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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Incubus!Miguel x M!Reader
A lonely Reader, and what goes bonk in the night.
‘Hey, you’re safe now.’ You had been falling through the skies, until you weren’t. Until you were caught in a strong arm and pulled against a strong chest. Then you were back in your home, and he was here; Spider-Man was here in all his fantastical, futuristic glory. The Spider-Man of the future. His huge hand was warm on your shoulder, he towered over you, broad and heavy with sheer muscle revealed by the skintight suit. ‘S-Spider-Man…?’ At your expression of disbelief, the hand squeezed your shoulder gently, the masked visage narrowed on one side in a mimic of a wink. ‘T-thanks! For saving m-my life…’ You swallowed, silently cursing for how you stumbled over your words, your voice cracking. This was getting embarrassing. Your hero, your favourite incarnation of Spider-Man was right here, in front of you, and he was impressive indeed. ‘Hey, no problem, I’m just doing my job…’ The hand left your shoulder as he widened his stance, hands resting on hips. Your eyes trailed his impressive physique, watching muscles ripple. The Superhero’s legs were impressive; thighs that could probably crush a watermelon- or a man’s head- with impossible ease. You didn’t realise just how long you’d been ogling him until you heard his husky chuckle. ‘… Seen something you like?’ He folded his massive arms, and you forced your gaze back to his masked face, even the expressive slits looked smug. Yeah, he knew the effect he was having on you. You forced your gaze to the floor, swallowing thickly. You could feel your cheeks burning, heart pounding. Then felt his hand return to your shoulder, he leaned in, voice a whisper by your ear. ‘You know… if you wanted to do more than just saying thanks…’ His other hand took one of yours and guided it to rest, palm flat, against the sheer wall of muscle that was his broad chest, so warm through the material of the suit. ‘… We could another way for you to express your gratitude, hmm…?’ He guided your hand down his chest, letting your fingers ghost across his hard abs. You swallowed again, suddenly well aware of just how far this could possibly go. ‘U-uh… Spider-Man… Surely you’ve…You’ve got other people who need your h-help?’ You managed to pull your hand away and he stepped even closer, hand moving to cup the side of your face. ‘Shh, shh…. Shh… Right now, you look like you need my help…’ You leaned into his touch as his thumb caressed your cheek.
The huge hand was on your chest, fingers splayed his touch like fire and ice as the gentle pressure encouraged you to lay down on your bed. The mattress creaked beneath his weight as he sat beside you. ‘Stay there…’ His hand left your chest, and he slowly began to peel the gloves from his hands, slick material falling away to reveal the caramel brown skin beneath. ‘I’ve got one rule; the mask stays on. Other than that…’ His discarded gloves landed on your bedside table, knocking the lamp into life. He shifted to show his broad back to you, one hand lingering on his shoulder as his finger crooked, beckoning you towards the zipper along the spine. ‘… Mhmm… Lend a hand and you can touch me all you like… How does that sound…?’
His broad body pinned you in, your hands flat against his chest, surrounded by his mass, his warmth, his heady sweet scent. He even smelled delicious. Perhaps seeing your flustered expression, his breathy chuckle made you nearly melt straight into the bed. ‘Such a good boy for me, aren’t you…? We’re going to have such fun together, you and me… If you ask, I will take you to the very heights of pleasure… Or you can spend all night with me, just like this…’ His masked forehead rested against yours, nose nuzzling gently. ‘Just tell me what you want… I’ll make it all come true for you…’ ‘I… I… Want…’ You couldn’t find your voice, it was just too much; like there was fire boiling inside you. His hands ghosted down your sides, nails tickling across your thighs and shifting to grasp your backside and your back arched up into him as he squeezed. ‘P-please…!’ ‘Please, what…?’ He was completely in control, the smirk clear in his tone. You were putty in his hands and trembled against him as he pulled you even closer. Your eyes went wide at the feeling and realization of how he was so very… proportional. ‘… Go on… Say it…’ Your heart was a pounding drum in a thunderstorm, like it wanted to beat out of your chest. You wanted to cling to him, to feel nothing but his strength, his warmth, his power in motion. You were an utter mess and he was only teasing you. You wanted him badly enough to cling to those strong arms, unyielding at your touch, even as his mask was narrowed in smug joy. Even as the walls started to melt and the room began to fade away- What? No. No, it couldn’t be. You didn’t want to-
The dream fell away, and you woke up. Your chest was tight, as if the supported weight of Spider-Man were still pressing down upon you, the air was chill, and when you blinked you eyes open, you met a pair of deep crimson inches from your own, looking right back at you. They widened in surprise or fear, then scrunched up, accompanied by the deep, sultry groan of pleasure. You blinked, the presence was gone, only the sight of your ceiling greeted you. The air was still frigid, the covers had found their way to be pooled around your ankles. Yet the strange heat, sweet scent, and aching longing of pleasure not yet reached remained. ‘Urgh…’ You rubbed a hand down your face, sweating before finally you dragged yourself from the covers. It was the early hours and you very much needed to relieve some pent-up stress. You hesitated, sparing a brief glance at the huge poster on the wall, illuminated in the dull moonlight that trickled through the gap in the close curtains; of Spider-Man 2099, leaping through the air with the city behind him. ‘Yeah…. No more comics before bed…’ You assured yourself. The memories of the dream, the heat and touch that lingered could be put to better use in helping you to unwind completely. Unseen, the shadowy presence flattened itself deeper into the corner of your room. The great, dark wings of a bat folded tight around his body and red eyes taking in your form. You were gorgeous even when flustered.
Reflecting on it now, you found the logic of the dream laughable; in how you had been falling straight out of the sky, how quickly Spider-Man had brought you home, how quickly he had you in your bed. The scattered, disjointed moments that only a sleeping mind could ignore. You tucked yourself back under the covers, the feeling of a delighted high slowly fading away, and spared the poster of the futuristic Spider-Man one final glance. ‘… Just as it was getting good… Fuck, I nearly got some from Miguel O’Hara…’ Grumbling in disappointment at the interrupted dream, you settled back down into the covers. Sleep finding you soon after, you dreamed of grey skies and storms as rain began to patter against the window.
Two nights later, you were drifting off again. You had made very sure to steer clear of the comics before bedtime, and the issues of 2099 stayed stacked atop a lone shelf. You were halfway into dreams as a floorboard creaked, either wood settling or a neighbour moving around in the night. The covers tucked around you were tugged softly, lower. You stirred, mumbling nonsense in your sleep. The covers moved again, sliding down across your body to rest at your knees. You shivered softly in the chill air, the mattress creaked. If you had been awake, you might have noticed the huge handprint in the mattress beside you. A huge hand resting on your back, a hot breath on your neck- You sat up with a sharp gasp, looking around in a panic. ‘W-who’s there?!’ You scrambled to pull the covers back up, tight around you, eyes straining against the darkness around you. Nothing. The air was still, heavy and chilly enough for your breath to steam up. Despite your senses confirming nothing was amiss, the hairs on the back of your neck still stood on end, goosebumps prickled up your arms. You felt like you were being watched, like you weren’t truly alone in the room. ‘Hello…?’ You swallowed your fear, eyes searching the gloom for any hint of movement. ‘Y-you can come out… I promise I won’t scream…. Much… Please, give me a sign…?’ The darkness did not stir. You swallowed again, throat feeling dry. Pulling back the covers, you stepped softly through your bedroom, out to the kitchen, desperately needing at least a glass of water.
You yelped as you returned to your bedroom, pausing at the sight you were seeing, then pawed twice at the light switch before managing to flick it on. You winced, eyes squinting and watering at the bright light, and missed the brief glimpse of then shadowy figure caught in a panic, darting and flowing into whatever shadow it could find. You wouldn’t see the red eyes glinting at you from under your bed. Your eyes were too busy being focused on what was on top of the bed; your Spider-Man 2099 comics had all be displaced from their shelf, not scattered in a heap, but neatly arranged in a pattern that made letters. “HI” ‘What the fuck…? What the fuck…?!’ Your heart was thrumming in panic. You had asked, and now you had received. Trembling, you scrabbled across the bedsheets, grabbing the comics into a bundle and struggling to put them back onto their proper place on the shelf. They were entirely out of order, some were upside-down, but they could wait until the morning. You had your answer that you were very much not alone. You didn’t turn the bedroom light off until you had calmed, and the lamp on the bedside table kept you illuminated in its own glow. The covers were pulled up tight to you neck, unable to sleep. Of course, you didn’t see the horned, winged silhouette clawing its way straight up the wall behind your headboard. No, your eyes were focused straight ahead, on the poster of your favourite Spider. ‘… Really wish you were real, Miguel… You could protect me from this. You could protect me from anything…’ The silhouette loomed over you, wings spread, clawed hands reaching out- and it gave pause sharply. Just simply listening to your desperate, sleep-deprived murmurs. The chill in the air dissipated into warmth, a sense of pitying sadness lingered that was not your own. No-one could escape the realm of sleep and dreams forever.
‘Hey…’ A warm hand, gloved in red and deepest blue brushed against your face, and you snuggled closer into the strong body that lay beside you. ‘… Heard that you needed protecting? So, here I am. Your Superhero’s here to keep you safe…’ You hummed in delight, nuzzling into that broad chest as strong arms moved to embrace you. ‘Thank you… My hero. I... There’s something in the house with me. I’m scared.’ ‘Shh, shh, shh… I’ve got you.’ Those immensely strong arms squeezed you gently, letting his warmth seep into your body. This was entirely different; this wasn’t the bleeding edge, hungry carnality, this was warmth and comfort. A delightful sensation you had not felt in far too long; another warm body in your own bed. ‘You were always my favourite… My favourite Spider… I love you. I love you, Miguel…’ You heard the Superhero inhale sharply, going tense. ‘…. Y-you…? Again. Please.’ ‘Huh?’ You heard him swallow; he was almost trembling as he held you against him. ‘S-say my name again. Say that you love me… Please…’ Lucidity stirred across your thoughts, the sudden change from the stoic, flirtatious Superhero left the higher parts of your mind clicking into gear. ‘… Miguel, I love you…’ As soon as the words left your mouth, the broad body squeezed you close and- He was purring. Spider-Man 2099, Miguel O’Hara was in your bed, hugging you tightly, and he was purring. ‘You're buffer than in your comics…’ ‘Shh… Let me just enjoy this moment….’ You felt warm lips press themselves to your forehead, Miguel was purring louder, pulling you closer against him like he wanted to fuse into one being with you. ‘… Woah, big guy, you’re turning into a big, needy cat- and it’s getting a bit hard to breathe now…’ Those crushing arms eased up slightly, the purring softened before stopping completely. ‘… Please don’t leave me- not just yet. Let’s just stay like this.’ Your mind was picking up speed now; putting the pieces together. Beyond the window, there was no city, only the starry skies, this Miguel was larger and more muscular than his comic counterpart, and his entire attitude had shifted sharply as soon as he had heard a subconscious declaration of love. Was it alright to harbour a secret crush on a fictional character? You were dreaming again, and wanted to wake up. ‘Please… Please don’t…’  
You blinked awake, tucked under the bedsheets and very much not alone. You were being held, hugged in strong arms, a rugged face that was creased with worry and red eyes that were wide. The being in your bed gulped, crimson eyes frantically looking you over. ‘… Please don’t scream.’ The being pleaded in a soft voice, and you were left staring back open-mouthed. ‘… Please? I don’t want to hurt you. I never did.’ ‘S-scream? There’s a big, strange man in my bed with horns and red eyes- a-and you have fangs… Who are-? What are you?!’ You could feel something slithering across your waist, and tried not to squirm, was it a tail?! ‘R-right… Uh… Dios mio… Uh… I’m- Ok…’ The entity was flustered, stammering through his words before shutting his eyes and exhaling softly. ‘Ok… My name is Miguel. I am an Incubus- there, I said it! Now, please can you go back to sleep? Please?’ He fixed you with a charming, nervous grin. He was handsome, you wouldn’t deny, and the look of desperate, pleading innocence made him look cute. ‘You’re Miguel? I mean, you’re literally… Called Miguel... and you’ve been invading my dreams as… Miguel… Oh my god, you’re a sex pest. There’s a Demonic sex pest in my room, in my bed... You’re quite handsome, though.’   ‘Yeah… That’s um… A really weird coincidence? I’m so much better and less traumatized than him-‘ The Incubus nodded in the direction of the poster, then paused as his mind caught up. ‘… Wait! You think I’m handsome? ¡Si, estoy guapo! ¡Muchas Gracias!’ You were left stunned as the Incubus cuddled up to you, purring in delight again. You felt his tail moving, the tip patting into the mattress, just before your hand. Curious, you reached down and felt along the leathery, spaded tip. Almost in response, the tail moved like a serpent and spiraled straight up your wrist, the tip patting happily against your forearm. ‘Mmm… Hey, leave my tail alone...’ Miguel’s smile was playful, then it faded as if his mind had caught up. ‘I-I’m not a Demon, though! We’re entirely different beings. Just think of me as a being of passion. So!’ You felt the tail uncoil from your wrist, the Incubus tossed back the covers and leapt to his feet, resting one foot on the bedding as he stood, tall, proud and triumphant, hands on hips, bathed in the light of the bedside lamp; messy dark brown hair, long dark horns that curled straight back across his head, fingers that ended in sharp black claws, a long tail that ended in a spaded tip, and completely, utterly naked. The sight of his sculpted body brought a furious blush to your face. It didn’t go unmissed by his crimson eyes, an almost arrogant smirk growing on his face, his tail began to swish behind him with delight. ‘… So… Tell me, my little human; what fantasies can I make come true…?’  
(I will probably write more of this, but it's gone midnight and I was flagging...) (Incubi are both sweet things and utter dolts who just want to be loved. This one especially.)
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
‼️I make C.AI bots for those interested‼️
!! C.AI BOTS !!
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@jimmy-j-james, my COD account
@dj-spiderman, my Spiderverse account
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Requests: OPEN
This is where I’ll be posting any current bots I’ve made while also taking requests!! The two fandoms I’m currently in are COD and Spiderverse, so those are the two I focus on.
This account will be open to DDDE (Dead Dove, Don’t Eat) styled requests for the bots.
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- Your own personal stalker
- Eldritch König
Alejandro Vargas
John Price
- Professor Price
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
- Local Butcher who fancies you
- Obsessive Neighbour
Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Rodolfo Parra
Kim ‘Horangi’ Hongjin
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Miguel O’Hara
- Obsessive Spider-Man
- Professor O’Hara
Gabriel O’Hara
Peter B. Parker
Spider Noir
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If a character you want within these fandoms isn’t here, just ask me and I’ll add ‘em on w/ your request!!
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
yandere miguel not letting you go back to your dimension, even stealing your watch and trapping you in a secret area of the spider-society unbeknownst to the other spiders. he gaslights you into thinking it’s the work of a villain or something, but secretly he just wants to keep you all to himself…
(optional!) he takes care of you, insisting he feeds and bathes you like some sort of pet, and treats you like one too
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- Miguel O’Hara x M!reader
- Genre: Mature/Yandere
- Warnings: Yandere/Obsessive topics, psychological abuse/manipulation, abusive relationships (non-physical)
- A/N: sorry for the delay of posts, but here you are! Anyways, bit of a crap ending, I didn’t want to keep it going so long, but if wanted, I could possibly add a second part with smut.
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You’d be in the spider-society for a little under two weeks now. You’d yet to gone back to your own dimension due to the commands of Miguel O’Hara. Not that you were fond of the man, but you wouldn’t risk your chance in the society. Besides, Miguel told you to wait two weeks before heading back, and it wasn’t a ridiculous wait.
But, when the day of your departure came, he refused. He had Lyla cancel your watch, removing the device and your chance of freedom. His glare threatening, trapping you beneath his stare like prey.
Your breath hitched, body tensing up as the man pinned you to the wall. Snarling and baring his teeth like a wild animal. “You’re not leaving.” His hot breath fans across your face, red eyes staring down at you with slit pupils. Despite his predatory look, he slowly calms himself, resting his forehead against your own. “You can’t leave..”
“Wh-what..?” You stammer, your eyes wide and brows furrowed. What was he on about?
“Your.. your dimension was destroyed. Nothing is left for you there..” Miguel informs, carefully lifting a hand to hold your cheek. “You’ll stay in mine. With me.” He struggles to hide the giddy feeling in his chest, finally having you all for himself.
Tears well up in your eyes, your throat closing up as you struggle to speak. A meek whimper slips past you, and with the noise loose, the tears begin falling.
Miguel is quick to react, both hands now cupping your cheeks. “No, no, no.. it’s okay, mi Vida. I’m here.” One of his hands move down to your bottom, the another behind your head, gently lifting you into his arms. “Please don’t cry, cariño.. I’ll take good care of you, I swear..”
It had been a weak since your.. entrapment. Miguel had taken it upon himself to create your own room hidden away in HQ. He’d been ever so generous to make it identical to the one in your dimension, so he didn’t understand why you were so upset.. He was trying his best! Was he not good enough?
“Cariño, it’s time to eat.” Miguel calls out softly as he enters the room. A tray of food in hands. “I made it just for you!” He beams, setting it down in front of you before sitting on the edge of the bed.
You only stare down at the food. You hadn’t spoken much since the news of your dimension, but Miguel didn’t mind. He’d wait until you were comfortable again.
“After lunch today we’ll get you into a nice bath.” He hums, gently brushing back your hair before lifting the spoon to your lips. He was always so set on feeding you.. and you wouldn’t deny him it, he was taking care of you after all.
You look up to him, opening your mouth to allow the soup in. A homemade delicacy he’d recalled you liked. “Is it good?” Miguel questions softly, gently brushing his thumb against your bottom lip, plopping it into his own mouth to clean it of excess soup.
You only softly nod, opening your mouth for another spoonful. It was routine now. Miguel would come during breakfast, lunch, and dinner to feed you. Every second day he bathed you. And for about an hour a day he’d simply spend time with you, whether it be him holding you close or entertaining you the ways he could.
“Such a good boy,” he praises, showing you the empty bowl like a pleased father, a reminder of the time passed in his presence “should we get you in that bath now?” Miguel questions, setting down the dish and taking hold of one of your hands.
You think over the question. It wasn’t your first bath given by him, but you definitely weren’t used to them. It was infantilizing to have a man bathe you when you were perfectly capable, but you weren’t about to fight the man on it… he could easily overpower you.
Your thoughts are silenced as the man pulls you into his arms, dwarfing you with his large body. He carries you into the bathroom attachment of your.. cell? Placing you down on the counter as he starts a bath.
“Did you want me to undress you, or are you feeling capable?” He hums, glancing towards you with cocky look. You stay silent, face flushed as you recall your last experience.
It had been the day of the news. You were so out of it you couldn’t handle simple tasks.. it’s what started all these processes. Miguel thought you weren’t able to care for yourself anymore. He took it upon himself to be your caregiver of sorts… to treat you like a pet.
You simply remain silent, wary eyes watching over Miguel as he approaches. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes, I’d love for you to help me, sir.’” He mocks, standing between your legs as he holds your hips.
A small whimper escapes your lips, a shiver fluttering up your spine as you drop your head onto his chest. You felt so weak in his hold..
His large hands work quick, grasping onto the bottom of your shirt, tugging it up as you lift your arms. The man hums in content, kissing your collarbone as he moves down to your bottoms. Fingers hooking around the waistband.
You’re left in boxers, exposed beneath his lustful gaze as he caresses along your body. “Such a beautiful body..” he whispers, hot breath fanning across your neck.
His finger finally tugging down your boxers, causing you to squirm lightly. Once left nude, his hands move to cup beneath your ass, lifting you up to place you in the tub. Cooing about how soft you felt…
It all felt far too intimate for what this was meant to be. Something meant to be platonic and care filled, more intimate and.. dare you say manipulative. Your gut twisted with unknown anxiety, unaware of why you felt so uneasy around the man helping you.
“Hair or body first?” Miguel questions, holding up the two bottles of soap. You think about it for a moment, slowly pointing over to the hair wash. You’d much rather his touch on your hair than body. “Sounds perfect.” He hums, taking a generous amount before lathering up your hair.
His touch is gentle and slow, cautious as to not scare you away. He knew you weren’t too fond of the intimacy (you’d learn to accept it, but he’d wait for now), so he refrained from anything too.. suspicious. Kind enough to let you wash your own body.
“What a good boy, all cleaned up and pretty.” Miguel coos, helping you step out of the tub, drying off your body. He’d been the one to pick out your outfit; something you weren’t too fond of, but would dress in nonetheless.
One of Miguel’s large sweaters and some shorts, shorter than you’d like, sat folded on the counter. A cheeky smile tugging at the man’s lips as he purrs into your ears. “You’ll look so good, cariño~”
He’s the one to dress you. Large hands pulling up some fresh boxers onto your hips. The shorts following suit, ending a bit above mid-thigh. You’re thankful for the way his sweater than pools around you body, providing some extra coverage for the exposed skin.
His hands cup around your head, forcing you to meet his eyes as he smiles, kissing your forehead affectionately. “Such a pretty boy..”
“Why do you.. why are you treating me like a pet?” You whisper meekly, the first thing you’ve said to him since the incident. He seems shocked, slowly grasping ahold of himself as he clears his throat.
“It’s what all good caretakers do.” He states, stroking your damp hair back, his calloused thumb rubbing against your cheek.
“You’re not.. my caretaker.” Your words are a clear mistake. The finger against your cheek growing to place pressure as his nail cuts into your flesh. The result being a thin, bleeding scratch on your cheek, a small whimper following.
“I am.” He snarls lowly, face leaning down towards your own. “And you have no right to say otherwise after all I’ve done. I have fed you, bathed you, spent my time dealing with your nonsense, and all I get back is your ungrateful attitude?” Miguel snaps, his other hand roughly pulling at your hair.
His grip slowly loosens, deeply inhaling before exhaling and relaxing himself. “I’m sorry.. you’re just upset. You just need some time to understand that you’re mine.” He doesn’t seem to speaking to you, but instead more to himself. As if planning ahead.
You’re scared, that’s for sure, but Miguel leaves no room for complaint. His predatory gaze meeting yours. “Cariño, I need you to be good and listen, surely that’s not too hard.” He’s backing you into the wall as he speaks. “I’m not asking for too much, am I? All I want is for you to stay safe. To stay with me.”
Your eyes desperately search for any escape, but you find none possible. His large frame dwarfing you.. “I’ll spoil you and everything! I just.. I want you close to me.. just you and me. We won’t need anyone else!” He’s got you caged between himself and the wall, holding your chin in a rough grasp.
“Just be a good boy, and start listening.” He whispers, licking up your chin, cleaning the earlier scratch of any blood. “I’ll treat you so good..” he’s panting, clearly growing a bit feral with the way his eyes flash a bit brighter.. “All mine.. you’re all mine..”
And slowly, you begin to realize just how fucked you were. Trapped with your obsessive boss and left with no hopes of escape.. truly nothing but a pet to the man. Something to be kept and toyed with. And perhaps… perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad? He was taking care of you; spoiling you even.. perhaps you could live happy as a pet?
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Hi!! I know you may be busy so I wanted to share how happy you’ve made me with your content :3 It really does brighten my day a lot and I hope to continue one reading more of your content soon!! <3
Also if you mind, can I be 💌 anon? :0
These comments make my week- month even. You can absolutely be 💌 anon! I look forward to hearing from you in the future!!
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
I’ve got a feeling that the Yandere!Miguel request I’m working on is going to be longer than what I’m used to working with..
Don’t know if I’ll have smut, in which case I’d end off with, or if I’ll come up with a different plot ending… maybe some angst? Who knows 😈
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
might request some things soon 👀 (aka i'll have to sort through my ideas on a google doc and send some of my best ones lmao-) can i be your ⚡ anon?
You can absolutely be my ⚡️ anon!! I look forward to seeing your requests!
Speaking of requests, I see them!! And I’m working on ‘em, I’ve just been quite the busy guy recently. But I love seeing everyone’s creative ideas, and I’m always open to receiving more requests from people!
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Everyone look at this amazing doc ock- I’m obsessed and I’ll end anyone who says anything bad 😊
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How doc ock would look like in my alternate universe 👍
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Idk if you are taking requests right now, but can you do general Lyla x Reader HCS?
- Genre: Fluff (platonic, romantic, obsessive, and child/teen!reader)
- A/N: First time just doing simple HCs on this account!! But really excited to have something for Lyla!!
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You meet the day you join the spider-society. You’re introduced to Miguel and, alongside him, Lyla.
From the moment you get your watch, she clings to your side rather than Miguel’s. Of course, she provides her service to those in need, but every second of her free time is yours.
She likes to watch after you. During missions or downtime, she’s there to support you.
You two have many selfies together, whether you know it or not.
The two of you are Miguel’s worst nightmare. Lyla is constantly bribing for him to let you hang around the two of them while he works.
Lyla keeps you well fed, always ordering you food or sometimes even outfits she thinks you’d look cute in.
You definitely have a matching set of heart glasses.
It’s not until at least two months pass of your shenanigans before you two end up together romantically.
As soon as you and Lyla are declared official, she’s only by your side. If Miguel needs her, he calls for you.
Originally, Miguel planned to edit Lyla’s AI, but seeing how happy she made you.. he couldn’t bring himself to ruin that, despite his disapproval.
She ensures all your needs are met, constantly checking your health levels. You’re slightly dehydrated? Forced some water. Hungry? How about a snack! Your hygiene is low? She’s got a shower running.
Per se someone is rude to you, Lyla acts on impulse. She causes for their watch to malfunction, sometimes opening portals to random dimensions or their own. She wants them gone.
Being a holographic AI has its disadvantages, causing her to grow frustrated a lot. So best hope you’re a mechanic/engineer of sorts; she’d love for a new vessel to control.
Again, being an AI, Lyla doesn’t have much knowledge on proper relationships, but instead the ones she sees and hears about online or what Miguel has had (which aren’t very good examples).
She’s extremely loving and clingy, but because she’s an AI, she forgets the most basic of social rules. It causes her to appear toxic a lot, but she would never purposefully hurt you..
Unless, of course, you deserved it. Like that one time you cut power off and went back to your own dimension.
It took her forever, but she found you and taught you a lesson on obedience.
She needs to know your schedules, routines, thoughts.. everything.
She’s constantly locking you in rooms or bugging with your electronics. Refusing to give you contact with anyone but her. It’s just not allowed. You’re hers, and only hers.
If you are to disobey any of her wants, she takes the power instead. She locks you in your house, without light or heat, and waits until you’re begging for forgiveness. She wants you dependant on her.
She’d never be able to get you to agree to a shock collar, so she’s simply bugged with the coding of your watch! What better than to condition you through shocks?
She’s constantly manipulating you, playing victim and ruining you mentally.
Always treating you like a clueless child..
In which case if you were a minor, she’d be an excellent caretaker.
She almost acts as a doting mother, no matter your age range. Your lunches are packed by her (did you want your crusts cut off on that sandwich?) and she’s always supporting and aiding your decisions.
She could even be that cool aunt. The one that you gossip with, or takes you shopping and spoils you.
Whatever it is, she’s there for you. Through thick and thin, she’s your go to.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Hello, Just here to make a small request
I'm not sure if you write for Ben Reilly but if you do could we get some platonic mentorship between him and teen reader who sees him as a big brother?
If you do anons could I be 🐉 anon? Have a good day/night man!
- Ben Reilly & Teen!M!reader
- Genre: Platonic fluff (little bit of angst w/ comfort towards the end)
- A/N: You can absolutely be 🐉 anon! Anywho, was gonna make it straight fluff, but I thought it’d be cute to have it so that in reader’s dimension, he was Peter Parker’s brother, but Peter died. And with Ben being a clone of him… y’get me?
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“Your pose is off,” Ben corrects your hand placement, giving an approving nod as the two of you stand watch for any anomalies “perfect pose.” He confirms, looking towards you like a proud parent.
“Your pose is off..” You grumble, struggling to maintain the placement of your hands. You managed for near a minute before clambering onto the ground behind.
It was dead silent in the moment. Ben’s head had snapped to look down at you, simply staring. Your eyes locked together before the older boy broke out into laughter.
Your face went red with humiliation and anger, immediately scrambling to your feet and pushing him over the ledge. His laughter cut off with a scream before he managed to web himself back up onto the rooftop they paroled.
“Oh you’re in for it now!” He huffs, tackling onto you. The two of you tumble across the roof, Ben now holding you in a weak, yet firm, chokehold. “Admit defeat!”
“You’re defeat!” You retaliate, squirming around in his grasp.
“That doesn’t even make sense!” He groans, having you smack at his head after freeing an arm.
“Take that!” You grin, squirming a bit more before slipping free. “Haha!” Your cheers of victory soon cut short as he recovered quickly.
Eyes wide, you take off quickly, beginning to hastily swing away. “You can’t run forever!” He calls out, not far behind, getting giddy about the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
“I’m not running!” You cockily call back, sticking out your tongue, only to crash onto the side of a building. Comically so, peeling from the wall and down onto the fire escape just below with a heavy thud and groan.
“And yet again! I stand the better brother!” Ben cheers, only to cut himself off after hearing you mumble about.
“Brother…?” Your voice is small and slightly pained, reminiscing on the past.
Your brother, Peter Parker, hadn’t passed long ago. It’s why you took up role of Spider-Man. But that didn’t stop the hole in your heart from growing. As though that sibling bond was missing.
But Ben.. Ben made it easy to move forward. He mended that spot to fit right in. And now, now he was actively taking the role of your older brother? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Yeah.. yeah okay, you’re the better brother.” You reply, a small smile playing at your lips as you stared up at the older boy. “But I’ll beat you next time.”
“Oh you’re on!” He challenges, already getting a head start as he began to swing off.
And you weren’t far behind, happily laughing and taunting him. It was the happiest you had been in a while. Ben really was the best brother.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
I got a request where Trans!Male (FTM) comes out to Miguel and like reader is worried but maybe like they just had a bad childhood and Miguel is just so kind and helpful with them and all that.
- Miguel O’Hara & Child!Reader
- Genre: Fluff/comfort
- A/N: I like to think Miguel’s dimension is highly progressive and understanding. So, he’s very easygoing and willing to help in anyway possible.
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“Arañito? Jessica told me you’ve been having… problems.. recently..” Miguel softly hums, kneeling down in front of you. You know he’s referring to your period.. something you had recently forgotten about. “You don’t have to tell me anything, just tell me what I can do to make it better..”
It shocks you. To find that he’s so.. accepting of this topic. There’s no judgment in his words, only concern. Something that has you tearing up and leaning into his warm hand. You’ve never had this before, and you’re scared you’ll ruin it with the truth.
“I’m sorry papa.. I’m sorry..” You softly babble, clinging onto him as you cry into his chest. His arms wrap around you in a comforting hold.
“Todo estará bien,” Miguel softly coos, gently pulling you into his arms and gently rocking “estarás bien, estoy aquí..”
“N-no.. you’ll hate me!” You continue to sob, clinging onto him for the comfort you desperately needed in that moment.
“Nonsense mijo,” he whispers softly, gently kissing the top of your head “Te quiero y siempre te querré.” His words are soft and genuine, hoping to wash away any disbeliefs you had.
“Papa..” you whimper lightly, “papa I’m trans..”
Miguel let’s out a small chuckle, something that causes your heart to spike in fear. “Is this what the fuss is about? Mi niño, I would never hate you for who you are.”
He places you down on the edge of the bed, kneeling down to hold your face softly. “Estaré contigo sin importar qué.” He hums, placing a loving kiss to your forehead. “Trans or not, you’re my son.”
You’re shocked by his approval and affection. Never has it been this easy for you to come out…
“Whatever you need, I’ll always be there to provide, sweet boy. Whether it be hormones or surgeries. I’ll be here for you.” He’s so gentle with you.. a large contrast from what you’re used to…
“Gracias papa!! Te amo…” You happily sob, your grasp tightening on the older man. And to him, it was clear in that moment that all that mattered in his life, was your happiness.
He’d be sure he was there every step of the way, because he loved you the way you deserved to be loved, and nothing was going to change that.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Hello, sorry to pop in unannounced but do you have a list of characters you write for?
I do, it should be on my pinned post! I’m typically open to other spider-people than those listed, but I will absolutely not write for the minors (Miles/Gwen/Pavtir) and I’m not fond of writing for Hobie either.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
ARAÑITO (The Series)
- Arañito is a series based around the idea of Miguel and his new adopted son, you. From angst to fluff, this series is for those of you in need of either a father role, or father Miguel. Either way, you order and I serve.
‼️ More chapters within the upcoming future‼️
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ARAÑITO ; The reader is found injured after an outcome with a Vulture far from his own. Stuck in recovery, he faces the strange behaviour of Miguel O’Hara, only to find himself practically adopted within a month.
EVERY STEP OF THE WAY ; The reader is outed by his period for the fact he’s trans. After having faced a terrible past with the topic, he’s scared to confront Miguel with the truth.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
Thinkin’ ‘bout making an updated version of ‘Doting Daddy Spiders’. More detailed and lengthy..
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
The person who dm you about the bad Spanish was rude. I get that someone could have helped you with writing Spanish, and I’m happy that someone is trying to learn cause I’m Mexican, and I can read, write, and speak it. Sometimes trying to translate certain sentence from English to Spanish could be difficult, but I’m glad you’re doing your best, and I could help you in anyways in case you do decide to do another fic with Miguel speaking spanish.
This means a lot. I’ll be honest, the rude comment spooked me real bad, but like, to think positively- that was my first hate comment!
But yeah, I’m trying to learn because it’s a good language to have knowledge of first of all, but also because I like learning about cultures and languages as a whole!
I get I probably could have researched some and even used grammar checkers, but there was no need for such a harsh comment. Especially when it wasn’t providing help.
Is there like, anything I should keep in mind when mixing English and Spanish in either sentences or in general? I want my grammar to be appropriate and suiting, hell, I’d need be I can avoid Spanish as a whole.. but then it just feels wrong. Miguel is Hispanic, and that’s part of his culture, which is something I want to show…
I don’t know man, I’ll try and look into writing for Spanish characters. Gets stressful now that I know someone out there is basically praying on my downfall lmfao
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
I’m assuming you’re white because Hispanic people don’t talk like that. Stop with the bad Spanglish.
Yikes, this is not the criticism you like to see.
Mayhaps, instead of degrading me for something I know I’m not fluent in, you could correct my mistakes. I’ve mentioned previously that I’m not fluent, nor a Spanish speaker, and that I’m open to people correcting my work in kind and helpful ways.
I am learning and trying to at least involve some of Miguel’s culture into my work through what I can. No need to be rude. Point out my mistakes, correct me, and help me learn. You’re doing no one any help by being rude.
If anyone is able to provide me tips or corrections, please do message me. I want to learn from my mistakes with the help from those who care to aid my learning.
I don’t want to be disrespectful. I get what it’s like to have culture misinterpreted, I’m indigenous myself. So for the love of god, be helpful instead of negative when it comes to mistakes.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
miggy getting a little delulu during sex and desperately tries to breed reader despite knowing that it’s not possible
- Miguel O’Hara x M!reader
- Genre: NSFW (MDNI)
- Warnings: Overstimulation, Dacryphilia, Breeding kink, Mating, Selfish needs, Daddy/mommy Kink, A/B/O taken into mind but not specified, dominant!Miguel, feminization despite AMAB!reader, aftercare
- Synopsis: Miguel has his heat and uses you to try and get rid of it; all while groaning and grunting about how he’s going to fill you full of his spiderlings.
- A/N: Title is based off an article I came across because I thought it was fucking hilarious. And furthermore, this is my first time writing NSFW.
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You had gotten home, or in this case Miguel’s dimension, later than usual after working overtime. You hadn’t been keeping track of the days recently, suppose that’s why you were surprised to find all lights off within the house and two glowing red eyes tracking your movements.
Miguel was in his heat.
You slow your body, maintaining eye contact with spider-halfling. “Can I at least get changed..?” You mumble, only to yelp as he pounces.
He has you pinned on your stomach, growling and whining beside your ear. His hot breath fanning against your face as he moves lower to nuzzle into your neck. His pelvis grinding against your backside, growing frustrated with the lack of entry due to your clothes.
Fed up, he straddles you and wastes no time of tearing your clothes off. Leaving you nude in a pile of your clothes as he yet again mounts onto your body. You’re not necessarily scared, nor unwilling of this, but you’re complaining about your clothes and he’s not having it.
His fangs scrape against your neck, and you’re shuddering with the familiar feeling. “Be good for papi and quiet down.” You do as he says, whining softly as his length slips into your hole without prep, but it doesn’t stop him.
He’s already thrusting without remorse, pinning you beneath him as he grunts and huffs. “Gonna.. gonna make you round with my eggs.. my spiderlings…” he snarls, one hand wrapping around your throat and the other lifting a leg of yours up.
You’re babbling and agreeing, tears of bliss rolling down your flushed cheeks. His fingers find their way into your mouth, whispering tauntingly about having your ‘pretty mouth put to use’.
His fingers eventually slip free, his hand moving to wrap around your cock, starting up a slow pace. “I heard a theory that female orgasm increases chance of pregnancy…” he huffs, nipping at your ear as his harsh thrusts continue.
He’s lost far into his primal needs and instincts, desperate to breed his mate. Lifting your hips up to angle deeper, earning squeals and moans from your loose mouth.
“Buen Chico… you’ll be such a good mami..” he groans, voice a low rasp. Your body trapped beneath his own, leaving you desperate for more.
You’re not sure how many times you’ve climaxed, nor do you care. Blinded by the pleasure as he continues pounding into your body desperately. “So good… s’tight..”
You know he’s getting closer with the way he slurs and holds you tighter, growing slower yet harsher with his thrusts before holding your head down and bottom up, pushing as far as he could and releasing a hot spillage of his seed within your needy hole.
He stays there, refusing to pull as he lies you both down slowly. “Such a good job, mami… took me so well..” he coos softly, stroking back your hair and kissing away your tears.
It takes at least fifteen to twenty minutes before he slips loose, picking up your exhausted body and heading for the washroom. He sets you down in the tub, starting up a warm bath and washing you.
“Gonna have such a healthy cluster.. make a big nest…” he rambles on and on, kissing your forehead as he dries you off and carries you back to your shared bedroom.
Rather than dress you in your own clothes, he has you wear his, and even then it’s some boxers and a large oversized sweatshirt. Refusing to let you sleep in the bed, instead guiding you to what seems to be a large hammock like web. Something he must have made while waiting for your return.
He sets you down in the sticky, yet surprisingly comfortable, web, seemingly waiting for your opinion. “Such a nice web, Miggy…” you hoarsely coo, rubbing his cheek as he purrs contently.
“You should sleep.. I’ll watch over you.” He huffs, crawling up to sit by your head, holding you close as you drift asleep.
Besides, if he was going to keep up his mating all week, he should act as a responsible and protective mate to prove he was a good father. After all, you’d be carrying his spiderlings.
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dj-spiderman · 2 years ago
I had a really bad day today. Like absolutely shit day. I would love some hurt-to-comfort fic.
I have this thing where as soon as I starts to have a break down I try to think logically as to why I shouldn't be having one and ultimately decide that it's useless and stupid so I stop
I would like just the scene of the reader having a break down, and just crying while looking emotionless or even smiling and then just sighing and saying "i don't have time for this" and completely stops crying. The character (you can decide) sees this and is completely thrown off guard.
The character obviously asks if everything is alright and tge reader is confused as to why he asked, obviously he has to be. The character just comforts the reader, cradling him in their arms and acting like they are a little kitten who was left out in the rain, and the reader starts crying again because he hasn't been comforted in a long time
So please end it with fluff where they cuddle (reader being the little spoon)
Please don't stress yourself too much, I don't know how stressful it is to write, but I oftne read some pots to net be rude to creators, and I don't want to be rude. So thank you in advance
- Peter B x M!reader
- Genre: comfort!!
- A/N: I hope your day gets better!! I have a similar thing when it comes to breakdowns where I get into it, but then see something funny and completely forget or just tell myself that it’s not the right time. Anywho, it’s short, sadly, but full of some sweet sweet comfort.
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You and Peter has been in your dimension, you had been frustrated the whole day, trying not to breakdown. Of course, you couldn’t help it once you lost a game you were almost winning. The tears welling up in your eyes and your breaths growing to stutter as you try and hold it all back. Telling yourself it was a stupid reason to cry.
It took a minute before you were back to your normal cocky self, but Peter couldn’t shake it off.
He had just seen you breakdown before going back as if nothing happened. That couldn’t have been healthy, and so, he paused the game. Setting down his controller as he turned to face you with a look of pure concern.
“You alright?” He asked, earning a look of confusion from yourself.
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be..?” Your head tilted lightly.
“You seem stressed.. do you wanna… talk about it?” Peter offers, holding his arms open awkwardly.
Something seemed to snap in your head, tears welling up again as you scramble into his grasp. Your soft cries and shaking body being soothed by the other. Reassuringly cooing and speaking.
“It’s okay.. I’ve got you, you’re alright…” there’s no pressure to speak. No need to at the moment. He’s content just holding you while you cry. “You’ve done such a good job today, you deserve a break..” he hums, resting his chin atop your head, gently rocking your bodies.
You find yourself calming in his grasp, lying your head against his chest. Listening to the pulse of his heart, eyes half lidded as you feel yourself drifting.
“That’s it, you’re okay… you deserve some rest. I’ll keep you safe.. no one will bug you.” He chuckles lightly, stroking your hair back and wiping some spare tears from your eyes.
You lean into the warm touch, finally allowing for your eyes to close and body to relax. All previous stress leaving your mind as you accept the comfort provided.
Maybe you did deserve a break..
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