still hate encountering the bork-thingies and try to forego any enemies I haven’t beaten before, but I also have sought out many of these „enemy bases“ on my own accord contrary to what I usually do.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the controls, especially when fighting because there’s just so many things to think of while you’re trying not to die, but there’s always enough space and things to practice on/with is again! So nice, because it gives me space to master it and then attack monsters without panicking.
What I really love as well is how the story is presented. I like that at first you talk to the old man and he tells you more with time.
I hate that you only have so little hearts at the beginning, but it makes sense, you have to earn them.
The shrines might be my favourite things so far (alongside the scenery, yes) they’re mostly based on teaching you things or having puzzles to solve, which i love because I can think without having to rush and think on your feet too much (which I don’t like, especially if I’m inexperienced in something, you know, like video games)
That’s my verdict so far, I’ll add to this once I get further along!
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Execution aka writing/filmmaking/...:
Well, it’s an Oscar nominated movie. Other than that, I thought it was ok. Not special (but I’m not a professional filmmaker, I don’t actually know what it takes to make films, so 🤷🏽) but also not bad.
Character Diversity
LGBTQ+: The drag bar I guess, but no important character is part of the LGBTQ community.
POC: Anthony Ramos is latino as far as I know, so uh, one (1) I don’t know about the drag queens tho.
Disabled people: Well this gets more points if you count mental illness as a kind of disability. Jack is clearly mentally ill, and has had a lot of struggles also in the form of alcoholism and drug abuse. Which is a illness too. So, I’ll let you decide. Also, he’s losing his hearing, and is a bit hard of hearing.
as Said above, the pacing and general choice of dialogue was interesting, and unusual for this kinda production. Does kinda work though.
The worldbuilding that mostly happened here is the one of a (rising) Popstar. And I know nothing about that. Seemed legit tho, and there were no worldbuilding holes i found.
Character(s) I liked the most: The drag queens, the guy Anthony Ramos was playing
Character(s) i liked the least: Jack, later Ally for a little, Jacks brother and that stupid manager of Ally
I watched A Star Is Born today. Needless to say I cried a lot.
(Also, like, spoilers from here on,and tw for suic*de mention,)
I didn’t know much about the movie except that Ally and Jack would be a couple at some point, that they had won(?) an Oscar for it, and that a lot of people said it was a really good movie.
I also remembered having made a mental note not to watch the movie, probably because at one point I had asked somebody if it was a sad movie with no happy ending and they told me yes... but I forgot that last part, skipped right over the warning in my head and watched it.
Of course, as would have been expected, my heart broke. I didn’t know the ending until it was there and I somehow wished I had known.
There was this kind of silence throughout the movie; it’s hard to explain, but especially when they were talking, they weren’t talking movie-script-like often. There were pauses that were too long, dialogue that seemed to be thrown around just like that, but ... it wasn’t. I think what they were trying to do with that was to create a more „realistic“ dialogue.
And, I guess they succeeded with that? I guess it also worked in the movie, because while it may have seemed (to me at least) that the actors were improvising or that it was bad dialogue, it wasn’t. They were moving the plot, and I think the dialogue fit well. Not sure I liked it though.
This „silence“ was also visible with how they cut and shot the scenes. They made long shots, it always seemed like there was no rush for us to watch it, and for them to film it.
This was particularly what I noticed, I think, because most Hollywood movies tend to be shot very quick-paced and a bit (not noticeable if you’re used to it of course) a bit of a rush.
That’s why for example french films are also kind of „weird“ to watch. They’re much slower than American movies (also there’s so much more dialogue, but I digress)
Anyway. I actually caught the foreshadowing this time. Remeber that poster at the beginning of the movie, when jack drives to the drag bar? The rainbow poster behind him? You can see it’s a suicide prevention poster for LGBTQ youth. And sure, he’s not queer, but the rest is foreshadowing.
All in all; the movie tries very hard to be „realistic“, succeeds with that in some points, maybe not so much in others, but I think that’s probably also due to personal taste.
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The best thing about Brooklyn 99 for me? The relationships. And not because I ship them (I do) but because they’re all so healthy. I mean look at that! Amy’s and jake talk about things, they listen to eachother and try to adapt!
But every relationship is so individual, and like, Rosa and the caption? Support all the way! And when someone says anything that upsets the other, they give eachother space and then apologize to not make that mistake again, and talk it out. Healthily.
It’s just soo good to see people be so honest and good to eachother. I love this show.
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I watched A Star Is Born today. Needless to say I cried a lot.
(Also, like, spoilers from here on,and tw for suic*de mention,)
I didn’t know much about the movie except that Ally and Jack would be a couple at some point, that they had won(?) an Oscar for it, and that a lot of people said it was a really good movie.
I also remembered having made a mental note not to watch the movie, probably because at one point I had asked somebody if it was a sad movie with no happy ending and they told me yes... but I forgot that last part, skipped right over the warning in my head and watched it.
Of course, as would have been expected, my heart broke. I didn’t know the ending until it was there and I somehow wished I had known.
There was this kind of silence throughout the movie; it’s hard to explain, but especially when they were talking, they weren’t talking movie-script-like often. There were pauses that were too long, dialogue that seemed to be thrown around just like that, but ... it wasn’t. I think what they were trying to do with that was to create a more „realistic“ dialogue.
And, I guess they succeeded with that? I guess it also worked in the movie, because while it may have seemed (to me at least) that the actors were improvising or that it was bad dialogue, it wasn’t. They were moving the plot, and I think the dialogue fit well. Not sure I liked it though.
This „silence“ was also visible with how they cut and shot the scenes. They made long shots, it always seemed like there was no rush for us to watch it, and for them to film it.
This was particularly what I noticed, I think, because most Hollywood movies tend to be shot very quick-paced and a bit (not noticeable if you’re used to it of course) a bit of a rush.
That’s why for example french films are also kind of „weird“ to watch. They’re much slower than American movies (also there’s so much more dialogue, but I digress)
Anyway. I actually caught the foreshadowing this time. Remeber that poster at the beginning of the movie, when jack drives to the drag bar? The rainbow poster behind him? You can see it’s a suicide prevention poster for LGBTQ youth. And sure, he’s not queer, but the rest is foreshadowing.
All in all; the movie tries very hard to be „realistic“, succeeds with that in some points, maybe not so much in others, but I think that’s probably also due to personal taste.
#tw: sui mention#tw: suicide mention#shallow#a star is born#lady gaga#bradley cooper#tw suicide#doe rates stuff#doe rates movies
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