"On Sunday 3 September 2023, 7NEWS ran a Spotlight segment on de-transitioning. Within the segment they shared videos and images of transgender and non binary people without their consent, wrongfully implying that they regret transitioning." ~ Olivia G.
As some of you know, I'm Australian, and yet I had no idea such a violent segment had aired until I saw a post made by the parent of an 18-year-old trans girl on Reddit, speaking of the transphobia their daughter faced at TAFE the day after the segment aired. This petition was linked in the comments.
Olivia is not the only person who not only had their images and videos shared without notice or consent, but also had the context completely removed and spun into a false story of the creator regretting their transition. Grace Hyland, the trans daughter of an Australian actor, had this happen to her as well for the very same segment.
"I transitioned at 13 and do not regret it at all," ~ Ms Hyland.
The preview was then changed, but they still failed to seek permission from the other trans people they stole content and put words in the mouth of. Not only is it disingenuous, it's also not journalism. And not only because of the lack of consent, the segment was also full of misinformation and lies about transistioning in Australia (The segment claimed kids as young as 12 are transitioning. You can only start at age 14, after seeing numerous psychologists. Reassignment surgery is also pretty much never done. Etc.)
Please sign the above petition at the very least. If you have the energy, please also submit a complaint to the Australian Press Council and the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
@theauspolchronicles @official-auspol (I know you guys are in your Voice campaign but hoping you'll see this too <3)
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Just promo'ing my blog here. While the extension no longer works, pick one terf off any of my lists and mass block.
Honestly my best advice for any trans woman coming here from Twitter is to obviously install shinigami eyes so that you can tell who's a crypto terf or whatever. But also to genuinely just search terf and radfem keywords and just go down the list and block like 300 people.
And then to take that a step further (because no amount of blocking is enough unfortunately) when they start interacting with your content, don't just block that person, take the time to go through their blog and block who they reblog from. Then if you notice one name popping up in the notes more than usual, go to that person's blog and do the same thing.
Deny then access. Don't prune the weeds, scorch the earth.
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This site has been going around Twitter trans accounts quite a bit lately, so just pointing out here too that it'll do fuck all, they're exploiting trans people at a time when hrt is particularly hard to access and please don't give them your money
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FAKE TRANS DOCUMENTARY/ORGANIZATION: Here’s the ridiculous story about how extreme the far-right is willing to go to dehumanize trans people. I was nearly tricked into doing an elaborate anti-trans documentary by Matt Walsh’s film crew this month. It started with an email from the “Gender Unity Project” a couple weeks ago. They claimed they were doing a film on the trans community and gave me names of well-known trans individuals and surgeons they had interviewed. It all seemed normal at first. I even talked to the producer (Makenna Lynn Waters) on the phone beforehand. She sounded like a well-meaning cis film graduate who was just curious about the trans community.
When we chatted, she claimed the documentary was self-funded. I was suspicious because she had finished college recently, but figured she was just rich (who has that kind of money?). Later, she told me the individual they were interviewing in Chicago had suddenly canceled (this happens, but is still sus). Then she offered to fly me to Nashville: where Matt Walsh lives. They finally sent me a release form this morning, which strangely didn’t have the name of the company on it. So, I looked up the Gender Unity Project. It used a registered agent to shield the company owners. It’s dubious but sometimes registered agents simply make it easier to incorporate. Then I looked Makenna Lynn up. Her name didn’t show up anywhere.
After some heavy Google searching, I realized she used her middle name as her last in our emails. I found the IMDB page of her real name (Makenna Waters). It turns out she’s a producer for the Matt Walsh show! That’s not a red flag: that’s a gun to your face. If you’re not familiar, Matt Walsh is a white supremacist who makes a living denying the basic humanity of trans people. She wasn’t just a producer for his show: she worked on over 200 episodes of it! I finally found her Twitter, which features videos of Walsh berating protesters and Ben Shapiro doing his usual BS.
I decided to look closer into the “Gender Unity Project.” After searching its state registration number, I learned it was registered to Justin Folk, a white supremacist documentarian who works for Matt Walsh and Prager U. His initials (jrkfolk) were also listed in the release I thankfully refused to sign. So, if you’re contacted by these slimy assholes, don’t respond. The last thing we need right now is another “gotcha” anti-trans documentary! Stay alert and take any media personalities with a grain of salt.
And they say we’re the ones tricking people?
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terfs will just say anything huh
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Is there a way to mass block still? the original app is no longer updated or on the Google store
Ah, fuck, it looks like it's no longer being developed, and I don't know shit about coding so I can't do it myself (not that I would want to, I'm very very busy IRL, as I'm sure you guys have noticed.)
I tried looking around for alternatives but unfortunately couldn't find one that looked safe (although, funnily enough, I did see a post by a t3rf asking the same thing in January this year, which is funny, because it was definitely working then or else I wouldn't have been able to update the list lol).
If I find one, I'll let you guys know, otherwise we'd have to manually block.
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hello my beloved transfem mutuals and followers pls be on the lookout for any URLS with "TWAM" in them (in specifically that order), it's an abbreviation for "trans women are men", pls stay safe!!!
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Bimbo-phobia is a terf, don’t believe the pinned post (even though it is contradictory lol)
Thanks for all you do
ah, after some scrolling it seems youre right! they have been added to page 3 block 4 <3
and thank you!
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happy pride month, everyone! thank you all once again for your support, asks, and dm’s! i think we have a good amount of side-blogs here, which is always good to see! page 3 block 4 is a goodie
love you all!
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local terf comes dangerously close to self awareness
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ummmmm why do you think that is
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terfs eat shit and die challenge <3
lmfao yeah
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i had a bad experience w that spencer guy he was shitty :(
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hi, im sorry terfs are bothering you tbh. they can eat shit fr
oh dont worry they arent bothering me
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lmao troon
no matter how many times i tell you guys I'm not trans, the idea of someone caring about other people is so wild to you you don't believe me. i cant believe you think I'm a town in Scotland. how derogatory. 
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new block added to page 3!
Thank you everyone for your anons, messages, and support! im sorry this block isnt as big, and that im not active. however i hope you understand that this blog is very mind numbing, especially since their echo chamber is so goddamn annoying. im also very busy irl, so all your help does matter!
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I found someone with the url terfvibes idk if they're in the list but you may wanna add them
sorry i took so long to respond!
i checked out their blog, it seems they are no longer on tumblr and are rethinking their views. good for them!
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I really like your blog, and you are doing great.
thank you, anon!
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