Divination Daily
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Tarot Advice
What is holding me back right now?
These readings were performed on 1/17/2023 with a Rider-Waite Tarot deck. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Choose a number 1 through 3. then proceed to the corresponding reading for your advice...
Reading 1 - Four of Wands
There is absolutely nothing holding you back right now. You are at your highest potential and you are flourishing. Everything is in harmony and it all makes sense to you.
Reading 2 - Five of Wands
You are dealing with some fake aspects right now. It may be fake friends, lies, or simply you misinterpreting a situation. Make sure to think and properly analyze every aspect of your situation before moving forwards, reflection upon your life is suggested too.
Reading 3 - Ten of Pentacles
You may he lacking a sense of family at the moment. Whether it be your blood family, or simply those around you. Try to make connections with people you care about. Share your thoughts and emotions with them to create a connection and mutual understanding
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Private tarot/oracle readings are now open!
Send an email to [email protected] to receive a tarot or oracle reading!
As of right now, I can ONLY accept cash app payments.
Payments are expected to be paid COMPLETELY upfront after receiving a confirmation email from me.
1-2 cards — $5
3-4 cards — $7
5-6 cards — $9
7-8 cards — $11
8+ cards — $13+
Required Information
To receive a reading, send an email to [email protected] providing the following information:
Tarot or oracle reading
Situation and question explanation with background information
First names of everyone mentioned, including yourself
Number of cards in reading
Optional Information
Each added preference will add $1 to your total price.
Preferred reading layout
Preferred deck (see decks here)
Preferred manifestation techniques
Preferred location of reading (+$5)
Preferred time of reading
Feel free to include any additional questions or special requests/preferences that aren't listed above!
If you have any issues, questions, or problems, email [email protected] and I will try my best to get back to you!
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Tarot Deck Masterlist
Delusion Tarot – Lunart Design
Premium Color Edition: The Guiding Light Tarot – Victoria Ivanova
The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
White Sage Tarot – Theressa Hutch
Oracle Deck Masterlist
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle – Kim Krans
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Tarot Advice
This reading was performed on 1/14/2024 with a Delusion Tarot tarot deck by Lunart Design. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Ten of Cups, The Tower
The Chariot, Ace of Wands
Six of Cups
Seven of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Swords
You will experience a tumultuous moment with a person, or people you love. This will bring change for the better within the dynamic. The best course of action for you to take to gain successful change in this new journey will be reflecting on your past. Whether it be meeting with a childhood friend, reflecting on past memories and/or past trauma, or simply finding happiness from past events. In the end, you will find yourself successful, even if the path along the way seems unpredictable. You will have good luck and wisdom on your side. You will make it past your problems with ease, simply let your intuition guide you.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Tarot Advice
What is my current strength?
These readings were performed on 1/2/2023 with a White Sage Tarot tarot deck by Theresa Hutch. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Choose a number 1 through 3. then proceed to the corresponding reading for your advice...
Reading 1
King of Pentacles Reversed
Despite the corruption and peril surrounding you, you manage to stay grounded and focused. Your strength is the ability to hold your ground and stay focused when times get tough.
Reading 2
Eight of Cups
Your strength is the ability to take a step back and look at the big picture. You help lead the way for others with your ability to ponder and think on topics.
Reading 3
Three of Wands
Your strength is your mastery of establishing your position and having enough strength to keep going when life seems to turn against you.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Tarot Advice
What are my current weaknesses?
These readings were performed on 1/2/2023 with a White Sage Tarot tarot deck by Theresa Hutch. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Choose a number 1 through 3. then proceed to the corresponding reading for your advice...
Reading 1
4 of Wands Reversed
You may be experiencing so communication troubles at this time. Try talking to those around you, setting boundaries, expressing yourself, or learning to say no.
Reading 2
Ace of Swords
You may be struggling with a lack of intuition right now. You may have a lack of mental clarity and/or be indecisive. Try practicing decision making, meditating, reflecting on your feelings, or grounding activities.
Reading 3
8 of Swords Reversed
You may be struggling with mental healing right now. You may have problems from the past that continue to show up in your life and affect your mental health. Try journaling, talk therapy, mindfulness, and letting go.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Oracle Advice
These readings were performed on 1/1/2023 with The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle by Kim Krans. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Choose a number 1 through 3. then proceed to the corresponding reading for your advice...
Reading 1, Wolf
guardian of family & tribe, activism, ritual
The Wolf's mission is to uphold the well being and longevity of the pack. Healthy Wolf energy expresses itself through activism, mentorship, humanitarian efforts, or teaching (religious or political studies). The Wolf gets into trouble when it assumes every member of the tribe must follow suit—this includes children walking in their parent's footsteps. Although it will surely be uncomfortable at first, practicing tolerance helps balance out agitated Wolf energy. contemplate the following: embrace all, exclude none.
When in balance: reliable, democratic, fearless
When out of balance: judgmental, dominating
To bring into balance: practice letting go
Reading 2, Peacock
inner-beauty, compassion, assimilator of anything
The beauty of the Peacock is unrivaled. It's easy to think it comes from the plumage...but the secret of the Peacock is that the beauty resides within and extends outward indefinitely. This adept creature can assimilate or "digest" all experiences in life, so it does not harbor resentment, conflict, or past pain within its psyche. The Peacock type is extremely care—not many of us have reached this advanced level of acceptance of the self and others.
When in balance: confident, kind
When out of balance: can't "digest" situations
To bring into balance: meditation on navel
Reading 3, Hawk
watchful, all-seeing, messenger of divinity
The sharp eyes of the Hawk watch our every move. This keen-eyed bird has the ability to see every little detail as well as the bigger picture. When this card appears, fate has its eyes on you, and the winds are shifting. It is said that the Hawk carries news upon its wings and is sent from divinity itself to deliver it. The message should not be taken lightly... though it may seem small or insignificant, it will eventually redirect your course.
When in balance: "sees" clearly, intuitive
When out of balance: sees too much, suspicious
To bring info balance: perspective shift
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
New Year's Chakra Advice
Coming into this new year, I would like to aid in everyones spiritual journeys by providing a little info for those who need it. The following will help you figure out which of your chakras are misaligned, and how to realign them.
Root (Muladhara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Grounded, centered, calm, sense of safety, trust in objects around self
When out of alignment:
Ungrounded, disconnected, fear, weight problems, money problems, rigidness
To bring into alignment:
Connect with Earth and nature, grounding activities, physical activity, red crystals, -LAM mantra
Sacral (Scadhisthana) Chakra
When in alignment:
Creative, energetic, joyful, playful, passionate, open, honest, forgiving, sexuality
When out of alignment:
Abdominal pain, withdrawal and isolation, manipulation, aggression, codependence
To bring into alignment:
Emotional reflection, creativity, swimming, uplifting affirmations, orange crystals, -VAM mantra
Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra
When in alignment:
Confidence, positivity, high self-esteem, driven, motivated, positive self image
When out of alignment:
Low self-esteem, lack of ambition, feeling worthless, sensitive to criticism, lack of purpose
To bring into alignment:
Positive affirmations, be in the sunlight, change your mindset to empower yourself, yellow crystals, -RAM mantra
Heart (Anahata) Chakra
When in alignment:
Loving, caring, compassionate, unconditional love, connected to others, kindness, empathy
When out of alignment:
Depression, loneliness, feeling unloved/unlovable, selfishness, spite, jealousy
To bring into alignment:
Gratitude activities, empowering affirmations, establish boundaries, green crystals, -VAM mantra
Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra
When in alignment:
Clear communication, honesty, expressive, decisive, speaks with clarity and confidence
When out of alignment:
Shyness, withdrawn, difficulty expressing self, indecisive, dishonest, poor socializing
To bring into alignment:
Neck massage, vocal activities, recording feelings and thoughts, saying no, blue crystals, -HAM mantra
Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra
When in alignment:
Intuitive, imaginative, open-minded, insightful, trusting
When out of alignment:
Lack of intuition, unimaginative, close-minded, lack of insight, distrusting, paranoia, difficulty concentrating
To bring into alignment:
Explore new ideas, meditation, visualization activities, mindfulness, indigo crystals, -OM mantra
Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Spiritual, enlightened, focused, divine peace, connected to self and higher power, trust in inner knowing
When out of alignment:
Cynical, close-minded, disconnected from self and higher power, unfocused, scattered, forgetful
To bring into alignment:
Meditation, spiritual practices, prayer, divination, violet and white crystals, -OM mantra
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
New Year Tarot Advice
How will your New Year be?
These readings were performed on 12/31/2023 with a Rider-Waite tarot deck. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Choose a number, 1 through 4. Go to the corresponding reading to see how your New Year will be.
Reading 1
Page of Swords, Seven of Pentacles
This New Year will be one of evaluation for you. You will notice aspects about yourself that you did not notice before. You will learn how these traits are holding you back, and in turn better yourself. You will get what you want this New Year.
Reading 2
Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands
This New Year, you will move very quickly towards your goals. You will flourish financially and may even change place of residence. This New Year will bring you good fortune and quick goal reaching.
Reading 3
Queen of Pentacles, Judgement
You will have very keen intuition this New Year. Your intuition shall guide you through the year and lead you to success and stability. You will flourish during this New Year.
Reading 4
The Hanged Man Reversed, The Moon
Unfortunately, your New Year will bring misfortune and deception. You may choose to be selfish to others, or the will choose to be selfish towards you, which will cause deception, terror, and hidden enemies to emerge.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Tarot Advice
This reading was performed on 12/31/2023 with a White Sage Tarot tarot deck by Theresa Hutch. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
TOPIC: 8 of Wands
SITUATION: 5 of Swords, 10 of Swords
ADVICE: The High Priestess
Notes: 05 50
Lot of aspects of your life may be changing right now. You likely find yourself in a tense and hostile situation, with intense grief and loss. This situation requires nothing more than your intuition, which will guide you through and past that emotional pain. You may uncover inner secrets or dedicate time to spirituality to align yourself spiritually against this challenge.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Oracle Advice
This reading was performed on 12/30/2023 with The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle by Kim Krans. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Clearing, Cleansing, Healing
The Frog and the Water element are almost inseparable. The Frog spends its first months of life entirely within this healing element, and then emerges to rest on land. But no matter how "Earthly" the Frog becomes, its need for cleansing and rejuvenation is regular. Frogs tend to become overworked and undernourished, so it's vital that such sensitive creatures practice self-care. This card serves as a reminder that Water helps us cleanse, forgive, and release. Time to dive in, Frogs are 't meant to carry a heavy load.
When in balance: clear energy and enthusiasm for life
When out of balance: depleted, running on empty
To bring into balance: lake, river, ocean, or bathhouse
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
This reading was performed on 12/30/2023 with a Rider-Waite tarot deck. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Five of Swords
Two of Cups
Eight of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
Wheel of Fortune
Seven of Cups
The Star
Notes: Nakedness/Natural state
Fate may seem against you at these times, however it is important to remain strong. There is a new relationship awaiting you, a new relationship that will bring you everything you could ever want. All you need to do is get past the hard times, and good fortune will await you. You and your new companion will learn how to be responsible and take the relationship at a steady pace. However for now, simply be aware that everything is okay, everything will be okay, and everything has always been okay. Your divine path with find you, and you will flourish. The hard times are only a spiritual test or endurance.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
Quick Oracle + Tarot Advice
This reading was performed on 12/29/2023 with The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle by Kim Krans, and a White Sage Tarot tarot deck by Theresa Hutch. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
The Camel
Resourceful, Independent, Knows one's self
The Camel can handle absolutely anything., as it carries a wealth of nourishment within. This wondrous creature is self-reliant and handles challenge with ease. Even in the face of excess heat (judgement or anger) the Camel searches inside for The cool elixir of water to calm the situation. The Camel represents the ultimate form of bringing opposites into balance (Fire and Water), and being responsible for one's own reactions. The Camel is a wonderful traveler, and is especially fond of trips to faraway lands.
When in balance: calm, content, sparkle in eye
When out of balance: dehydrated, lacks vitality
To bring into balance: a pilgrimage
9 of Pentacles
2 of Pentacles
You have an abundance of balance right now. You are juggling everything perfectly and using your better judgement to make the right decisions and follow your proper path. You are calm and collected, and it shows. Keep up the good work and keep up your self-care routines.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
This reading was performed on 12/29/2023 with a Premium Color Edition The Guiding Light Tarot, Prism Edition tarot deck by Victoria Iva. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Four of Pentacles
The Hermit
Two of Cups
King of Pentacles
Two of Swords
King of Cups
Eight of Wands
The Fool
Notes: 222, Divine masculine
You may be doing stable in your life right now despite being alone, however it is time to invite someone i to your inner circle. This person is going to be someone who is an experienced leader and skilled in relationship management because they are a very stable person. This person will provide for you and express kind words and understanding to you. This will be a great person for you. They will lead you towards personal goals and help you achieve them. This will be a new beginning for you and a big event in your life, good luck.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
This reading was performed on 12/28/2023 with a White Sage Tarot tarot deck by Theresa Hutch. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
9 of Swords
6 of Wands
The Emperor
9 of Wands Reversed
The Lovers
10 of Pentacles
Queen of Cups Reversed
Death Reversed
6 of Pentacles
4 of Cups
Temperance Reversed
2 of Pentacles
4 of Swords Reversed
7 of Wands
Knight of Cups
Notes: 33, 88, 99, 9696
There is some discomfort going on. This could be affecting your public image or you confidence. The discomfort may stem from the lack of a proper father figure, or a divine masculine interfering with your life. You may be about to give up on this divine masculine because and end your relationship with them. This is a decision that should be made because this is a decision for your own mental stability and health. You may have been putting this off for a long time, and its time to let them go now. You may be co-dependent of this person, but you are not giving as much as you are receiving, or receiving as much as you are giving. Because of the four of cups, it is probably the former, due to a lack of motivation. This relationship is not equal, which means it should probably come to an end or be worked on because it is not fair.
If you want to attempt to salvage this relationship, you will need to use your judgement to figure out what needs to change. Even if you begin to feel exhausted and burnt out, you must know that you need to keep moving on; you must persevere if you wish to keep the relationship. If you do so successfully, beauty, charm, and potentially romance will flourish in this relationship.
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divinationdaily · 1 year ago
This reading was performed on 12/28/2023 with a Rider-Waite tarot deck. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Nine of Cups
The Star
Three of Pentacles Reversed
The World Reversed
Two of Wands
Queen of Swords
Two of Swords
Notes: 222, 13 31, 414, 333
Your body and mind have been given all that they need to flourish and you most likely feel renewed and refreshed. You may have a sense of rebirth due to your health requirements being met. You've just come out of a period of misalignment and disharmony, and perhaps a period of loneliness. You may have worked on yourself alone to heal, or you may have been distanced from those you love, but you now have what you need to pursue harmony and wellbeing in your interpersonal relationships.
It is advised that you cut ties with something that no longer holds purpose to you, such as a past relationship or past situation. Whatever the case, this baggage has been affecting your confidence and personal progress regarding decision making and discovery.
Your intuition will lead you to find balance and harmony in terms of your relationships and mental baggage. It may be hard to hold this balance and may take time away from other aspects of your life, but you may trust in the process, and may find that things work out in the end.
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