dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Celebrating Your Inner Strength and Resilience
Each of us weaves a unique and profound journey filled with highs and lows, challenges and triumphs. It’s a journey that tests our mettle, pushing us to our limits and, at times, isolating us from the world around us. Yet, in these moments of solitude, we discover an inner strength and resilience we never knew we possessed. In this blog post, we explore the importance of celebrating our strength…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Power of Silence: Harnessing Stillness in Times of Anger
In the fast-paced world we live in today, emotions often run high, and anger can flare up unexpectedly. It’s a natural response to frustrating situations, but how we handle our anger makes all the difference. In those heated moments, silence can become the most powerful voice. In the stillness, we find the space to reflect, understand, and respond with wisdom, rather than reacting in haste. This…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Embracing Change: The Beautiful Evolution of Heart and Mind
Change is an inevitable part of life. It comes in various forms, from small, everyday adjustments to life-altering transformations. Often, our minds are quick to understand and rationalize change, but our hearts, the guardians of our deepest emotions, may lag behind. This disconnect between our head and our heart can lead to inner turmoil and resistance. However, it’s essential to trust the…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Be Teachable: Embrace the Power of Humility
Acknowledging this simple fact, that you are not always right, is not a sign of weakness but a profound display of strength and wisdom. It’s the cornerstone of being teachable, a quality that can transform your life in ways you might not yet comprehend. The Power of Humility Humility is the foundation upon which being teachable rests. It’s the recognition that you don’t have all the answers,…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Lessons Only Rock Bottom Can Teach You
Life is an unpredictable journey, marked by peaks of success and valleys of despair. We often find ourselves fixated on reaching those mountaintop moments, where the view is breathtaking, and the air is thin with achievement. It’s natural to strive for greatness and aim for the stars, but what if I told you that there are lessons waiting for us in the depths of rock bottom that we may never…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Embrace Life's Uncertainties: Choose Risk Over Regret
In the quiet corners of our minds, there exists a perennial debate: the age-old battle between the allure of the known and the seduction of the unknown. It’s a choice that echoes through the chambers of our lives, resonating with the haunting question, ‘Do we dare risk it all, or do we choose the safety of the familiar, living forever haunted by the ‘what ifs’? In life, we often find ourselves…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Not Everything Needs to Be Said
In a world where noise often drowns out the beauty of silence, it’s important to recognize the value of staying silent. Not everything needs to be said, and sometimes, the most profound messages are conveyed through the absence of words. By choosing our words wisely, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and fostering thoughtfulness, we can harness the power of silence to improve our relationships,…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Sometimes Walls Are There So We Can Lean on Them and Rest
Life can be a relentless journey, filled with its ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. It often feels like a continuous race, with little time to catch our breath. In these moments, we might find ourselves longing for a place to rest, to lean on, and to gather our strength. Surprisingly, sometimes, those places are not found in the open, but in the walls that surround us. In this blog post,…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Keep watch
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; Watch your words, they become your actions; Watch your actions, they become your habits; Watch your habits, they become your character; Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” – Lao Tzu
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
How often do I walk or run?
Daily writing promptHow often do you walk or run?View all responses I walk every day. I try to average 9 kms each and every day. Sometimes I go over other times I don’t hit my target. I don’t run that much, my knees won’t allow it.
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Honest Conversations
Love, a word that holds immense power, has the ability to bring joy, fulfillment, and meaning to our lives. It’s a universal experience that transcends borders, cultures, and time. Yet, for all its beauty, love can often feel like a fleeting emotion. Why is that? The answer lies in the simple but profound truth: Until men and women start having honest conversations about who they truly are, what…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Pursuit of Strength vs. the Art of Happiness: Finding Balance in Life
In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s not uncommon for many of us to find ourselves caught in a never-ending cycle of striving for strength, both mentally and physically. We constantly push ourselves to be stronger, to overcome obstacles, and to achieve our goals. While these qualities are undoubtedly important for personal growth and success, there’s a significant danger in becoming so…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Hidden Language of 'I'm Tired': Navigating Depression and Emotional Upheaval
Saying “I’m tired” when you’re actually feeling depressed or upset is a common way that people may express their emotional distress indirectly. Many individuals find it challenging to openly discuss their feelings of depression or sadness due to stigma, fear of judgment, or a desire to protect themselves from vulnerability. Saying “I’m tired” in such situations can serve as a defense mechanism or…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Cultivating Lasting Connections
It’s important to remember and appreciate those who stood by you during your difficult times. True friends and supportive loved ones are often revealed in times of struggle and adversity. These individuals are the ones who offer their help, lend a listening ear, or provide emotional support when you need it most. Maintaining these relationships and showing gratitude for their presence can…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
Challenges: The Essence of a Meaningful Life
Life is an intricate journey filled with countless experiences, both pleasant and challenging. It is often said that challenges are what make life interesting, and indeed, they are the crucible in which the meaning of our existence is forged. While challenges can be daunting and uncomfortable, it is through overcoming them that we discover our true potential, develop resilience, and ultimately…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Subjectivity of Perception
The statement “No one sees what you see, even if they see it too” reflects the idea that each individual’s perception and interpretation of the world around them is unique and subjective. Even if two people witness the same event or observe the same object, their personal experiences, beliefs, emotions, and perspectives can lead them to perceive and understand it differently. This concept is…
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dixonsokoro-blog · 1 year
The Art of Solitude: Embracing the Skill of Being Alone
In our increasingly connected world, where social media, constant communication, and the desire for external validation dominate our lives, the art of being alone is a skill that often goes unappreciated. Yet, paradoxically, the ability to embrace solitude is one of the greatest skills a person can learn. In this essay, we will explore why being alone is valuable, the benefits it offers, and how…
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