indpendent and semi-selective multi-paragraph roleplay blog ( with a spattering of personal and fandom related posts ) Open to interacting with anyone, just check the rules!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
|| I've been super busy the last few days and most likely will be for the rest of the week. I'll try to reply but most likely won't have time. I'll be back when I can!!
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Sophia's innocence was charming, if not a little dense, and a smirk tugged at one side of his mouth. "Something worse, yeah, worse like what we're going to do to the guy who sold us bad info." His blood boiled at the thought, and he took several deep breaths to calm himself. He looked at her, noting her flush, although it wasn't an uncommon reaction of women who were around him while he was shirtless. He could tell she was unsatisfied with his answers, but surely she could at least start to put two and two togehter, he didn't really have to come out and say rob, murder, torture, right? He didn't really like to, it honestly made him feel a little icky, though he wouldn't ever admit it.
Maddoc stood, once again rolling his head along his shoulders and stretching his arms, more careful not to spill his drink this time. He needed a cigarette, and while he, like the rest of the crew, would usually smoke anywhere he was in the presence of a lady. So this time, instead, he wandered over to the window where he forced it open, set his glass on the sill, leaned against it, and lit up. His sharp, dark eyes watched the girl on the couch curiously.
"Oh sweetheart," He muttered in his deep, rough voice, "Don't do that, okay? Don't try to make me feel bad for you. I'm a nice guy but I'm not that nice, I have no clue about the arrangement Jace made with your father but I don't want any part of it. I can't and won't help you. Even if I am sorry you miss your old life."
He took a few long drags from his cigarette, as he thought, staring out the window. He straightened when he turned his head to look at her. "Besides, you don't have to forgo fancy things now. You just have to work harder for them. I'm betting you can figure it out. Although," he pointed at her with his cigarette, "I'm still trying to decide if you're all beauty or if you've got brains too."
His eyes once more closed, fully enjoying the message, Mad let out a belly laugh as he listened to the girl. How naive, no, how sweet spirited, that her idea of bad was threatening people. "Yeah, yeah, something like that," he said as he caught his breath and composed himself after the laughing fit.
Shaking his head as he lapsed back into relaxation as he felt her hands on his bare skin. The scary rage that had inflicted him earlier reared it's head, showing in his eyes as she asked about tonight. Even inebriated, it was clear she was fishing for information, but she was nice company, her message was lovely and above all the anger fueled him and compelled him to continue talking.
With a scoff he said, "No, I didn't get hurt because nothing happened. We recieved some bad info about the job tonight and we weren't even able to try." He leaned further back into her touch with a sigh, "At least we got out before we got in to deep, but it spells a whole mess for us." He peeked open and eye and looked at her, "Plus, I have expensive taste and needed the money."
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Agnes took a quick, sharp breath, completely startled and unsettled by his reaction. The way he turned his head, well, it was almost like he heard her. But that couldn't be possible... right? She didn't need to breathe and yet felt short of breath and lightheaded. Maybe eternity didn't have to be so lonely.
Agnes stood right in front of him; he was looking directly at her but just didn't know it. She wished he could, until he spoke again and offered a way. He wouldn't be able to see her, of course, but maybe, just maybe, they could communicate. Her heart was in her throat as she practically stumbled backward, closer to the wall. She was terrified, so nervous she felt sick of all the new possibilities that now lay in front of her that she couldn't have possibly dreamaed up even just ten minutes ago. Bracing herself, she knocked twice.
Agnes couldn't help but giggle as she watched the man's reaction, wandering in a way that seemed aimless, from the point of view of someone who had no clue what he was thinking. When he called out to the empty expanse of house, she couldn't help but be impressed. Never in a million years would Agnes think he--anyone--heard her, so she assumed he'd decuded, or at least shot in the dark guessed, there was a ghost here just from the chill. This wasn't the first time her presence was questioned, as she once witnessed a realator grapple with a woman who refused to come inside, as 'she could tell there were spirits here', but it still roused and excited her nonetheless.
The silent audience floated behind him, amusement shining in her brown eyes. If only, she wished, if only I could answer him back. Her loneliness was the true plauge that ate away at her soul. She could deal with being dead and never leaving the house, but forgoing companionship for eternity was a most tretcherous damnation. Still, she remained lighthearted, enjoying the moments. "You can look but you'll never find me," She teased.
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Rudy was a pale, short, and poor unasuming man who worked as an alchemist. He'd always accepted his fate as an undesriable and conceeded to live life alone and dedicated to his work- until he met the newly crowned Queen. When she asked him to make an undetecable poison, he didn't question it and didn't bat an eyelash when the King fell. A down, evilly bitter man at heart, Rudy would have done so for free. However, when the Queen returned to grant him her thanks, his mind spun with possibilities. At the forefront of which was
The Princess
Rudy's cock stiffened at just the thought. The Queen, having no love for the girl, was quick to accept, happy it was such a low cost for the kingdom. So, for the past several weeks, as he and the Queen plotted, he'd been fantasizing about making love to the beautiful girl, and anything else he wanted to do to her. He hadn't even been touching himself, to save and bank a large, or hopefully several large, loads.
Seeing his naked conquest bound and untterly helpless made his cock harden and strain against his pants, and he rubbed a hand along it as if to say 'soon, soon'. Feeling overwhelmed at all the possibilities that lay before him, Rudy creept closer and laid a rough hand on the silky skin of her bottom. "Oh, Princess," he moaned, "We're going to have so much fun. I'm going to live out every single fantasy I've had for 20 years on you." HIs hand slid up her back and down to her head, which he petted affectionately. Slowly he pulled off her blindfold so she could see him. "Don't worry, I have no plans to seriously hurt you, I just want to make love and have fun with you." He ran a thumb over her cheek tenderly.
Setting: An enchanted forest, medieval fantasy
For: any
Nora was considered beautiful by everyone, demure and brilliant blue eyes. The perfect princess. Nora was in the forest, unknown to her, bound hands and feet into the ground with stakes, her middle over a fallen log to keep her in place. She was blindfolded and had been poisoned, one poison to mute her words, another to keep her obedient to those who give her commands. Naked and vulnerable, her pussy shaved and oiled by her step mother and her henchmen before leaving her to the creatures and bandits of the forest. She could hear perhaps the sea or a large lake nearby, the lapping of water. It was slightly chilly, her nipples hardened from the cold air. She could not move much, but did not panic, trying to listen for the sounds around her or anyone or anything coming near. After a few moments she thought she hear something coming near...
Nora had little memory of her step mother doing all of this to her. The evil witch had been hateful and scornful to her ever since coming into Nora's life. Nora had her suspicion that her mother had poisoned the king, her kind sorrowful father, who had married in effort to secure Nora a mother... and lost his life for it.
Nora breathed slowly, listening and waiting.
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Agnes couldn't help but giggle as she watched the man's reaction, wandering in a way that seemed aimless, from the point of view of someone who had no clue what he was thinking. When he called out to the empty expanse of house, she couldn't help but be impressed. Never in a million years would Agnes think he--anyone--heard her, so she assumed he'd decuded, or at least shot in the dark guessed, there was a ghost here just from the chill. This wasn't the first time her presence was questioned, as she once witnessed a realator grapple with a woman who refused to come inside, as 'she could tell there were spirits here', but it still roused and excited her nonetheless.
The silent audience floated behind him, amusement shining in her brown eyes. If only, she wished, if only I could answer him back. Her loneliness was the true plauge that ate away at her soul. She could deal with being dead and never leaving the house, but forgoing companionship for eternity was a most tretcherous damnation. Still, she remained lighthearted, enjoying the moments. "You can look but you'll never find me," She teased.
Agnes watched intently, as that's all she could do, her eyes wide as she studied the troubled features of the other. She supposed he was quite handsome. As he unbuttoned his shirt, the ghost couldn't help but feel perverted, as she didn't turn away. Instead, she admired his chest and the scars there.
When the man spoke, Agnes couldn't help but giggle, backing away a few feet, "Oops." It'd been a long time since she'd been around people and didn't think of the feeling of unease her presence seemed to bring them.
She should probably leave, but instead, she lingered. She was strangely drawn to the stranger inhabiting her house.
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His eyes once more closed, fully enjoying the message, Mad let out a belly laugh as he listened to the girl. How naive, no, how sweet spirited, that her idea of bad was threatening people. "Yeah, yeah, something like that," he said as he caught his breath and composed himself after the laughing fit.
Shaking his head as he lapsed back into relaxation as he felt her hands on his bare skin. The scary rage that had inflicted him earlier reared it's head, showing in his eyes as she asked about tonight. Even inebriated, it was clear she was fishing for information, but she was nice company, her message was lovely and above all the anger fueled him and compelled him to continue talking.
With a scoff he said, "No, I didn't get hurt because nothing happened. We recieved some bad info about the job tonight and we weren't even able to try." He leaned further back into her touch with a sigh, "At least we got out before we got in to deep, but it spells a whole mess for us." He peeked open and eye and looked at her, "Plus, I have expensive taste and needed the money."
Maddoc sat hunched forward, head dangling except for when he'd lift his glass to sip from, as he enjoyed the feel of her soft hands. When she spoke, his eyes fluttered open, and he cleared his throat before speaking, "It's good. Harder would be nice." He straightened to begin to unbutton his shirt, none too bashful.
Her next words her invigorated him, a tense anger coming back over him. Somewhere in his muddled mind her knew Jace, the crew leader who had accquired Sophia in the first place, was keeping her in the dark for some reason-- either cruelness of not treating her like a human, or something actually important-- but in that moment, he didn't much care. Still, he spoke carefully, "We do the undesirable jobs no one else does. For ourselves or others, if the price is right."
He peeled off his button up and tossed over the back of the couch, rolling his head along his shoulders, signaling for her to continue.
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Maddoc sat hunched forward, head dangling except for when he'd lift his glass to sip from, as he enjoyed the feel of her soft hands. When she spoke, his eyes fluttered open, and he cleared his throat before speaking, "It's good. Harder would be nice." He straightened to begin to unbutton his shirt, none too bashful.
Her next words her invigorated him, a tense anger coming back over him. Somewhere in his muddled mind her knew Jace, the crew leader who had accquired Sophia in the first place, was keeping her in the dark for some reason-- either cruelness of not treating her like a human, or something actually important-- but in that moment, he didn't much care. Still, he spoke carefully, "We do the undesirable jobs no one else does. For ourselves or others, if the price is right."
He peeled off his button up and tossed over the back of the couch, rolling his head along his shoulders, signaling for her to continue.
Maddoc strode into the sitting room, his very being vibrating with frustration, for another refill of his drink. The house that had been quiet suddenly filled with noise, as not only had he returned, but so had the whole crew. They were convening in the basement as usual, but Maddoc, frequently referred to as just Mad, needed quiet. It wasn't until he heard the girls soft voice that he realized he wasn't alone.
"What happened?" He barked with a laugh, throwing his hands wide in a way that made the small remaining contents of his glass splash out, but he was too tipsy to care at the moment. "More like what didn't happen." He snorted to himself about the situation as he refilled his glass. With an overdrawn sigh, he plopped onto the couch next to Sophia and looked over at her.
She was a quiet, pretty girl, who did what was asked of her, after a while, anyway. While it hadn't been his idea to more or less buy the girl as a servant, actually he thought it was kind of gross, but he had found in time that he didn't mind making her do menial tasks for him. Which, it occurred to him, he could employ now. Loosening his tie and moving to the edge of the couch he asked, "Come rub my shoulders, would you?" As he still did prefer to pose things as a question rather than a command.
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Agnes watched intently, as that's all she could do, her eyes wide as she studied the troubled features of the other. She supposed he was quite handsome. As he unbuttoned his shirt, the ghost couldn't help but feel perverted, as she didn't turn away. Instead, she admired his chest and the scars there.
When the man spoke, Agnes couldn't help but giggle, backing away a few feet, "Oops." It'd been a long time since she'd been around people and didn't think of the feeling of unease her presence seemed to bring them.
She should probably leave, but instead, she lingered. She was strangely drawn to the stranger inhabiting her house.
Agnes had been snooping when the front door unlocked-- in her hands a photoalbum, which she hastily placed back in the still-packed box, not wanting to leave too much a trace of herself. She hurried down to the main floor, watching silently as he barged in and collasped, in an exhausted manner, onto the sofa.
You have to forgive her the snooping, however, as Anges had been dead and alone for quite a long time. The man who moved in was interesting and intriguing, but, above all, he was new, and she hadn't seen or experienced anything new in a very, very long time.
Curiously, she floated closer, dropping the temperature around him. She wondered what was plaguing him and wished she could ask, but she knew he couldn't hear her if she did. Instead she silently stared at his sullen face.
#awesome we can take it with the flow for now#also im on mobile and like I said rusty lol so I don't know how to trim my previous reply
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Lucy was a quiet, well-behaved, god-fearing girl. Or, at least, she tried to be. However, recently she'd been plaqued with demons, troubles which have kept her up all night. She had an unholy attraction to her preist, and if that wasn't bad enough, he happened to be her uncel.
Although she'd attempted to fight her thoughts and desire at first, she soon grew tired and gave in to her ungodly lust. She would wear more and more provactive outfits, preform lewed gestures and tried to give him 'fuck-me' eyes, if he'd ever look at her.
Today, she was finally going to enter the confession booth. To really confess or further suduce him? Even she wasn't quite sure of her intentions just yet. Settling on the bench, she laid her hands in her lap, fiddling with her fingers as she thought where to begin.
WIth a slight smile she looked up, peering through the netted screen trying for a peek as she said, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned, I have been plagued with unpure, filthy, devilious desire for someone who I can never have..." She trailed off, a hand playing with her skirt as she thought of how to continue, "He's driven me mad with lust," her voice was a velvet whisper, "I can't help the way my private parts tingle and ache when I think of him."
HENRY LISTENED TO THE ECHO of footsteps as a family filed out. most times, confessions were of small things like children being mean to their siblings or adults confessing to using unkind words about their coworkers or in-laws (which they'd confess to again the next time they came). rarely did henry find himself hearing the things people thought he heard all the time. when they found out he was a priest, they asked what some of the crazier things he heard were. some went as far as asking him to blink once or twice if he was getting colder or hotter to whatever taboo they were asking about. it wasn't like he could tell them (even if he was the kind of man who liked to gossip). so he'd just smile awkwardly and shake his head, happy to have a reason to abandon the conversation.
he waited a few moments to see if anyone else was still finding the courage to come into the booth and confess to whatever sin they had committed. but when the minutes continued to be filled with silence, he prepared to leave. it was when he reached for the ornate, wooden door that he footsteps approaching the booth. henry pulled his hand back from the handle - like he'd been burned - and leaned back, giving them time to sit down. he kept his eyes forward, respecting the privacy the netted window gave them. he finally spoke, " what is it you've come to confess, my child ?? "
open to w !! ( 21+ only)
henry prentiss. he/him. 47. straight. 6'3. priest. pinterest board.
plot: your muse is a rly mean slutty girl, a (secretly depraved) innocent girl, or a ditzy lil bimbo and she's come to confess her sins and everything she's saying is true but rly she's trying to get him flustered bc he's this nervous priest who never makes eye contact with her bc she's always dressed slutty (and if u wanna be even worse.....she could be his step/brother's daughter) and omg her showing him who she is and acting like its an accident or maybe she's like ??? proud to show him if that makes any fucking sense ??? just her doing nasty shit to get him to break (like touching herself omfg)
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Agnes had been snooping when the front door unlocked-- in her hands a photoalbum, which she hastily placed back in the still-packed box, not wanting to leave too much a trace of herself. She hurried down to the main floor, watching silently as he barged in and collasped, in an exhausted manner, onto the sofa.
You have to forgive her the snooping, however, as Anges had been dead and alone for quite a long time. The man who moved in was interesting and intriguing, but, above all, he was new, and she hadn't seen or experienced anything new in a very, very long time.
Curiously, she floated closer, dropping the temperature around him. She wondered what was plaguing him and wished she could ask, but she knew he couldn't hear her if she did. Instead she silently stared at his sullen face.
Open to ⇨ all genders (mutuals or non-mutuals free to reply) Setting ⇨ Lachlan (age 24+ / FtM trans / FC -- Josh Hutcherson) just bought a house, a place to call his own. Old, rustic, desperately in need of some TLC. He has no idea that he's not the only one that lives here. Possible Themes ⇨ Ghosts, horror, supernatural creatures, dark romance, light romance, your OC can be just about anything you want them to be!
It's been one of those days, too long, exhausting. He's happy to be back in his new house even if it is a bit bare bones at the moment. All he really has to his name is the sofa from his old apartment, a dresser, and mattress. Most of the house is a maze of unpacked boxes and old dust he's yet to clean.
Tomorrow he'll get working on it, tomorrow he'll start settling in. He's going to make something of himself here, create something good and pure that can't be taken from him. Tomorrow he'll figure out why the house is constantly creaking.
#It's been too long since ive rped so I hope this reply works for you#I thought ghost romance would be fun#not sure about the physics of this world or how he hears her#maybe he just can but she doesn't know it bc she hasn't tried yet
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Maddoc strode into the sitting room, his very being vibrating with frustration, for another refill of his drink. The house that had been quiet suddenly filled with noise, as not only had he returned, but so had the whole crew. They were convening in the basement as usual, but Maddoc, frequently referred to as just Mad, needed quiet. It wasn't until he heard the girls soft voice that he realized he wasn't alone.
"What happened?" He barked with a laugh, throwing his hands wide in a way that made the small remaining contents of his glass splash out, but he was too tipsy to care at the moment. "More like what didn't happen." He snorted to himself about the situation as he refilled his glass. With an overdrawn sigh, he plopped onto the couch next to Sophia and looked over at her.
She was a quiet, pretty girl, who did what was asked of her, after a while, anyway. While it hadn't been his idea to more or less buy the girl as a servant, actually he thought it was kind of gross, but he had found in time that he didn't mind making her do menial tasks for him. Which, it occurred to him, he could employ now. Loosening his tie and moving to the edge of the couch he asked, "Come rub my shoulders, would you?" As he still did prefer to pose things as a question rather than a command.
based on this plot
Sophia was done fighting. It didn't matter. She had stopped counting the days she was in that damned house. All because of her father making a deal with the devil. Well, at least she was safe. The blonde rarely spoke. She usually just followed orders and didn't cause too much of a scene. But the longer she was there, the more curious she got. Sophia was reading a book on the couch when she heard the door unlock, open, and lock again. While sitting up, she watched the figure enter the place and head for a drink. "Are you sure you'll have another? You seem like you've had enough." Sophia's tone was soft, kind, maybe even a bit worried. "What did you do?" She had never asked before. She simply didn't dare to. But maybe, with a bit of booze in their system, she would get the answer she longed for.
#im super rusty i hope this is okay#and i made it more of a crew situation then lone person hope that works
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Nick sucked his teeth, "Well, not sure I'd call myself a super nice guy, but," his voice was teasing as a coy smile tugged at his lips, which he paired with a bashful shrug. "Hes been my neighbor and best friend since I can remember. Like I said, he's a douche when it comes to girls, but he's not an all around bad guy. He's actually got a good heart, and was there for me through some tough times."
He met Kyla's eyed and the seriousness in his that had formed while talking about his bestfriend melted and a charming grin returned. "Get to know me well enough, Kyla, and you'll soon learn I never say no to a drink."
"Uh..." Nick trailed as he thought about what to say.Truthfully, he was tired of being sent by his best friend to do his dirty work by standing up or otherwise hurting girls. Sure, he could sometimes pick from his leftovers, but he never enjoyed it and he wasn't sure why he kept agreeing to it. With that thinking he decided to be honest, and besides, he quite liked Kyla, "Well, he told me to tell you he had to help his mom, but really a girl, Kady, who he's been trying for a long time to hook up with, was suddenly free so..." He looked at her face, hoping he didn't see too much hurt there. He smiled and held her eyes as he added, "Don't be upset, really, bullet dodged. I have to love the guy cause he's my best friend but, yeah, he can be a total douche when it comes to girl, I'm sorry."
#yay#also like i said its been a while so i dont remember how to trim them and delete my old reply sorry
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"Uh..." Nick trailed as he thought about what to say.Truthfully, he was tired of being sent by his best friend to do his dirty work by standing up or otherwise hurting girls. Sure, he could sometimes pick from his leftovers, but he never enjoyed it and he wasn't sure why he kept agreeing to it. With that thinking he decided to be honest, and besides, he quite liked Kyla, "Well, he told me to tell you he had to help his mom, but really a girl, Kady, who he's been trying for a long time to hook up with, was suddenly free so..." He looked at her face, hoping he didn't see too much hurt there. He smiled and held her eyes as he added, "Don't be upset, really, bullet dodged. I have to love the guy cause he's my best friend but, yeah, he can be a total douche when it comes to girl, I'm sorry."
Kyla & Open
"What? You have got to be joking me, did he tell you why he was standing me up before he sent you?"
#its been so long im rusty i hope this is okay#my blog is super outdated and i just made a radom character
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Shot in the dark but anyone want to do a quick plot a best friends mom plot. Boy visits from college and discovers his best friends mom is actually trapped in her abusive marriage and they start having an affair. I can play either role, like this for a starter and reply if you have a preferred role
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Ellie Williams || Modern AU
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Abby Anderson & Ellie Williams Modern AU
Some mood boards I'm working on for my TLOU modern AU in which Ellie and Abby go to high school together. Abby is a rich, athletic, preppy daughter of a doctor and Ellie is the humble lesbian, guitar playing, pot smoking daughter of a carpenter.
Should I post the fic here as well?
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Leo couldn't help but scoff at the actress' words. "Oh, it's quite obvious you haven't thought this through," he said, a swift dismissal of her confession. "For one, if a couple breaks up as soon as promotional content ends that is a dead giveaway that it was a fake relationship. And if that gets out... well, I'll go on, obviously, but you'll fade back to oblivion." He shrugged and took another sip. "Classic Hollywood misogyny." Leo studied the other with intent eyes, trying to look at her seriously despite how obviously ignorant and naïve she was was. He tried to picture her as someone he could believably date.
"Oh?" Leo asked with a quirk of his eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips as he allowed her to ease the tension, rather than be annoyed (thank you alcohol), "There are many people who believe killing is a requirement for fame, so maybe you don't have what it takes." He'd once read a theory that Leo had achieved his fame after sacrificing his mother. Unable to help himself, Leo let out a chuckle at Amara's juvenile response, and he thought she was lucky to be cute enough to pull it off. "A freak in the sheets, but yes," the smile settled on his face as he scanned her with his eyes once more. "Listen, this isn't exactly a romance movie, you know, nor are you a headliner. I'll have to speak to my agent, and the producer will have to sign off as well..." It wasn't a definitive answer, and he could easily blow her off, and maybe he would, but not before learning a bit more. "But tell me, what is your story? Where did you come from? Who are you?"
Open to: F (21+, Leo is 38 but age gaps are welcome) Plot: Leo Montgomery is a big shot, A list actor, your muse is an up and coming actress, who are both staring in the same movie. Only difference is Leo is a lead and your muse has a small role. Your muse proposes a pr relationship, to make him look better, promote the movie and, of course, help out your muses career but oops they fall in love for real
“I’ll take a rum and diet coke,” Leo said, handing the waitress his menu back without even glancing at it, “And a grilled chicken salad with low-fat blue cheese dressing.” Leo waited for his companion to order, settling his napkin in his lap and leaning back into their private booth. He watched the waitress walk out of earshot before turning toward the woman across from him, the smile he always wore when interacting with the public dropping. “So, lets hear it, what exactly are you proposing here?”
Leo had dealt with his fair share of young, new to the scene actresses trying to use his fame to gain their own following, and if there has been any doubt that that was the reason his co-star had asked him to lunch it had been quickly deflated when she asked to go to the most popular, paparazzi infested bistro. He had agreed to lunch, but only at his favorite, private, spot. Usually he wouldn’t humor her, or anyone who was C list or below, but she was stunning with a clean reputation to match. However, her talent didn’t quite match her looks, yet anyway, and in the meantime his connections and status would do wonders to her career. Besides, he was 38 now and his playboy charm was wearing off, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to be spotted with one woman consistently, at least seemingly. However he wasn’t about to offer that information up just yet, “And lets start with what’s in it for me.”
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