discomforttale · 7 years
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1 reblog = 1 mouth for my Chisk. 
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discomforttale · 7 years
Chisk, at peace, trident.
Anonymous said to discomforttale: Chisk, pride, halberd.
[Did these both at once because they were right together in my inbox and I was inspired. This is a drabble request from like two years ago and I’m just now getting to it. Sorry!]
You jab towards the target,squeezing your eyes shut just before the trident connects.
“No, no! You have to followthrough! Remember, you’re not aiming for the surface, you’re aiming for theother side!”
You nod and try again, but youcan’t help but hold back.
“And stop closing your eyes! That’sa sure-fire way to get you killed!”
You’re huffing from exertion, butyou force the trident forward once more. This time, it doesn’t even pierce theburlap.
Undyne sighs. “Alright, no more.We’ll continue this next time, alright?” She grins broadly. “Look how faryou’ve come, though! You keep your eyes open now!”
That’ not very far, you don’t say,because after so much effort it feels like you’ve come miles. You grin back,exhausted but peaceful, secure in knowing you did your best.
You jab the target again and returnto position, preparing for the next “again!”, but it never comes.
“Alright, this isn’t working,” shesighs.
Your face falls. You haven’t beendoing that badly, have you? Sure, you’re still not following through all theway, but she said your form was getting better, and she keeps saying how muchyou’re improving, and this is only your first week of training using actualweapons instead of wood staffs…
“Stay here, alright? I’ll be rightback.” She jogs off towards her house but turns back to you for a moment. “Youcan put the trident down!”
Thankgoodness. You drop it immediately. It didn’t feel very heavy when Undynefirst let you hold it, when you propped it up on the ground, but when you heldit properly for more than five minutes you thought your arms would fall off.The weight is all on the end and it’s longer than you are tall, so it takes alot of overcorrecting to keep it up like it should be.
Your attention snaps back toUndyne, holding something behind her back. “I’ve got a surprise for you!”
She pulls out…something. It’sdefinitely a weapon, you think. It’s just as long as the trident, but the tipis different. It’s almost like Undyne’s spear, but it has a hooked side like anaxe head. You raise your eyebrows in questioning.
“It’s a halberd!” She hands it toyou. “See, I remembered you using that stake as a spear, but you were sohopeless with my spears. I figured you might have better luck with a threepointed spear, and that was better, but that’s still out of your style, y’know?You’re more of a defensive fighter. So that’s where this comes in!”
She keeps telling you about thehalberd and how you can use the hooked end to pull some weapons out of people’shands, but you’re only half listening. You’re too busy grinning.
You push yourself up from thesparring mat, jaw set firm under your helmet. You and Undyne circle each other.
“Come on! I know you can do this!You beat me before!”
By running away, you don’t say,because you’re too focused on her every little twitch of movement and you knowshe’s focused just as much on you.
There. Her left foot lands moresolidly, preparing for a strike, too subtle for a feint. You twist to avoid theblow you know will be coming from the right, the one she hoped to run you rightinto. Out shoots your halberd before you even think and there it twists, hookedaround her spear, and there her spear lay.
You pause a fraction of a second toappreciate the sight. Undyne’s eye is wider than you thought possible, staringat you. Then the sight is over and her eye flicks to her spear. Your halberdswings out to knock it away before she can make that rolling lunge for it.
She abandons the spear and triesfor hand-to-hand, crouching slightly for stability. She’s too close for yourhalberd, so you take a leaf out of her book and go for hand-to-hand too,throwing yourself right at her knees. She wasn’t stable enough.
Down she goes and, yeah, you’retechnically down too, but you brought Undynedown.
She laughs, loud and booming andhead thrown back, and she pats you on the back in congratulations as soon asshe can sit up. You stare blankly into the distance for several moments beforeyou’re laughing, too. You just beat Undyne.You’re so proud you could cry.
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discomforttale · 7 years
The reason skeleton did not kill you first time around is because that was a setup. They held back, believing that you would see them as no threat, and toy with them. The date is a way to catch you off guard, as they believe you are very mighty. If you doubt this, then go to them, turn your back to them, close your eyes, and see if they take advantage of the weak spots.
“Oh. I…wish I would have seen this sooner. It would have saved a lot of trouble, wouldn’t it?”
“I probably wouldn’t have believed it, though. Papyrus…Left and Right trusted him. Sans, too, but just a little less. Funny how it’s backwards, Sans just wants to help his brother…I think…”
“I don’t really know who to trust now.”
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discomforttale · 7 years
M'Liege. *Tips fedora.*
*This ask makes you very uncomfortable, though you’re not quite sure why.
*Best to just throw it out, then.
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discomforttale · 7 years
You seem like you could use a little time to cry. It's good to feel and express the things that you feel.
Chisk shakes their head.
“No, I’ve already done that. I…I can’t just sit and cry all day. I have to do…something. I don’t know what. I have to, to keep going, I guess? I mean, I can’t stay here, what if Undyne comes back? But what if I see her up ahead…but at least I won’t just be sitting here waiting for her, you know?”
Anonymous said:Do you remember the last time that you felt sad? 
They sort of laughed. Maybe it was just a weird hiccup, though.
“Um, five minutes ago? Now? I’m just really sad about this whole thing, with, you know…people wanting me dead. Well, monsters anyway. It just…it seems like I don’t have anyone on my side anymore. I thought, Papyrus, and Sans…and there’s Mo-Toriel, but she’s behind that door…and now it’s just me. And Left and Right.”
“…and you all, too.”
Anonymous said:🐖 Piggy wants you to be happy. How can piggy make you happy?
“…by making the king not want me dead?”
“No, no, that’s…I’m sorry. You’re doing pretty well already. It’s…nice, knowing people care about you. Even if they’re random pigs and faceless internet people. Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
They try for a smile, but it doesn’t look quite right for reasons undefinable.
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discomforttale · 7 years
Current level of Discomfort?
Chisk is sitting on the ground, knees pulled tightly to their chest. Their eyes are red.
“Um…a lot? Like…a whole, whole lot. If we’re doing the one to ten scale again, um, what was…okay, if reading with Mrs. Mom was a two and falling down the hole was a ten and Three was twenty, I’d say this is…fifteen? Maybe sixteen? It’s at least as scary as meeting Papyrus at first, and probably more because…because…”
They sniff and rub at their eyes with their sleeves.
“Undyne wants to kill me. It’s…it’s not even an exaggeration this time. Undyne wants me dead because the king does and Papyrus is helping them, and I know he wants the guard job but…we were friends.”
“I’m really scared.”
[Mun here, this is the first Discomfort Scale post, if you’re wondering!]
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discomforttale · 7 years
Chisk is back!
Discomforttale: Chapter 18
You have fallen through a hole, but you aren’t sure how you got there. Flowers are trying to fight you, goats are trying to mother you, puzzles are trying to confuse you…
you are filled with DISCOMFORT.
All Chapters
Once more, you walk through thinning snow towards the damp place. What did the book call it? Swampland? Cavern? You know it’s named after some sort of environment or natural landmark. It’s an even less creative name than Icevi—Snowdin. That’s what it’s called. You wish you were back there, back with Papyrus and the Snowed Inn and the little river with smooth, smooth rocks and the quiet, tree-lined path leading back to the Ruins, back to Mom, back to butterscotch-cinnamon pie and bug catching and reading ‘til you fall asleep in her lap and waking up to the smell of baking, where you only knew about these places from books and you didn’t have to worry about royalty who want you dead or skeletons with glowing bedrooms asking about things you never did or, or, or—
*Chisk, the left voice mutters, and you blink away the dampness in your eyes to find a yellow reptilian monster about your height staring at you.
Keep reading
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discomforttale · 7 years
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I don’t feel Discomfort right now.
Chisk © respective owner
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discomforttale · 7 years
(I understand if it's over. I would just like to know for sure.)
Gosh, I don’t want it to be over! I really don’t! I still love Chisk and Undertale and this story and I want to keep going. I still think about it sometimes, but it’s been pushed to the back of my mind by…well, life stuff. School and family and fanfiction and videogames. 
I have over half of the next chapter written and half of Waterfall planned out, plus plenty of asks in the askbox, but very little Chisk-themed rebloggable content to work with. If I keep going (which I really want to do!) it’ll just be a story blog/ask blog, or maybe art if I happen to see it, but no scheduled queue or anything.
Basically there are 167 asks and I’m overwhelmed and I don’t know which one to answer first, so I haven’t answered any. The writing is another story, I got stuck and gave up and haven’t gone back. 
Honestly, at this point, I just…forgot. I hate it, but I forgot. I want to keep it going, though! Please don’t be afraid to send asks, no matter how long it’s been (and it’s been like a year hasn’t it oh god). They remind me that people care and I care and now I want to do something! What, I don’t know, but something!
If I keep this going (which I hope to!) updates will be few and far between (but you’re used to that by now). But they’ll happen! Eventually!
This was really disconnected and doesn’t make a lot of sense but I love you all and I love this blog and no I’m not dead and neither is this hopefully!
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discomforttale · 7 years
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Chisk lying in flowers for Anon!!
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discomforttale · 7 years
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Forgot I doodled these two.
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discomforttale · 7 years
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A sequel to > this post < :U
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discomforttale · 7 years
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first undertale fanart!
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discomforttale · 7 years
Can u draw chisk pls art senpai owo
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discomforttale · 7 years
About Chara’s Adventure:
I made those pictures of the Chara Adventure on Quotev, however it was on an account that got deleted. All I have are the images I drew and used, and what I was going to use. Enjoy some bad art for a mediocre “fanfiction”
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discomforttale · 7 years
idk if this sent, but cherry? the frisk/chara mix??
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put that down, kiddo, u’ll take ur eye out
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discomforttale · 7 years
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@charatale-au Fanart of the Absolute Chisk of Hyperdeath. I took the colors from this ittle debug mode sprite (I think it’s debug mode?)
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I sketched it in MS Paint and did the coloring and shading in FireAlpaca, all with my mouse. The sketch for anybody that cares:
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