Dodo Does Stuffs
26 posts
Just me a Dodo doing stuffs. Art blog: @lolodedodo
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dododoesstuffs · 5 months ago
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5 full body from light to dark tone overlay swatсhes each file;
5 body mask from light to dark tone overlay swatсhes;
please note that the first swatch in the list is the least detailed, if you like more details, then use the rest;
can be found in two skin details subcategories; for females, teenagers+.
3 texture options with 5 from light to dark tone overlay swatсhes;
can be found in two skin details subcategories; for females, teenagers+.
5 body mask from light to dark tone overlay swatсhes;
please note that the first swatch in the list is the least detailed, if you like more details, then use the rest;
can be found in the birthmarks category; for females, teenagers+.
made with new technology!
10 colors with two sclera options;
can be found in the second eye details categoty (if you use this category, then you don't need to choose eyes for each outfit) and face paint categoty;
for all ages.
15 + ∞ colors (works with all sliders);
сan be found in eyeshadows and eyeliners;
for females, child+.
10 + ∞ colors (works with all sliders);
please note that the first swatch was made specifically for overlay skins, therefore it will not be displayed on alpha skins, the others swatches created in the usual way;
сan be found in eyeshadows and eyeliners;
for females, child+.
30 + ∞ colors (works with all sliders);
сan be found in blush and cheek details;
for females and males, all ages.
20 + ∞ colors (works with all sliders);
сan be found in blush and cheek details;
for females and males, all ages.
70+ swatches (works with all sliders);
for females, child+.
70+ swatches (works with all sliders);
for females, child+.
35 + ∞ colors (works with all sliders);
сan be found in lipstick, skin details and mouth details;
It looks best with darker skin colors, it only works with overlay skins!
for females and males, all ages.
30 swatches;
сan be found in face paint, skin details and mouth details;
for females and males, all ages.
30 swatches;
сan be found in lipstick, skin details and mouth details;
for females and males, all ages.
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Any likes and reblogs is honestly appreciated! 💘
Thank you for supporting the development process!
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dododoesstuffs · 6 months ago
Made a sim for @dreambot s dating show thingy.
Meet Romi! A streamer who mainly does cozy games and cute things on streams but offline she likes to play FPS’s and is really good at them.
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Name: Umemura Romi
Screenname: Roro
Job: Streamer
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 26
Sexuality: Lebian
Aspiration: Friend of the world
Traits: Cheerful, Childish, Materialistic
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Romi is know by fans for her cute voice, expressions and decorating skills. But off camera she can be very catty. She loves to gossip and will snoop around to find some hidden scoops.
She exaggerates her cheerful and cute personality to get more donations on her streams. Some may find this deceptive but she considers it part of her business model.
Although she is a gossip and very nosy, she is very friendly and genuinely a good friend (ignoring the gossip from time to time) she at least knows when some information is just to much for gossip. So at least your deepest secrets are save.
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Outfits lol. Everyday, sleep, party and swim.
Also some sketches I did to explore her character.
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dododoesstuffs · 6 months ago
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「the sims 4」animal crossing challenge, redux
original animal crossing challenge by simifymecaptain (deactivated, but archived here!)
because i’m way too excited for animal crossing on the switch, i decided to try out the animal crossing challenge! but, the original rules are older & the original simblr deactivated.. i hope they don’t mind that i’m taking this challenge & adapting it to new expansions, & new information from animal crossing: new horizons leaks! ♥
the animal crossing challenge is a mix between rags to riches, & a collection challenge! i hope you like the rules i’ve come up with, as this is my first challenge i’ve officially made! if you have any suggestions or questions, please send me an ask!
basic outline:
even though animal crossing is a sandbox/open end game, the basic “goals” of animal crossing are to finish your fish, bug, & diving encyclopedia, complete the museum, pay off your house, please the happy home academy, upgrade the town, enjoy holidays, catalogue items, & make friends! therefore, to translate this to the sims we can come up with these..
complete your museum
upgrade your “town”
enjoy the holiday events (seasons)
make friends
pay off your debt
what’s this like?
you will play only as one single sim!
you will have to earn all your money from selling items from your own town!
there are many, many holidays to celebrate!
prepare to make many friends, & get villagers to move into your town!
build your town by adding public works projects & other fun items to your town
extreme goals available!
full rules, recommended cc/mods, & more under the break! this is a HUGE challenge.. so prepare to read !! ♥ good luck, & have fun !!
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dododoesstuffs · 6 months ago
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APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN NOW! APPLY TO THE HIT NEW DATING SHOW ! ★ details below!! ★ bc challenge by @dreambot
Riot Adler , 24, an absolute disaster of a superstar entered a contract to do the show bc her pr was trying to cover up the scandals she's always starting for fun lol.
human sims only plz
any gender!
the more backstory the better, i would love this show to have a ton of fkn drama and write out everyones charas a little bit to properly represent them. bonus if they are also celebs!
no deadline in case this gets 2 notes lul
cc encouraged idc abt alpha or maxis match/mix
everyday, swimwear, formal and sleepwear preferred but i can fill in the blanks if needed!
im not responsible if shes an asshole talk to her pr manager not me
just have fun lets fk it up! maybe we can plot some drama 2gether :-) parody of love island and other shows like that so b evil we are here for manufactured drama
@ me @dreambot (duh) or #loversrockbcchallenge
dm or send an ask if i left anything out idk what im doing!
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dododoesstuffs · 9 months ago
prismatic personalities legacy challenge <3
if you played our first challenge, WCGW, last year and enjoyed it then you will be happy to hear that we are back with another challenge! this challenge is for the game players to explore different jobs, aspirations, and ingame prompts they may not be aware of. and of course, we didn’t forget our storytellers! so make sure you pay attention to the descriptions for each colorful generation :)
welcome to our nine generation legacy challenge, “prismatic personalities”
CREATED BY @darlingstoriees AND @maadsimming
follow our stories @/darlingwhim and @/maad.persona over on instagram!
challenge rules:
each generation has a color for you to follow; the colors go along with the personalities of each gen so it is suggested that you follow the color schemes!
the colors of the spouses don’t matter. unless specifically stated in the rules, you can do whatever you please with them.
every generation has an optional rule to make the generation just a bit harder! as stated, these are optional so only do them if you’d like.
some generations will have relationship/family dynamics rules, however if none are stated, the relationships between all sims will be up to your interpretation!
some generations have child aspirations. you do NOT need to fully complete them, but you can if you’d like!
money cheats can be used, but shouldn’t be used excessively. suggestion: use the cheat, freerealestate on for your first home, but no cheats afterward.
your sims may live wherever you please unless the world is specified in the rules of a generation.
every heir should complete the rules, aspiration, and career of the generation.
if you do not have the required packs, you can opt out of certain rules or change them to fit as close as possible.
if you play this challenge and want to share it with us, make sure to post with #prismaticpersonalities so we can see! feel free to tag us as well: @curioustraits @/darlingwhim & @maadsimming @/maad.persona
generation rules under the cut !!
packs used: for rent, growing together, snowy escape, eco lifestyle, discover university, get famous, parenthood, spa day, nifty knitting.
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generation one: red ❤️
you've always been intense, passionate, first. from the second you were born, you let the world know that it revolved around you. your passion was always your best friend, seemingly letting everything fall into your hands... until it turned on you.
color: red
traits: romantic, erratic, self-assured
aspiration: villainous valentine
career: criminal (boss branch)
complete the villainous valentine aspiration
master the criminal career (boss branch)
master the mischief, handiness, and charisma skills
have the ‘difficult’ family dynamic with ALL of your children
only max out the romance bar with ONE love interest, but never date or marry them
(optional) never have any friendly relationships
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generation two: orange 🧡
"patient... patient.. be patient!" is a word you knew as well as your name. but you were too determined to live life to it’s fullest, it CLEARLY had a lot more to offer in your eyes. can't be patient when you have places to be!
color: orange
traits: adventurous, party animal, self-absorbed
child aspiration: rambunctious scamp
aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast
career: entertainer (comedian branch)
gain the ‘compassionate’ character value trait (good empathy)
gain the ‘irresponsible’ character value trait (bad responsibility)
complete the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration
master the entertainer career (comedian branch)
must live in mt komorebi
master the dancing, rock climbing, comedy, charisma, and snowboarding skills
adopt at least one of your children
have the ‘jokesters’ family dynamic with ALL of your children
never reject phone invites
(optional) never be in a negative mood
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generation three: yellow 💛
your cheerful parent gave you a happy life, you would have never guessed how evil this world could be... until it was time to move on from your parent’s safe grasp. it didn't take long for you to realize how scary everything was, but that fear drove you to want to protect others- be a lawyer! save your clients!
color: yellow
traits: cheerful, paranoid, genius
aspiration: friend of the world
career: law (private attorney branch)
gain the ‘mediator’ character value trait (good conflict resolution)
gain the ‘emotional control’ character value trait (good emotional control)
complete the friend of the world aspiration
master the law career (private attorney branch)
master the research and debate, logic, charisma, writing, and parenting skills
move out after aging up to a young adult
have something tragic happen to someone close to you after you’ve moved out
have only ONE child
have the ‘close’ family dynamic with your child
only be friends with a small group, but have all of their friendship bars maxed out
(optional) go to university to get your language & literature degree before going into the law career
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generation four: green 💚
you were always told that you should "take your own advice" but that never made sense to you. advice was meant to be given? what good does it do if it’s your own thoughts? either it was a severe case of empathy or self-blindness- you would listen to everyone except yourself. you needed some… serious growing up to do… emotionally. but hey! at least you can put all that advice to some good use!
color: green
traits: jealous/wise, nosy, vegetarian
child aspiration: slumber party animal
aspiration: seeker of secrets
career: education (professor branch)
gain the ‘compassionate’ character value trait (good empathy)
gain the ‘uncontrolled emotions’ character value trait (bad emotional control)
complete the seeker of secrets aspiration
master the education career (professor branch)
master the research and debate, logic, charisma, and gardening skills
replace the jealous trait with the wise trait when aging up to an elder
get divorced (at any age) and then remarry the same sim as an elder
blackmail someone ONCE & then never do any other mean interactions
(optional) use the ‘simple living’ lot challenge
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generation five: blue 💙
loser.. loner.. something along those lines. those were titles that seemed to always stick to you from childhood to adulthood. finally over it, you decided it was time for a change, a new style… haircut… job. you were ready to rip off the stickers of shame and embrace the new you... i mean, who doesn't want a new loyal friend??
color: blue
traits: loyal, loner, neat
child aspiration: artistic prodigy
aspiration: neighborhood confidante aspiration
career: style influencer (trendsetter branch)
gain the ‘good manners’ character value trait (good manners)
gain the ‘emotional control’ character value trait (good emotional control)
complete the neighborhood confidante aspiration
master the style influencer career (trendsetter branch)
master the writing, charisma, photography, painting, and media production skills
move to a different world after aging up to an adult
sell paintings as a side job
have no close friends until level 6 of your career
(optional) as an adult, become friends with someone who you had a bad relationship with as a child/teen
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generation six: purple 💜
calm and peaceful... and just a little silly. that’s just who you are, and everyone knows it! you enjoy rooms full of laughter as much as you enjoy silent yoga. taking some passed down advice from an ancestor, you love living life to its full capacity- love, family and doing everything you possibly can. you don't even know the definition of boredom!
color: purple
traits: active, childish, creative
child aspiration: mind and body
aspiration: inner peace
career: athlete (professional athlete branch)
gain the ‘mediator’ character value trait (good conflict resolution)
gain the ‘bad manners’ character value trait (bad manners)
complete the inner peace aspiration
master the athlete career (professional athlete branch)
master the wellness, fitness, charisma, and video gaming skills
have two failed relationships as a young adult before marrying your highschool sweetheart
have the ‘permissive’ family dynamic with all of your kids
order pizza for dinner every friday night
(optional) apply for every competition (ex; lottery, gaming tournaments, etc)
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generation seven: black 🖤
maybe it was the emotionally unavailable parent, or maybe your heart truly was just evil... but you always had a keen interest for the darker side of everything. everything in your life was dark and twisted... except... someone of pure light. was it a change of heart? was it love? were you sick... you didn’t know, but you surely understood that feeling pulling on your heart strings to protect this light.
color: black
traits: evil, snob, kleptomaniac
aspiration: public enemy
career: secret agent (diamond agent branch)
gain the ‘bad manners’ character value trait (bad manners)
gain the ‘irresponsible’ character value trait (bad responsibility)
complete the public enemy aspiration
master the secret agent career (diamond agent branch)
master the mischief, logic, charisma, programming, and your choice of instrument/singing skills
have ONLY one pair of twins
have the ‘close’ family dynamic with only one of your children, and have the ‘difficult’ family dynamic with the other child
steal something from every lot you visit
(optional) break into someone’s house at least once a week
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generation eight: white 🤍
you’re pure. which is shocking coming from your long family line.. but you aren’t all perfect. that overbearing anxiousness of needing to live up to every expectation that’s been set from your lovely ancestors and all the people around you. you needed to start fresh, forget all those expectations! this is your life! and what better way to start fresh than... well... being a civil designer!
color: white
traits: perfectionist, socially awkward, good
child aspiration: social butterfly
aspiration: master maker
career: civil designer (civic planner branch)
gain the ‘responsible’ character value trait (good responsibility)
gain the ‘compassionate’ character value trait (good empathy)
complete the master maker aspiration
master the civil designer career (civic planner branch)
master the fabrication, logic, handiness, charisma, and knitting skills
must live in evergreen harbor
befriend all of your neighbors
must vote every week for a positive neighborhood action plan
always stay in the green eco footprint
(optional) use the ‘off the grid’ lot challenge
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generation nine: pink 🩷
LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! …and some giggles. whenever you were a child and were asked "what will you be when you grow up?" you enthusiastically told them that you’d be on the big screen! and you meant it too! the first feeling of relief when you really were on the big screen will forever be your most prized memory. let’s just hope these feelings don’t fade away after a few years…
color: pink
traits: goofball, ambitious, generous
child aspiration: social butterfly
aspiration: master actor
career: actor
gain the ‘mediator’ character value trait (good conflict resolution)
gain the ‘compassionate’ character value trait (good empathy)
complete the master actor aspiration
master the actor career
master the acting, singing, and dancing skills
have pet(s) but only small dogs/animals
donate to charity every week
marry an ambitious sim
have a big family (4+ kids)
have the ‘close’ or ‘jokesters’ family dynamics with all of your children
(optional) become a global superstar and get a celebrity role on starlight boulevard
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dododoesstuffs · 1 year ago
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Champagne: A 10 items set.
Hello, everyone! Today I come with the last set of the year! Happy holidays to all.
I hope you enjoy it. 😍
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BG Compatible
Custom Tumbnails
24 colors from by default clothing palette
12 colors from shoes pallete
5 color from chain pallete
🔗 Consider entering my pinterest folder to give your suggestion for the next set/collections.
📌 Share with me your prints using my content on tumblr and instagram.
📌 Wanna report a issue? Don´t hesitate to DM me
📌 Public Release January 13th
DOWNLOAD (Early Access on Patreon)
Check my social media (Linktree)
Terms of Use
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
I made it myself difficult again… my smart ass decided that instead of doing the normal stuff like basing the outfit on a story or character, I would do it on an otome character who is based on William Shakespeare. The game is called Ikemen vampire, you date historical figures that became vampires, it is wild.
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Cc was hard to find for this one so I mostly focused on silhouette and vibes. I never played his route but in the routes I did play he was a dick.
Anyway Su-Yen!
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Also this was the only full body ref I could find…
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
Have you ever wondered, " WOW MY SIM IS SMOKING HOT, THEY WOULD KILL IT AS A MODEL"? Well lookie lookie, do I have a competition for you baby!
Welcome to "SHINE" an upcoming next top model competition, where every week you'll submit an edit based upon a prompt! You are talented and the world needs to see you...SHINE!
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The competition will span from the 15th of May-17th of July.
Hosted on Tumblr
Each weekly round will feature a theme all contestants will have to follow and complete
Having complex or access to editing software is not necessary but it's a bonus having it of course.
You can expect a fun challenge, with creative prompts to get your creative minds working!
THERE WILL BE 10 participants [15 at most if I get a lot]
Fill in this document with a questionnaire about your sim-> HERE [THIS IS COMPULSORY]
You are free to submit your sim publicly on Tumblr or submit your sim submission privately in DMs to me. All I ask is you tag the sim submission if publically as "SHINETS4" and tag me ofc at @gashface
[I'd prefer if you post it publically, as it may help spread the news about the competition]
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You can only submit one sim.
If you drop out of the competition, you will not be allowed to join under any circumstance. This means you can go a week without submitting or however many but you won't receive any points but you are still in the competition. If you decide to drop out, that's final.
Any foul play, bullying, racism, homophobia, ableism or just overall being a dickhead will you GUESSED IT... get you removed immediately from the competition and disqualified.
You are free to be as creative as you want eg: changing hair or their style etc- THE THINGS YOU CAN'T CHANGE IS YOUR SIMS FACIAL STRUCTURE LOL OR SKIN TONE UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING SUPERNATURAL etc: FOR INSTANCE AND YOU MAKE YOUR SIM BLUE FOR IT. That is different obviously. If you are unsure, ASK.
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Originality: How original or unique is your idea for the prompt; while being relevant to the week's prompt.
Story: This is where you earn points based on the description of your edit/idea for the week; and how thought-out it is
Execution: The editing/posing and overall feel of the submission [the image itself]
Style: Points related to the outfit/appearance of the sim related to the prompt and how fashionable or fashion-forward it is :)
All categories will be out of 10
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1ST: CC REQUEST/Recolour- I will create something for you based upon a request [I'll do my best to fulfil the request] + This is a personal cc, and can either be made public or private depending on the winners' request. + I'll buy you a game on STEAM/EPIC if you use it [up to discussion]
2nd: Recolour request :)
3rd: A guaranteed spot in my next competition
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I'm excited to see your submissions!! Don't forget to reblog/share the post to help support the competition I'm hosting <3
Big thank you to @mewo-ita who inspired me to do this :))
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
Hi hi, imma do some sims stuff again. I am joining SHINE, hosted by @gashface, with Su-Yen! So allow me to introduce her.
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Su-yen is the youngest in a family full of models and actors. But Su-yen decided she wanted something else and tried to be a dancer. But now that she is a bit older she decided to follow in her mothers and older siblings footsteps and do some modeling. The problem? Su-yen is reckless to the extreme. She is constantly injured from skating on trying to do stunts. She is often sporting bandages.
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
Gonna post her here too cause like, why not, I love my baby Lynn.
Lynn is gonna be my model for the Starstruck contest. I may not be the greatest poser or screenshot taker but as a artist with way to many OCs I like to use them whatever way possible.
So meet Lynn!
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Name: Lynn Woods
Age: 19/young adult
Home: Raised in America now lives in Japan.
Motivation: “Being 1,95m(6’5” ish) I already have to make my own clothes. When I started posting them online it just became second nature to model them too.”
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Fun facts about Lynn:
In the right clothes Lynn can pass as a guy.
She stopped growning when she was 11. She was always a giant.
The only requirement she has for a future boyfriend is him being taller then her.
Some sketches of the outfits (sketch before you dress!):
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
Sul Sul! 🌺🍋🍒🟣💝🫐🍫🍇🏁🍀🏆🖤🍊💎🌲
I’ve been working on this for a very long time, so let me just welcome you to my challenge. While playing some old challenges like Not So Berry and the 100 Baby Challenge, I realized that I have some ideas for a challenge myself. That’s how I came to create The Chromatic Legacy Challenge, and I’m excited to share it with everyone! This is a VERY colorful challenge that’s updated to May of 2021. This challenge is designed to get the very best out of the Sims 4, and I hope you like it! There are 15 beautiful generations with certain requirements to complete their generation! See how long it takes you to complete all the generations. When looking at the rules, if there are asterix’s next to a requirement, scroll to the bottom for more information! These generations require most of the sims 4 packs, so be prepared! Tag me at or @starrynightsimblr to share your beautiful creations with me! Thanks so much for playing, hope you have fun!
-Like other colorful challenges, it is required that the hair, makeup, clothes, and house of your heirs ARE the color of the generation (which is listed in the rules of each generation) but skin tone can be a natural color
-Money cheats are not allowed! Promotion or skill cheats are also not allowed.
-The only kinds of cheats that are allowed are cheats that influence a babies gender/number and (if you wish) or need cheats.
-Script Mods are suggested, like MCCC, Slice of Life, and Wonderful Whims. To make it easier for the color part of the challenge, Custom Content is also suggested to make your gameplay more *bright and sparkly*
-Its suggested that no one else in the gamesave other than your chromatic family are color based. The idea if the challenge is there is this one crazy family that is color based and no one else is. In addition, spouses should not be based on colors because of this.
-You have to complete the requirements for all 15 generations to officially complete this challenge. Tag me on instagram @elyseeriksen with a picture of all of your generations in cas, and another picture of all your generations in CAS. This will be an interesting way to look at everyone else’s generations! To make sure your finishing of the challenge is awarded, tag your post with #chromaticlegacychallenge on Twitter OR Instagram
-This challenge has been partially play tested. Follow me on my social media so if any of the following rules changw, you will be notified!
-Set lifespans on normal
GENERATION ONE: bubblegum 🌺
You grew up in a poor home with your parents, searching your couch cushions for money. After your parents die, you have nowhere left to go but a small lot next to your old family home. Your parent’s old home where you learned to train and take care of animals was bulldozed in a unexpected event, and now all you can hope is that you can build a veterinary clinic on top of the foundation of the remains of your childhood home.
- Vegetarian, gloomy and the dog or cat lover trait
- Must complete the friend of all animals aspiration
- Starts life in an empty lot without any more than 20,000 pounds.
- Max out the pet training and veterinary skills
- Run your own veterinary clinic. Build your house inside the clinic. Get it to 4 plus stars
- marry a sim who the opposite animal lover trait
- pink
You grew up with a loving family, and never had any reason to doubt yourself. You respect your family’s vet business but strive for something else. You’ve always been good at using technology and getting along with others. You are so excited for your future and can’t wait to become a parent. Your parents lend you some money and off you go to start a new life in the city- but things didn’t exactly go as planned. Your apartment is smaller than it looked on the House website, and your hopes are skyrocketing down. When you’re about ready to give up, you get an opportunity to be a secret agent for a company you only heard about in movies.
-self assured, family orientated, squeamish traits
-must complete the computer whiz and super parent aspirations. Part of the computer whiz aspiration is getting to level 3 of the tech guru career. You must cheat this as part of the challenge, as this sim is not in the tech guru career
-reach level 10 of the secret agent career (diamond agent branch)
- max out the programming and parenting skills
-start in a one bedroom apartment and move once you are promoted to Lead Detective
- yellow
You can’t remember a time in your life without someone by your side. Ever since you were a child, you knew that forever you and your best friend would stick together for your whole lifetime. You are an aspiring actor, and a wonderful comedian - and your best friend… is not. You set off to Del Sol Valley the moment you turn 21 to pursue an acting career, leaving your friends and family behind.
-goofball, outgoing, romantic
-must complete the master actor and joke star aspirations. Part of the joke star aspiration is getting to level 3 of the entertainer career. You must cheat this as part of the challenge, as this sim is not in the entertainer career
-Be best friends with someone during childhood and teenhood. Grow apart during your young adulthood, and marry them in your adulthood
-Never date until you start dating your childhood best friend during your adulthood
-Move to Del Sol Valley when you age up into a young adult
-max out the acting and comedy skills
-Win a starlight accolade award
-reach level 10 of the acting career
-Become a world famous celebrity and place your celebrity tile down
GENERATION FOUR: periwinkle 🟣
You have always been proud of your parent, a successful actor who taught you to be the best you that you can be. Ever since you were a child, you’ve been playing all the instruments and making music. You struggle with love, and you just want to meet your special someone. Playing music for money outside of your apartment, you start your path to becoming a famous musician.
-Music Lover, Snob, Dance Machine
-Complete the Musical Genius and Soulmate aspirations
-Max three of the following skills: singing, dance, guitar, violin, piano, or DJ mixing.
-Reach level 10 of the social media career
-Get signed by a record label, win an award for your music, or place down a celebrity tile next to your parent’s.
- Be in four or more relationships
Unlike the rest of your family, who all aspire to be in the spotlight, you are unsure of what you want to do with your life. Being a barista and milking cows is the only thing you can think to do to support yourself. You always had a knack for the creative arts and seem to get along really well with llamas and bunnies, but never knew how to put that into a job. Finally, after long days of research, you decide to open your own retail store to sell your works- with a farm to support you at home.
- Animal Enthusiast, creative and neat
-Complete the Country Caretaker Aspiration
-Max out either the knitting or handiness skill and the cross-stitching skill
-Max out the barista career, mixology skill, and finish the Master Mixologist Aspiration
- Run a retail business to sell woodworking or knitted clothing and own a farm.
- After completing the barista career quit your job to be a full time retail business owner and farmer
-Have exactly three children, and they must be triplets 💁💁‍♂️💁‍♀️ you may cheat this (any gender)
GENERATION SIX: blueberry🫐
You’ve never been afraid of anything. The world looked different in your eyes, and you always saw everything as an opportunity. On the news growing up you heard about how broken and messed up the world was, and you soon realize that you want to help. Instead of becoming a detective or police officer, you decide to become a lawyer to defend the innocent, and you also write books on your achievements.
-Ambitious, Perfectionist, Good
-Complete the Friend of the World aspiration and the Bestselling Author Aspiration
-Watch the news after school as a kid
-Max out the research and debate and writing skills
-Take in a stray cat or dog
-Marry as a young adult, drift apart from spouse during adulthood. Become best friends with them as an elder
-Adopt a toddler
-Reach level 10 of the Law career in the lawyer branch
-Bonus: earn the workaholic lifestyle
You love plants. Your very blue parent is always busy with helping other people that they never spent much time helping you. As a result, you spent the entirety of your childhood in your room, growing plants, doing homework and making things. When you become a young adult, you go and move to a new place where you are all on your own. You love gardening, but your passion for robotics gets you into the engineer career.
-Loner, loves outdoors, genius
-Complete the Freelance Botanist and Outdoor Enthusiast Aspirations
-Reach level 10 of the engineer career (either branch)
-Be a high school and elementary school A student
-Have a fully functional garden
-Max out the robotics and gardening skills
-Take a break from dating as a Young Adult, starts dating again as an adult
-Have a low relationship with both of your parents
-Have just one kid and be best friends with them
Your parents clinged to you since you were a child. You know that they just want to make you feel loved, but you can’t help but feel like they are taking away the independence that teenagers should have. You spend lots of your time playing soccer with your parents (even though it isn’t their strong suit) and dreaming of one day climbing mount komorebi with all of your friends by your side. Luckily, your parents want to help you in any way you can, sending you out with hopes and prayers for a safe journey up the mountain.
-Active, adventurous and insider traits
-Complete the extreme sports enthusiast and bodybuilder aspiration
-Max out the fitness and rock climbing skills. max out either the snowboarding or skiing in addition
-Reach level 10 of the athlete career
-Lead 3+ mountain expeditions
-Have you or your partner read your child(ren) to sleep every night
Rock Climbing? Check. Karaoke? Check. Swimming? Check. Your parents prepared you for everything by reading you stories every night of what you can be. Everything sounds so interesting, from meeting mermaids to spying on your noisy apartment neighbors. When you were a kid, you couldn’t wait to grow up! You can’t wait to try and cook all sorts of foods and drinks, and throw all sorts of crazy parties. Now that you’re an adult, there is so much to see and do… and you’re going to do it all!
-Child of the Ocean, foodie, bro traits
- Work in the salaryperson career so you can travel around for “business stuff.”
- Reach level 10 of the salaryperson career
- Have the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer aspiration as a teen, the city life aspiration as a Young Adult, and the Beach Life aspiration as a adult
- Leave one friend or lover behind when you move
- Max out the singing and gourmet cooking skills
- rent a rental in three different worlds for vacation
- Throw two parties in each world you live in
- Enter the Sylvan Glade and the Deep Woods
- silver/grey
While your parents were out partying and adventuring, you read every single book in your bookcase. You have fantasized about beaches with clear and blue waters- but Sulani isn’t exactly like the stories. There’s a lot of garbage in the water, and the water is murky green. You make the decision to start an organization to help Sulani flourish once again.
-Child of the Island, jealous, bookworm
- Complete the Curator and Leader of the Pack aspirations
-Complete the Microscopic Prints Collection
-Reach level 10 of the logic and charisma skills
-Restore Sulani and become best friends with a dolphin
-Reach level 10 of the conservationist career
-Marry someone who you talked out of being a Fish Poacher, a Litterbug, or an Anti-Environmentalist.
-Live in Sulani for entire life
-Create a club of conservationists and have a gathering at the beach every Friday
You grew up with one central rule in your home; Stay clean, stay green, and stay safe. Of course, You decided to be gold instead of green, but you still abide by the rules. While helping your family rescue turtles and remove trash from the beautiful blue waters, you were inspired to draw them all. Every second of your life you were thinking about how beautiful everything you saw would look if you had created it by hand.
-Neat, Proper, Art Lover
-Max out the creativity skill and Artistic Prodigy child Aspiration
-Complete the Painter Extraordinaire and Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration
-Max out the painting skill and the herbalism skill
-Reach level 10 of the painter career
-Paint a Painting From Reference of every world
-Move next to one of your ancestors’ houses and paint the house.
-Paint a picture of mint generation, your spouse, black Generation and orange generation (at any ages)
-Have exactly two children, and they must be twins 🙋🙋‍♀️ you may cheat this (any gender)
- gold
Your family tells you that you’re the next person in a long line of successful people, but you don’t really understand. You wish that you could be an artist like your parents, but you just can’t draw. In your meantime, you like to cook while staying in your own little zone, making delicious foods to eat. You want to be a gamer… or maybe a youtuber? Or maybe you should have settled for making grilled cheese in your parents’ basement. You want people to smile at your name, but you can’t see anyone liking you with your quiet, introverted personality. Your sibling(s) want to help you, and soon you find yourself behind the camera, starting to record your first ever video.
-Complete the Master Chef and Grilled Cheese Aspirations
-Unflirty, Geek, Hotheaded
-Upload at least three videos a week using the video studio
-Livestream video games three times a week
-Max out the cooking, video gaming and media production skills
-Be best friends with one of your siblings
-Write and publish a novel
-Date ONE sim who must be outgoing. It’s your choice if you chose to stay with this sim
-Have only one school friend during your childhood and high school
-Have only one child
-black and white
You were born into fame, and you love the attention. You’ve always loved pranking your parents and friends at school, and you also love photography. You like taking pictures of your world, inspired by your grandparent’s artistic talent. You don’t spend very much time with your parents, but you don’t really mind, because you enjoy spending time with your friends. You’re a photographer and mischievous partier at night, but you try to keep your persona clean as you head into your job as a business person.
-self absorbed, slob, childish
-Complete the chief of mischief and Party Animal Aspirations
-Max out the business career
-max out the mischief and photography skills
-Marry two different sims
-Have an acquaintance or less relationship with your parents
-Never talk to or invite over your parents to your home
Your family was a tight knit family full of fun and games, but whenever you try mentioning your grandparents, you get shut down. You never met your grandparents, and you can tell that your parents don’t like them, but you still are fascinated by their fame. You, yourself, want to have a big family while also juggling school and your dreams to become a famous criminal. When you become a teenager, you can’t shake the urge to meet your grandparents. You show up at the door of your grandparents’ doorstep looking for help following your dreams. But things don’t go as planned, and soon you have to be a young parent, too. Left with no other choice, you take up a career in critiquing work to support your small family. You fall in love with your child at first glance and you want the best for them, but you can never stop thinking about your hopes and dreams of being a deviant criminal.
-Clumsy, Kleptomaniac, evil
-Criminal, babysitter, and Critic careers
-Complete the Renaissance Sim and Public Enemy aspirations
-Never meet your grandparents until you move from home as a teenager and move in with them
-reach level 10 of the parenting skill and reach level 8 in 5 other skills
-Have your first child in the beginning of your young adulthood or sooner
-Be a babysitter as a teenager. Become a critic until you get your grandparent dies, and become a criminal after they die
-Move out of your grandparent’s house when they die. When they die, their whole inheritance goes to you. (their money)
-Get engaged once but never marry
-Light Blue/ turquoise
You love your family, and the way your parents are looking for an innovative future with their ‘totally normal not evil business’. You want an innovative future, too- with science. Your family easily provides you with science sets and miniature explosives that they directly told you NOT to blow up your siblings with, and you’re ready to go to space and meet some aliens. You also love to bake, because you love to eat (a little too much), and you also have a dream to have THE nicest house in the universe.
- Genius, glutton and materialistic traits
- Finish the Mansion Baron and Nerd Brain Aspirations
- Reach level 10 of the scientist career
- Max out the baking and rocket science skills
- Go to Sixam
- Live in an off the grid lot the entirety of your young adulthood
- green
Hopefully you’ll enjoy this challenge, without a doubt I have enjoyed playing and making it! If you don’t have all the packs, I am working on another version with base game only! Love y'all, thanks for the support! 💕
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
all love to tecna bc i stan an autistic girlboss but ngl yall give her a LOT of undue credit as 'the braincell'
tecna is not the braincell. tecna has never once, in her life, veered away from danger instead of SPRINTING directly into it headfirst. this fairy has never met a situation she didn't think could be improved with reckless self-sacrifice. her senior superlative should be 'most likely to get killed in a vending machine accident' stop lying to yourselves
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
Magical Origin Challenge
Snowy escape for some of the lifestyle goals *
Get to work, nifty knitting, city living, eco lifestyle, or Jungle Adventures to sell things
Cats & Dogs for pet familiar option
Realm of magic *
Outdoor retreat for the herbalist skill *
Country Living
Paranormal *
Recommended Mods
Any of Lumpinou’s mods
 Lgbtqia+ Mod
Woohoo wellness
Psyche mod
Occult Toddlers
 Kiara’s Odd jobs
Ghastly Ghosts
Part time jobs bundle
Master Duelist career
Plum Tree (not a mod, just good to keeping track of family trees)
Sell all items at their recommended or default prices, always take the first offer for plopsy
If your funds would be negative after removing it, set to 0 and keep it at 0 until the difference it made up, or sell an item that would make up the difference.
Can only sell objects that you had bought
Generation 1: The Wizard
Reside in Glimmerbrook
Learn all 25 spells
Spouse must be a spellcaster
Have at least one biological child
Only choose prowess perks
Max the logic Skill
Generation 2: The Sorcerer
Must be blood related
Have one Familiar, if you have cats & dogs must be a pet.
Only choose spellcasting perks
 Max the Charisma Skill
Generation 3: Potion Crafter
Learn all 15 potions
Only make money from selling potions
Only choose Alchemy perks
Max the mixologist Skill
Generation 4: Herbalist witch
Master the Herbalism skill and gardening and/or flower arranging skills.
Can only sell produces from either those three skills or from odd jobs
Have the Technophobe, outdoorsy, and close-knit Lifestyles
Have simple living and/or off the grid lot traits
 Must have a green footprint if you have eco lifestyle
Generation 5: Cursed
Have a cursed lot
Must have at least one spellcaster curse that never gets cured
Generation 6: Psychic
Master the medium Skill (if you have the psychic mod max out the psychic skill as well)
Become an expert paranormal investigator
Live in a haunted house
Generation 7: Specialist
Master in only one school of magic (practical, untamed, or Mischief)
Have the coffee fanatic lifestyle
Befriend the corresponding sage
Generation 8: Familiar Master
Collect all 11 familiars (plus 2 if you want to count pets)
Only make money from selling collectables
Have the energetic lifestyle
Generation 9: Duelist
Only choose spellcaster perks
Only duel to make money
Without master duelist mod, sell the ingredients you win)
Collect all 10 wands
Have the adrenaline seeker lifestyle
Generation 10: Living the Simple life
Max out any full-time career
Have the simple living lot challenge
No need to worry about being the best spellcasters, meeting spellcaster
Destroy the glimmerstone
Have a non-spellcaster child
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
I must share my latest DnD character: a Kalashtar bard raised in a cult to be a sacrifice, but is totally unaware of that fact and thinks childhood games like ‘Very Special Hide-and-Seek’ and ‘Knife Tag’ and ‘Extra-Long Baptisms and Question Time’ are totally normal games.
The dream demon had the cult raise him to be an idiot, but they accidentally left the door open and now he’s a free range idiot.
And the cultists have a major issue with recapturing him, even if he’s sort of unaware they’re trying to, because A) their god gets very upset if someone dings the paintwork of their future ride and B) they specifically raised him to be very hard to kidnap.
(Ironic considering they tried, uh, creating the vessel themselves but the demon decided they were all too fucking ugly and had them kidnap a baby instead)
So the god is desperately giving him ‘here’s how to not die’ lessons in his sleep and complaining that his new nickname is ‘Sunshine’. It should at least be ‘Nightmare’.
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
It is time! The forth edition of Sims Music Contest has begun! Vote if you want for round 1 you have like a week or something.
Also don’t take it to seriously it is just silly little me and my silly little friends doing silly little things.
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dododoesstuffs · 2 years ago
The other half of the forth Sims Music Contest!
Oh See
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Star Slayers
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Mushrooms on Drugs
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Next time I will post the voting form.
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