dirtyxblondxtexan · 8 years
I wanna bring back my Jensen blog but nobody is here or is still following me on here I don’t think :c
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 8 years
((Ah screw it, I’ll just make a new Dean account I guess))
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 8 years
((Doesn’t know if should stay here or figure out how to get back on my Dean account...))
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 8 years
((...Anyway, I’m bored as shit and I would like to RP again and I can’t get back into any of my other accounts so I’m here on this one bc I remembered only this sue me))
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 8 years
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
[text] I've seen. [text] How're you doing? This is the first time you've had to fly solo...
[text] It’s crazy how much everyone loves you, but I’m not surprised there. You deserve it.
[text] It’s...different, but I’m getting through it. Definitely not the same without you.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
Jared Padalecki is trending on Facebook
I’m so proud of all of us right now. Bless the SPN Family from the bottom of my heart. Keep it up, we’re fighting for Jared, it’s our turn.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
[text] I miss you too, Jay.
[text] Hey, man. Everyone sends their love.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
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I’m bringing sexy back.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
JensenAckles: Miss my brother. Hope you're doing alright, man.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
just a reminder that DEAN made the electro magnet that wiped the ghostfacers hard drive
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
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Before or after?
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
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Jensen Ackles | Asylum (14) 2015 [x]
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
Prince of Persia {Sentence Starters}
"You're welcome to search me for it. You'll have to be very thorough."
"I had no choice but to leave you."
"You tell me everything. No more games, no more lies."
"What you're looking at is the walk of a man who just lost everything."
"I believe we make our own destiny, princess."
"It sounds as if you've discovered something here."
"Who said you were a beauty?"
"All more proof you're insane."
"See what you were looking for?"
"I- I don't trust you. And you're not my type."
"If you're gonna kill me, best you do it now."
"Why do you look so impressed?"
"You have an unfortunate lack of curiosity."
"How taken you were with my fainting act, eagerly leaping to assist the fallen beauty."
"Don't make the mistake of thinking you know me."
"As hard as it is for me to admit, you were right."
"I've heard all these terrible stories of this place."
"Oh, wonderful speech. Rousing!"
"How can I trust the man who breached the walls of my city?"
"Give me the strength not to kill her."
"So you're going to leave me here, in the middle of nowhere?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?"
"There must be a reason why you can't take your eyes off me."
"You enjoy telling me what to do."
"That's a short time for a man to change so much."
"What does your precious honor have to say about that?"
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
Send 'I wish you were dead.' for my muse's reaction.
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
Send (╯°□°)╯ for my muse’s reaction to yours punching out someone who was flirting with them!
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dirtyxblondxtexan · 9 years
Smut Meme: Rough Sex Edition
“So you want it rough hmm?”
“Why didn’t you just say you liked it rough?”
“Don’t be afraid to get rough with me, I like it.”
“I’m gonna pound you so hard you won’t be able to stand up afterwards.”
“Give it to me harder!”
“I think that deserves a spanking..”
“I want you to pin me down and fuck me hard.”
“I love it when you get rough with me..”
“Scratch harder…”
“Bite harder…”
“Go on babe, get aggressive, you know I love it.”
“You know those hickey’s I just gave you will probably bruise…”
“I love seeing you covered in my marks…”
“I love it when you leave your marks on me…”
“Make me scream and cry your name..”
“I want you hard and fast tonight…”
“I love a little bit of pain…”
“I don’t want gentle; I want hot and rough this time.”
“I love the way your ass bounces when I spank it…”
“I have all this pent up stress and aggression and no idea what to do with it…”
“I just want to bend you over and fuck you hard…”
“If you keep wiggling your ass like that I’m going to have to spank it…”
“What I really want is to pound you until the only word you can remember is my name….”
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