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congrats on winning your argument but man i dont even see how it was bullying?? more like the person was embarrassed and changed things to look like you bullied them off tumblr rather than make a legitimate argument
That's the point I was trying to make. Like I didn't bully them and it's such bullshit that they considered it bullying when like I did nothing but show them they were wrong so completely that they couldn't say anything against it.
Like, to think that being told you are systematically wrong is bullying is privileged as fuck and really makes light of how real and problematic bullying is.
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You didn't even read my argument. B/c I had shown exactly what was wrong with everything that was being said in terms of how dirkroxy is queer erasure
Especially since gay people do end up dating people not of their same sex and it doesn't make them less gay.
Like, did you even read what I said? Because I A) very calmly and systematically argued against their point and didn't attack them at all. And B) I explained why this whole cry out of "queer erasure" is wrong.
But no, keep on saying that it is queer erasure without understanding how sexuality can be dynamic and that it's not queer erasure b/c nobody is denying that he had a queer relationship with Jake.
Like, if you really think that giving a legit argument is bullying someone offa tumblr, you're privileged to think that's so horrid to be bullying material. Especially since I said nothing to be a bully but give an argument that the OP wanted against their point.
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Like that person I bet didn't even read the post itself and just wanted to look cool b/c I totally said how dirk could end up with roxy and still be gay.
But no, let's just be little pissbrats who don't know anything. That's the best way to really do queer issues.
Like I have yet to see anything being done about queer issues here minus yelling at dirkroxy shippers to feel bad about their ship and calling it queer erasure to a group of people many of which are already queer.
And btw, bisexual people are QUEER
Like, do you even realize how wrong you really are?
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Plus I love how that person who just reblogged my post totally has it so that I can't go reblog it to rebut it directly
Like seriously, if you wanna take me on with a proper argument, I'm more than happy to rebut it and show why it's wrong.
But then again, you guys probably don't actually give a shit about actually understanding queer issues.
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Y'all are boring as fuck
Like if you really think that calmly breaking down someone's argument and tearing it into pieces is "bullying" someone off the internet, you are really privileged to think of a calm rebuttal to be so horrid.
Not to mention that every single one of my points are valid and just yelling the fact that it's "queer erasure" and harassing half the tag b/c you want to push your "mightier than thou" attitude doesn't mean shit in terms of the facts.
And y'all still don't understand what queer erasure is.

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I love how roxy-lalondes' freakout over my post has actually lead people to like what I've said and also I gained followers from it.
Like talk about counter-productive. xD
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Why? Because I proved OP wrong to the point that they just left?
The fact that you don't understand what queer erasure actually is and that you totally didn't understand anything that I said in order for you to have such a view on the thing as disgusting. Like, I honestly don't understand what you're trying to do here? Especially since all of my arguments are right there and they're all legit.
Like, I never knew that calling people out on wrong information is so disgusting. Especially since the understanding of what queer erasure here is problematic. Especially since nobody here is denying the fact that Dirk is queer and had his queer relationship with Jake. Like, you can deny it all you want, but all of my points are completely valid and actually poke holes in the problematic aspects of calling dirkroxy, queer erasure.
So tag, I would like you to know that. blogger quit tumblr b/c i called them out on their shit in this post
I want my 50$
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Actually the problem with your argument is the fact that he has only had contact with 3 other people. It’s impossible to have a complete understanding of sex and sexuality without having more targets. His orientation is pretty much “Jake” because that is really the only direction it can go to. And there’s so many problematic with that idea too.
The fact of the matter is, with other 3 people and no interest in 2, the “gayness” of dirk can drastically change (or not) with the exposure of more people. Like this is basic psychology. You can have a preference, but since sexuality is dynamic, with more people, there becomes chances of that sexuality shifting or not.
And even so, what about experimenting? What about testing the waters? Straight ppl sometimes have homosexual relationships but they are still straight. And gay people sometimes have heterosexual relationships but they are still gay. And asexual people sometimes do have romantic and sexual relationships. Sexuality is dynamic and flowing and by having the relationships out of the supposed “norm” doesn’t mean that they are any less gay or any less straight or any less asexual.
This sounds like gay fetishizing logic tbch where unless it’s gay and only gay, it’s somehow “queer erasure” or “homophobic”. Sounds like people who say that if you don’t ship “Johnlock” you’re somehow homophobic.
Plus let’s not even go into how many ppl who are in the homestuck fandom and are shipping dirkroxy are queer themselves and talking over them by really stifling and are really based on bullshit stereotypical “culturally” stuck ideology of sexuality with an understanding that it is stagnant when it really isn’t. Like, this is really based on really old ideas of sexuality and that on it’s own is problematic with the new understandings of sexuality
Also, not to mention that the definition of queer erasure is wrong b/c nobody here denies the fact that DirkJake has happened so he has had that homosexual relationship and that’s solidly in canon and nobody is denying that so there’s really no erasure. Plus, bi/pan people are also queer. There is no erasure of the acceptance of the queer relationship that Dirk had so it’s not actually queer erasure unless these same shippers are denying the fact that DirkJake happened.
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Ahahaha. Thanks
But I meant like the 50$ that the OP mentioned b/c I totally won. xP
So tag, I would like you to know that. blogger quit tumblr b/c i called them out on their shit in this post
I want my 50$
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So tag, I would like you to know that. blogger quit tumblr b/c i called them out on their shit in this post
I want my 50$
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Actually the problem with your argument is the fact that he has only had contact with 3 other people. It's impossible to have a complete understanding of sex and sexuality without having more targets. His orientation is pretty much "Jake" because that is really the only direction it can go to. And there's so many problematic with that idea too.
The fact of the matter is, with other 3 people and no interest in 2, the "gayness" of dirk can drastically change (or not) with the exposure of more people. Like this is basic psychology. You can have a preference, but since sexuality is dynamic, with more people, there becomes chances of that sexuality shifting or not.
And even so, what about experimenting? What about testing the waters? Straight ppl sometimes have homosexual relationships but they are still straight. And gay people sometimes have heterosexual relationships but they are still gay. And asexual people sometimes do have romantic and sexual relationships. Sexuality is dynamic and flowing and by having the relationships out of the supposed "norm" doesn't mean that they are any less gay or any less straight or any less asexual.
This sounds like gay fetishizing logic tbch where unless it's gay and only gay, it's somehow "queer erasure" or "homophobic". Sounds like people who say that if you don't ship "Johnlock" you're somehow homophobic.
Plus let's not even go into how many ppl who are in the homestuck fandom and are shipping dirkroxy are queer themselves and talking over them by really stifling and are really based on bullshit stereotypical "culturally" stuck ideology of sexuality with an understanding that it is stagnant when it really isn't. Like, this is really based on really old ideas of sexuality and that on it's own is problematic with the new understandings of sexuality
Also, not to mention that the definition of queer erasure is wrong b/c nobody here denies the fact that DirkJake has happened so he has had that homosexual relationship and that's solidly in canon and nobody is denying that so there's really no erasure. Plus, bi/pan people are also queer. There is no erasure of the acceptance of the queer relationship that Dirk had so it's not actually queer erasure unless these same shippers are denying the fact that DirkJake happened.
But seriously, if anybody actually has some canon evidence that Dirk could be bi or pan, do let me know. In fact, if you have canon evidence that Dirk is bi or pan, shoot me your Paypal address and I’ll give you $50. No lie.
The only caveats are that the evidence cannot be “Dirk loves Roxy so…
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are you a boy or girl?
Neither and both
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Japan Officially Clears Use of Controversial ‘Rising Sun’ Flag
The Japanese government plans to legitimatize its stance on the use of a flag that symbolizes Japanese imperialism during World War II, according to a report.
Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun, a conservative daily, reported Tuesday that the government decided to establish a stronger stance on using the rising sun flag. The report comes after the Korea Football Association, South Korean soccer’s governing body, filed a complaint against Japanese soccer fans who waved the flag during a match against Korea in Seoul last month.
Such a move will certainly add more fuel to the contentious relationship between the Japanese and South Korean governments. The two countries have been at odds with each other on several political issues, which include a territorial dispute and controversy surrounding the conscription of wartime sexual slaves by the Japanese military during World War II.
The rising sun flag was initially prohibited by the Japanese government after the World War II, but a modified version of the flag was used by Japan’s Self-Defense Forces in 1954. Today, the Japanese navy uses the same flag.
Although Korea and China, two countries that suffered under Japanese rule during the first few decades of the 20th century, view the flag as an equivalent of Nazi Germany’s swastika, the symbol on the flag started to appear more frequently in recent years, especially during sporting events.
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I really didn't like the last keyboard but this one is significantly better. I haven't made any stupid typos yet. I don't know about this laptop though. It really doesnt do what I want it to do justice. I may end up getting the 15 in version of this laptop. Or getting one of the other laptops instead
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currently in the samsung store trying to use the keyboard to try to type out apost and the keyboard on this one fucking sucks.
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Oh also, being only romantically interested in Jake doesn't mean that dirk could have not been sexually attracted to women. In fact, there is nothing that shows that dirk couldn't be sexually attracted to women. And romantically interested in people is for many more reasons than just "I want to fuck them because they're sexually attractive to me"
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ALSO!!! It is a huge problem to force someone into a sexuality that they don't agree with or believe themselves to be in. So tbch, since he never has labeled himself as gay and actually avoided being labeled at all, you pushing this fact that he is gay and only gay (when shippers generally just ship it without giving him a label) is actually the most problematic thing here.
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