An archive blog for disability pride flags, symbols, terms, etc <3
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Walking Cane User Flag
A flag for cane users! This can be for all cane users. Half-time, full-time, young, old, etc.
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Personality Disorder—Trait Specified pathological personality trait domains. Negative Affectivity(first), Detachment(Second), Antagonism(third), Disinhibition(fourth), Psychoticism(fifth).
Based on this Personality Disorder—Traits Specified flag
Negative Affectivity includes: Emotional lability, Anxiousness, Separation insecurity, Submissiveness, Hostility(also present in antagonism), Perseveration, Depressivity(also present in detachment), Suspiciousness(also present in detachment)
Detachment includes: Withdrawal, Intimacy avoidance, Anhedonia, Depressivity(also present in negative affectivity), Restricted affectivity, Suspiciousness(also present in negative affectivity)
Antagonism includes: Manipulativeness, Deceitfulness, Grandiosity, Attention seeking, Callousness, Hostility(also present in negative affectivity)
Disinhibition includes: Irresponsibility, Impulsivity, Distractibility, Risk taking
Psychoticism includes: Unusual beliefs and experiences, Eccentricity, Cognitive and perceptual dysregulation
May make flags for multiple trait domains later, but there is a lot of different combinations.
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⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡ ┄ ⟡
CAPD/APD Awareness Flag : Central Audio Processing Disorder Awareness Flag.
—> Flag coined/created by me !! [The-Bat-Collective]
☆ please give credit!
ID : one 7 horizontal striped flag with colors that go in this order, top to bottom : alien green, kiwi green, light sage, white, light sage, kiwi green, and alien green! In the center is a hand drawn brain outlined in dusty rose. Below the brain is an ear outlined in whisky and outlined again in ruddy brown. On the left of the ear is a sound wave outlined in whiskey and outlined again in ruddy brown.
#central audio processing disorder#capd#apd#audio processing disorder#green aesthetic#horizontal design with symbol
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So I couldn't find a Schizoaffective Disorder flag... so like any good person with schizoaffective disorder can do is to create one.
Purple - Hallucinations
Pink - Delusions
Gray - Disorganised Thinking
Green - Manic Episodes
Blue - Depressive Episodes
Gray is the awareness colour of schizoaffective disorder so I felt like I had to fit it into the flag.
You are free use this flag. Manipulate it, and change its shapes and colours. No attribution required. No one can copyright blocks/bars shapes with different colours.
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Infrequent Paralysis Flag
For those with some type of primary or secondary periodic paralysis. It is also for those who can't get a diagnosis due to a lack of doctors or lack of care from doctors. And mental and physical disabilities that causes infrequent paralysis.
Edit: Oh yeah!
Dark purple is for paralysis.
Red is for physical disability.
White is for invisible disability.
And the gold heart is for those who take care of you in your moments of weakness.
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Even more autism pride flag options
After my latest autistic pride flag post, @pride-cat messaged me suggesting a mashup of the red-orange-yellow-lime-green (ROYLG) flag with the Autistic Pride Day logo. Here's what I came up with:
The top one uses the grey from the disability pride flag and the colours from the ROYLG flag. Bottom left uses a white background like the neurodiversity flag. Bottom right uses disability pride colours.
(At pride-cat's suggestion, I tried putting the APD logo on the ROYLG flag but felt like it blended into the background - you can see pride-cat's version here.)
@posting-stuffies tagged me about @ryanyflags's gold infinity icons, so here are two flags putting the gold infinity first on a plain white background then on the grey background:
While on the idea of "plain symbol for autism on a white background" I figured I'd make use of the aufinity symbol by @palpablenotion:
And then finally, this post by @spaghettimakesflags and this post by @themogaidragon inspired some more flag ideas that led to:
These are all free to use and remix! I hope this helps for moving people away from autistic flags that have Metis style infinity symbols in them (such as the original ROYLG design). 🧡
Code used to generate flag combinations is on github. SVGs here.
In the near future I'm thinking of putting out a survey of autistic flag options. I'm assembling a list of options here, so if you know of any autistic flag designs that don't use a solid white infinity that aren't in the document please let me know! 🧡
Tagging for archival: @radiomogai @liom-archive @disabilityflagsarchive @disabilitypride
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For archiving: what's under the cut is the middle symbol on its own.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder(OCPD)/Anankastic Personality Disorder(AnPD) flag
So we'll level with you, we aren't 100% sure we actually have OCPD, we do have a lot of symptoms of it but we don't know for sure. If that makes not want to use the flag that's fine
Flag meaning:
It has 6 stripes because 6 is a perfect number. The symbol consists of a symbol the is sometimes used to represent the control key on keyboards, and the white flower with six petals is for perfection.
White is for need for perfection, but also for awareness
Yellow rigidity, as well community
Green is for comorbidity, and solidarity
Blue is for order, as well acceptance
Burgundy is for need for control, also symptom management
Black is for underlining anxiety and insecurity, but also recovery
Also here's just the symbol in case you want it
#Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder#Obsessive Compulsive pd#ocpd#mad pride flag#mad pride#persodivergent#has colour meanings#has alt text#symbol
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anemia and low iron pride flag
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I haven’t seen a flag for Ménière’s Disease anywhere before, so I made my own! Feel free to use. Credit is appreciated but not required, and anyone with Meniere’s can use it!
IMAGE ID - The flag in the center has nine evenly-spaced stripes. In the center of the flag is a simple white icon of a side-view of a person's head with a black spiral where their brain would be. From top to bottom, the colors are saturated medium blue, medium fern green, desaturated greenish-yellow, light yellowish-red, and off-black. The colors are mirrored below that strip, starting with light yellowish-red. The flags on the left and right are the same, but without the icon of the head in the center. /END ID
Color meanings below:
Blue represents hearing loss, and is colorpicked from the Deaf flag.
Green represents tinnitus, and is colorpicked (with slight variation) from this tinnitus flag.
Yellow represents vertigo.
Red represents inner-ear dysfunction and endolymph buildup.
Black represents sound sensitivity, and is colorpicked from the misophonia flag.
#ménière's disease#ménière's#sensory disability#has alt text#has colour meanings#horizontal design#tw eyestrain
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allodynia flag
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so um. couldn't find any flags for spondylolisthesis or knock knees. we made our own
^ spondylolisthesis flag. break in the flag to represent vertebra slipping over each other, off-white for bone, cream and cool grey because they represent spondylolisthesis, as well as spinal disorders and spinal diseases in general, red for pain in general, purple for chronic pain, and dark purple on the edges to sort of 'encase' everything, the way the spine is encased within layers of muscle and skin
^ knock knees/genu valgum flag. triangles on the sides to represent the knees angling in towards each other, dark grey for difficulties walking/standing/etc., dark purple for stress and frustration, light purple for chronic pain, off-white for bone, blue for discomfort, and burgundy for pain in general
both free to use, of course. credit not needed
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Early-Onset Arthritis Flag!

I couldn't find a flag for it so I made one! Common arthritis awareness ribbon color is blue so blue toned flag!
[Image Descriptions:
On the left is a flag with 6 horizontal stripes that's colored from top to bottom as a dark blue toned grey gradient to a white stripe, then pale blue, and then a final blue stripe. There is a symbol on the flag of an outline of bones placed diagonally from each other with dark blue lightning bolts exuding from them. Flag on the right is the flag without the symbol.
End of descriptions.]
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These flags but angled like the disability flag, because I thought it would look neat
^ OSDD-1
Color meanings are the same.
#dissociative identity disorder#other specified dissociative disorder#partial dissociative identity disorder#plurality#diagonal design#has alt text
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Costochondritis flag
A disability flag for those with costochondritis (also known as chest wall pain syndrome, costosternal syndrome or costosternal chondrodynia). this flag is made in the same vein as other MAD and disability flags.
See color & symbol meaning + simplied flag versions and symbol at the end.
[ID: two identically designed rectangular flags of 12 uneven horizontal stripes. The stripe sizes go four big sized stripes, one medium, one small, one medium, one small, and four big sized stripes. The colors go from top to bottom as deep dark red, saturated dark wine red, wine red, muddled red tinted grey, medium greenish grey, desaturated light green, pale light yellow desaturated light green, medium greenish grey, muddled red tinted grey, wine red, saturated dark wine red, and deep dark red. The first flag is blank and the second flag has a symbol consisting of a ribcage with three different sized sparkles over the upper left side of the sternum/breastbone./end ID]
Simple versions, with and without the symbol.
[ID: two identical flags of 7 even horizontal stripes, the colors go from top to bottom as deep dark red, saturated dark wine red, wine red, muddled red tinted grey, medium greenish grey, desaturated light green, and pale light yellow. The first flag is blank and the second has a symbol consisting of a ribcage with three different sized sparkles over the upper left side of the sternum/breastbone./end ID]
Symbol specifically.
Colors & symbol meanings; I'm not the best when it comes to color meanings, but this is my opinion on what the colors I chose mean; The reds signify the pain and struggles that come with costochondritis, the darker the more painful (like flare-ups) and the lighter the easier to bear pain. The red tinted grey and medium greenish grey signify the fatigue from the pain. The greens signify balance and management, and the pale light yellow community and awareness.
The symbol consists of a ribcage; since the costochondritis pain originates from the cartilage between the rib and sternum walls (the pains not limited to it though), one of the most common placements of the pain is above the heart so I put the three sparkles in to signify the pain origin. (Also it's based on my own pain origin range, where it does stay pretty periodically over my heart and around it on the front of my upper torso. If others with costochondritis want to use a different symbol, feel free, I put a blank flag in after all for that lol.)
Taglist: @mad-pride @radiomogai
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How & Why to add Plain Text to your Coining Posts!
[PT: How and why to add plain text to your coining posts. END PT.]
What is plain text?
Plain text is just text without any outside formatting (i.e. bold, italics, big, etc.) that's added to posts that have them.
Why do posts need plain text?
A lot of the time, it's for people who are visually impaired and/or who have any vision issues! Bolded or italics may be harder to read, big text might be worse for some people instead of better, and colored text could mess with a person's eyes (like me!) for some examples. At the end of the day, it's for accessibility!
Okay, how do I do plain text?
There's a few different ways you can write the plain text itself, and really, how you do it is up to you.
[PT: Text. END PT.]
[pt: text. end pt.]
PT: Text. END PT.
pt: text. end pt.
Those are just a few of the most common ways we see people write them; essentially, the core components are "PT" (to indicate a start of a plain text) and "END PT" (to indicate the end). As for the plain text itself, it should be the exact same thing but with proper grammar/vocabulary (other than capitalization, if you prefer all lowercase). Some examples are:
hallo!!! how r u doing today :333 -> PT: Hallo! How are you doing today? :3 [cat emoticon]. END PT.
vi'm doing good, how about kyu? -> [PT: Vi'm [I'm] doing good, how about you? END PT.]
th4t's g00d! h4v3 y0u n0t1c3d th4t 0ur tqs 4r3 ch4ng1ng 3v3ry m3ss4g3? -> pt: that's good! have you noticed that our tqs [typing quirks] are changing every message? end pt.
why ywes, the fictional character has! h♡ believes that the op of this post is a dork -> [pt: why yes, [i have]! h[heart] believes that the [original poster] of this post is a dork. end pt.]
Personally, if something needs to be changed in a plain text—that being an acronym, pronoun, or something else—I flip-flop between adding it next to it in brackets or parenthesis or just straight up replacing it in brackets. Either or works!
Where should I put plain text?
It depends on the text you're making plain, if that makes sense. For example: if it's something unreadable (i.e. replacing letters with numbers), then you're gonna want the plain text before the actual text. On the other hand, if it is readable—at least to screenreaders—you should put the plain text right below the text itself. Some people like to put all of the plain text at the end of their posts, too; the only thing you're going to want to stay away from is putting it under the cut! This is because if you change your URL (I believe) or deactivate your blog, anything under the cut is no longer accessible and therefore your post no longer has a plain text.
But, plain texts don't fit my post's aesthetic/make my posts look more cluttered!
Have you considered that, in that case, it isn't the plain text's fault? If your post has so many things that need separate plain texts that it ends up just making your post look bad, then I don't think that the plain text is to blame; having a million different things of text colored and bolded and using fancy fonts is just unnecessary. I like to think that my posts are fairly aesthetic, albeit a bit simple.
Could we get a boost for this post? (not forced!) @radiomogai @the-astropaws @local-maneater @hysangel @rabidbatboy @vampitsm @icwdtea @smilepilled @pupcoins
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ocd disabled flag
[requested by: @chimeraaas ]
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I barely see any representation, so I decided to make a flag for the few of us. Only use this if you have OCPD. (I am Pro Self Diagnosing)
#ocpd#obsessive compulsive personality disorder#mad pride#has colour meanings#colour meanings are in image#horizontal design#cold aesthetic
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