dissociativealiens · 15 days
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Gail Honeyman, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
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dissociativealiens · 1 month
here's a reminder for everyone: not every sysmate needs to know everything, or anything, about themself. its okay to not know anything about yourself. its okay if all you are is your role, or source, or one specific trait. you dont have to be more than that. you can be if you want to, of course, and if you do, make sure to do it in the way that works best and makes you happiest, whatever that may be!
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dissociativealiens · 4 months
is this anything
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dissociativealiens · 4 months
i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel, i am all the things they might have said to you. do you ever think of me and my two hands, and wonder why they never soothed your fevers, and wonder why they never tied your shoes, and wonder why they never held you gently? and wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?
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dissociativealiens · 8 months
Feeling quite sad tonight so I will say this.
I love you non human alters
I love you monster alters
I love you scary alters
You're not faking or lying because you're something people consider "unreal" or "based in fiction" I love you and you're very real and very valid.
-A vampire headmate
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dissociativealiens · 11 months
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dissociativealiens · 1 year
i need to start collecting novelty lighters or i'll fucking die
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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°༺ vibe ༻°
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
Hey for therapy purposes it’s Lee
Uhhhh I kinda remember seeing Craig and dr Moore but I know we have a different therapist now
Last things I really remember are summer of around 2013/2014 before I know we moved. So still in the trailer
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
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『☆-Pear Blossoms in the Spring-☆』 #QiLolita Collar and Cape Set
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/pear-blossoms-in-the-spring-qi-lolita-collar-and-cape-set_p7669.html ◆ Very Limited Quantity!!!
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
😳 <- this emoji but without the blush or romantic connotation. im not blushing im staring you directly in your fucking eyes
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
OSDD is trauma based, and all research on DID automatically applies to it
Back when DDNOS was still a possible diagnosis, the criteria and perceived presentation of DID was significantly stricter. This meant that DDNOS, type 1, was diagnosed far more often than DID (and, in fact, was the most often diagnosed of all DDNOS types), and contained a much wider variety of presentations and experiences. As such, research on DDNOS is far more plentiful than research on OSDD, even today.
By the time DDNOS was changed to OSDD, and DID received a much needed overhaul, most presentations of DDNOS automatically became DID. For example, DDNOS, type 1a was used for cases where a clinician hadn’t yet witnessed a switch to another alter. At the time, if the clinician didn’t personally witness a switch, DID was not to be diagnosed. In the DSM 5, the clinician no longer needs to witness it to make the diagnosis. It also previously stated that amnesia had to be severe between alters. This also changed by the time of the DSM 5, and there were several other changes, as well. [x]
That’s why you won’t find much research on OSDD – it’s become surprisingly redundant with the possible presentations of DID. In my own case, OSDD was diagnosed as a placeholder while more tests were done for DID. It was never meant to be a final diagnosis for me, but it put something appropriately vague enough on my record for insurance purposes. OSDD “mixed dissociative symptoms”.
With that said, OSDD, like DID, is obviously trauma based. Research into DID is research into OSDD by basis of type 1 being the same thing. In DDs, alters are formed by dissociative barriers. The strength of those barriers will decide which diagnosis you get.
OSDD: Either the memory barriers aren’t very high, so there’s no amnesia, or the barriers between parts aren’t very high, so you have indistinct states.
DID: barriers between both parts and memories are high
BPD/DPDR: barriers between both parts and memories are low
The barriers, or levels of dissociation, as per research, are influenced by age, attachment styles and interaction with supporting figures, trauma, and predisposition to dissociation (biopsychosocial model). In all cases, trauma and attachment styles are the most common indicator of DID and OSDD, followed by age at the time of experiences. [x] [x] [x] [x I’m really trying to find this full article, it’s so good] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Other things that I want to just… randomly throw in here, in a completely untargeted way:
Keep reading
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dissociativealiens · 2 years
I want desperately to be involved in the DID community but also I find so many aspects of it repulsive bc some systems act like we have to be a monolith about opinions, ironically.
Idk every time I’ve tried to join system servers or talk w other systems it has inevitably resulted in disaster
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