disassociationdive · 7 days
The plushie headcanons are so cute! Mind if I send in a request for part 3 with Subaru, Alan, Sho, and Kaito? (I know damn well Kaito's gonna burst into tears at such a cute gift)
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Thank you so much for enjoying them!! 。゚(*´□`)゚。 ♡ Hope you guys like this one!!
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How Tokyo Debunker boys react after receiving a cute little plushie from MC – Subaru, Alan, Sho and Kaito 
Kagami Subaru – red crowned crane plushie
He apologizes for the fact that you went out of your way to make such a delicate and cute plushie for him
Then he apologizes because he doesn't have a gift to give you yet
Then he apologizes again because you told him he doesn't need to apologize
Please be a little patient with him! He's a bundle of nerves, and it makes it hard for him to express himself properly
He absolutely loved the little crane though!!!!
He is wondering how are you so creative, how did you make such a majestic animal become so cute and round as a plushie
Subaru manages to makeshift a little cushion for the plushie, and now it has its own spot at the tea table
Being such an anxiety-ridden guy, your gift to him also became a huge source of relief – he doesn't bring it with him anywhere, but it's like all his problems magically fade away once he sees it, it quickly became a source of comfort and emotional support
He doesn't really tell that to you or anyone, for that purpose, because he feels a little silly, but he absolutely cherishes his new friend and hopes to give you a gift that might mean as much to you as his little crane means to him!
Alan Mido – doberman plushie
Contrary to what people might think of him, Alan is a gentle giant
He's all soft eyes and little smiles to his underclassmen and Vagastrom students
Even if he's strict with them sometimes, it's all just his own form of tough love
So when you give him a doberman plushie, he can't help but smile and pat your head affectionately
The thought of you working so hard to make such a cute little thing for someone like him makes his chest all warm and fuzzy
He treats the plushie like a delicate trophy that could crumble into dust at any given moment
So he doesn't snuggle, nor squeeze it at all
He mostly just... Holds it. And stares at it, admiring your handiwork and thinking that it looks adorable.
And he also asks your opinion about everything plushie-related
"Do you think I should keep him in my room or at The Pit?"
"Why would you put him in The Pit?!"
"Maybe he could become a mascot..."
One day, he can't keep his curiosity at bay any longer and decides to finally ask you
"Why did you give me a doberman plushie? Specifically a doberman, I mean."
"Well, you are strong but also very gentle, just like a doberman can be protective and dangerous, but also sweet when it comes to its family"
Alan smiles and pats your head for the millionth time that day
He surely hopes he can keep being that to you.
Haizono Sho – raccoon plushie:
"I made this for you, an animal that reminds me of my cute kouhai"
"... senpai are you telling me I look like someone that eats trash"
"How the hell did you jump to this conclusion"
Don't worry about his reaction though, Sho absolutely loves it but he can't let any of his cuteness aggression show, to keep his bad boy image intact
Leo teases him over this gift, but every acid word just goes through one ear and out the other because Sho is over the moon, feeling like the most spoiled guy in the entire world
You see him through his rough image and have enough courage to give him such an adorable gift, you're truly something...
Oh, and the fact that you gave the raccoon a little apron to match his when he's working totally caused extreme mental damage over how cute it is
What if he also bought a leather jacket and a helmet to take him on his rides with Bonnie...
But will it be safe for it to ride Bonnie when it is so small and rotund and easy to slip away...
Please don't judge him, he's just a kid, he wasn't ready for parenthood
But since it has an apron, Sho will most definitely let it keep him company at the food truck
Maybe the little raccoon can be the cashier?
Sho will probably settle for this though
Fuji Kaito – penguin plushie:
Immediately screaming and gross sobbing
Cannot form a single coherent word once you give him his little chubby penguin
It looks so cute! It's so round and fluffy even though now it's a bit damp because of all his tears
A HUNDRED PERCENT takes this plushie everywhere
Kaito gives it a name, clothes, and accessories and creates an instagram account just to post photos of the penguin around the nicest spots jn Darkwick
Suddenly, Kaito becomes a photography pro since he just won't stop taking pictures of the little guy
Shows off to anyone that even points it out, ESPECIALLY if it's Luca
"MC made this FOR ME, which CLEARLY means I am their knight in shining armor and will protect both them and our child I mean our plushie with MY LIFE"
Totally misses the fact that Luca doesn't care
MC has to come to him and ask him pretty please to tone it a bit down because he is scaring the hoes everyone away
But how!!! He just loves (you) the plushie so much!! Let him show off, please? He's just a very excitable person!
He promises he'll chill out though, but before that, just one more photo for the plushie's instagram page...
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disassociationdive · 7 days
So it doesn’t get in the food while he’s cooking!
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Why does he wear his tie like that a menace
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disassociationdive · 7 days
Hello! Mind if I send in a request? I'm not sure how familiar you are with Sanrio, but how about some headcanons for the Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
In case you don't know, Mell is a bit shy, a bit clumsy, but she's very kind, and her heart is always in the right place. She enjoys collecting stamps and writing letters. Mell is considered a bit disorganized and a scatterbrain, but despite that, she has a kind and loving heart for everyone
Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
(So sorry this took me a while, I wanted to make sure I got the character’s personality fully. So I did more research, because I wasn’t confident in myself 😅. I do hope you enjoy this💙)
Warning: spoilers on episode 5 + super long writing
When Haku first met MC. He noticed a few things about them. They were a bit shy and clumsy. So clumsy that when they first met and got off the train. MC accidentally tripped over their own feet and slammed right into Haku. They apologized profusely, Haku chuckled. He found it cute and adoring. As he got to know MC. He found more of this cute personality of their’s
•MC once came to Hotarubi to give him a document that had a mistake. When they got there, they have completely forgot why they were there. When they admitted that, Haku reminded them that they have told him about the documents. “Oh! Right, sorry hehe.” MC pulled out the documents and hand it over
•After Haku looked it over and signed it. He handed it back to MC. When MC was leaving…they accidentally tripped over nothing and fell. They were okay, but it worried Haku a bit.
•Haku always told MC to be careful. But he would also teasingly say. “Falling for me again?” Which caused MC to blush madly
•When MC comes over to relax and have some tea with Haku. They have gotten on a subject about working too hard and all. MC complimented him and told him that if he ever needed help. He could count on MC. This warmed Haku’s heart. He placed a hand on their head and thanked them.
•One time MC misplaced their phone somewhere and looked everywhere. Haku was walking in the halls and saw them on the floor in a classroom. He decided to help them. Only to find out that their phone was in their bag this entire time. MC felt embarrassed.
•Haku chuckles every time he’s around them. It’s never a dull moment with them.
MC was walking down the empty hall. When they almost accidentally ran into someone. “Oh! I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” MC stated while apologizing again. Subaru told them that it was okay. When they were going their separate ways. MC accidentally ran into a wall. While blushing madly, they laughed and speed down the hallway.
•Ever since that day, they have bumped into each frequently. Not actually run into each pre-say. Just seen each other on the opposite sides.
•They would smile and say hello to one another.
•Once MC started to work with Hotarubi. They felt relaxed that Haku and Subaru was in this dorm. Especially after what happened with the last dorm..
•Subaru would often invite MC for tea. Once MC held their cup and accidentally let it slipped. The tea was dumped all over their lap. They were embarrassed and apologized. Subaru didn’t mind the mess and asked them if they were okay.
•MC asked Subaru to meet them for lunch. They wanted to ask him something but completely forgot what to was. But Subaru sat next to her and enjoyed lunch with them anyways. After lunch MC then remembered and texted him. It was about tea.
•Subaru feels at easy when around MC. Didn’t have to force himself to be perfect. Though he’s still anxious, he feels that, he can make mistakes and that MC wouldn’t get mad or disappointed.
•Though let’s be honest, if MC freaks out during a case or missing something in their daily lives. This would make Subaru more anxious. So if MC’s calm, he’s calm. Haku has to help both of them
•Subaru also thinks that MC would be able to help his friend Lyca. Lyca has been through a lot and so maybe he’ll learn how to trust MC and maybe others.
•He uses this to learn more about MC. And MC uses them opportunity to know both of them
Zenji accidentally scared MC when they have first met. He wrote a note to warn them, but when they have woken up. He didn’t finish writing it. So it came off creepy and scary for them. But when MC was finally able to see and hear him. He was extremely excited. He would often speak to them with a lot of energy.
•”My sweet beautiful doll! I’m so glad you can see me!” The nickname he have given MC, made MC blushed. They smiled back and said, “it’s so nice to meet you” they spoke in a shy soft voice
•”Your voice is like a soft melody my dear.” This made have caused MC’s heart to race
•Zenji would often compliment them every time he sees them. They would smile and talked to him or listen to his music.
•MC actually likes the passion Zenji has when he composes his music or tells stories
•When MC accidentally hurt themselves, Zenji would freak out a little bit. A worrywart like him would rush to their side and ask them if they are okay
•After finding out what had happened to Zenji, MC wept for him. Such cruel fate for their dear friend. When Zenji saw tears swelled in their eyes. He soothes them. Telling them not to worry and that he is okay and still here. If MC ever needed to talk. They can come to him.
•Zenji adores MC even more after seeing MC cries for him. Not in a sadistic way, but as a, “they care about me” way. He deeply cherishes that. He cherishes them
Luca, became more and more protective of MC when he started to spend more time with them. Noticing how clumsy and disorganized they were. Once they dropped their pencil on the floor. Bent down to pick it, came back up and hit their head.
•When walking to the cafeteria, MC tripped over their own footing and Luca caught them. MC thanked him
•MC accidentally forgot their notebook in class, they were freaking out when they couldn’t find it. Luckily Luca had it and gave it back to them. They were relieved. After they have dumped their entire bag on the table
•Luca would keep an eye on them when he’s around. Making sure they don’t accidentally hurt themselves or run into anything. He would grab their hand gentle to pull them aside, away from the wall, person, or any object they weren’t looking because they were daydreaming.
•He had continued to hold their hand until they have reached their destination. Kaito wasn’t happy
•Luca noticed how kind MC was. Especially when MC would calm Kaito down from his melt downs or panics.
•When Luca had gotten into a confrontation with Shu and Leo. It was MC that calmed him down a bit. MC had grabbed one of his hands and rubbed their thumb on the top of his hand. He looked over to MC and noticed a worry look. MC asked him if he was okay. He nodded and took a deep breathe. Though it didn’t last, it definitely helped
When Kaito first spoke to MC. He cried over how sweet they were. Calling them an angel that came to save him. This made MC blushed, shortly after they first time they’ve met. Kaito would fall for her more and more. How? This is how
•MC saw Kaito outside the cathedral. There were stairs and Mc almost fell down it. Kaito helped them by grabbing their hand to support them as the walked down.
•It scared Kaito at first, but he felt like a try gentleman or a knight!
•When in need of rescue, always count on Kaito! He definitely didn’t tell MC that out loud. He did
•There were times where MC showed their appreciation to Luca and Kaito. They would often by sweets or any snacks they knew where their favorites. Kaito would either cry or blush with excitement.
•He falls for them more and more until he hit the core of the earth.
•He would often try to impress MC. Which may or may not caused him to accidentally make a fool of himself. Even though that happens, MC would often encourage him to look on the bright side or encouraged him to keep trying.
•And so he does, so hopefully one day. They would be a couple.
MC was extremely nervous about working with Vagastrom. Especially after the whole Shu vs Luca fight. It didn’t help how mean Leo was to them. Alan did however make things a little easier. Then Shu did, but never Leo. So when MC came over. They felt comfortable when Shu and/Alan was there.
•When on the case, Alan made sure to tell them not to enhance his stigma. He was terrified of hurting them. He would put enough space between them.
•While on top of the cliff, MC fell and Alan quickly saved them. He asked them if they were okay. They thanked him over and over again. He wasn’t used to being thanked.
•It warmed his heart, but went back to focus on the case.
•MC told him that they were clumsy and often accidentally hurt themselves so. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
•This caused Alan to make sure to keep an eye on them. Incase they accidentally get hurt again. He doesn’t mind it though. MC however felt like they were hold everyone back.
•Alan in his own words reassures them that they are doing plenty to help.
•When MC waited outside with Shu. Alan couldn’t stop thinking about their safety. It made him incredibly uncomfortable. Anxious really. When MC screamed and then Shu. He rushed to saved them.
•After he saves them, MC was grateful and smiled gently as they take his hand.
•A sweet gentle smile, from a shy and kind person. Even though they went through a hellish situation. They were still able to smile. That is called strength. He liked that and told them that. In his own words
This was a lot, sorry that it was so long. Tell me what you think. What’s your favorite one, what you didn’t like or maybe something I can improve on? Was it romantic enough or not enough. Im curious to hear your guys thoughts! Have a great day! 💙
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disassociationdive · 11 days
May the Best Man Wins
Tohma x MC x Mido Jealousy HC[Requested]
MC walks down the halls of Frostheim to met up with Tohma after he had asked them too. The heels of their dress shoes echoed through the quiet hall. As the reached the large door to the dinning room. They knocked and opened the door.
“Hello? Tohma?” They called for him.
“MC, glad you could make it. Have a seat please.” He ushered his right hand to the seat in front of him. On the table were a cup of hot tea and a few small snacks for their likings.
“It comes to my attention that you have another admirer. Mido.” MC nodded their head to confirmed. [flashback] “MC?” MC turned their head to the sound of a male’s voice. It was Alan.
“Hello Alan, what’s up?” Noticing the awkwardness on his face. He scratched the back of his head.
“Here.” He pulled a small gift bag from behind him. Confused, MC takes the bag and opens it. It was a small plushy key chain. The plushie was a small white dove. MC smiled and thanked Alan for the sweet gift.
“What’s this for?” They asked.
“Thanks for helping out on the case.”
[flashback ends]
Ever since that day, Alan has been trying to court MC by asking them about their day and inviting them for lunch. Alan doesn’t eat in the cafeteria so he grills his own food. Thought that it’ll be nice to have them around too. Tohma once walked over to Vegastorm to talk to Alan. Since Alan didn’t check his phone when he had reached out to him. Once Tohma got there, he noticed how close MC and Alan were. They sat next to each other while MC rambles about anything. MC was smiling at Alan… Tohma felt his jaw tighten, just as his fists did too. He had wished MC paid more attention to him too. Then..Tohma became competitive.
[HC starts here]
-Tohma would purposely memorize MC’s schedule so he could run into them and have small talk
-MC would receive good morning and goodnight texts from both. Even though Alan’s would be simple as “GN” or have a little bit of typos.
-Tohma starts to invite MC to more parties as his date.
-Alan is aware of Tohma’s feelings by now, but isn’t going to give up on MC now.
-Tohma would buy them their favorite snacks that he took notes of during their small talks.
-Both would check up on them. Tohma would text them reminders to take care of themselves as well as physically telling them in person
-Alan would invite MC to the garage and teach them what he knows. Like oil change, how to change a tire, different tools to use and etc.
-Alan would also teach MC more combat training so they can protect themselves
-Tohma would teach MC how to ball room dance.
-Tohma would help MC pick out a dress/dress suit, and shoes for the party as well has the appropriate accessories to match. He would compliment MC as he kissed their hand. “You look absolutely stunning.”
-Alan would ask MC if they wanted to go hiking with him and his crew during fall. While Hiking up the mountain. If their footing starts to slide. He would hold out his hand for MC to grab. Once he pulls them up. He stays behind them incase they slide again.
Both of these gentlemen has done many things to please MC. If one took a step, other would take two steps ahead. It’s this on going thing between the two rivals as the battle to win MC over.
After all~
“May the best man wins.”
(This also unedited, will edit later)
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disassociationdive · 12 days
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I added Rui to my home screen and I noticed that Ed & Lyca were removed from the team picture!
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Bonus inclusion of the other teams!
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disassociationdive · 12 days
a few of you asked to see blushing jin so i'll share the king himself blushing<3 and a few others (but i was playing around with their expressions)
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bonus because i was doing this for a few friends in discord and might as well send them here for alan, rui, and haru's lovers~
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disassociationdive · 13 days
Post includes spoilers for all chapter.
I went back to read the chapter and here are some rough notes I took while reading. I’ll probably make it a little more coherent in time, but this is rough. Basically footnotes for future reference.
Lucas - Iggnaim / barrier (as per Hyde)
“I could have sworn the bullet had been coming straight for us. But the instant before it hit Luca, it vanished, as though swallowed by some invisible force”
Kaito - Can see auras (as per Hyde)
Academy of Ghouls
Chapter 2
- Taiga on a mission. When did they lose permission to go on missions?
- What is Taiga’s power, Crunched glass and blood into his gun?
Chapter 3
- Haku when Taiga prepares to throw us out the window- “come on, man. Don’t do that in front of me.” — “I’m just saying. I’ll have to tell the academy, and no one wants that.”
- Haku acting as inspector? This why Sinostra grounded?
- Haku blows flute ans smells of rain with bubbles coming out our throat. Does his power transport people from red dimension to regular dimension?
Chapter 4
- “Wasn’t it nighttime when I left the concert?” -mc “I had a bad feeling when I heard Taiga was heading this one. Glad I cordoned everything off” - Haku
-Is the change in dimension the “new moon” mentioned in prophecy?
- Haku on the phone “Hello? Yeah, slight emergency. No, not Taiga… well kind of him, I suppose” talking to professor Nikolas as per chapter 6
Chapter 7
- “… then someone with a gun showed up… then he attacked me too for some reason, but Haku saved me” MC “No way. Taiga did what? Sorry, gonna have to pretend I didn’t hear that part.” Professor Hyde
Chapter 9
- (Regarding the anomaly and Taiga) “That anomaly is very troublesome. That’s why we chose Hoshibami, one of the more aggressive ghouls, to handle it. But he failed to capture or even defeat it. What’s the point of ghouls students if they can’t do what’s on the tin?”
- “Ghouls are not ordinary humans. They are physically tougher and posses certain special abilities”
- Only ghouls can become special admission students
- “The mesmer matches aren’t working on you. perhaps the curse is cancelling them out. If the matches worked, then she wouldn’t be cursed anymore” (they take away curses as well as memories????)
Chapter 10
- We will need to check your belongings, so please leave everything here
- “(…) General student house reassignments today, prophecy research, and Clash clean up ASAP (chancellor to himself)
- “The chancellor told me I was going to die in a year” “Darkwick is on the cutting edge of anomalous research. Unfortunately that means your diagnosis… is likely quite accurate” prof Nicholas
Chapter 11
- “I hurriedly grabbed a nearby piece of black fabric, pulled it over my head, and held my breath
Chapter 13
- Talking about veil “oh this is a keepsake from my mother” “Oh… I actually have something like that too!” -Kaito (pendant?)
- Kaito “huh? It’s usually super crowded around here… where did everyone go? What’s going on? Maybe someone posted about it on Wickchat”
- Kaito “my gram always told me to believe in destiny. Maybe I was born to protect you.”
- (In courtyard) Kaito “No one here either?Weird…”
Chapter 16
- Hera’s Snakes
- “Hera’s snakes? I feel like I’ve heard that name in class…” -Kaito
Chapter 18
- How many times do I have to tell you? If you can’t pay… just hand over this pendant instead!!” “How many times have I gotta tell you, this is the one thing you’ll never get from me!!” Romeo and Kaito
Chapter 19
- Why are you wearing Hera’s Snakes
- When alarms went off the three ghouls thought the anomaly had appeared. Alarms were blaring because you were wearing an anomaly while jumping the platform, not because you tried to jump the platform
- Romeo grabbed aggressively our arm while yelling at us and the veil attacked with tentacle’s
Chapter 20
- Veil only attacks when MC believes she is in danger, not if someone touches her . “Protect me from people with malicious intent”
- Can’t remove veil from self. Luca and Kaito were able to move it
Chapter 21
- “The cost of this veil’s power is that you can’t remove it yourself” Luca
- Luca pledged to find a cure for the curse
Chapter 22
- Veil starts glowing and floating. “It’s warm” MC reaches out with her hand. “My finger is burning” then ring appears on MCs hand.
- Romeo aimed gun at MC. Luca takes MC wrist. Ring glowed. Luca uses his power. Black veil tentacles protects as well as Luca’s powers. “Something feels.. wrong…” -Luca. Huge monster appears. Can MC see monster? She was the only one to not react to monster. “You… what did you just do…?” -Luca
- “Mr. Lucci! I have a bone to pick either you over this and over your captain’s recent behaviour! Chancelor to Romeo
Chapter 23
- “Professor Nicholas! Please try removing the ring from her finger” “W-what?! That’s Hera’s Snakes, right…?” “Just be gentle and you’ll be fine! Probably. (…)”
- Ring does not move at all when Prof Nicolas tries to remove it. Chancellor says we need to take the stigma test
- “I’m sorry I didn’t notice how scared you were” (…) “please don’t worry. I’ll do my best to make sure you have as much freedom as possible” -Nicolas
- Screen goes black. MC name plate “or so he said…but now this…” I think the dark is the blindfold that is put on MC. Not a narrator/foreshadowing screen
- Regarding the examiner. “When they (shoe sounds) were inches away, they stopped, and a sweet smell like incense tickled my nose”. MC does not recognize the voice. Refers to voice as “he”
Chapter 24
- Regarding the tea Hyde brought to the Chancellors office. “when I inhaled the floral scent wafting from it, suddenly I felt strangely calm” hyde mentioned it has « Epione’s Flower «  and that it was good for nerves and anxiety. Tea was made by Nicolas
- “It seems that you … … possess the ability to enhance ghoul’s stigmas!”
- Regarding ghouls “do you recall the students you’ve encountered who possessed exceptional combat abilities” Chancellor
- “”Ghouls transcend humans in both ability and aggression.”the evidence is irrefutable” Chancellor
- Ghouls referred to as “special admission students” they have “devoured a demon”
- “Since time immemorial, humans have sold their souls to demons in exchange for the granting of a wish. We call this a demon pact. But the realization of a wish… comes at a price. Usually, the pact maker dies a gruesome death. Even if they manage to escape death, they eventually becomes a soulless husk. This is because the soul of the pact maker… … is devoured by their demon. However! Although they are extremely rare, there are some individuals… who survive their pact completely unharmed. Those one-in-a-million exception… … are the ghouls whom you met today (at this point we have met five ghouls. There were 5 characters in the OG concept. Curious if that is related to the OG concept)
- “We are still in the thick of our research, so there are unknowns remaining, of course. But the leading theory is that they acquire inhumain powers by devouring demons” chancellor
Chapter 25
- “Through our research we may be able to get to the bottom of how they survived unharmed … … and indeed, what the true identity of these entities we call demons is!” Chancellor
- “Unlike humans, ghouls possess enduring physical strength. They also possess a special ability gained through devouring a demon. Essentially, they have a superpower. We call that power a “stigma” chancellor
- “Another interesting thing about ghouls is their incantation. They seem to have to need it to trigger their stigma. Some have to say it out loud, whereas others can just say it in their heads”. Hyde
- “I believe Mr. Kamurai (Jin) used to say it out loud when he was a first year, but after a while he stopped needing to” Chancellor “I think it has something to do with their level of proficiency using their stigma, and with their mental state” Hyde
- Watching video replay of the Luca arm holding incident. “Huh…? That monster should have been standing right above us there… Why isn’t it in the video?”
- That ring on your finger is most likely the Sage’s Ring “who would of thought it would be disguising itself as Hera’s Snakes” chancellor “We thought Hera’s Snakes was a dangerous anomaly that caused the death of it’s wearers. And yet here you are. I think it’s safe to assume that you have been chosen by the ring
- So there was no Hera’s Snakes to begin with, just the ring pretending to be a veil and killing the unworthy?
Chapter 26
- While travelling on the train, you had the misfortune of encountering an anomaly that curses people. Anyone who sees its eye is cursed to die in one year’s time.
- If you can forget the eye the curse will be immediately broken. (AKA mesmer matches that don’t work on us)
- Our Mesmer Matches can erase one days worth of memories, but the curse is too powerful, so they don’t work
- Inspector = compiling mission reports
- An Inspector? Are you sure I could do something like that?
- Of course! Since the Mesmer Matches don’t work on you, if anything, you’re the perfect candidate. -Chancellor
- Those troublemakers sure are creative with their interpretations of “reasonable use” - hyde
- Anomaly that cursed us is Class B
- Granted scholarship to cover academic and personal costs
Chapter 27
- Chancellor asks Hyde for the Kudan at entrance ceremony
- Kudan = beast of prophecy
- Weighing of souls. General students at orientation. Ghouls/special admission at entrance ceremony
- “But where the ghouls go affects the power balance of the houses. It’s kind of a big deal, so they usually do it at the entrance ceremony -Kaito
- There’s seven houses this year
Chapter 27
- Take the hand of this mannequin, and envision your ambitions for your time here” - chancellor to new ghouls for weighing
- “I’m not in Frostheim…? Has there been a mistake? - Ritsu when put in Sonostra
- Even the general admission students in Sinostra are a shady crowd.The whole house has a bad rep. - Kaito
- Taiga and Romeo not at entrance ceremony.
- Judging by the state of the chancellor, I bet Sinostra’s gonna get in trouble
- “One for Vagastrom… The dissidents will be happy. 😠- kaito
- Dissidents…? Are there factions or something? MC
- Something like that, yeah. Kaito
- Vagastrom is a delinquent stomping ground. You should stay away from there, Sam. Apparently they gather in some room under their house every night and do crazy stuff… And I heard their captain was arrested for theft or murder or something before he came to Darkwick. - Kaito
- Before??
- Jabberwock’s in charge of looking after all the anomolous animals in Darkwick’s custody. The Academystopped general admissions for Jabberwock recently, so all the students are ghouls.
Chapter 29
- The year’s only just begun and it’s one calamity after another. MC will need to roll up her sleeves!
Chapter 30
- The professor seems flustered. Has there been a problem? -Luca
- Oh, yeah. Let’s just hope there not already a fight over the new ghoul assignments… - Kaito
- Kaito regarding Hotarubi student “they feel kinda fake…. They’ve gotta be hiding something, right?!”
- Regarding Mot.. “they major in specialized medical fields like anomalous medicine.
- Kaito regarding ghouls “our bodies aren’t the same as regular humans. Mainstream medicine doesn’t work for us.
- Always connected to Academy even after grad for health treatments?
- It’s the newest one of the current lineup. There’s no general students, and even most ghoul students can’t join it. Let’s just say it’s special. You can’t be assigned there via the Weighing of Souls. I don’t know much about them either, but rumour has it their captain was the one who- (Kaito)
- The clash???
- Memory pot.
- “ The whisper of the new moon shall lead the champion to the academy on the solitary isle. So long as the champion resides there, the world shall be sheltered from profound tragedy.” (Prophecy)
- The prophecy of the Kudan is a bastion of hope that has been entrusted to us. Chancellor
- The whispers of the new moon refers to the tidings that bring us to the birth pf a new ghoul. The academy on the solitary isle is, of course, Darkwick academy. The ghouls who have been gathered here by the new moons whisper… shall save the world from profound tragedy! They are our champions!
- She posses a special gift-the power to enhnce your stigmas just by touching you! The Mesmer Matches that you carry for missions don’t work on her. The details of the missions she inspects will be accurately recorded with absolute accuracy. That means you can tidy up the little ambiguities that have persisted in your reports up until now. - Chancellor to student body
- We cormed this theory based on the results of seceral tests and my own professional opinion. Tragically, Sam has been cursed by an anomaly she encountered by chance. If the curse isn’t broken, she’ll die in one year. As the Chancellor explained, Mesmer matches don’t work on her. It can be reasoned that the curse is cancelling out the effects of the matches (bc if we forget the eye we aren’t cursed anymore?) (…) Of course, Darkwick can’t allow the properties of a fatal curse to remain unknown. -Hyde
- MC notes the atmosphere in auditorium got tense, felt she wasn’t welcome.
Chapter 31/32
- Collapsed after the end of chapter 30 while onstage
- Dante new Frostheim house adviser
- Not ready for a mission yet. Focus on classes as per Dante
- “A new phone? What happened to my-“
- RIP MC’s phone, hope you enjoy lockup
- “I HATE THIS PLACE!! I didn’t ask to be a ghoul!! (…) I can’t take this anymore… I want to go back to being an ordinary human. -Kaito w pissed off face for first part
- Didn’t know consequences of pact or didn’t make one?
- I swear to you that I’ll turn you back into a human. So please, stop crying. (…)This is an ordeal that has been imposed upon us. Kaito, I’m sure that you can overcome it. Luca to Kaito
- Gonna be honest, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about… (kaito) That’s fine, for now. (…) eventually you’ll understand the reason for this suffering. Until then, I’ll do all in my power to protect you both -Luca
Chapter 33
- ….Was it a demon that cursed you? Luca. When I looked over at Luca, it was as though the moonlight had disappeared from his eyes. A shover ran up my spine. I’d seen that expression before.
- Brother curse by demon? Or some other reason for vibe change?
- Seen the expression before from Luca or somewhere else?
First pic - Chapter 30showing the ghouls in attendance. Towa, Jim, Ed, and Haku not pictured.
(Thought Halu had attended)
-engineer “one of you is a demon” (Luca?)
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disassociationdive · 14 days
so we see in ch 2 that mc ability according to sho made him feel relief and he said his stigma wasn’t working suggesting that mc also can make ghouls stigma not work. This is interesting as mc have done both 1-they made Jin use his stigma when he couldn’t anymore for some reason, 2- made sho stigma not work. It is interesting tho a lot of people now think maybe sho was lying do you think that can be a case?
Yeah, I think Sho was lying. But I also think it's a major turning point for his character. He realizes that messing around could've gotten MC killed, and he also stands up for her. (But Leo either doesn't get it or doesn't care, so this is also showing that Sho and Leo are growing apart.)
Earlier, we see Sho and Leo making plans to sabotage MC by pretending that her stigma enhancing ability has completely failed. They intend for Sho to fight off the ghost despite her failure. Sho's not too enthused about it, but he agrees to do it. Then, when they're actually there, things immediately get out of hand, MC is attacked, and Alan has to come rescue both of them.
Afterwards, when Leo is harshly blaming MC, Sho doesn't follow their plan. He keeps up the story about his stigma not working at first — he doesn't want to get himself or Leo in trouble — but he also defends MC despite Leo's attempt to get him back on script. Instead of saying that it completely failed, Sho says his stigma only stopped working for a moment and came back stronger than before, and that thing about feeling relieved. If MC's ability truly didn't work (and if he didn't feel guilty about what he did) he would have no reason to say any of that.
Hell, if her ability didn't work, that's even more reason for him to be harsh to her, to keep her out of harm's way. But he defends her and her usefulness instead.
At the start of the chapter, Sho is pretty apathetic about most things and only really seems motivated when Leo challenges him to something. He doesn't want responsibility and isn't interested in training or missions. By the end, he's taking things seriously and starts training with Alan. He starts actually trying to befriend MC. He starts up the food truck. And Leo doesn't like it. I'm really interested to see how this develops. (I don't think it will go well for anyone.)
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As for the feeling of relief Sho describes— I'm not sure what exactly Sho's stigma does except that it's useful in a fight (please let me know if I missed it). But I think it has a negative effect on him, too. He says, "even though I was about to use my stigma, it felt like a weight was off my shoulders." No one else has described their stigma as that kind of burden. Maybe it's literally heavy, or maybe it's particularly stressful or has some other emotional effect.
So I think, in addition to enhancing stigmas, MC has the ability to lessen the negative effects (maybe also Subaru's exhaustion, Haru's susceptibility to injury).
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disassociationdive · 16 days
His Queen MDNI
Ft: Jin Kamurai
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You walk up the stairs in Frostheim, ready to deliver some paperwork. You get to Jin’s room just in time to watch Tohma calmly leave, with profanities being spewed at him from behind the door.
Tohma smiles when he sees you. “Ah you’re here. Though I must warn you, the captain seems to be in a particularly foul mood this morning.”
“Oh, I just have these papers to-”
“Anyhow, I’m in a rush. Good luck.” Tohma walks off.
Now it’s just you and the door, and an already pissed off Jin waiting on the other side.
You take a deep breath and swallow your nerves. You knock four times. The door opens.
Before you can get a word in Jin starts shouting. “I told you to back-” He pauses when he sees that it’s you and not Tohma. “Tch.”
“…..uh, right, hey.”
“What do you want?” It’s less of a question and more of a demand.
“Sorry to interrupt, I just have some of the files you requested….” You hold out the papers.
He scoffs again and snatches them out of you hands. “Go clean my ashtray.”
“Jin, I’m not gonna do that.”
He stops reading to look at you. He steps closer. “And who the hell are you to refuse?” His tone is lower than usual.
“Jin, really, I’m not your servant.” Your voice came out weaker than you had planned. It’s hard to sound firm when he’s close like that. His intimidation is working….
“Don’t think you can refuse my commands.” He grabs your hand. It was a quick movement, but his grip is fairly gentle.
“What?” He huffs.
“Please don’t use your stigma on me….” You look him in the eyes. “Why are you so angry today? Are you mad at me?”
Jin accidentally softens for just a moment before letting go and clicking his tongue like he’s annoyed. “Get out.”
“Please answer me?”
“I said Get. Out.” He looms over you yet again.
“….were you and Tohma talking about something important?”
He leans closer. “I’m not gonna tell you again. I said get the fuck out of my room before I make you leave.”
“I’m not gonna go…..” you look up at him sympathetically. “I want to know what you’re thinking. For real.”
His eyes narrow. “I’m thinking I want this servant out of my fucking room and keeping their goddamn nose out of my business.”
You sigh, there’s no talking to him like this. “I just want to help…..”
“What makes you think you’re important enough to even speak to me?”
You scrunch your nose a bit, starting to get annoyed now. “Seriously? I’m the inspector. You’re the house captain. If you think you’re such hot shit that you can be a dick to me all the time then go ahead!! See if I care! But I’m not gonna go around doing your petty tasks anymore!”
“Tch. I have more servants. You’re not special.”
“And that’s why you danced with me, right? Because I’m not special? Yeah, I forgot. You just see me as a dumb servant. Honestly I don’t even know why I bother with you!! I never want to see you again!!” You huff and turn around, ready to storm out.
Jin grabs your arm in a quick motion, pulling you back, spinning you around and sitting you on the couch in his room. You’re left dizzy from the movement.
“You don’t get any say in what I think of you.”
“Yeah, I know.” You grumble, avoiding his piercing gaze. You move a bit to get off the couch, but he leans over you, caging you in on both sides with his arms.
“Don’t even try.”
“I thought you wanted me to leave?” You roll your eyes.
“And what? Let you have the last word?”
“Just get off, I’m leaving like you asked me to.”
“No.” He gets even closer, stubborn as ever.
“Why do you care so much about a servant leaving your room.”
“Fine, you’re not just a servant.”
“Then why do you treat me like one?”
He pauses at the question. He grabs your chin to make sure you’re looking at him. His grip is firm, but gentle enough to not hurt in the slightest. “I want you here. Okay?”
“……no.” You huff and try to turn your face away again.
His grip tightens and keeps your head in place. “Don’t be stubborn. I know you’re not a servant. Stop being an idiot and listen to me.”
“Jin, don’t call me an idiot, and don’t tell me what to do. I get it. You’re used to people doing whatever you want, but I refuse to let you treat me like that! So apologize or let go.”
He huffs and backs off. For a moment you think that means he chose to let go rather than apologize. So you stand up, but the second you do he pulls you into his chest. He leans down and kisses you.
It catches you off guard a bit, so he has time to wrap one arm around your waist and use the other to caress your cheek.
He pulls back just barely before you can even process. “I’m sorry.”
You’re stunned, just staring at him with wide eyes. You never thought he’d kiss you, but even more surprising is that he actually apologized.
“Tohma said I have to be more gentle with you or you’ll break.”
You just keep staring.
“I don’t want you walking on eggshells around me anymore, okay? I like when you stand up for yourself.”
You find yourself unconsciously looking back down to his lips. “I-“ no words come to mind.
“You that into me already?” He smirks. He pulls you into another kiss before you can answer that.
It doesn’t take much time before his tongue is dominating your mouth. For the shit he talks, he actually can back it up…..
Your anger melts away into another kind of feeling, but the kiss keeps the same heated passion.
He steps forward, which in turn pushes you back. He backs you up until the back of your knees hit his bed frame, causing you to fall back onto his bed.
He stands over you, but leans down kissing you again, now pinning you to his bed. He invites himself to stand between your legs. He deepens the kiss yet again, slightly nibbling on your lower lip.
You accidentally let out a little moan as he slowly drags his hips against yours. You feel his dick hardening through both of your clothes. You spread your legs a little further to give him more room.
He smirks at that. “That’s a good girl.”
He uses the hand on your cheek to push your face against the mattress, leaving your jaw and neck exposed.
You feel him reach his hand under your shirt and up your waist.
He starts planting a line of kisses down your jaw all the way to your exposed throat. He sucks on your neck harshly, earning a quick gasp from you.
You buck your hips a bit and bite your lip, trying to muffle the sounds that are threatening to leave your mouth.
Jin notices and smacks your hand away. “These walls are soundproof. Let me hear you.”
He uses one hand to catch both of yours and pin them above your head. His lips once again connect with yours. He pulls your shirt up slightly.
“Fuck…” he groans, eyes raking over the small amount of exposed skin. He releases your hands. “Take off your shirt. Now.” He demands.
This time you comply readily. You sit up a bit and slowly take off the uniform top, leaving your bra exposed to him now.
“Fuck, I need this….” He forces you back down a bit more rough this time and starts nibbling and kissing your neck.
His hands starting to remove your bottoms as well.
You comply and allow him to hover over you. He takes in the sight of you, just in your bra and underwear now.
His eyes scour your body, he spreads your knees apart. “Beg.”
His words catch you off guard a bit. “Huh?” You attempt to sit up a bit more to look at him.
“You heard me. Beg.” He shoves you back down yet again, planting his hand on your neck to keep you down. “If you want me to fuck you. Beg for it.”
All while speaking, he’s grinding his clothes dick against your clit at an irritatingly slow pace and looking directly into your eyes with that signature smug look.
His other hand sneaks down and rubs your hip. “Don’t keep me waiting. You want it?”
You nod fervently.
“Then beg.”
“Fuck, okay, Jin please….”
He scoffs and tightens the grip on your throat. “Please what?”
“Please fuck me Jin!! Please!! I need to feel you inside…. Please Jin!!” You whine and buck your hips against his, desperate for more friction.
“Better.” He lets go of you to take off his own shirt.
His skin is pale and looks soft, but he’s surprisingly muscular too. If you think about it though it’s not too surprising…. He is a ghoul. But you had forgotten just how strong the man on top of you really is.
He removes your bra and gropes around your chest. He strips off your underwear and the rest of his own clothes as well.
“You sure you want this?” He looks down at you seriously one more time. “Because I’m not gonna hold back.”
“Please Jin! Don’t hold back,,,, wanna feel you. Please…..” you’re already whining beneath him.
He lines the tip of his cock up to your entrance. He gives it a few slow pumps dragging along your clit. He gathers some of the wetness and smears it down his cock.
He’s going too slow though. You arch your back, hoping for more, and he delivers. He slips himself in, giving you a moment to adjust to his length.
The stretch feels divine in the moment, and once he feels you start to relax, he throttles himself even deeper.
Once he’s balls deep, he starts rolling his hips slowly. His tip just kissing your cervix. He takes his sweet time, just exploring you good your pussy feels against him.
His thrusts are rough and slow. Deeply savoring every sound you make as he drags himself along the deepest parts of your cunt.
“That’s is, Take it good.” He keeps rolling his hips slowly into yours. “Gonna make you feel good…..”
His hand reaches down to play with your clit.
You whine out for him.
“Mhmm. I’m gonna pound that filthy mouth shut.”
He immediately starts slamming into you harshly at an incredible speed. He angles his dick to perfectly pound that sweet spot inside of you, making your toes curl and jaw hang slack.
You’re not even aware of the incomprehensible sounds coming from your mouth. He leans over you, holding your chin.
The perfectly fucked out look on your face, along with the pulsing of your walls is telling him that you’re getting close. He starts slamming even harder into you.
That same smug smirk crosses his face once again as he feels you orgasm around him. “Yeah? Feels good?”
“F-feels s’good,,,, Jin fuck~” you babble as he continued railing into your cunt.
His hand plays with your clit as he rides you through your high. “I can keep at this for hours doll.” He chuckles to himself.
Your legs are starting to shake from the overstimulation. “J-Jin please!! S’too much….” You cry out, starting to tear up from the pleasure.
He’s hitting deeper and deeper, his fingers playing with you clit threaten to rip another orgasm from you.
“Take it. I know you can.” He leans down so you’re chest to chest and growls in your ear.
You topple over the edge once more and he shuts your moaning up with a sloppy kiss. He pulls your hips closer and hurries himself to the hilt before cumming inside you.
“….fuck,” he pants against you. “Gonna have to fill this pussy up every time i wake up in a bad mood…..”
You’re too fucked out to even respond. He pulls out, leaving a sticky ooze of both of your cum mixed together, dripping down your hole.
“You good?” He runs his hand through your hair lovingly.
You just nod.
“Good, stay here with me then. I’ll clean you up. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours about a thing right now.” He gives you a kiss on the forehead. “Because you’re my queen now.”
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disassociationdive · 16 days
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So I started this game recently and…. Taiga needs to chill 😳🤣
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disassociationdive · 16 days
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I love how they're the only ones that act caring and sweet to you, when you go to pick your ghoul at the beginning of the game ( ˘ ³˘)
Not even Kaito, who ALLEGEDLY has a crush on us, is sweet like those two...... anyway I love them sm
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disassociationdive · 16 days
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at least we have each other now
content: lucas errant x gn! reader, fluff, friends to lovers.
summary: luca comes looking for you, worried after you skipped a class. before he knew it, you’d convinced him to skip too, and the time you spend together, is unforgettable.
word count: 1k
note: luca is so undeniably beautiful he is so underrated like his eyes are just gorgeous // this is not proofread so i apologise for any mistakes / inaccuracies :(
luca treaded along the path, books in his hand. he panted softly, wiping the sweat with the back of his hand. he looked up and noticed that the cathedral was now in sight. he decided to speed up, now at a slow jog.
“mc!” he called out, walking through the door cautiously. the floor still looked like it was going to cave in at any moment. he looks around for you, walking up the stairs. “mc, where are you?” he knocks on your door and you hum in response.
the door opens and you whip your head around to look at him. the grin on your face makes luca’s heart pound, cheeks aflame. you looked gorgeous under the natural sunlight.
“hey,” your voice snaps luca out of his trance. “fancy seeing you here.”
he chuckles softly. “well, you weren’t in class today. i had to come find you.”
you hum, rocking back and forth on your bed. “i didn’t really feel like going today. i haven’t been feeling all that good,” you said, looking out the window.
luca’s concern grew. “are you feeling unwell, mc?” he asked, climbing the stairs up to your loft. “should i call the captain of mortkranken to check on you?”
turning to look at him, you scan the boy briefly. he stares back with an awkward smile and you giggle. before luca can process it, you grab his arm, pulling him down onto your bed.
“woah!” he lets out a squeak while you laugh at his reaction. “mc, we have to get to our next class,” he stutters out, a deep shade of red covering his face.
“c’mon, live a little, luca,” you stick your tongue out, playfully. “stay here and spend time with me.”
luca sighs before smiling at you. “okay, just today,” he gives in easily and you let out a cheer, scooting closer to him.
the day seem to pass by extremely fast. you had talked with luca for so long, and before you knew it, the sun was setting. the sky was painted in hues of pink, orange and blue, clouds drifting by.
you and luca had spent the whole day reminiscing, recalling how you had met and the antics kaito pulled. “no, because when he said he was terminally ill?”
luca let out an exasperated sigh and you giggled at his reaction. “i was devastated when he told me,” he chuckled. “i was so determined to make sure he got his date with you.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at the statement. luca smiles and you can’t help but stare at him. he had always looked so beautiful to you. from his eyes, to his smile– you were head over heals for him.
“anyways,” you clear your throat, trying to change the subject. “i still remember being in awe when you used your stigma for the first time.”
the grin on your face was hard to hide at the sight of luca’s bashful smile. “well, i don’t think it was anything that magnificent,” he averts his gaze.
“well, i thought it was amazing,” you say with pride. “i was completely enamoured by the sight of you fighting those anomalies so valiantly.”
“i couldn’t have done it without your help,” he holds your hand gently, squeezing it. your heart pounded, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the simple action.
before you can reply, luca’s eyes spot something in the corner of your room. “oh, is this your shawl?” he asks, getting up to fetch it. “it really looks a lot like hera’s snake.”
it was a sheer, black shawl that looked almost identical to the veil.
“now that you mention it,” you hum, taking it from him. “it does actually. kinda reminds me of when we first met,” you giggle, draping the cloth over your head. you hear him chuckle as well as you grin. “hey, luca?”
“yeah?” you can hear that he’s playing along with your mischievous antics.
“wanna take hera’s snake off me?”
you hear the boy chuckle and it makes you smile, cheeks warming at the sound. it’s embarrassing how much of an effect he has on you.
you can feel him lean closer, fingers brushing against the black shawl. your heart pounds against your rib cage, breath heavy. luca slowly lifts the cloth, and soon, you see his face. and he’s smiling right at you.
“hey,” he says softly as you smile back.
there’s a comfortable silence as you both stare at each other. it seemed like the world around you had ceased.
luca’s soft smile melted your heart. his eyes were a beautiful shade of purple, filled with kindness and love. you could see the stars glistening in them. they held his hopes and dreams.
you’re snapped out of your trance when he shifts his body slightly. you look back at him and notice the way his gaze shifts between your eyes and lips. you can’t help but lick your lips instinctively.
“may i?”
luca’s voice is soft, warm, and polite. his eyes search for your consent and you can feel your heart fluttering at this. you nod, anticipation building in your stomach. you’ve wanted this for a long time.
thats all it takes for luca to lean in and kiss you gently. you kiss him back, leaning in slowly. the cloth atop your head is pushed aside as his hands roam down to hold yours, and you eagerly intertwine your fingers with his.
luca’s scent intoxicates you. he smells expensive– like a mix of sandalwood and musk. his touch is gentle, but eager. you can feel that he wants this as much as you do. you can’t help but smile into the kiss at that thought.
as you part, you look at him with a bashful smile. “i’ve liked you for the most longest time, you know?” you confess as he stares at you with profound confusion.
“since when?”
you chuckle at his intrigue. “ever since you lifted the veil and smiled at me.”
luca looks at you dumbstruck. “i never knew,” he says in disbelief. “why didn’t you tell me, mc?”
you shrug. “i was scared our friendship would’ve been affected,” you hum softly. “and what we had was so special– i just didn’t want to ruin it.”
the boy sighs before lifting your hand and planting a soft kiss on the back of it. “at least we have each other now, hm?” he smiles gently as you giggle.
“yeah. at least we have each other now.”
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disassociationdive · 18 days
Could I get the cuddling hcs with Alan, Ren, Luca and Jin??
Cuddling HCs PT2 (Jin, Luca, Alan, Ren)
Yesss! Of course! Thank you so much for requesting.
I really liked how they turned out, especially Ren's. I hope you enjoy!
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Jin loves cuddles, like really really loves cuddling. 
He loves to lay his head in your lap
Though he also loves spooning and draping himself on you as well. 
He often calls you to Frosthelm so you can be his pillow. 
He doesn't really care if someone walks in while you're cuddling. Tohma having done so once, which leads him to mildly tease you about it. 
You entered into the doors of Jin’s room. He sat on his bed with his eyes closed. They opened when you approached him. 
“You said you needed me today. How can I help?” 
He didn’t answer and just stared at you expectantly. You took this as a sign to sit down on his bed. Jin placed his head in your lap, and you ran your fingers through his hair. He nuzzled into your stomach.
"He’s just like a cat," you thought.
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Luca loves cuddling after training and studying.
He loves pulling you against his chest and engulfing you in his warmth.
When you cuddle, he rambles about his day and gives you kisses on your head. 
His hold on you is tight, so you may have a hard time getting out.
He sleeps in with you on weekends.
You woke up to Luca playing with your hair. When you opened your eyes you saw that he was looking at you. He was grinning and watching you in adoration.
“Good morning,” he greeted, pulling you tighter into his chest.
“Good morning Luca,” you say, your voice muffled. 
You sit in silence with Luca holding you. He places a kiss on the top of your head.
“Let's go get breakfast.”
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Alan is scared to hold you at first.
It takes a lot of hugs on your part, and a lot of convincing to get him to hold you. 
He found that he was most comfortable with having you lay on top of him. 
He loves how he can see your face as you hug each other. He also can kiss you in this position as well. 
He often times watches you sleep on him
You pressed into Alan’s chest as you watched him fiddle with his phone. You had been teaching him how to use it, and while it was a slow process it was worth it.
“Do you need some help, Honey?” You asked. 
Alan looked at you and reluctantly nodded, and offered his phone to you. He'd been trying to find the chat message to send Leo a message. 
“Here's how you do it.”
You showed him how to do it. He smiled and gave you a peck on the lips.
“Thank you, Love”
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Ren doesn’t want to cuddle in the beginning of your relationship.
He finally relents to cuddling with you, and he loves it. He hates that he likes it though.
He wants to have a hand free so he can play his games, or scroll through social media. He uses one of his arms as your pillow, so you can curl into his side.
You both cuddle and play video games together.
“Is this how you do it?” You asked, playing Ren’s favorite game. You were hugging his sides and playing on your phone.
“Yep and then you do-” you had curled up closer to Ren which caused him to pause in the middle of his sentence.
“Ren?” You asked, looking up at him. He was blushing.
“Aww. Ren you’re blushing” Ren tsked
“Shut up.” The door to Ren’s room swung open.
“Hey Ren, can you feed the- Woah” Haru exclaimed when he saw you two cuddling.
“Get out.”
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disassociationdive · 18 days
Can I please request the late night headcanons you did with Zenji but for Alan instead?!🙏🏾🙏🏾
BANQNWNAJDBNA I actually wrote that in such a rush (idk why!!!!) so I went to reread it, and there were SO MANY TYPOS AUUGHH I am so sorry... but I'm glad you requested something similar!!
Anyways without further ado, let's talk about
Late nights with Alan headcanons
Again, caution: NSFW!!! MINORS DNI!!!
Unlike Zenji, Alan is quiet and introspective, but don't get him wrong – he is desperate and needy for you and your touch.
Alan is a man who is afraid of his own strength, and that translates to his encounters with you.
He is afraid of touching you, afraid of hurting you, so you're gentle and reassure him of your trust – you tell him you know he would never hurt you.
And so, being mindful of his fears and insecurities, you take the initiative and touch him first.
You run your hands over his body and watch the goosebumps on his skin while you kiss his neck, his jaw, the corner of his lips.
He is so desperate to be touched by you, his face is flushed and hot just by having you plant feather kisses on his chest.
His hands tremble slightly while he takes off your clothes, mouth dry as he pants at the sight of you only with your underwear.
He licks his dry lips, looking at you through half-lidded eyes – silently pleading to let him eat you up.
He is eager to make you feel good, clenching his hands beside your thighs as he sucks the life out of you.
Your moans go straight to his dick – he humps the air slightly while humming against your most sensitive parts, the vibrations of his low voice sending you over the edge.
The tent in his pants is already wet and his face glistens with your cum.
His chest swallows with pride, seeing how you look so messy after he made you cum on this tongue.
He is so desperate to fuck you senseless and you are so desperate to be fucked as well.
Alan is still careful though, doing his best not to hold you too tight, nor grab you as he enters your hole.
He fists the sheets, almost tearing the fabric apart as he starts moving, the tightness of you making him roll his eyes and gasp with all these sensations in his body.
All he wants is to grab your hips and drill himself into you like a mad man.
But he can't, so he doesn't.
You, however, can hold him as much as you want, and this brings him even more pleasure.
You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, bringing yourself closer to him, letting him reach deeper and deeper inside you.
Alan rests his forehead against yours, and you capture his lips in a sloppy kiss that doesn't last long.
Soon, your moans are too hard to control when his thrusts begin to feel erratic – both of you are close to the edge.
The wet sounds of your bodies connected and the smell of sex fill his room, obscuring anything else besides you two and how you make each other feel.
Alan grunts low, forehead still resting against yours and face scrunched while he cums deep into you and you milk him dry.
You keep holding him tight long after you two have orgasmed, your bodies still connected, while your hands make circles against his back and caress his soft hair.
His hands tentatively snake under you, keeping you locked in his embrace, but not at all tight enough to constrict you or hurt you in any capacity.
He still feels unworthy of you, of your attention, and of your soft hands. He doesn't feel like someone violent like him deserves this much gentleness.
Regardless, he considers himself blessed to have you touch him so lovingly and will work his hardest to keep you safe.
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disassociationdive · 18 days
Wingman (if you squint)
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Hyde has a hard time accepting his baby brother is dating but when he attempts to help him ends up embarrassing him a bit
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Wc: 1k
He is going to kill him. Rip his head out if needed to have some privacy. Leo looked at him like he was crazy when he asked him if something just moved between those trees before getting brushed off with a ‘you should sleep more, managing that truck must be making you go crazy’ and return to doxxing some rich old men.
But now he was sure, as you were helping him close the truck after lunch he turned to grab a box and saw a white flash hide behind the piano. If it was the first time that week he might have only yelled at him a bit but after getting seriously stalked for at least a month he might end up getting an angry call from their mother because of the state he is going to leave him in.
First it was when you two were hanging out in the fireplace, both sharing a hammock.
“Hey, Sho” you nudge your head against his shoulder, in response he doesn't really move his eyes from his phone but does let out a hum acknowledging you “that spot is really empty” he hums again and mumbles something along the lines of ‘yeah, I guess’ “wouldn't that make a nice spot for a food truck”
“Just think about that” you sit up while holding his arm, making him sit up while complaining. When he sits he lays his head on your shoulder and anchors himself with a hug around your waist “You could put your truck there and work while I wait here, eating some chips and I can go get you things if you need”
“Maybe…. That would be nice” he mumbles against your skin, looking at the spot before seeing a blur hide behind the old arcade machine a few meters away but brushing it off as his imagination. Even then his arm itches in annoyance but could be the uniform's textile.
The second time he thought he was seeing things was at the manantial it's early morning, the classes don't start in an hour but still you two are walking together to waste some time.
“Would your soups taste different if you used this water?”
“Maybe, but I don't think they would taste good” you look at him in confusion, head dipping to the side “there is a supposed deep water monster in there, according to some vagastorm third years”
“Then make fish stock!” your hand pinches the air with your hand as if it was a piranha and start aiming to his body.
“You are disgusting” he laughs at the childish act and lays the palm of his hand on your face so you stay far enough to not tickle his ribs. Suddenly he stops smiling and focuses on the dragon skeleton, a blur seemingly hiding again behind the railings and the column of the ouija plaza.
“I'm sorry! I didn't notice you got annoyed with it”
“It wasn't that! It's just I thought I saw something strange”
“Oh~~ mayhaps a love dove? Don't you want to tell me something?” you tease as you suddenly stick your shoulder to him, acting shy as if he was going to confess.
“Such an annoying senpai” he tsks looking away, hand scratching his neck and tips of his ears slightly red. Even if you were embarrassing him he was relieved you didn't notice anything weird and killed the mood.
Or the time you two were at the arcade and something was lurking by the adjacent window of the haunted house or how the books falling over when you two were studying for a mission together or Alan calling that someone wanted to meet him while you were hanging out in vagastorm but coming out there is nobody and even Alan is surprised. After a while he figures who it is and is a bit relieved he isn't going crazy but mad he is getting supervised like a toddler.
But he would get to him later, now he has to wrap this up and that would be everything for today.
“Sho, can you lend me 500 yen? I left my pencil case at home and my pencil broke during last class" you put down another of the boxes before asking him, childishly rubbing your hands together as if begging.
He snorts but still looks for his wallet “you are so irresponsible, aren't upper classmates supposed to help their kohais?”
“Don't get so mad at me, when I take lunch from your food truck tomorrow I will bring it” kicking your feet you see something slipping out of Sho's wallet, quickly you bend down and hand it to him, not recognizing what it was until he looked distraught at the little packet between your fingers “sho, something fell down… oh” What fell down from his pocket was a condom “were you expect a happy ending later today?” you tease as you slip the condom in his shirt pocket.
“quit it” he turns around and starts walking to the cafeteria so you can't see his red face.
“H-hey! you didn't give me the money”
Soon after throwing you a 500 yen coin pen Sho sprints to Hyde's office, his stalker and the only one who would have the chance to slip something in his wallet without him noticing, slamming the door open and almost unhinging it accidentally with his abnormal strength and he comes face to face with the bane of his existence thorn on his side, his older brother. Who isn't surprised to see him burning in rage
“Want to explain something asshole?”
“Shohei you finally visit me!” he spreads his arms as if he was going to go for a hug.
“shut the fuck up! What the hell is this supposed mean?” he lifts the offending wrapped condom and stares at his brother, white hair slightly disheveled as he ran as fast as he could.
“I just thought that if you are going to date you might as well be careful” he brings his hand to his mouth and acts bashful “you are just 19 sho, babies shouldn't be having babies”
Snapping at him his hands grasp his own platinum hair “it fell down and now they surely think I'm a pervert because of you”
“At least a responsible pervert! That is better in most people's than a rascal who has unprotected sex”
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disassociationdive · 18 days
Random Tokyo Debunker x MC HC
Zenji writes about the MC as he starts to fall in love, but he doesn't refer the you by name. In a lot of older classic Japanese literature that was considered inappropriate and you called people by their titles, so he invents one for you. I like to think it would have something to do with violets as in Japanese flower language they symbolize sincere and deep affection. He hopes his writing will convey his desire to be reunited with you in the next life.
Jin likes classical music and expressing his feelings through what he plays. He expects you to understand that he is falling in love with you because he has things like Adagietto from Symphony No.5 or Liebestraume No.2 in E Major and No. 3 in A-Flat Major playing whenever you come to visit and gets extremely frustrated when he realizes you just don't. Unfortunately, as Tohma is all too happy to point out, he's sort of fucked himself because if he tries to educate MC himself or push you towards googling it he will tip his hand. It would be less embarrassing to just confess but he's not going to do that either.
This isn't really a hc, but Subaru spends a lot of time picking out what snacks and tea he wants to serve you when he spends time with you. He's not fully aware of how normal people interact, he was very sheltered growing up so he doesn't know the best way to express his feelings in a way you will recognize as him saying he loves you so he sticks to what he knows. You've been such a good friend to him already he's sure he'll be able to learn what he wants to say if he keeps spending time with you, he feels very safe at your side.
Tohma worries about you. His eyes are wide open to the dangers of Darkwick and what could happen to you if your curse is allowed to progress. As he falls in love he is less harsh in his teasing of your tendency to stumble into danger and more fond, more earnest in his pleas. He can't be honest when he asks you to be careful because you'll ask him why and he can't tell you. He's threading the needle of danger enough as is, he would never forgive himself if he took you down with him. Tohma is the sort of guy who would walk into hell and ask the devil if he could take your place, but he would never want you to know that's what he's doing. He knows he will never be the first choice.
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disassociationdive · 19 days
MDNI 18+
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Wanna bet?
What happens when you bet your virginity with Taiga and lose….
Tokyo Debunkers smut
CW: taiga, mild dub-con, very brief mentions of torture, biting, fem-bodied reader, gambling, virginity loss, selling your body, blood, mild vore, creampies, debt payment through sex, rough sex, cunnilingus in the torture chair, Voyeurism
“Ha! I win again!! Sorry Taiga, looks like I’m up this time!” you laugh at another win for you while taiga grumbles on about a losing streak.
“Hm playing with you isn’t very interesting, you always take the safe bet.” Taiga groans in response.
“Well duh, I’ve seen what kind of treatment the debtors of Sinostra get, and I’m not all that interested in being hunted for sport….” A chill runs down your spine at the thought of you friend Kaito and how he’s constantly being chased and hunted by Romeo. “….your vice captain doesn’t mess around.”
“Gyahahaha! I guess he doesn’t!” Taiga laughs off his vice captains less than legal methods of debt collection. He smiles sinisterly. “hey I know, let’s make this next bet an interesting one.”
“Interesting how?”
“If you win, I’ll clear your little friends debt.” He smirks, knowing that this is gonna be hard to refuse.
“And if I lose?”
“You let me fuck you.” His smile never drops.
Your face goes bright red as you realize how deep shit you’re about to be in. On one hand, you have the chance to clear the massive debt your friend is always whining about, on the other, you stand to lose your viginity, and to Taiga of all people…. Not that he’s unattractive or anything, but he’s not necessarily known for his delicate nature.
“Whatdya say? Sound like a fair bet to you?”
“No way!!” You huff at even the mention, but it actually doesn’t sound too bad. Besides, you’ve been on a winning streak….. Taiga’s been losing at every play….
“Suit yourself, but I spy Romeo on his way to hunt for debtors.” Taiga grins and nods toward the casino entrance, where Romeo has his sniper rifle loaded and ready to go hunt some debtors and shake them down.
“….fine. You’re on.”
“Great! Let’s play roulette for it then.” He tosses his arm around your shoulder and leads you to the roulette wheels.
“Why the sudden change?”
“We’re leaving this one up to chance! That way if you lose you can’t say I fixed the match gyahaha!”
You look at the wheel in front of you. Taiga watches intently.
“Red or black? It’s your choice.” He nods toward the wheel.
“…..I choose black.”
“Hm, don’t think so. Red for me then.”
The reality of the situation is starting to hit you. The ball rolls around as you watch Taiga. He’s completely enthralled by the game. He really is nice to look at, but he’s kinda scary, and he’s always so harsh….. If you lose, you’re really going to be at his mercy…..
And just as you have that thought, the ball lands on red. You lose. He turns to you and smiles.
“Better luck next time~” his voice dripping with faux sympathy.
He wastes no time in tossing you up over his shoulder and walking away from the casino and towards his room. He tosses you down on the bed and climbs on top of you.
“H-hey hey wait!!” You put your hands between the two of you, trying to keep a bit of distance. Your face is starting to turn a bit red.
“Hm, not going back on your bet now, are you?” His smile drops.
“L-let’s at least make one rule okay? A safe word? Right…?”
Taiga considers for a moment. “Sure, what’s your word?”
“….cashmere. And if I say that you have to stop no matter what…. Okay?” You say a bit sheepishly now.
“Mhm, but this is gonna be fun, I promise….” He pushes you onto your back, straddling your hips, keeping you pinned beneath his weight.
He leans over. You look up at him, unsure what to expect from here, so you just nod, visibly nervous.
In a surprisingly gentle motion, he brushes some hair away from your face. Then in contrast, he presses his lips against yours in a hungry sort of kiss.
As the kiss gets more intense, his hands snake down your waist to a firm grip on your hips. Your own hands starting to feel more comfortable wrap around his neck to pull him closer. Having his body pressed against yours during the heated kiss doesn’t feel as bad as you’d thought…. Actually it feels good, really good.
His body is toned and extremely warm against your own. His hands rubbing small circles on your hips, gently raising them just enough for you to feel him getting hard down there.
He nips at your lip and upon your gasp, his tongue enters your mouth. You taste a bit of blood, but that’s the last thing on your mind now as he begins to dominate your mouth. One of his hands moves away from your hips and traces up your waist and under your shirt.
You inadvertently gasp slightly and arch your back as his hand feels around your breasts, roughly squeezing the soft flesh.
His mouth breaks away from the kiss and moves down to your neck. It starts out gentle, as light kisses, but it quickly progresses into soft nibbles, then a full on bite.
“Ow!” Your hands move to push him off, but he catches both your hands in one of his own, not even needing to look up. He pins your hands above your head.
“Be good.” He growls into your neck, fully taking in the scent of you. You feel a drop of blood drip from the bite. He licks it up and kisses the wound.
He begins to roll his clothed dick against your hips, grinding into you at a painfully slow pace. You buck your hips, desperate for just a little more friction, but with his free hand he keeps you pinned down. He continues to nibble and bite at your neck and shoulders. Making sure to lick up any blood that begins to flow.
The hand he has on your hips now is tugging at the waistband of your uniform skirt, slowly pulling it down. Your face heats up a bit. He releases your hands to remove your shirt, as well as his own. He’s lean, but undeniably muscular. There are a few scars littering his skin, likely from his own reckless behavior in the field…..
Your eyes wander his chest and torso, not even noticing your own exposure until he sits up, still on top of you, and lets out a low whistle.
“You sure keep your aces close, dontcha?” He grins, eyeing your chest. He removes your bra with skill and precision. “That’s a view I could get used to…”
You start to feel the embarrassment of being almost fully nude in front of him. You try to cover yourself with your hands a bit. He clicks his tongue and stands up.
“None of that.” He pulls you off the bed with him and shoves you down in his torture chair. He straps you down before you can even get a word in.
With your arms strapped into the chair he sits on the floor and pulls your hips toward his face, spreading your legs.
“Taiga what are-“
“Shut up. Not another word. Let me enjoy this.” His tone is dangerous, much more serious than you’re used to. He threads your underwear around his finger and pulls it to the side, taking in the sight of your pussy all exposed for him.
“You’re wet.” He grins.
“Well yeah but-“
“I said shut up.” He glares at you from the floor. Once again, dead serious. He plants his hand on the sensitive spot where your leg meets your hip and uses his thumb to brush your entrance open, collecting some of your slick onto his finger. He grins and tastes it.
“Fuck, princess, that tastes good….” Wasting no more time, he shoves his face into your pussy. He licks and sucks on your sensitive clit.
You gasp and squirm around at the unfamiliar sensation of pleasure down there. Your hands move against the restraints of the chair and you whine a bit.
Taiga continues to suck your clit, now playing with the entrance to your cunt with one of his fingers, but not going all that deep.
You feel a twisting sort of knot begin to form in your stomach as you start bucking your hips shamelessly into his face.
“That’s right, cum on my face pretty girl…..” he growls into your heat. The vibration of his words pushes you over the edge. You cry out as pleasure rips through your body. He speeds up, then pulls away.
The lower half of his face is dripping with your juices. He chuckles. “I didn’t take you for someone so eager.”
As you pant and start to come down from your high, he undoes the restraints. He pets your hair lovingly, leaning down so his breath hits your neck. “Now we can start for real.”
He tosses you back onto his bed, with no regard for how easy it is for him to completely manhandle you. He pushes himself between your legs and starts to position himself at your entrance.
“Such a good girl….” He leans down and kisses you. It’s a bit more gentle this time. He pushes his tip in, groaning a bit at how tight you are. “….fuck, I thought I prepped enough. Relax.”
You feel his girth starting to stretch out the entrance of your pussy. He rolls his hips a bit, trying to get a little bit further in. You can’t choke down the moan of pleasure that escapes your mouth. “Fuck taiga~”
And at that sound, he can’t help himself, he snaps his hips all the way against yours, plunging himself balls deep in a matter of seconds. You cry out in pain, but he wastes no time to let you adjust.
His mouth takes over yours and he draws his hips back just to snap them into yours again. He greedily sucks on your lower lip as he fucks himself up into you at a brutal pace. His movements as fast and rough, but he makes sure to hit that sweet spot inside you each time.
You can’t even keep track of the noises leaving your mouth. He lifts one of your legs up into your chest to hit even deeper inside you.
His mouth moves down to your neck, once again nipping and sucking as he rails into you. His pace still not even beginning to ease. You feel that same knot start to form in your gut.
You try your best to verbalize what’s about to happen but instead, Taiga snaps into you even rougher.
“That’s it doll, cum all over my dick. Fuck yoh feel so fucking good….”
You cry out again and do just that. Creaming all over his relentless cock. He doesn’t even bother to slow down as he rides you through your high.
“Shit, squeezing me so fucking tight…. Don’t know how much longer I can last like this….”
Without any more warning than that, he flips you over onto your stomach and drags you to the edge on the bed so your legs dangle over the edge. He stands up and begins to hit even deeper inside you, his cock now bullying at your cervix.
He has your hips lifted up off the bed and face pressed into the mattress. You’re practically drooling all over his sheets the way your jaw is hung slack from the intense pleasure. Incomprehensible sounds leaving your mouth.
“That’s right sweetheart, fuck, lemme hear it…”
His balls hitting your clit at each rut into you is sending you close to the edge again, he leans over you, pressing his hot sweaty chest against your bare back, wrapping his hand lightly around your throat. He bites into the nape of your neck hard.
His pace is starting to get even harsher, pulling you even closer to another orgasm as well as letting you know that he’s getting close too.
With a few more rough thrusts he clenches his jaw around the flesh of the back of your neck. And buries his cock as deep as he can inside you, ripping another orgasm from you. Then another thrust, and you feel him twitch inside you. He holds you in place, with the tip of his dick roughly pressed against your cervix as far as it can go. You feel his hot cum full your insides, starting as deep as it can. He lets out a few shaky breaths and releases his jaw.
“Fuck. s’good…..”
His hands give one more squeeze to your hips. He rolls his hips against yours just a few more times to milk all of his seed out into your throbbing cunt. Then he pulls out, leaving you feeling emptier than you thought possible. He lets out another shaky sigh and leans down. He watches his cum start to drip out of you. He slides his finger up your slit, gathering the cum and shoves it back into you.
Upon closer inspection, he notices small streaks of red along with the cum. He tilts his head.
“Were you a virgin….?”
His question catches you a bit off guard and drags you back to reality. “Huh? H-how’d you-?”
“Shit. Id have bet way more if i knew…. Sex is one thing but your virginity? Id’ve at least bet something important. More important than that whining brats debt.”
He stands up fully, stretches a bit and drops over you. Pinning you against him in a death grip. He nuzzles his face into your neck, taking in the smell of you. “Felt so fuckin good though…. I wanna keep you all to myself from now on…..”
you try to squirm a bit in embarrassment, but your body is too exhausted from being completely fucked out. “….yeah whatever.” You grumble a bit, still a bit embarrassed. “Can’t you at least clean up?”
Taiga groans but releases you. He gets up and cleans up for you. He lays on top of you again, this time keeping just enough distance to look at your face. It’s hard to read his expression, so you just stare back.
“You’re mine now, okay?”
You blink a few times. “….okay.”
“Good, also you’re staying here tonight, I’m not done with you yet.” He gives you another kiss.
Romeo, now done with his debt collecting for the day and looking for the captain, ready to give that BTH another good scolding about how he should be treating the casino patrons. He storms into Taiga’s room, only to be greeted by the sight of that BTH fucking right into the BB(basic bitch) who’s face is pressed into the mattress so much she didn’t even notice his entry. Taiga makes eye contact though, not even bothering to stop what he’s doing. He grins and opens his mouth like he’s about to say something. Romeo doesn’t give him the chance. His face twists in disgust and he immediately backs out of the room, shutting the door behind himself.
“Was he in there Fico?” One of his goons questions.
“Nope. He must be busy…..” Romeo clears his throat and walks away. He’s gonna try to forget he saw that.
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