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What are some omegaverse slurs/ curse words
!!!Fair warning!!! The content below may be offensive to some people. Things will get brutal over here, so caution is advised
2020 Edit: If you’re just another person here to say “I found it” just go away, you’re annoying and clogging my activity’s report. Just move along and ignore the post like a normal human if you don’t like A/B/O.
{Toward Alphas}
Knothead - Regarding an Alpha that displays overly confident and douchey behaviour on the sole basis that they have the right because “they are an Alpha”; someone that only thinks with their knot.
ex: Ann was such a nasty knothead. You were right to break up with her. She didn’t deserve you.
Heatstall - Slur designed to demean an Alpha sexually. It implies that the Alpha is so bad in the bedroom that they can even stop an Omega’s heat with their poor attempts.
ex: Scaring away more Omegas, you pathetic heatstall?
Runt - Designed to demean an Alpha’s strenght and position in the pack. It’s the same as calling them weak, a pack reject or incapable.
ex: What can you and your runt little ass do about it?
Lose-tie - Designed to demean an Alpha sexually. It implies that their knot is not strong enough to keep a mate attached to them. Can also be used to demean impotent/old Alphas or Alphas who were cheated on or left by their mates.
ex: Did you hear that Brad’s mate ran away with Mark from the marketing department because he was a total lose-tie? Yikes…
Knotless - Designed to demean an Alpha sexually and socially. Can be used to say that the person in question is not a “real Alpha” in accordance to the mainstream understanding of what an Alpha is and is not, but can also be used to call an Alpha a scaredy cat or a coward.
ex: Stop being such a knotless little bitch and get in the abandoned house!
Breeder - Used by Betas to shame an Alpha sexually, socially and morally; Used by radical groups that think of Ruts as nothing but behavioural perversions and a catalyst for the regression of society into an uncivilized and “unevolved” state .
ex: Our daughter will not date a filthy breeder like you!
Cat-pole - Designed to demean Alpha females sexually and socially. It’s a way to mock a female Alpha’s “retractable anatomy” which evokes thoughts of a cat’s claws; also doubles as being an offensive more “subtle” replacement for “pussy-dick”.
ex: Fucking Cat-Pole got between me and an Omega I had my eyes on at the bar.
{Toward Omegas}
Puppymill - Primarily used in the 19th century to define Omega prostitutes or brothel madams that would have children and then exploit them (normally sexually) for personal profit. In recent times it’s used to demean an Omega’s status and humanity; Existing for the sole purpose of having pups.
ex: Take your head off the clouds, Omega. You are nothing but a puppymill!
Bitch - No need to comment on this one. However, I do think that it’s much harsher when directed to an Omega in an offensive context, given that this is a direct comparison to female dogs in heat.
Knot-hole - Same principal of Puppymill, but instead of pups, it’s used to lower the Omega to a status of sex toy; Good only for fucking.
Breeder - Used by Betas to shame an Omega sexually, socially and morally; Used by radical groups that think of Heats as nothing but behavioural perversions and a catalyst for the regression of society into an uncivilized and “unevolved” state.
ex: Omegas are nothing but corrupted breeders without any decency.
Puppy-Pooper - Directed at Omega males. Designed to demean them both sexually and socially. Used by people that believe that Omega males shouldn’t have or aren’t as good as Omega and Beta females when it comes to having children due to their anatomy.
ex: Omega males make me sick. Filthy puppy-poopers should have never existed.
Pederast - Very old term, rarely used by younger people. Designed to demean Omega males on the basis of their anatomy; derived from radical beliefs that Omega males are a mistake of nature and should be admonished.
ex: Omega males. Nothing but pederast breeders who run on sexual instinct alone to compensate for their defective nature.
Knotbreaker - Directed at domineering Omegas; Used to describe a bitchy or stuck-up Omega who likes to be abusive and nagging towards Alphas.
ex: Nah, man. I’d never court Jenna. She’s a real Knotbreaker.
Switch Heater - (lol sorry for this shitty pun) Used to describe an Omega who likes both Alphas and Omegas.
ex: I heard Alan passed his last heat with another Omega from school this time. Seems like he’s a switch heater…
Knot tease - Pretty much the same as a cock teaser.
ex: He was a real knot tease. I wish I had got his number.
Knot-dropper - Used to demean an Omega (and sometimes Beta) sexually; used to describe someone who was fucked so many times that they can’t even hold a knot inside anymore; Comparable to Slut or Whore.
ex: Stop that, Mark. We all know that you’ve already got yourself the tittle of knot-dropper throughout the whole campus.
{Toward Betas}
Stump - Designed to demean Beta males sexually; Used to say that Beta males don’t have as much of a “weapon” as Alphas have when it comes to size; Usually used by Knotheads and trashy Omegas.
ex: Really Cindy? You turned down my courtship advances to go out with stumpy here?
Knotless - When directed towards Betas it take on a sexually demeaning connotation on the basis of a Beta’s anatomy.
ex: Knotless trash has no right to speak here, kid!
Knotcorker - (Br.E) Used mainly towards Beta females, but can be used towards Beta males who are attracted to Alphas; designed to demean a Beta sexually on the basis of their anatomy and the belief that Alphas and Betas should not mate with one another; implies that Betas were not made to take a knot because their bodies are not “designed” to do so. Used mainly by radical people who look down on Betas and non-traditional unions.
ex: Me? Date a Beta such as yourself? Is that a joke? Scram, knotcorker.
Crummy - (Mainly Br.E) Used by Omegas (and sometimes Alphas, but mainly Omegas) to demean Beta females; implies that their wombs are not as good or not as “tended to” as an Omega’s because they are a Beta; A womb left to crumbs.
ex: Really, Alex? You really think that Sarah would take your crummy ass over me? What a joke.
Knot Block(er) - (A.E) Same connotation of Knotcorker; Someone who's always refusing or preventing other people - internationally or not - to getting into "business".
ex: Are you nuts? Why would I waste my time courting a knot block?
Beta tester - Designed to demean a Beta both sexually and socially; It’s used to talk down to a Beta. Implies that their relationship with an Alpha/Omega is nothing but a test run for the “real deal”. That a Beta could never actually prosper in a relationship with anyone other than another Beta because their mates would crave for something more than a “Beta tester”.
ex: Why don’t you just give up now? You and I know that you are nothing but a Beta tester. Just let me take her out of your hands so she can be taken care of the proper way.
{Not necessarily Dynamics specific}
Glandless - Referring to a person without tact; someone that cannot pick up on the olfactory cues in the environment they are currently in.
ex: Dude don’t be such a glandless idiot! Can’t you see that she’s in pain?
Knotlicker - Pretty much the same as slut or whore; can also be used to describe someone who’s a bootlicker to Alphas, expecting some sort of gratification or reward in return.
ex: Wow, could you be more of a knotlicker?
Knotsucker - Same as cocksucker.
Low-tail(ed)and Neck stretcher - An overly passive person, who never fights back and can even let themselves be abused by strangers or members of their own pack; The person ranking lowest in the pack hierarchy; Someone who’s too afraid to fight back any sort of agression.
ex: Jesus, Martha. You’re such a pathetic low-tailed idiot.
Turd-Toddler, Turd-bred and Poop baby - Used to insult anyone who’s got an Omega male mother; Derived from the belief that Omega males are inherently filthy and should not have offspring.
ex: You have no moral qualms here. You’re a disgusting Turd-bred low-rated excuse of a human.
Knotshafter - Used to describe someone that takes a lot of knots.
ex: I think I never met a bigger Knotshafter than you, man. Are you positive you’re not positive? (lol shitty pun, sorry I’m half asleep as I write this).
Overbred - The same as Knot-dropper and Knotshafter.
Necktan(ned) - The same as Low-tail(ed).
ex: You’re in the couch again? Seriously, I don’t know how you don’t get a neck tan with the ammount of time you spend catering to your mate’s hissy fits.
lol sorry for all the bad puns and lack of creativity. It’s late and my brain is half fried. But I hope this satisfy you and anyone else who was wondering about ABO slurs and insults. It’s also worth noting that this is all according to my verse. So many of these will not work with every single verse. Feel free to take out or add on other words that will cater better to your own verse (or just disregard all of these altogether, idk). Anyway, if anyone feels like adding on to the list feel free to do so. Peace o/
See also: ABO endearment terms.
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why are people such cunts on reddit?? i just posted an opinion i had on the harry potter reddit of why i think the purebloods are so against muggleborns, and suddenly i’m a horrible person?? 😭
#tumblr fyp#reddit#reddit is hell#harry potter#harry potter thoughts#purebloods#i sound like i’m joking#but i got self conscious and deleted the post 😞
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when ur ovulating and u NEED to be impregnated asap
#tumblr fyp#trans#trans man#nsfw#ovulation#i’m ovulating#guess who's ovulating#ovulating rn#hornyposting#hornyasf#hornythoughts#transmasc
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Hawks’ Bird Traits Headcanons
Physical Traits
-The wings ofc
-Actually his wings were originally a light brown when he was a kid but once he hit puberty (or started T if u subscribe to the trans Hawks agenda like I do) then they started turning red, from light brown to copper to scarlet. The reason they changed to a brighter color was bc male birds wings are actually more colorful to attract mates and get sum fuck
-Tail feathers, they act as an airplane’s rudder would and help him with steering and balance, but the hpsc doesn’t like the tail feathers because it disrupts the angelic image they’re trying to sell, so they have Hawks pluck them or hide them in his pants (which is why they’re so baggy)
-Talons on his fingers and toes, he clips them regularly in case he has to take his gloves off so people will just think he’s wearing black nail polish, the hpsc has him hide them because they want him to look angelic, not predatory
-As well as the talons, he also has patches of scales on his feet like an actual birds, (don’t ask him why they’re not on his hands he couldn’t tell you, birds aren’t supposed to have hands in the first place but here he is) he keeps ankle high boots and socks on whenever he’s not alone to hide this
-He has extremely good eyesight, he can see 8-10 times better than the average person, he could see a mouse scurrying on the ground from 100 feet away
-The black markings around his eyes isn’t eyeliner, it acts like eye black on baseball players and helps him see against the glare of the sun
-He three eyelids, which means he can go for an unnervingly long time without blinking
-His third eyelid is a special one and is what’s known as the “nictitating membrane” its translucent and goes over his whole eyelid and protects it, it allows hawks to keep his eyes open when he’s flying at fast speeds on the occasion he loses his visor, and luckily since he’s so high up people won’t be able to see how milky his eyes have gone, it only really comes out on ground level when he’s either relaxed, half asleep, or wasted
-He has sharp canines/teeth as a way to make up for his lack of a beak so he can easily eat the tougher meats his inner raptor craves, but the HPSC does not like this because it makes him look predatory, so they did dental surgery on them
-High pitched noises drive his bird brain crazy, like metal on metal or nails on chalkboard, and those type of sounds are way worse for him than the average person, he’ll either want to fly away or stop the source of that sound
-He has oil/preen glands on his lower back (like right where back dimples would be) and he can use it to clean his feathers, waterproof them, and keep them in tip top condition! He has designated “preening” time but with how busy he is... a lot of the time he skips it rip
-He molts twice a year, because even though he’s constantly using up feathers doing hero work, he has little baby ones closest to his back which don’t detach and always stay on, he molts those along with the feathers he hasn’t used up and he Hates when he molts because his back gets so fucking itchy, and also because he can’t do hero work when he’s molting
-He has a very fast bird metabolism, which is why he’s always stuffing his face with food, flying takes a lot of energy so he constantly has to “refuel”
-He has hollow bones and despite common misconception, that doesn’t make them lighter, they’re actually hollow so they can hold extra air/oxygen to help with flying which takes up A Lot of breath
-He gets cold easily because the rest of his body isn’t covered in feathers like an actual bird would be, that’s why he wears a fluffy coat and an insulated flight suit under that to trap the heat in, also it gets very chilly high in the sky
-He will actually grow a “winter plumage” during that time of year, and his feathers with get very fluffy and poofy to try and insulate his body. When he’s cold he’ll turn into a little puff ball and people tease him mercilessly for this
Behavioral Traits
-Stress grip, if he gets stressed/highly stimulated, and if something moves within his line of sight, he’ll grab it. But the problem is he physically cannot let go until he’s calmed down. The hpsc tried to train this out of him but when realizing that wouldn’t work, no matter how hard they tried or how hard they pushed Hawks, they instead trained him to grab himself or inanimate objects instead, but absolutely do Not grab people. And Hawks has gotten pretty good about redirecting his raptor grip, but in the few situations when he doesn’t manage to... it’s a Yikes
-He really likes shiny things. When he first met Dabi he had to resist staring at the way his staples glimmered, Dabi thought Hawks was staring at him because he was analyzing him or smth but nope, it was bc bird brain go brrr
-Because of his love for shiny things, Hawks has a “cool rocks” hoard, and if he gives you one of those rocks that means you have unlocked the “hawks will now die for you” level of friendship
-Hawks Loves head pats or having people card their hands through his hair. Birds can’t reach the top of their head so other birds do it for them (allopreening) and it’s considered a social activity and one of acceptance, so Hawks will unconsciously pat or ruffle the hair of people he’s fond of, like Tokoyami for example
-He’s very carnivorous and because of that he will Tear into meat, especially the raw kind, but he never eats raw meat in public because that’s seen as “gross”
-But he can also eat other foods, and some he even has different reactions to, like with peppers. Peppers don’t taste hot or spicy to him because birds don’t have receptors for it, they taste sweet and he loves the way the juices taste. He also finds it amusing when people look at him in horror when he chomps down on a carolina reaper like it’s nothing
-To impress people he’ll do crazy dives. It stems from bird courtship rituals, but Hawks never really had anyone that special to him for most of his life, so he uses it as a trick to wow people instead and it comes in handy for heroism
-Hawks will cock his head to the side when he’s perplexed or thinking especially hard, little head tilts ;-;
-He’ll also bob his head along to music he’s enjoying, his coworkers find this hilarious and they’ll rate music on whether or not it gets Hawks to “bob” and they call it a bob instead of a bop lol
-Perches, he’ll perch on the arm of the sofa instead of sitting on the actual cushions like a normal person and he always likes to have the high ground so he’ll sit on top of tables or counter tops, he’s even gone so far as to perch himself on a lamppost once or twice, like a gargoyle
-Blindfolds calm him down because to his bird brain, being unable to see makes him think he’s safe. Or at least they used to, the hpsc used blindfolds on him when he started training as a kid, and while they might calm him down after a training session, using that technique during one would freak him out because he’s being asked To Do Something when he can’t see and birds rely heavily on their sight to function. They used that “technique” on him so much that now if someone put a blindfold on him he’d panic because of that childhood trauma tm
-He isn’t scared of the dark though, he actually has a habit of sitting in dark rooms for a bit because when he overuses his quirk, he gets migraines bc of that telepathy stuff (I know this isn’t a bird hc but I had to include this)
-He makes bird noises, like coos and chirps when he’s happy, which isn’t a lot (can we get an F in the chat), squawks when he’s startled, and raptor screeches when he’s trying to act scary. The hpsc put him in speech therapy to keep him from making bird noises, and because when he was younger he had trouble speaking and also Trauma from it because his parents treated him like a disturbance, so he’d always try to make as little noise/take up as little space, as possible. Now he’s a great talker, to the point where he won’t shut the fuck up, but when he’s extremely distressed he sometimes can have trouble speaking “actual words”
-Hawks’ feathers often react to his emotions, he can puff up/raise his feathers to make himself look bigger when he feels threatened, or they’ll bristle like pinecones when he’s annoyed, or get all soft and fluffy when he’s around someone he likes/feels safe with
-Because of his adverse reaction to the cold, Hawks loves warm things like heating pads, hot water bottles, Dabi. He loves to sun his wings too and sunbathing is his favorite way to relax (on the rare occasion he has the time to)
-He also really likes blankets, but not just because of the warmth, he has nesting instinct. He will pile a bunch of blankets and pillow and all other kinds of bedding and soft things on top of his bed. Also if there is a certain person he’s missing, articles of their clothing get added to the pile. But this “instinct” only really happens when he’s feeling lonely aka without a home
-Also if he ever had a kid his nesting instinct would go insane trying to make his house/nest “suitable” since that’s the whole purpose of nesting, making a safe place to have babies and raise them
-He is very monogamous because of the whole “raptors mate for life” thing, and because of this he’s very picky and will only actually consider a person as a life partner if he trusts them and loves them unquestionably
-However, the whole “mating for life” thing also means he can be a bit territorial of his partner, wanting to leave marks on the to show that they’re His. Like once someone put a lingering hand on his partner’s arm and he had the unreasonable urge to claw their face off
-But it’s not all bad, as a courting ritual he’ll give gifts (mainly food) to show he is able to provide, which is unfortunate because in my mind, Hawks is a terrible cook. On the plus side, he has lots of cash money that he can spend on expensive restaurants and bakeries
-Basically he’s a bird sugar daddy
Thanks for reading!!
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yk what, getting up before the sun to go to fucking school is not a life. there’s no way this is how my life was intended to be lived.
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Perhaps… the gang? (Ody Poli and eury)

The whole crew is here btw one of them dared
( @nimbusthewinion not what you want but get this instead of smut 🤭)
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art trade with @umi_1332 on twt! and happy birthday gojo❤️
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i finished his design(s)!! i went and reworked him some but, yeah, this is what im sticking with. more info about aus and otherwise below cut. also thank you @bigidiotenergy for all your inspiration and for inspiring the color scheme of sea maiden au ody :3 and thank you neal-illustrator’s picture of drunk party poseidon for inspiring the color scheme and pattern of ocean warrior ody’s clothes.
ask me any questions about him you want i wanna talk about him and draw him more :3
ocean warrior au - during ruthlessness, odysseus trades himself and his body to be a warrior at poseidon’s command. he uses his cunning to convince poseidon, particularly as a way of “getting back at athena”. poseidon takes him up on this and severs his arm to seal the deal, replacing it with a water arm. the ships are safely brought back to ithaca (ten years early now technically) but odysseus has changed and changes more and more the more times he’s called to the sea to help poseidon. penelope worries about him deeply, but telemachus thinks he’s very cool.
sea maiden au - during ruthlessness, odysseus makes a humiliating offer. his body and servitude for his men and his own’s safe return. poseidon, considering the offer, ups the price by saying odysseus must give him a son as well. odysseus chooses to agree, for there’s no other choice anyways. besides, he’s already been with child before. he can surely handle this. poseidon has odysseus’s men trapped on an island for a year (you’ll never guess who’s) while he takes odysseus to his underwater palace to service him.
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What killed Odysseus's crew? A comprehensive list
Poseidon: 551
Zeus: 36
Polyphemus: 6
Scylla: 6
Gravity: 1
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grhrhgh,,,,, yall know that one scene from finding nemo where the shark goes feral for blood-
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The Pillars: Scent HCs
Idk, I felt like this was an interesting idea but it turned into what felt like a gratuitous string of anime-inspired perfume ads written by someone with a repressed scent kink lmao. ‘twas fun to write, though! :D Edit: Upper Moons version ___ Kyojuro: I know this is technically illogical because he doesn’t actually *produce* fire, but for some reason I’ve always stuck with the hc that he smells like the aftermath of it. Kind of ashy, like something slightly burnt, but it’s a weirdly earthy scent as well- a warm, smoke-tinged sort of aroma that reminds you of cedar and oak, sturdy and reliable, or of blazing log fires in cold weather. It’s strong, mildly bitter, and might throw you off at first, but it’s also comforting, the more you get used to it and the more you can make out the woodsy scent underneath. His clothes all smell like that and being hugged by him always brings the same familiar scent that makes you feel safe, like a forest surrounding you and guarding you from the world. Shinobu: She has a faint, bright scent of flowers, probably closest to lavender and roses, mixed with what’s probably good soap. It’s a dreamy sort of perfume, all light and sugary and enchanting, and smells like being in close proximity with a living scented candle. Shinobu’s scent is actually a result of conscious effort, in a sense- or at least, the soapy part of it is- because she is a *doctor* and she has to stay clean. The butterflies at the estate like to alight on her when she’s outside, and demons are stopped in their tracks by this tiny, lovely swordswoman who smells like a flower garden. You might find that being around her and her scent makes you feel a bit too relaxed and therefore sleepy, which amuses her. Muichiro: Has a ‘’clean’’ scent, but that’s pretty much all there is on the surface. You’ll actually smell very little from him unless you actively hug him or he leans right up close to your face. That’s when you’ll get what might be a very faint tinge of petrichor- the scent of earth after rain, mild but clear. It’s still very weak, though, and the usual conclusion is that he doesn’t smell like anything except sterile and soapy (not Good Soap like Shinobu’s, either, just…soapy soap). He himself doesn’t particularly notice that he smells like anything, and is the type of somewhat chaotic child to possibly sniff his own hair or clothes once somebody comments on the petrichor scent (and then conclude that he can’t smell anything except soap). Iguro: There’s a lot of green in his scent. Cut grass, leaves, the sharpness of green apples, mint. It’s light and a bit lemony, for lack of a better word. There’s something to be said for the theory that he smells so much like plant life because he’s always hanging out and about in the trees. You won’t catch much of it- it’s not a very strong fragrance and he usually wouldn’t let you close enough to sense it- but once you do, it’s distinctly recognizable. It’s not quite a comforting scent nor a good, sweet one, but it reminds you of the outdoors and of lonely mountains and high treetops where Iguro’s often perched with his Kaburamaru, and it’s honestly gentler than what you might expect from the snake pillar. Mitsuri: The closest way to describe it is that she smells like a home, like warm food cooking, blankets and candles burning. Faintly spicy, a little sweet, completely wholesome. Bread and miso soup, cooked rice and freshly laundered clothes. Maybe there’s a bit of vanilla in the mix, making it all the sweeter, and maybe you’ll find a hint of what might be milk tea. It’s the scent of her home full of laughing, loving siblings that she still carries with her, even after leaving for the corps. It seems to be a part of her that never fades no matter what she does or wears, and makes being hugged by her feel like an experience- you’re enveloped in a kind, comforting scent, the type that always make you feel loved and no longer alone. Sanemi: A solid majority of the time, he just smells like blood and carnage- he’s a marechi, and he tends to get injured often, and he tends to injure other people, too. In the small margin of time when he’s not on the go and working, though, he smells…weirdly citrusy, almost like oranges. It’s not immediately noticeable but it’s definitely there and it’s not at all unpleasant. And of course, as Tanjiro noted, he also carries a very faint touch of ohagi about him, a hint of sweetness that you’ll only ever catch if he lets you get close enough (or if you have a nose like Tanjiro’s). Kind of like Sanemi himself, actually. If you’ve gotten close enough to him to catch either the citrus or the ohagi, chances are you’ve already gotten through to his heart, too. Tengen: Tengen’s scent is strong to the point of overwhelming. It’s a bit like lilies and jasmine, almost, the heaviest floral fragrances that have then been concentrated way past what’s probably the recommended amount. Then there’s a strong musky scent combined with it, a rich, very spicy note that only intensifies the sweetness from the florals. Overall, it’s the most bombastic type of perfume you’ll ever encounter on anyone, so cloying that it’ll hit you like a freight train every time you get close to him. The scent is also ‘’catching,’’ so you can’t interact with him without everybody knowing that you’ve been in close proximity. This is incredibly annoying and a little embarrassing. (However, in private, Tengen tends to tone it down a little, and then he can actually smell pretty nice.) Himejima: Woodsy. Incense. None of it is very strong, but the incense in particular is a very specific, noticeable smell that hangs about his entire gigantic stature- the residue from his prayers, probably, and both his clothes and the wood of his prayer beads seems to retain it very well. It’s a strange sort of smell to people who aren’t used to it, but it’s comforting to those who are, and either way, it kind of immediately transports you to Himejima’s state of calm, collected self-control. It’s as if he’s stepped straight out of a tranquil, secret place in the woods at all times, and though you’d have to bury your face in his haori to really catch the scent, it has that automatically soothing effect whenever he lets you draw close to him. Giyuu: An illogical cliché in the same line as Rengoku’s, but…he does smell like the ocean. It’s a weak scent, just barely there in the hems of his sleeves and the air in his personal quarters, and not immediately noticeable or definable. You may or may not be able to make out the light sting of salt and the fresh, cool fragrance of the beach, of the tide coming in. It’s either that or newly laundered sheets, but well, the seashore comparison is more poetic, isn’t it? Again, it’s not a strong fragrance, and usually serves as a blank canvas for other quirks from his environment (ex: he carries the scent of citrus and ohagi after sparring with Sanemi)- he’ll probably absorb a bit of yours once you spend enough time together, and finds it mildly comforting, though he’d never admit that to your face. *this is, of course, just how everybody smells in their down time. When they’re working they all smell just as gross as Sanemi usually does lmao
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Finished this with flat coloring! Probably the most intense one yet. Odysseus having a good time. Hurray.
Edit: I FORGOT TO TELL THIS WAS A BRIBE! .... This was a bribe guys, from an dear anon. Full picture here
I will never do this again.
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I know DAMN well the only reason why Area asked if Athena was dead because Athena is Zeus' FAVOURITE child, who he wasn't above striking with lightning. Ares is Zeus' LEAST favourite. he's scared for his divine fucking life
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