djoyner18 · 6 years
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the meme might be old but it still conveys my emotions perfectly
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djoyner18 · 6 years
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Wow + The Onion headlines part 2 [part one]
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djoyner18 · 6 years
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WoW Girls - Mage “An illusion?! What are you hiding?” memes incoming.
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djoyner18 · 6 years
WoW Cuisine Lore Facts
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Disclaimer: All lore facts below are taken from World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook and Hearthstone: Innkeeper’s Tavern Cookbook. Although some of these lore tidbits are based on pre-existing canon lore, keep in mind that because the cookbooks are not necessarily canon, some lore facts cannot be considered established lore.
Human Cuisine
Seafood dishes, such as boiled clams and clam chowder, are typical Westfall cuisine [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 27, 95].
Sour goat cheese is one of Jaina Proudmoore’s favorite snacks [Ibid, pg. 49]. 
Soft banana bread comes from Scholomance [Ibid, pg. 87]. 
Westfall stew has been made many different ways over the years. At one point in the recent past, it was common to cook the stew using murloc eyes and buzzard meat as ingredients [Ibid, pg. 109].
Roasted quail is a much-loved meal in the southern Eastern Kingdoms. Ogres even enjoy this dish as a light snack [Ibid, pg. 135]. 
Night Elf Cuisine
Wild rice cakes, which come from northern Kalimdor, are cooked according to a traditional kaldorei recipe [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 61].
The recipe for the night elves’ signature bread, kaldorei pine nut bread, was passed down by their forebears. It is cooked using ingredients foraged from the forests of Kalimdor and shaped into a leaf to honor Teldrassil, the World Tree [Ibid, pg. 81].
Bean soup is a popular dish among the night elves of Kalimdor [Ibid, pg. 93].
Tyrande Whisperwind enjoys eating deep-fried plantains [Ibid, pg. 163].
Versicolor treats are made and sold only by the night elves of Kalimdor [Ibid, pg. 191].
Malfurion likes to snack on mashed potatoes [Hearthstone: Innkepeer’s Tavern Cookbook, pg. 71].
Pandaren & Mogu Cuisine
Spicy vegetable chips are a pandaren staple [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 55].
Stuffed lushrooms were once one of the mogu’s favorite dishes, but they have since become a staple in pandaren cuisine [Ibid, pg. 57]. 
Li Li Stormstout’s favorite snack is red bean buns [Ibid, pg. 85].
Lukewarm yak roast broth was previously enjoyed only by those who made it to the top of Kun-Lai Summit [Ibid, pg. 101].
The recipe for spiced blossom soup was found in an ancient cache in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms [Ibid, pg. 103].
Steaming goat noodles are considered Kun-Lai-style noodle soup [Ibid, pg. 107].
The ancient mogu used to favor mango ice for dessert [Ibid, pg. 175].
Pomfruit slices can only be found in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Because they increase agility, pomfruit slices cause those who eat them to feel as light as a feather [Ibid, pg. 181].
Tauren Cuisine
Cornmeal biscuits are a staple food among the tauren tribes in Mulgore [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 69].
Tauren make jam [Ibid, pg. 83].
The tauren of Thunder Bluff make tauren tippler, a drink that’s a bit like eggnog, but lighter. Asking where the milk for the drink comes from is considered a great insult to the Bloodhoof tribe [Hearthstone: Innkeeper’s Tavern Cookbook, pg. 23].
Blood Elf Cuisine
Honey bread, which originates in high elven culture, is shaped to resemble the hives of domesticated bees in Eversong Forest [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 79].
A master chef tasked with feeding blood elf royalty on a budget came up with an alternative recipe to crunchy spider surprise that substitutes crabmeat for spider meat [Ibid, pg. 119].
Bloodberries from Quel’Danas are used to bake bloodberry tart [Ibid, pg. 149, Item: Bloodberry Tart].
Abigail Shiel authored the recipe for crispy bat wings. Her Undercity snack has become a favorite among the Horde [World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook, pg. 37].
The denizens of the Undercity enjoy snacking on honey-spiced lichen [Ibid, pg. 43].
Sliced zangar buttons are traditionally cooked using thin shavings from Zangarmarsh’s enormous fungi, but the recipe has been adapted to accommodate more common (and smaller) varieties of mushroom [Ibid, pg. 47].
Spiced beef jerky is the Darkmoon Faire-goer’s snack of choice [Ibid, pg. 53].
Sweet potato bread is a Northrend staple [Ibid, pg. 89].
The recipe for dragonbreath chili originates in Dustwallow Marsh [Ibid, pg. 97].
Ironforge rations have been a dwarven staple for over a thousand years [Ibid, pg. 131, Item: Ironforge Rations].
Magic users particularly enjoy eating tender shoveltusk steak because they claim it gives them a little edge in casting their spells [Ibid, pg. 143].
The goblins of Bilgewater Cartel took the recipe for goblin shortbread from Kezan with them on their journey to Kalimdor [Ibid, pg. 171].
Pirates drink Garr’s limeade to prevent scurvy on the high seas [Ibid, pg. 197, Item: Garr’s Limeade].
Honeymint tea is a popular drink in the cold weather of Northrend [Ibid, pg. 201].
Pizza is tortollan cuisine [Hearthstone: Innkeeper’s Tavern Cookbook, pg. 77].
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Once again I am hooked on World of Warcraft.
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not a puppy do not be fooled
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