disneynerd2017 · 7 years
Meet Me!
Below are the important factors of my life and how I remember them best, through pictures! Enjoy the cute baby faces, awkward middle school phases, college and so many more. Come see what makes me, me!
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was the first time I remember visiting Cape Cod and the last summer spent at my grandma’s house before she sold it. We had gone for the first 5 years or so of my life, but these are the pictures that make me remember. I believe this was my sister’s 2nd visit and I tried to show her EVERYTHING! I only remember small details, BUT I do remember playing with lobsters (see first picture) before eating them for the 4th of July.
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
For about 5 or 6 years, we didn’t go to Cape Cod. My family expanded adding twin brothers, my grandmother sold her house on Cape Cod to move to Florida and life was busy in general. So after a long time, we finally made the 18 hour drive from Ohio to Cape Cod. I couldn’t find a lot of pictures from when we first went back in 2009, so I picked up in 2011 when I remember much more. 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was our 2nd year back to the Cape after a long hiatus, but it was so worth it. Lots of time was spent on the beach, hanging out with our good friend Jodie (She’s from England!) and taking lots of embarrassing photos. Enjoy this rare collection of photos! 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was the year I competed (and won! woo hoo!) Junior Miss Strawberry. This was actually the pageant that got me into the rest of my high school pageants and I wouldn’t want to change a thing! Being Junior Miss was a huge confidence booster for my middle school self-esteem and I learned so much from my year of reign! 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
You know you are almost home when you see the bridge
Kristin Moore
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This summer was a special one because I had gotten to meet my godfather for the first time in about 10 years. The last time I saw him I was 2 years old at his wedding before this summer. It was a really great time getting to know him and his 2 kids and I love hanging out with them years down the line. This summer was made of questionable fashion choices, late night campfires and more beach than ever before! 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
You know, if I can survive marching band, I can survive anything.
Nellie McKay
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was the year that changed my entire life with marching band. Coming into high school, I never planned on being in band.  I told my director would quit after two years. This year made everything so much more enjoyable and I made so many friends and met so many amazing people I could not quit. Little did I know what the future would hold in band for me. 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
Walt Disney
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was my first experience at Disney and it was the best time ever! It was an amazing trip I got to spend with my best friends and family. My high school band was asked to perform in a Disney parade and the rest was history with my love and obsession with Disney!
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was the summer that was a time of firsts on Cape Cod. My parents took us to our first Red Sox game, took us to our first Drive In movie and many more things. Everytime we go back now, we add more of these things to our bucket list and the adventure gets better every single time! 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... We must do that which we think we cannot
Eleanor Roosevelt
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was probably my most challenging year, as my two best friends were graduating high school. The show theme was called “Invincible” and it is still my favorite show to date, most likely due to the theme behind the show. The show was based off of a quote and it is still near and dear to me. 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This year was an interesting year, I met some new people who would end up becoming my best friends. I met some AMAZING band moms who still help me get through the year and still help me whenever I am in need. It was super hot at band camp, but then super cold by the end of the season. It was also the first time we got to perform at Bands of America Grand Nationals. BoA Grand Nationals is the BIGGEST marching band competition in the country and it was so much fun to perform on the Colts Field! This was a year I will never forget.  
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was a pageant where I felt my most confident on stage. I performed my solo the best I ever had and couldn’t had been happier. No win that night, but I looked forward to the next and final year! 
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disneynerd2017 · 7 years
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This was the last time on Cape Cod, but one I will never forget. The beaches, the people, and the food have such an influence on my summers and make me so much more relaxed. From sunrises to sunsets, you can see everything and anything on the Cape. 
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