doctornineteen · 26 days
as of right now, i am moving 19 and wilfred over here!
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doctornineteen · 27 days
i am thinking of putting 19, wilfred, and sarah jane onto a multi-muse. if I do, it will be in the coming weeks.
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doctornineteen · 27 days
send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  for  the  sender  to  find  the  receiver  injured  and  demand  to  know  who  did  it.
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doctornineteen · 28 days
a starter involving wilfred for @theresastargirl
Few things could override Wilfred’s need to be with his horses, meeting his sister’s baby was one such thing. He had been awaiting this moment for hours — unable to think of much else. But he knew it would all be worth it.
As his father escorted him into the room, his eyes immediately found the babe in Ophelia’s arms. Wilfred pulled his hand away from the Doctor’s and rushed over to the bed to get a better look. “Is it a boy or a girl?” he asked. If he had to guess, he’d say ‘girl’, though he’d be happy either way. He was an uncle.
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doctornineteen · 2 months
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an independent & private portrayal of the 19th doctor. heavily headcanon-based with a few series influences. created & adored by bean.
rules. | about. | verses.
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doctornineteen · 2 months
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The Doctor looked away to roll his eyes. “I wouldn’t expect any less,” he said under his breath, forcing himself to return his gaze to the man in front of him. “Since you are staying around, any requests?”
↬ ― open / to anyone
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"You're not getting rid of me, so get used to it."
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doctornineteen · 2 months
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@theresastargirl sent: “Why didn’t you take me with you, after seeing I was with Sarah Jane? You had the chance and you didn’t… you just left.”
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The question came out of left field, grabbing the Doctor’s full attention. “That was many lifetimes ago for me. My life was so busy, and Sarah Jane was keeping you safe. I would have only put you in danger.” It was the answer he always gave — claiming he left to keep her safe. Nothing was ever going to change, was it? “I can’t go back and change my own actions.”
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doctornineteen · 2 months
It was as if the Doctor’s body was calling the shots, refusing to allow the tension to grow thicker and thicker. That grin only made his grip tighten. “Taking you onboard was a mistake,” he muttered, closing his eyes for a moment to avoid that piercing gaze.
His twin heartbeats were hammering in his chest.
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When his eyes opened again, he asked, “What if I was about to kiss you?”
@doctornineteen asked: ★ - for the master! :)
send ★ to pin my muse to the wall
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Hands rested on The Doctor's wrists, the small smile on his face growing into a grin. "Oh, did I touch a nerve?" It's always so fun when The Doctor gets physical. A little out of pocket for someone usually as composed as they were. Simply delightful. "Or-" He adds, with a deep frown. "Are you about to kiss me?" It was right there; he just had to mention it. Had to.
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doctornineteen · 2 months
send in " come on! open your eyes! " for the sender to try their best to keep the badly wounded receiver awake (and consequently alive) until they can get some medical aid.
alternatively, send in " i'm so... tired... " for the sender to be the one losing consciousness in front of the receiver after sustaining severe injuries that threaten their life.
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doctornineteen · 2 months
The Doctor’s eyes went wide as he flinched against the initial chill of the metal. A bracelet that came from the pocket of the Master, which was locked in place. He knew he was in a tough spot. The knife had been threatening enough, but he had a bad feeling about what would happen next.
His hand shot up in a futile gesture to prevent the scene from unfolding further.
He did not stand a chance.
As the electric shock took hold of his body, every muscle in his body felt impossibly tight, eliciting a grimace and a grunt of pain. Time slowed to a snail’s pace. What was realistically a moment or two felt like minutes, if not hours.
He gasped as the shock wore off. “It would depend on what you insist I do.” He winced at the possibility of another shock.
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"Why do you think?" With his spare hand, he snaps a bracelet onto his wrist - silver, locked like a handcuff. Obviously sonic proof; it's The Doctor he's dealing with. He removes the knife from his neck (as if he was ever going to use it), and backs away with a dramatic sigh. "Let me demonstrate." He adds, giving The Doctor a look as he presses a button on his watch. It's a shock bracelet. One that would send ripples of electricity throughout the entire body of the individual that was wearing it, whenever he presses that button. Had to hurt. Poor Doctor. "So, you do as I tell you. You got that?"
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doctornineteen · 2 months
The Doctor swallowed hard in response to the blade being pressed against his throat. “Me? Nervous? Never!” It was a lie he would never manage to succeed in telling. And he knew it. He wanted to give the Master a hard time, but there was a knife involved. A knife at his throat, no less!
He did as demanded, offering his hand. “Why do you want my hand?” It was a genuine question.
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A gentle laugh escapes him, and he pushes the knife just that little bit closer. "Am I making you nervous, love? You seem nervous." Understandably so. There is a knife to his throat, after all. "Give me your hand. Now."
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doctornineteen · 2 months
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@ordinariums sent: 🔪 - from The Master <3
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“Oh, is this what we are doing now?” He willed his voice to be clear and calm, unable to completely shroud the slight shake of his voice. “Using your words would be far more effective, don’t you think?”
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doctornineteen · 2 months
Send my muse 🔪 to place a knife up to their throat!
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doctornineteen · 3 months
like for a starter from the doctor's son, wilfred.
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doctornineteen · 3 months
i finally went through my drafts and deleted a majority of them. i hate doing that, but the number was too big!
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doctornineteen · 3 months
He should have kept his eyes on his surroundings, not the street below him, if only to avoid the awkwardness of a collision. But he hadn’t. The air was knocked from his lungs as he felt himself beginning to lose his footing and fall to the ground. He braced himself for an undignified landing on his backside — until that outcome was off the table as a hand steadied him. He opened his mouth to apologize, unable to get the words out before he was pulled along in the running.
Oh, he had planned for a rest! Not to be pulled into...whatever this was.
“Er…okay!” As he attempted to get his bearings and identify this woman, he noticed the cylinder. “What have you got in your hand? Who runs around with a cylinder?!”
↬ ― @doctornineteen liked this for The Lumiat
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She was running. Top speed, cylinder gripped tightly in her hand, but see, the problem with running was that it was incredibly hard to avoid someone stepping into your path. She collides with him, quite hard in fact - and it takes everything to just keep hold of that cylinder - to not let it drop to the floor. She also manages to keep herself on her feet, somehow, and enough to use her spare hand to keep him steady too, resulting in a physical closeness that she had not been expecting to experience. "Oh-" And she laughs, gaze flickering over the .. stranger? before it's cast in the direction she came. "No time to explain." She adds, and takes his hand and yanks him after her.
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doctornineteen · 3 months
interact for a small starter.
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