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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Door Lock Protection Spell
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This spell is intended to protect your space from unwanted entities, human or nonhuman, by creating an impenetrable barrier.
String or twine (preferably black, but any color will do)
Hot sauce
Black pepper
Cayanne pepper
Mixing bowl
Mortar and pestle/something to grind your herbs
Optional: War water
Perform any pre-spell rituals and gather the ingredients. Set your intention: to protect your space from unwanted entities.
Grind up and mix the sage, basil, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. As you mix the herbs together, infuse them with your energy. Put the mixture in the bowl. The basil and sage will offer protection while the black pepper and cayenne will “burn” whoever tries to enter your space without permission. Direct your energy towards fulfilling this intention.
Add the hot sauce and optional war water to the mix of herbs and stir, focusing your energy on blocking out unwanted entities and making them feel unwelcome.
Put on your gloves and dunk the string/twine in the mixture and make sure to really saturate it. Visualize the string soaking up the energy from the herb mixture and your own energy that you put into it. Set the string aside somewhere to dry.
Once dry, tie the string to your doorknob. Repeat this process until all of your doors are secured by the spell.
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
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the money skull, reblog for money and or skulls
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Tarot Cheat Sheet (Reversed)
Major Arcana - Represents key moments in the Fool’s Journey from Innocence to Enlightenment.
Fool - Naivety, Recklessness 
Magician - Craftiness, Deception 
High Priestess - Secrets, Lost of Self 
Empress - Excess, Selfishness 
Emperor - Domination, Anger 
Hierophant - Convention, Blind Faith 
Lovers - Indecision, Conflict 
Chariot - Loss of Direction, Lack of Discipline 
Strength - Pride, Cowardice 
Hermit - Isolation, Rejection 
Wheel - Lack of Control, Bad Luck 
Justice - Unaccountability, Unfairness 
Hanged Man - Fear of Sacrifice, Stalling 
Death - Decay, Fear of Change 
Temperance - Extremes, Lack of Harmony 
Devil - Freedom, Release 
Tower - Delaying/Avoided Disaster, Fear of Suffering 
Star - Insecurity, Faithlessness 
Moon - Misinterpretation, Fear 
Sun - Depression, Negativity 
Judgement - Lack of Self Awareness, Self Loathing 
World - Emptiness, Lack of Closure
Minor Arcana
Wands - Represents creative forces, pure energy, passion and willpower.
Ace - Boredom, Lack of Energy 
Two - Bad Planning, Fear of Change 
Three - Frustration, Obstacles 
Four - Transience, Lack of Support 
Five - Avoiding Conflict, Respecting Differences 
Six - Excess Pride, Punishment 
Seven - Lack of Confidence, Overwhelmed 
Eight - Panic, Slowing Down 
Nine - Fatigue, Unsure Motives 
Ten - Stressed, Unwilling to Delegate 
Page - Procrastination, Conflict 
Knights - Recklessness, Anger 
Queen - Selfishness, Jealousy 
King - Overbearing, Impulsive
Cups - Represents feelings, emotions, relationships, everything that connects humans together.
Ace - Blocked Creativity, Emptiness 
Two - Imbalance, Broken Communication 
Three - Overindulgence, Isolation 
Four - Acceptance, Awareness 
Five - Acceptance, Finding Peace 
Six - Independence, Moving Forward 
Seven - Diversion, Disarray 
Eight - Avoidance, Fear of Loss 
Nine - Dissatisfaction, Smugness 
Ten - Domestic Dispute, Shattered Dreams 
Page - Emotional Immaturity, Disappointment 
Knight - Fickleness, Fantasy 
Queen - Martyrdom, Dependence 
King - Coldness, Emotional Manipulation
Swords - Represents mental energy, intelligence, clarity, knowledge, ideas.
Ace -  Confusion, Chaos 
Two - Stalemate, Lesser of Two Evils 
Three - Recovery, Forgiveness 
Four - Restlessness, Stress 
Five - Lingering Resentment, Desire to Reconcile 
Six - Emotional Baggage, Unresolved Issues 
Seven - Coming Clean, Deception 
Eight - Self-Acceptance, Freedom 
Nine - Reaching Out For Help, Despair 
Ten - Can’t Get Worse, Inevitable End 
Page - Manipulation, Deception 
Knight - Unpredictability, Disregard for Consequence 
Queen - Cold Hearted, Bitterness 
King - Manipulation, Weakness
Pentacles - Represents the body, health, home, nature, finances, all things material.
Ace - Lost Opportunity, Bad Investment 
Two - Disorganized, Overwhelmed 
Three - Lack of Teamwork, Disorganized 
Four - Stinginess, Possessiveness 
Five - Recovery, Charity 
Six - Power & Domination, Strings Attached 
Seven - Work Without Results, Distractions 
Eight - Uninspired, No Passion 
Nine - Living Beyond Means, Obsession With Work 
Ten - Lack of Stability, Fleeting Success 
Page - Lack of Commitment, Greed 
Knight - Obsessiveness, Work Without Reward 
Queen - Self-Centeredness, Jealousy
King - Greed, Indulgence
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
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What is an Altar?
Altars are a hub of your magickal energy. A lot of witches perform spells there, seeing it as a source of valuable energy. It is also a place of worship if you have patron deities. For worshippers, this is where you would communicate and give offerings to said deities. This is also a wonderful space to charge and store your magickal tools. Altars are not a witchcraft-specific object, either- most christian churches have Altars dedicated to Jesus Christ as well!
What can be considered an Altar?
Anything that you use for any of the above can be considered an Altar. I use a bookcase as an altar but it can be anything from a table to an entire room to something as small as a suitcase or even an altoid can- something used commonly among closeted witches as it is not easily found or recognized by loved ones who might be so pleased with the concept of Witchcraft.
How do I decorate my Altar?
You can decorate it in any way you like! An altar, like the Craft in itself, is an extremely personal concept. However, here are various common ways I have seen some being decorated:
To honor their ancestors
To celebrate the seasons
To celebrate holidays such as Ostara or Yule
To honor their deities
Minimalist, having only their supplies and tools with it
Here are some ideas for each one one of these examples on the above list:
To Honor Your Ancestors 
Give Offerings of their favorite foods 
Decorate it in their favorite colors
 Have pictures of them on it 
Leave letters addressed to them on the Altar, sending your love and appreciation to them wherever they may be in the afterlife.
To Celebrate the Seasons 
Spring- decorate in bright colors such as yellow and pinks; regularly have flowers (real or fake) on or near it; dedicate your Altar to your patron fertility/life/nature deity 
Summer- decorate in bold colors such as reds and greens; leave plants such as cacti or produce plants like tomato plants on or near it; leave offerings of fresh (preferably local and in-season) plants on it; dedicate your Altar to your patron god of passion/sun/hard-work 
Fall- decorate in muted and comforting colors such as browns and oranges; leave offerings of wheat/cinnamon/squash; leave a small letter addressed to your late loved ones in this time of thinned veil; dedicated your Altar to your patron god of harvest. 
Winter- decorate in colors such as whites or blues or even black; leave sprigs of evergreen tree needles or cones near or on it; dedicate it to your patron god of death or life cycles
To Celebrate the Holidays 
Samhain- In this time of the thinnest veil, you would want to decorate your altar in a way similar to the way you would in honor of your ancestors. See above for ideas regarding that. 
Yule- Leave an (artificial) burning yule log on it, have sun imagery to celebrate the return of the sun 
Imbolc- Leave a burning candle (or an artificial candle on) on your altar all day; decorate with a bundle of wheat, a pomegranate, or other symbolism of fertility 
Ostara- Decorate with jasper or incense for jasmine or any other floral scent; leave offerings of food; if possible, move it in front of the sun
Beltane- Decorate with phallic decorations; leave items on it that bring great joy to your life, leave a candle of an earthy smell burning 
Litha- Decorate with imagery of the moon to welcome the growing darkness; leave it in dark colors for the same reason; similar to Imbolc, display symbols of fertility 
Lammas- Decorate in Fall-themed colors; Leave an offering of (preferably home-made) bread 
Mabon- Decorate your Altar in items and symbols of things that you are grateful for; leave a letter of thanks to your deity; cover in colors of transition such as orange-red, grays, blue-green, etc.
To Honor your Deities 
Cover your altar in their patron colors
 Display symbolism of their domain (for ex. A bowl of salt-water if they are over the Sea)
If their worship permits, display a portrait or artistic rendition of them! Feel free to do this yourself, no matter how you gauge your artistic abilities. I’ve even seen people represent gods with dressed-up dolls or barbies 
Light an incense in a smell that reminds you of them
The Minimalist Approach 
Typically these kinds of altars hold simply the tools of the trade and representations of the elements (none of this is mandatory ever and you should follow your gut with what is necessary for you): 
Incense to represent air 
Candles or light to represent fire 
A bowl of water to represent… well… water 
A bowl of salt to represent Earth 
Hey Guys! I made some more printable reference sheets for y’all! You can download them along with my other reference sheets and printables here. Feel free to request printables and reference sheets as I am always looking for ideas to create more!! Also! Feel free to share Altar tips and decorating ideas on this post ^_^
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
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Sometimes I have a full evening dedicated to cleansing and spell work. Other times I have five minutes to toss my crystals on the windowsill before I go to bed because oh shit I forgot there was a full moon, again. 
Rituals for me can be as complex, as silly or as simple as I want. Sometimes I add in my family for a whole things of cooking and baking, and sometimes I want them to GO AWAY so I can have a moment of peace. 
However you feel you need to connect to the full moon energy is as unique as you are. Here are some ideas to help you get started….
1 Do a full moon tarot reading on yourself
2 Take a cleansing bath
3 Bake crescent shaped sugar cookies to honor the FM energy
4 Cleanse your space and your tools with incense and/or salt. 
5 Take all your crystals outside and charge them under the full moon light 
6 Meditate 
7 Journal, write, draw to decompress 
8 Make and drink a full moon tea
9 Light candles and focus on letting go what no longer serves you
10 Meditate with your high Priestess tarot card and see if there are any messages for you
11 Rework your alter space by moving things around or adding/eliminating things
12 Leave out FM offerings to your spirits/deities 
13 Properly cleanse your crystals in salt and/or water 
14 Write all the current things you’ve learned in your spell books
15 Make witchcrafts like candles, dried herbs, or oil blends for future spells. (the FM energy will make these items more potent)
16 Cleanse the atmosphere of your space, home, room with a bowl of water and salt. Leave overnight and dump out the next day.
17 Make wishes. Write your manifestations on little pieces of paper (or bay leaves if you have them) and burn away. Keep the ashes for future use. (burn outside in a safe area please)
18 Make moon water under the full moon
19 Take your tools and journals and charge them under the moon light like your crystals.
20 Plan out your next month of affirmations and manifestations. To start, write down the things you want in your life and say them out loud.
21 Read your witch books. You know you got them. You know you haven’t read them in awhile. (wait…. is that only me?)
22 Write a letter to your future self with the things you want to manifest in your life and DATE IT. Start working towards those things and curating your spells to get there 
23 Clean up your space. The act of physical cleaning (however boring) is also a way to cleanse. Open the windows and let out that negativity that sits and piles up, like laundry, while you tidy up
24 Write down the spells you are working on, memorizing ect. This is a great time to bust out your tarot cards and work on remembering all their meanings
25 Use the energy of the full moon and connect with your astrology sign. (sun and moon sign) Read about how the current full moon astrological sign will influence your life. Stuck? Try Cafeastrology.com for starters
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
glamour witch tips ✨💋
- create an altar centered around beauty (or to Aphrodite)
- bless your products before taking a self-love bath
- burn a rose-scented candle while doing your makeup
- spritz your Book Of Shadows with a favorite perfume
- use full moon water to soak your blending sponge + clean your makeup brushes
- visualize the makeup you put on as a protective, empowering armor
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
The Snwitch’s Anti-Anxiety Shower Spell
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This is a simple spell for soothing anxiety that can easily be worked into an everyday routine. Please keep in mind that this spell is not a replacement for medical care and is not meant to replace medication or professional health/mental care. I’ve had pretty good results so far, so let me know what you think! 
What you’ll need:
1 sachet or bag, preferably light blue or white
Vanilla bean (For calming)
Mint (For aid in communication)
Lavender (For calming)
Chamomile (For relaxation)
1 aloe leaf (For peace)
A pinch of parsley or cilantro (For peace in the home)
Optional: 1 of the following- rose quartz, aquamarine, or amethyst (To soothe anxiety)
What you do:
Gather all of your ingredients. Ensure that your bag/sachet will not break apart or anything if wet. Take your vanilla, mint, lavender, chamomile, aloe, and parsley/cilantro and infuse it with your energy. Do the same with the crystal, if you’re using one. If you’re having trouble with this part, check out my post on charging objects with energy. Place the ingredients in the sachet and seal tightly. Decorate if wished. Place the bag in your shower, preferably in a place where it won’t be directly in the stream of the shower water. When you shower, the steam of the shower will lift out the powers of the sachet and allow you to absorb them into your skin. Replace the sachet as needed.
I hope you enjoyed this spell! If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask. Thanks for reading,
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Shower Spells for the Quick Witch
I know that not all of us have the time/space or allowance in the home to do much spell work. Shower spells fit right in with your already established routine! You’re also unlikely to be bothered by other people you live with if you don’t feel as though you can be open about your witchy ways.
They are excellent for banishing as you are already washing things out and away from you. Combine this with the appropriate moon phase and the potency will increase.
Here are some favourites of mine:
*Banishing thoughts* (anxiety or thoughts of people etc)
When washing your hair (or head if you don’t have hair), put on your product and start scrubbing. Whilst giving your head a good working say this:
“I cleanse myself of tainted thoughts and things that bring me pain. I fill it full of light and love so that I can be happy again.”
Repeat this as many times as feels right to you. I tend to like three. Watch all the soap suds wash out of your head and go down the drain.
*Scrubbing a person out*
Someone got into your head? And your heart? If they’re toxic then get them out!
Same as before, scrub your head and say “From my mind, X, I banish thee. Get out, get out, I am free”
Then if you have a shower sponge or something you like to scrub with then scrub up your body. When scrubbing over your heart say “From my heart, X, I banish thee. Get out, get out, I am free”
Then completely wash yourself, watch everything that you’ve removed from yourself go down the drain and be free of that toxic person.
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Witchcraft for the grieving
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To anyone who needs this post, I am sending gentle and loving energy your way. Know that grief is meant to hurt, and with time it WILL get easier (but may not go away, and that’s okay). Please utilize this post only as a supplement, and talk to a therapist or loved ones if you need to.
Grief powder
Sage drops spell
Relieving grief
Jar of grief spell
Ease the grief spell jar
Honoring the dead
Ritual of grief
A remembrance spell
Remembrance spell/ritual
A spell for grief and moving on
A spell for passing and mourning
“Grief seed” pop culture spell
Grief over death is easier for me and effects me less
My grief does not control me
I grieve in peace
To bring aid in times of crisis and grief
Loss of pets:
Funerary spell
Animal Release Spell
Pet Farewell Ritual
Pet Funerary Spell
Emoji spell to bring comfort to those who are grieving
Tarot spread to ease grief
Crystals in death magic (includes some for grief)
Crystals for PTSD (includes some for grief)
Helpful posts:
Masterpost for overcoming heartbreak
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Magic to replenish energy
Recommended tags to utilize when you’re ready:
#Moving on spell + #Moving forward spell + #Letting go spell
#Mental health sigils + #Mental health spell
#Self love magic + #Self care magic
#Release spell
Witchcraft is to be used in addition to proper medical care, treatment and medication, not as a sole alternative.
Links updated May of 2020, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Baby Witch Masterpost
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So you’re heading into the world of witchcraft! Here’s an accumulation of resources I’ve found that are a good START to learning the basics of magic! Remember, always do your own research (especially about spell ingredients!!! I can not stress this enough!!!) and don’t let anyone tell you how to take part in your craft (I recently answered an ask about this!)
Celebrate Yule
Celebrate Imbolc
Celebrate Ostara
Celebrate Beltane
Celebrate Midsummer
Celebrate Lammas
Celebrate Mabon
Celebrate Samhain
(1) (2)
circle casting keeping yourself protected
cleansing methods (1) (2) when you should cleanse
Plants & Herbs
properties by name by correspondence
(1) (2) (3)
cleansing your crystals for beginners by use
common spell items beginner potions types of spell & basic casting basic structure for casting 
types of divination (1) (2) pendulums tarot
magic of the moon phases essential oils kitchen/cottage witchcraft familiars tea magic
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
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Sometimes I have a full evening dedicated to cleansing and spell work. Other times I have five minutes to toss my crystals on the windowsill before I go to bed because oh shit I forgot there was a full moon, again. 
Rituals for me can be as complex, as silly or as simple as I want. Sometimes I add in my family for a whole things of cooking and baking, and sometimes I want them to GO AWAY so I can have a moment of peace. 
However you feel you need to connect to the full moon energy is as unique as you are. Here are some ideas to help you get started….
1 Do a full moon tarot reading on yourself
2 Take a cleansing bath
3 Bake crescent shaped sugar cookies to honor the FM energy
4 Cleanse your space and your tools with incense and/or salt. 
5 Take all your crystals outside and charge them under the full moon light 
6 Meditate 
7 Journal, write, draw to decompress 
8 Make and drink a full moon tea
9 Light candles and focus on letting go what no longer serves you
10 Meditate with your high Priestess tarot card and see if there are any messages for you
11 Rework your alter space by moving things around or adding/eliminating things
12 Leave out FM offerings to your spirits/deities 
13 Properly cleanse your crystals in salt and/or water 
14 Write all the current things you’ve learned in your spell books
15 Make witchcrafts like candles, dried herbs, or oil blends for future spells. (the FM energy will make these items more potent)
16 Cleanse the atmosphere of your space, home, room with a bowl of water and salt. Leave overnight and dump out the next day.
17 Make wishes. Write your manifestations on little pieces of paper (or bay leaves if you have them) and burn away. Keep the ashes for future use. (burn outside in a safe area please)
18 Make moon water under the full moon
19 Take your tools and journals and charge them under the moon light like your crystals.
20 Plan out your next month of affirmations and manifestations. To start, write down the things you want in your life and say them out loud.
21 Read your witch books. You know you got them. You know you haven’t read them in awhile. (wait…. is that only me?)
22 Write a letter to your future self with the things you want to manifest in your life and DATE IT. Start working towards those things and curating your spells to get there 
23 Clean up your space. The act of physical cleaning (however boring) is also a way to cleanse. Open the windows and let out that negativity that sits and piles up, like laundry, while you tidy up
24 Write down the spells you are working on, memorizing ect. This is a great time to bust out your tarot cards and work on remembering all their meanings
25 Use the energy of the full moon and connect with your astrology sign. (sun and moon sign) Read about how the current full moon astrological sign will influence your life. Stuck? Try Cafeastrology.com for starters
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Quick elemental boosts for depression
Gather some feathers or dried leaves or dandelion. Charge them with your worries and your sadness. Imagine them manifesting all that holds you down. Then blow them away while focusing on the wind carrying away your worries where they can do you no harm
Light a black candle. Write down “sadness” on a piece of paper (or write down whatever worries you most). Fold the paper in half and kiss it with the intention of sealing that negative feeling inside the folded paper. Charge it with the darkness surrounding you. Then carefully burn the paper with the candle while focusing on the fire cleansing you from negativity and your depression literally burning away.
Find a dirty stone. The stone represents you and the dirt is the negative feelings you are holding onto. Charge the stone with that intention. Then stand in front of a sink ( or another source of flowing water) and wash the stone thoroughly while focusing on cleaning your own soul. Feel yourself getting lighter and more troublefree as the stone becomes cleaner. Finally you should feel fresh and bright with all your worries washed away.
Get an uncooked egg. Charge it with negativity (and write “sadness” or whatever feels right on the egg). Go on a walk and find a spot you feel at peace at, lay the egg on the ground and smash it with your foot while focusing on stomping on the negativity surrounding you and banishing it. Stand there for a while and imagine the fresh soil giving you strength and helping you grow free of this sadness.
It goes without saying that these are no magical cure for depression. If you feel suicidal or think you might suffer from depression, please turn to a professional. Stay safe xx
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
A Spell/Self Care to Release What No Longer Serves You
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This spell is very simple and is self care more than anything. This is really about setting an intention. Tbh this spell is very simple, refreshing, and rejuvenating!
what you'll need: a shower & black tea (or whatever tea that helps you relax).
First, your gonna start up a nice and warm (or hot) shower.
While washing your hair/body visualize you scrubbing away any and all fear/resentment/negative energy etc...
While rising off use cold water and close your eyes and visualize all the toxicity washing off your body and down the drain.
Once you get out of the shower, slip into some comfy clothes and make yourself some tea and relax.
While both pouring in the water you should creat your own chant to help ensure the longevity of this spell. Ex: "This water will protect me from negative energy", "This water will bring me peace and comfort", etc...
You should do the same while brewing your tea & while mixing if you decide to add any honey, lemon, or sugar!
I would suggest drinking your tea in a quiet space where you can ground yourself and connect with your mind, heart, and soul.
I hope you enjoy this spell and find some relief from anything that you feel is limiting you from maintaining a high vibration!
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Simple Wards Away From Home
In a purse, bag, or backpack:
In eighth grade, I met a girl who took covered and sewed a bag of salt into the bottom of her purse. I thought that was so clever. It never caused a mess either!
Keep salt packets in your bag; it's discrete and easy to carry.
Sachets full of lavender, rosemary, or any other herb you use for protection and cleansing. You can make them for aromatherapy reasons, anyway, so it shouldn't raise suspicion. I make cloth sachets to fill with lavender and rice most of the time. I dab other essential oils onto them if I feel I need a kick.
Draw a sigil for protection on the bottom or side(s) of your bag and charge before using.
Take a very small figurine (perhaps one of those green army guys, a polly pocket, a dragon eraser, etc.) and enchant it to hold protection energy, particular defensive protection. If you make thought form spirits, you can use the figure as a spirit vessel.
Keep a sphere of dried grass, nettles, weeds, and twigs inside a tiny ranch dressing container or something similar. Compost/break it apart once a week to neutralize energies caught within it, and replenish when done.
Keep two paperclips together in the shape of an "X". This is a small shield charm that you can enchant however you'd like.
In a wallet:
A photo of yourself wearing a mask or cosplay outfit to trick malevolent spirits and psychic energies from anyone looking to curse you.
A coin, which you probably already have! As a circle, something that shines, and the fact that it bears a figure of authority or protection, I find coins to hold a ton of protection properties. Make sure to cleanse it first!
A laminated or otherwise life proof sigil. It can slip right down into a pocket, just like a card!
In (and on) your shoes:
If you wear gel inserts, you can place pretty much anything thin and light in your shoes. Coins, herbs, pieces of paper, etc! Just test them out before leaving. Make sure you won't fall and the shoes are still comfortable!
Sigils can be charged as you walk; draw them on your shoes in a like colour or use something such as water so it will fade and become unnoticeable fairly quickly.
You can replace laces with ones you find to correspond more with protection. You can also use knot magic each day you wear them.
On your keychain:
You can create wards that can be carried on key rings. String dolls immediately come to mind, but you can make it out of whatever you have. Simply enchant it and you're golden.
I know many pop culture/fandom inspired witches use symbols from their favourite shows, books, etc.. Use the protection emblems and symbols from these fandoms to discretely add a ward to your keychain. You might have some already. Enchant as you wish.
On your body:
Create a bracelet using knot magic, patterns with a meaning to you, or with morse code in seedbeads.
Draw a sigil on the underside of your watch, or take the functioning pieces out, place a thin slip of paper with your sigil behind it, and replace everything. I know this doesn't work all the time, but it's worth a shot. You can also open the back and draw on the metal plate that keeps it all together.
You can enchant any piece of jewelry you like, but my personal favourites are bold rings and necklaces that open and close, such as lockets and diffusers.
I use lavender essential oil as a perfume; it acts as a ritual in and of itself. If you want to do the same with perfumes that make you feel strong, I highly recommend it!
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distant-messenger · 5 years ago
Healing with Herbs
How to make a tincture
Making a tincture involves steeping the herb or root in alcohol, extracting its oils, minerals, alkaloids, and glycosides so that it is in its purest form. You can use vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar instead, particularly in tinctures intended for children, but they aren’t quite as effective at pulling out the good stuff. You’ll need strong alcohol, at least 80 proof. Everclear works well, as does vodka or brandy. You’ll also need a pint jar to fill with the herb or plant you want—any of the herbs listed above will work here. Chop the herb up a bit or bash it around with a mortar and pestle to help it break down. You’ll want the jar to be full, but not pack your herbs in too tightly. Then fill the jar completely with the alcohol. (If you’re using dried herbs or roots, you need only put in enough to reach halfway, and then add the alcohol up to the top.) Seal the jar tightly. Label and date it, and let it rest in a cool, dark place. For the first week, shake it once a day, then let it rest for five more weeks. At the end of the resting period, use a layer of muslin or cheesecloth held tightly over the jar to strain out the liquid. Decant the tincture into one of those small, dark glass bottles, preferably one with a dropper, and keep it stored away from direct sunlight. It should last for five to ten years.
How to make herbal oil
It’s more trouble than it’s worth to make your own essential oils. A true essential oil is extracted by boiling the herb in question and skimming the oil off the top—that’s a task best left to the professionals. But you can make your own herbal oil. It may not be quite as distilled, but it can still be effective, and it’s a great way to preserve herbs for use long into the winter. The nice thing about creating your own oils is that you can use any combination of herbs that you desire. You might mix calendula, catnip, lemon balm, marshmallow, mullein, plantain leaf, and yarrow for an oil that is particularly effective for skin care, or lavender, vervain, lemon balm, and yarrow for a soothing oil to rub on the temples. Chop or bruise your chosen herbs and place them in a jar. Fill the jar with the carrier oil of your choice (olive or almond oil works well), covering the herbs by one inch, and leaving one inch of space at the top. Close the jar tightly, and allow it to sit in as much sunshine as possible for a month. Strain the oil through a cheesecloth on an as-needed basis, leaving the rest to continue steeping.
How to make a poultice
A poultice is a soft, moist mass of herbs, cloth, and other ingredients, and it’s an excellent tool for treating topical infirmities. A hot poultice is excellent for drawing out infection, as with bee stings or draining abscesses, while a cold poultice will help reduce inflammation. Gather the herbs you want to use, either fresh or dried. If they’re fresh, you may want to mash the herbs up in a mortar and pestle (the traditional way) or blitz them through a food processor (the modern way). Even if you’re planning on making a cold poultice, add a couple of tablespoons of hot water to your herbs to awaken them, before letting them cool. You can add medicinal clay powder, Epsom salts, or baking soda and combine with water until the mixture becomes a thick paste. For ailments like congestion or insect bites, you can place the poultice directly on the skin, making sure, of course, that it isn’t too hot. To treat a burn or something that could easily become infected, place a clean cotton cloth between the skin and the poultice.
Common herbs and their uses
Ashwagandha: The name translates to “smell of horse.” This herb is hard to find fresh, but powders, pills, teas, and extracts are available. Benefits: Increases energy, boosts the immune system, antiinflammatory, reduces anxiety. Suggested use: Stir ¼-½ tsp. powder into warm milk and honey before bed. Concerns: May increase thyroid hormone levels and lower blood sugar.
Black cohosh: This member of the buttercup family could be grown in a garden. Dried roots, capsules, teas, and extracts are also available. Benefits: Relieves menstrual cramps and arthritic pain. Eases symptoms of menopause. Suggested use: Drink as a tea or mix with honey as a syrup. Concerns: May cause upset stomach, so consider taking with food.
Calendula: Also known as marigold, this herb could be grown in a garden, but is also available as teas, oils, and creams. Useful for dyeing and food coloring as well. Benefits: Helps heal cuts. Good for diaper rash or other skin irritations. Calms an upset stomach. Suggested use: Steep petals in just below boiling water for ten minutes, then drink as a tea. Add dried flowers to coconut, almond, or olive oil as a salve. Concerns: None known.
Catnip: It’s not just for cats! Catnip is easily grown and also available as a capsule, tea, extract, and essential oil. It is also handy as an insect repellent. Benefits: Anti-inflammatory. Good for insomnia, upset stomach, menstrual cramps, headache, and treating the common cold. Suggested uses: Steep for tea, sprinkle essential oil into the bath or rub it on the temples, use in cooking (it’s a member of the mint family, so its flavor is better than some). Concerns: None known.
Cranberry: Easily obtained fresh or frozen and also available in pill form, this herb is a great source of vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin E. Benefits: Most frequently used to treat and prevent urinary tract infections. Also shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, slow tumor progression in cancer, and help prevent gum disease. Suggested uses: Because they’re so tart, cranberries often come with a lot of sugar. Try to buy reduced-sugar dried cranberries and stay away from most cranberry juices. If you can manage it, drink the unsweetened juice to relieve a UTI, and certainly try making your own cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving. Concerns: None known.
Dittany: This is one of those herbs with a long history. It is also known as “burning bush.” Easily grown, it is hard to find in dried or tea form. Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial. Good for the skin and the intestines, and is thought to be an aphrodisiac. Suggested uses: Steep in hot water for tea, but use sparingly. Use as an antibacterial balm or poultice. Concerns: If you’ve put some on your skin, stay out of the sun, as it can increase the risk of sunburn.
Elderberry: This herb has been used to battle a flu epidemic in Panama as recently as 1995. It can be grown, but is also available as a pill or an extract. For your personal garden, look specifically for Sambucus nigra, as other elderberry varieties can be toxic. Benefits: Boosts the immune system, treats sinus infections, lowers blood sugar, acts as a diuretic and a laxative, good for skin health and allergies. Suggested uses: They’re delicious! Can be made into a syrup, jams, or jellies—even wine. Concerns: Don’t pick and use wild elderberry unless you’re absolutely certain the plant is Sambucus nigra. Always cook the berries to remove any toxicity.
Feverfew: This is another herb with a long history. Easily grown and available dried, it is most frequently found in capsule form. Benefits: For centuries, it was used to relieve fever, to assist with childbirth, and for fertility. Now it is most frequently used to prevent migraines. It can also help with tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, asthma, and allergies. Suggested uses: It doesn’t taste good, so not recommended even as a tea. Instead, make a tincture or purchase capsules. Concerns: If you do drink it, feverfew can cause irritation in the mouth. If taken in large quantities on a regular basis, stopping can cause withdrawal symptoms, so use only as needed. May cause the uterus to contract, so don’t take while pregnant.
Horse chestnut: This is not the kind of chestnut you’d want to roast on a fire, but it is still useful. It is not recommended for personal processing, as the seed contains esculin, a poisonous substance. Purchase an extract or pill instead. Benefits: Shown to be extremely effective against varicose veins. Also good for hemorrhoids and frostbite. Suggested uses: 300 milligrams of horse chestnut seed extract twice daily. Concerns: Don’t consume raw horse chestnut seeds, bark, or leaves.
Lemon Balm: This member of the mint family has a distinct lemony scent. It is also known as “melissa.” It is easily grown, but also available in tea, extract, and essential oil forms. Benefits: Calms anxiety, encourages restful sleep. Good for the skin, improves mood and mental clarity. Suggested uses: Steep fresh or dried to make tea, use in cooking, use to flavor honey or vinegar, use in a hot bath. Concerns: None known.
Marshmallow: Sadly, these are not the things we put in hot chocolate. The root is available dried, as well as in powder, extract, capsule, and tea form. Benefits: Aids with dry cough, represses inflammation in the lining of the stomach, good for chilblains and sunburn. Suggested uses: Drink as a tea, add to a base oil for a salve. Concerns: May cause low blood sugar.
Milk thistle: This herb is easily grown, as it’s pretty much a weed. It’s available as an extract, pill, or tea. Benefits: Milk thistle can protect your liver from toxins—say, for instance, alcohol. It can even be used to treat cirrhosis and jaundice and helps with environmental toxin damage. Suggested uses: Steep in hot water or make a tincture. Not recommended for use in cooking. Concerns: May cause diarrhea.
Mullein: This is the clear quartz of herbal healing. It is easily found and grown and available both dried and in capsule form. Benefits: Known particularly for respiratory relief, including cough, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia, it’s also good for earache, fever, sore throat, migraine, and to heal the skin. Suggested uses: Apply a tincture to relieve ear infection, drink as a tea, use as a salve to heal wounds and bruises. Concerns: None known.
Plantain leaf: Pretty hip these days, as herbal remedies go, plantain leaf is easily grown and available dried or in capsule form. Benefits: Great for the skin, particularly in relieving insect bites, poison ivy, and sunburn. Lowers cholesterol, helps clear up bladder infections, relieves constipation or diarrhea. Suggested uses: Make poultice with clay and water or make a salve with a base oil. Infuse vinegar to spray on the skin to provide pain relief. Drink as a tea. Concerns: None known.
Rue: This herb is also known as “herb of grace.” Easily grown, it is also available dried, in capsule form, or as an essential oil. Benefits: Used to promote menstruation, it provides a sense of calm and well-being and is good for relieving gas, mucus, and arthritis. Suggested uses: As an oil or poultice it can relieve croup or chest congestion. Drink as a tea to ease anxiety. Concerns: This one is serious—it can cause a miscarriage. Use in small amounts, regardless of whether or not you’re pregnant.
Valerian: This is an attractive addition to any garden, with a pleasing scent, but it is the root which holds the good stuff and that does not smell good. Easily grown, this herb is also available in tea, capsule, and extract forms. Benefits: Valerian is very effective against insomnia. It also calms anxiety and depression, and helps with ADHD and headache. Suggested uses: Drink a tea made from the leaves for a mild sedative, or steep the roots for something stronger. Add a tincture to a bath for a gentler, child-friendly alternative. Concerns: None known, but obviously don’t operate heavy machinery.
Vervain: Usually blue vervain is used, but other types seem to work just as well. Easily grown, vervain is also available dried or as an extract. Benefits: Helps with anxiety and sleeplessness. Also provides pain relief, eases tense muscles, and promotes an overall sense of wellbeing. Suggested uses: Steep in hot water as a tea. Not recommended in cooking, though it smells nice, so add a little to a bath. Concerns: May cause nausea.
Yarrow: This member of the sunflower family is easily grown—and quite lovely— and available dried or as an essential oil. Benefits: Relieves fever, as well as cold and flu symptoms. Relieves cramps, provides a sense of calm and relaxation, and aids in restful sleep. Suppresses the urge to urinate (say, during a UTI). Use topically for a rash or small cuts. Suggested uses: Drink as a tea in the evening to induce sleepiness or relieve cold and flu symptoms, or make into a salve for external use. Concerns: None known.
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