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How To Thrift Like A Pro
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When I was growing up, “second hand” was a dirty word. I was ashamed to tell people most of my clothes were from Value Village or older cousins. Now, there is no better feeling than having someone ask where my new purse or jacket is from and replying: “Oh, I thrifted it.”
These days thrift shopping is a fantastic alternative to the wasteful fast fashion industry. Not to mention it saves you hella money. I have been going thrift shopping almost once a week since I was granted permission to dress myself. It is a tradition and skill that I learned from both my parents. I love rooting out those little gems that others tend to overlook, and the adrenaline from an awesome buy lasts me for daaaays.
Here are my top 10 tips for thrifting so you can look like a million bucks on a dime.
Thrift vs. Consignment
Thrift stores and consignment stores are both great options for finding second-hand clothes and keeping items out of the landfill, but their models are very different. Thrift store stock has all been donated and the store wants to sell as much of it as possible. Consignment stores, on the other hand, pick their stock from the items that are brought in and then share a portion of their profits with the previous owner. At thrift stores, you can find items from all eras, but consignment stores typically don’t take clothes that are more than 4-5 years old. 
Although you are a lot more likely to find designer items, consignment stores will always charge more. If you’re really on a budget, thrifting is the way to go.
Scope it out
Do some research on the stores in your area and get going! Start with ones close by because they are easier to visit consistently. Personally, I avoid stores in posh areas. Yes, you are more likely to come across designer and brand name items, but the perceived status of these places usually means they charge higher prices. I know $50 for a Coach bag is a great deal, but it's still $50 that we don't always have. You can still find great luxury pieces right in your neighborhood. Like my little Coach crossbody, which I bought for $2.
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Know when to go
A huge factor in your thrift shopping success is timing. In my experience, the best time to go hunting is on Sunday mornings because a lot of people spend their weekends decluttering. Granted, the store might be a bit disorganized as the staff deal with such an influx of items, but it’s typically a smorgasbord of cool stuff. During the week I still advocate for morning shopping if you can. The store will be well organized from the night before and you can get a good look through everything before it’s ransacked for the day.
Check for discounts
Lots of thrift stores have sales on certain days of the month or week, and often student discounts too! Things like 50% off clothes or housewares can really make a difference. Every store is different and will post ample advertisements for their sale days. Keep your eye out!
Consistency is key
I’ll make one thing clear: You are most likely not going to get a haul every time you visit the thrift store. That’s part of the excitement! Thrift store stock is constantly changing, and every time you shop it’s almost a whole new store. Just because a trip or two is unfruitful does not mean it’s not a worthwhile stop. If you can see that there is an ample amount of stock in the store, it means there are lots of donations and lots of upcoming opportunities. 
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Get creative...
The thing with second-hand clothing is that I always feel a bit better about editing them. Whether that means chopping off sleeves, neck hems, or any number of DIYs. If you have any sort of crafting skills, thrift stores can be a fantastic resource for supplies and inspiration. It doesn’t just have to be clothes, either. All sorts of housewares can be updated with a couple coats of spray paint; the bedding and towels are awesome fabric for us amateur seamstresses.
..But be realistic
Learn what you can and can’t fix. Yes, that gorgeous dress is only $5, but odors and stains are absolute deal-breakers. Even tears and hems can be questionable. In that situation, you have to ask yourself if you are the type of person who is definitely going to fix the problem. If you are busy and/or a procrastinator (hello!) it’s probably best to pass on it.
Don’t fear the shoes
There is a lot of debate over whether second-hand shoes are worth it. Personally, I have never had an issue with a pair of thrifted shoes. In many shops, you can find barely-worn sneakers, sandals, boots, and heels. Try them on and away you go. But, a lot of good quality and/or designer shoes can be repaired. If you want to get into thrifting as your main source of clothes, it’s good to have an idea of shoe and leather repair shops in your area. Shoes that can be resoled will last a lifetime.
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Check everywhere
Sometimes the best items are exactly where they shouldn’t be. Thrift stores are often disorganized and items are sometimes misplaced. The biggest factor in my thrift shopping success is looking at every section of the store. If you’re looking for a funky top, check the men’s and children’s sections as well as the women’s. The genre labels on the bookshelves mean nothing. Take a few minutes to glance over all of the shelves or you might miss a gem. 
Bring Your Own Bag, of course! Make your purchases even more eco-friendly by bringing your own reusable bags to the thrift shop. 
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At-Home Date Night Ideas
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I despise going outside in the wintertime, and windy winters in Ottawa are no joke. Your outfit always requires boots and a sweater, and anything you manage to pull together is going to be stuffed under your huge winter coat anyway. Your hat or hood ruins your hair, and you have to remove your gloves over and over to use your phone or suffer dry and cracked hands.
I will come up with a thousand reasons not to go outside, much to the chagrin of my boyfriend who is largely unbothered by the frozen wasteland our city becomes during the winter. But there's only so many nights we can sit on the couch and watch Netflix before we get bored. I love spending time with my partner, but when you live together cabin fever can quickly turn into nitpicking, nagging, and tiffs that just don't need to happen. Next time you and your sweetie want to spend a romantic evening together, but just don't want to brave the cold, try one of these date night ideas that'll keep you warm and cozy at home.
Dress up delivery
Tidy off the table (I know you don't keep it clean) and set it up as nicely as you can. Pull out the placemats and wine glasses. Light some candles and set the mood. An optional (but absolutely encouraged) step is to get dressed up and compliment each other lavishly. Order your takeout of choice. Pour some drinks (wine or not) in your glasses while you wait. Sit and chat, or dance if the mood strikes! When the food arrives, sit down at the table together and eat very politely. Talk and joke like you're on the first date again.
Game Night
A little competition is always fun! Have a game night with your honey, whether it's video, board, or card games. Set yourselves up with some drinks, snacks and comfy clothes. I highly recommend playing those vintage video games you never touch anymore. Competing in a game where you both barely know the rules is so much fun.
Plan Your Dream Trip
Pretend you and your partner are extremely wealthy for the evening. Choose your dream destination and plan the ultimate vacation. It can be fun to go wild with your imagination and find all sorts of luxurious activities. Or, you can make it a competition by setting yourselves a budget and see who can come up with the most adventurous trip for your money. This is all about letting your mind run wild and talk about all sorts of "what-ifs" with your partner. It can be a really interesting way to get to know each other better.
Build A Blanket Fort
Self-explanatory. You and your babe can spend an hour or so constructing your very own cozy castle. Once your abode is built, what you do inside is up to you. This can be a great add-on to one of the other date ideas. Cuddle up inside and watch a movie, play your games, or... other physical activities. The more soft things you can find to decorate inside, the better!
Spa Night
Clean your bathroom and set out candles upon candles. Create a lovely little space for you and your love to have a personal spa night! Fill the bathtub with warm water and some nicely scented Epsom salts, a bath bomb, or bubble bath. I am a huge advocate for sitting in the bathtub together, but if that's not your thing, you can just sit on the edge of the tub and soak your feet. Take turns giving each other foot massages. Scrub, exfoliate and moisturize to your hearts' content. Offer your man a simple manicure. And if he can't get down with the Spa Day idea, dump him!
Create A Drinking Game
Do you and your boo have a show on Netflix or TV that you watch constantly? Every series has it's tropes, so turn them into reasons to drink! Pick a show with a copious amount of episodes and ample running jokes. You will be laughing and talking with each other over the show in no time. My favorites include The Office, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Arrested Development, and any iteration of The Real Housewives.
Indoor Picnic
This one is a bit similar to the Dress Up Delivery idea, but it's up to you if you do delivery here or make your own little meal. Push back the couch and spread a blanket out onto the floor. If it's dark out, put some fairy lights on the floor around your blanket to give a nice glow. You and your honey can sit all tangled up together and watch a movie or listen to some music to set the mood. Bonus points if you serve your food out of a basket too.
Theme Dinner
Even just staying in and making dinner together can be a romantic event if you make a theme for it! Choose a cuisine and away you go! Mexican nights are easy to put together with a taco kit, margaritas, and Spanish music. Or go fancy French with a charcuterie board, wine and some Serge Gainsbourg (my personal favorite album is Bonnie & Clyde with Brigitte Bardot for that quintessential French sound). Any dishes you and your babe like making together can be expanded into an entire themed evening!
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