divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
As promised, the wires!! Add them!
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
Blog Update
I'm weak and Kelly is going back on her own blog. I'm in the process of getting her set up but she'll be launched probably by sometime today.
I'll also be launching a new character blog today too. Nathan Brown, the son of Bobby Brown. He's based mostly in Cobra Kai and exclusive with @taughtpain's version of Robby based on the relationship and backstory we've built for them.
Both of them will also have Wires, which i'll post here once I have them set up.
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
PROMPTS FOR CHECK INS * Ā assorted dialogue for checking with someone to see if they're okay, find out what's going on, etc etc., adjust as necessary
do you have everything you need for your trip?
how have you been since i last saw you?
pretty sure you never told me what happened.
while you're doing that, why don't you fill me in?
you're the only person that cares to ask how i am.
when's the last time you slept?
i won't tell a soul if you tell me what happened.
i just want to make sure you're okay.
i haven't spoken to you in quite some time.
could you give me a rundown of what happened?
i'd like to know what's going on.
what am i walking into?
it's not as bad as it looks.
you can trust me with the truth.
let me take a look at your injury.
you haven't slept in days. i can tell.
thank you for checking on me.
are you feeling better than you were the last time i saw you?
i'm just checking on you.
not trying to bug you. just wanted to know what's going on.
at least fill me in before you go.
walk me through what we're dealing with.
i hear you've got a plan?
do you need anything?
you can tell me anything.
i'll live.
let me grab you something to drink.
thank you for asking how i am.
when's the last time you ate?
that wound doesn't look too good.
would you relax for a second? i'm just checking on you.
that was a lie. try again and tell me the truth this time.
you're forgetting how well i know you.
you can't lie to me. i know all your tells.
stop bullshitting me and tell me what's really going on.
what are you hiding from me?
keep talking. i want to hear everything.
to tell you the truth, i'm struggling a bit here.
i think i deserve some honesty here.
i just want to check on you.
i'll come by in an hour and see how you're doing.
while i'm gone, [name] will be by to check on you.
can you let me care about you for two seconds?
you're terrible at keeping secrets from me.
you seem upset. what happened?
how long have you been dealing with this?
thanks for stopping by.
this sounds a lot worse than i expected.
you've been dealing with this alone, haven't you?
i've told you everything i know.
let me cook for you at least.
you look half-starved.
are you cold? why are you shaking?
there's more to the story that you're not saying.
why do you keep evading my questions?
that's not all there is, right?
so that's what they've been hiding.
thank you for being honest with me.
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
@taughtpain and @mskwtz are enablers so Nate and Kelly are getting their own blogs
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
Is me wanting to give Kelly her own blog again hours
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
PROMPTS FOR DENIAL, DENIAL, AND MORE DENIAL * assorted dialogue for saying no way! adjust as necessary
it wasn't me.
you must be mistaken.
i didn't do that.
i don't love you.
that wasn't a kiss.
denial is a river in egypt.
please just tell me the truth.
you've got it all wrong.
i don't think you're lying to me.
i never said that.
you're imagining things.
when did i ever tell you that?
that never happened.
i was in the other room when it happened.
i heard everything, but i didn't see it.
that was someone else.
just tell me what you know.
you know what? i believe you.
i didn't lie to you.
are you sure it was me that said that?
i swear, i didn't do anything.
if you didn't do it, you need to tell me who did.
on my mom's life, i didn't do it.
someone is setting me up.
who told you i was here?
the truth will set you free.
i wasn't here to do that.
you're making a big mistake.
they're blaming me for something i didn't do.
i didn't say that to you.
technically it wasn't a lie.
i was fast asleep when it happened.
i didn't hear anything.
you've mistaken me for someone else.
maybe you saw someone, sure, but it wasn't me.
they'll tell you where i was.
i never touched it.
if it's missing, it's not my fault.
i thought someone else was watching it!
i didn't promise you anything!
when did this happen?
you're shitting me.
this is a frame job.
who are you covering up for?
why don't you just tell me the truth?
i never said we were exclusive.
you didn't tell me you were going out.
it slipped my mind.
i didn't mean to lie to you.
i don't know how else to tell you i wasn't here.
they said i did it? when?
when are you going to quit lying to me?
yesterday you told me one thing, and today you're giving me a whole different story.
so what is the truth?
that's never been the case.
you made that up.
this is how you wanted me to find out?
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
PROMPTS FOR ORDINARY THINGS THAT FEEL INTIMATE * Ā inspired by this post. these don't have to be romantic - you can specify romantic or not when you send them. in essence, these are simply intimate, affectionate moments to share with someone you love and care about. adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of the prompt
[ lean ] sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder
[ shop ] sender and receiver go to the grocery store together
[ brush ] sender brushes receiver's hair
[ tie ] sender helps receiver with their tie, either by putting it on or adjusting it
[ necklace ] sender helps receiver with the clasp of their necklace from behind
[ zip up ] sender assists receiver with zipping up a piece of clothing
[ unzip ] sender assists receiver with unzipping a piece of clothing
[ shoelaces ] sender bends down to tie receiver's shoelaces
[ swipe ] sender notices a smudge of something on receiver's face and gently wipes it off
[ braid ] sender braids receiver's hair
[ jacket ] sender takes their jacket off and hangs it on receiver's shoulders
[ puddle ] sender hurries to stop receiver from stepping into a puddle
[ drinks ] sender brings receiver a drink from a bar/their kitchen
[ feed ] sender feeds receiver's pet/s for them
[ cook ] sender and receiver cook a meal together
[ feed ] sender allows receiver to try a bite of their dish, holding their fork out for receiver to taste
[ teach ] sender, an expert at something, takes time to teach receiver how it works and how they can get better at it, too
[ readjust ] sender comes up behind receiver and readjusts their stance (maybe holding a gun, holding a golf club, aiming for something, etc.) to help them
[ makeup ] sender fixes receiver's makeup for them
[ bathroom ] sender and receiver go to a public restroom together and have a normal conversation in between the stalls
[ aloud ] sender reads aloud to receiver
[ refill ] sender refills receiver's glass without asking
[ massage ] sender notices receiver looks tense, steps up behind them, and massages their shoulders
[ listen ] sender listens to receiver explain something they're passionate about
[ silence ] sender and receiver comfortably exist in silence together, both of them working or reading or focusing on something different
[ food ] sender brings food over to receiver's house
[ hum ] sender hums along to a song receiver is singing
[ see ] sender sees something that reminds them of receiver and texts them a picture of it
[ admire ] sender stares at receiver across a room, silently admiring and appreciating them from afar
[ win ] sender lets receiver beat them in a game
[ puzzle ] sender helps receiver solve/put together a puzzle
[ carry ] after receiver falls asleep in an inconvenient place, sender carries them to a bed and tucks them in
[ kneel ] sender finds receiver sick in the bathroom ("tossing their cookies"), and kneels beside them, holding their hair back and cleaning their face
[ clean ] sender helps bathe receiver
[ wash ] sender helps receiver wash their hair
[ patch ] sender carefully patches one of receiver's wounds
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
PROMPTS FOR SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER * Ā adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out
[ too late ] sender notices how late it is and suggests receiver sleeps over rather than travel the long distance home
[ sleepover ] sender and receiver have been planning this sleepover situation for a while now, and tonight's the night it finally happens!
[ one bed ] sender and receiver are forced to share the same room and the single bed within it
[ accident ] while traveling with receiver, sender accidentally books a room with one bed, and the place is too crowded to find another option
[ sick ] sender tends to a sick receiver at their home and stays the night to watch over them
[ injured ] sender brings an injured receiver home and refuses to leave their side overnight
[ couch ] while receiver sleeps on the couch, sender leaves their bedroom to snuggle with them instead
[ sneak ] while receiver sleeps in their bed, sender abandons their place on the couch and climbs into bed with them
[ awkward ] sender and receiver, laying in the same bed, establish some distance between their bodies before falling asleep. when they wake up, they realize they're cuddling
[ movie ] while watching a movie together, sender and receiver fall asleep on the couch and end up staying there all night
[ car ] with no hotel or place to stay in sight, sender and receiver fall asleep in their car together
[ fort ] sender and receiver build a pillow fort and fall asleep inside it
[ read ] sender reads to receiver to help them fall asleep
[ work ] forced to pull an all-nighter, sender and receiver work tirelessly side by side through the night
[ tent ] there's only one tent on this camping trip/adventure, so sender and receiver are forced to snuggle down in cramped quarters and make it work
[ outdoors ] sender and receiver construct a temporary shelter to get through the night outdoors, huddling together for warmth
[ pretend ] sender and receiver are fake-dating/fake-married and have to be seen staying the same room together to fully sell the relationship
[ intimacy ] sender and receiver wake up in the same bed and, in the haze of a beautiful morning, kiss for the very first time
[ whisper ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to sleep) beside them, sender whispers affectionate, reassuring things to them thinking they can't hear
[ caress ] while receiver sleeps (or pretends to be asleep) beside them, sender admires how wonderful they look and gently caresses their arm
[ innocent ] before the two of them fall asleep, sender leans in and presses an innocent kiss to receiver's forehead
[ kiss ] sender and receiver share a tender kiss before they cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms
[ spoon ] sender snuggles up behind receiver in bed and spoons them as they sleep
[ snore ] sender wakes up in the middle of the night and realizes receiver's snoring woke them up
[ hair ] sender gently strokes receiver's hair until they fall asleep
[ locked up ] locked away in the same cell/compartment, sender and receiver try and sleep side by side for comfort and warmth
[ cave ] out of options, sender and receiver are forced to spend the night together in a cave
i know my way around. i've stayed the night before.
is this the pillow i used last time?
mind if i stay the night?
you snore, you know.
i think i might fall asleep standing up.
it's not safe for you to drive home.
you should stay here. i don't mind.
i'll take the couch, and you can have my bed.
don't be serious. i'll take the couch.
this could be fun! it's a sleepover!
i have nowhere else to go.
i feel safer when you're here.
i don't want to impose.
are you the big spoon or little spoon?
would it be all right if i stayed the night?
i don't snore.
i'll stay on my side of the bed if you stay on yours.
pretend there's an invisible line down the middle of the bed. don't cross it.
there's no harm in cuddling.
i'm freezing.
is this the first time you've slept with someone?
this doesn't have to lead to sex.
this doesn't mean anything.
you fell asleep on my shoulder.
i'll protect you all night.
you'll never get home in a storm like this.
i don't want you driving in that.
i don't want you traveling in that.
bad news. the room's only got one bed.
is there a pullout couch we can use?
i'll just sleep on the floor.
pretty sure we cuddled all night.
you used me as your pillow.
i got you a blanket.
mind if i scoot in?
stay in bed. i'm here to help.
what's a little cuddling between friends?
i'm glad you stayed over.
what if we watch something to pass the time?
i didn't have anywhere else to go.
did you have to buy the smallest tent possible?
at least pretend that you like me.
do you like spooning?
this doesn't have to be awkward.
you're really warm.
this is cozy.
you should stay like this.
i don't want you to go.
can i hold you for a while?
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
PROMPTS FOR A SECRET RENDEZVOUS WITH YOUR LOVER * Ā assorted dialogue for moments of meeting in secret, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of the prompt
we can't keep meeting like this. sooner or later, they'll find us out.
you know i'll risk anything just to see you again.
when can we meet again?
when can you sneak away?
this is no way to live, [name].
i don't want to keep our love a secret.
you deserve better than kisses in the dark.
if my family found out i was seeing you, they'd never forgive me.
i don't want the crown. i want you.
they want me to marry [name], but i can't. i won't.
we should run away together.
they don't want us to be together.
took you long enough to get here! i was beginning to get worried.
i'm not of royal blood, and so they'll never let us be together.
did anyone see you?
this was the best hiding place i could find.
oh good! you got my note!
if anyone finds us here, we're dead.
they told me you're no good for me, but i didn't listen.
we'll find a way to be together, i promise.
i'll give it all up if i can just be with you.
they can't keep us apart. i won't let them.
i don't know how much more of this i can take.
they think you're a distraction.
[ balcony ] as receiver stands on a balcony, sender calls out to them from down below and/or climbs up to see them
[ bleachers ] sender and receiver secretly meet under the bleachers at a football game in order to spend time together
[ hidden ] sender and recever secretly meet in a hidden room
[ gardens ] sender and receiver secretly meet in the lush gardens of a castle
[ forest ] sender and receiver rendezvous in a dark forest
[ wishing well ] receiver waits for sender at their usual meeting point, an old wishing well
[ phone ] sender and receiver talk to each other in secret on the phone
[ captured ] while receiver waits for sender to arrive, sender is shoved into receiver's view, captured by the enemy
[ alert ] sender alerts receiver that they've been found out and need to run
[ last one ] both captured, sender manages to kiss receiver one last time before they're dragged away
[ crowded ] sender and receiver lock eyes across a crowded room and mouth to one another that they love each other
[ discovered ] sender and receiver are having their secret rendezvous and are suddenly discovered by someone they were trying to hide from
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
Reblog if it's okay to fill up your inbox!
-please feel free to specify in the tags any limits you may have! examples being: mutuals only; only for memes, general ic asks, or both; if ooc asks are welcomed; etc.
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
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š™žš™Ø š™žš™© š™– š™¬š™¤š™£š™™š™šš™§ š™ž š™—š™§š™¤š™ š™š ? š—Ÿš—˜š—§'š—¦ š—›š—˜š—”š—„ š—¢š—”š—˜ š— š—¢š—„š—˜ š—š—¢š—žš—˜ ; an independent & private roleplay for eli "hawk" moskowitz of netflix's cobra kai. loved by cris.
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divinityunraveled Ā· 2 months
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慤 慤慤慤慤ā ā€” in the end, I'm always the one picking up the pieces. āž
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divinityunraveled Ā· 3 months
Just a reminder when the show drops youā€™re all going to be subjected to the return of me, @mskwtz and @taughtpain extensive universe of shenanigans
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divinityunraveled Ā· 3 months
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Send me a ā­ and I'll fill this out for you!
(Feel free to use, edit, steal, or share this as you like.)
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divinityunraveled Ā· 3 months
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onceĀ  Ā uponĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā timeĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā thereĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  sheĀ  livedĀ  inĀ  aĀ  townĀ  fullĀ  ofĀ  stoneĀ  people.Ā  you'reĀ  nothingĀ  ,Ā  theyĀ  allĀ  saidĀ  toĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  Ā NOTHING.Ā  Ā everyĀ  nightĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirtĀ  wouldĀ  talkĀ  toĀ  theĀ  windĀ  . . .Ā  andĀ  theĀ  windĀ  wouldĀ  onlyĀ  sigh.Ā  theĀ  girlĀ  wasĀ  lonely.Ā  thenĀ  oneĀ  day,Ā  thereĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  storm.Ā  itĀ  rainedĀ  forĀ  daysĀ  andĀ  days.Ā  theĀ  waterĀ  climbedĀ  andĀ  climbed,Ā  higherĀ  andĀ  higher.Ā  soon,Ā  theĀ  stoneĀ  peopleĀ  wereĀ  trapped,Ā  beggingĀ  theĀ  windĀ  toĀ  takeĀ  themĀ  toĀ  safety.Ā  butĀ  theĀ  stoneĀ  peopleĀ  wereĀ  tooĀ  heavyĀ  toĀ  carry.Ā  thenĀ  theĀ  windĀ  spottedĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  sheĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  noĀ  problemĀ  toĀ  carry.Ā  soĀ  theĀ  windĀ  openedĀ  itsĀ  arms,Ā  Ā andĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirtĀ  turnedĀ  toĀ  air . . . .Ā  andĀ  flew. Ā©
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divinityunraveled Ā· 3 months
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į“„Ź€į“€źœ±ŹœÉŖÉ“É¢ į“›Źœį“‡ į“˜į“€Ź€į“›Ź, É¢į“œį“‡źœ±źœ± į“›Źœį“‡Ź ŹŸį“źœ±į“› į“Ź ÉŖÉ“į“ ÉŖį“›į“€į“›ÉŖį“É“ źœ°Ź€ÉŖį“‡É“į“…ŹŸŹ Ź€į“‡į“ÉŖÉ“į“…į“‡Ź€, É¢į“į“› į“Ź į“į“”É“ į“‹ÉŖÉ“į“… į“źœ° į“˜į“‡Ź€źœ±į“œį“€źœ±ÉŖį“É“
private independent mal faerie from descendants.
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divinityunraveled Ā· 3 months
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onceĀ  Ā uponĀ  Ā aĀ  Ā timeĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā thereĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  sheĀ  livedĀ  inĀ  aĀ  townĀ  fullĀ  ofĀ  stoneĀ  people.Ā  you'reĀ  nothingĀ  ,Ā  theyĀ  allĀ  saidĀ  toĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  Ā NOTHING.Ā  Ā everyĀ  nightĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirtĀ  wouldĀ  talkĀ  toĀ  theĀ  windĀ  . . .Ā  andĀ  theĀ  windĀ  wouldĀ  onlyĀ  sigh.Ā  theĀ  girlĀ  wasĀ  lonely.Ā  thenĀ  oneĀ  day,Ā  thereĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  storm.Ā  itĀ  rainedĀ  forĀ  daysĀ  andĀ  days.Ā  theĀ  waterĀ  climbedĀ  andĀ  climbed,Ā  higherĀ  andĀ  higher.Ā  soon,Ā  theĀ  stoneĀ  peopleĀ  wereĀ  trapped,Ā  beggingĀ  theĀ  windĀ  toĀ  takeĀ  themĀ  toĀ  safety.Ā  butĀ  theĀ  stoneĀ  peopleĀ  wereĀ  tooĀ  heavyĀ  toĀ  carry.Ā  thenĀ  theĀ  windĀ  spottedĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirt.Ā  sheĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  noĀ  problemĀ  toĀ  carry.Ā  soĀ  theĀ  windĀ  openedĀ  itsĀ  arms,Ā  Ā andĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  madeĀ  ofĀ  dirtĀ  turnedĀ  toĀ  air . . . .Ā  andĀ  flew. Ā©
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