dippingstick · 1 year
<Yes> No
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dippingstick · 1 year
I forgot to post this on here but I made some teaser edits about Iolia :)(also this is my first time using capcut so bear with me lol)
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dippingstick · 1 year
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*Married life playing in the background
This idea was probably funnier in my head
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dippingstick · 1 year
Now that I finished writing the first draft of my book and it’s in the editing stages now, I’ve had so much time to world build Iolia(my character crossover city).
And trust me I’ve done a TON of world building and I think I’m gonna put something out on ao3 about it soon.
But until then I’ve had the time to make a carrd explaining it for anyone needing context!!
It’s not finished yet cause I still add information about the main city to it but the gist of it is there! Hope you enjoy and now I gotta get working on the minecraft world for it haha
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dippingstick · 1 year
I've been super lost for inspiration lately so I did what any sane person would do and made a personality quiz for my main 8 protagonists from the series I'm writing! If you wanna take it here's the link and be warned: It's very unhinged!
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dippingstick · 1 year
Because my brain has been so fired up lately after I finished my first book draft(Yes I'm writing a book probs talk abt it later), I have so many headcanons written down for Iolia in general/the character crossover city. So, here are some of them, and if you don't know what I'm talking about just click here or view them without context lol. Enjoy!
Ocean[RTC] tries to get involved with anything in the city. And I mean EVERYTHING, especially seats of power
The RLS(real life show) people would probably stick close together cause y’know, you don’t see sentient objects, talking cookies, or GEM PEOPLE everyday.
Also the MK and Eternals casts would likely stay close due to being in the MCU together & everything(The Eternals also probably recognize the Egyptian Gods as well)
The Zetsubou Vacation cast would either A) be extremely confused abt this predicament and thankful they can’t die here or the more likely scenario B) they’re 100% done with this bullshit and just wanna rest.
Tsukasa, Lance, Sokka, and Mista go out for coffee chats every Thursday to catch up on what each of them has been doing
Five Hargreeves occasionally hangs out with Scorpion to try and escape his family for at least a little bit
Until Klaus comes barging in and starts chatting it up with Toby
Pidge and Fugo’s games of UNO or any card game really are HEATED
Usually ends in Fugo raging out while Pidge cackles like a maniac
Angie Yonaga, Noriaki Kakyoin, and Ena Shinonome hold group painting sessions and love to gossip about their friends during them
Rohan was originally a member of this but hasn’t been able to make it due to the toxic shit he spewed every time they met
Akito got introduced to Ocean via. Mischa and lets just say the Volatile Ginger Energy emanating from the two of them was too much for the Museum to handle(Techno kicked them out)
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dippingstick · 1 year
Also, I'd like to put that the Madagascar penguins are here as well thanks to one of my friends!
Probably gonna post some of the headcanons soon too!
Iolia(Character Crossover City revamp)
Okay so admittedly I've been mostly silent on this for a couple months and that's cause A) I've tweaked it a lot and B) I added like 6 more fandoms including but not limited to: Ride the Cyclone, Monster High, Monster Prom(which has me and my friends' ocs cause I can), Splatoon Idols, Project Sekai, and most likely Scorpion will be the newest cause I'm rewatching the series atm.
As for the worldbuilding aspect, the CCC no longer JUST contains the city. Here's the scoop:
The multiverse is vast and wide, full of different worlds of wonder, destruction, and everything in between. Though more common than not, the cruel indifference of one’s universe turns them down destructive paths as the good in one’s soul is ignored into oblivion. Death and despair lead one only further down a path full of nothing until one is left wondering: Is there anything good at all? In a small corner of the multiverse, an overabundance of good and positivity is left. A place where no one can die or commit such tragedies. A realm of peace welcomed to all, no matter how horrible their wretched souls may be.
Such a place is called Iolia, the multiverse’s biggest sanctuary of peace, despite nobody knowing how to get there or how they would even leave it.
But who would want to leave such a peaceful place?
Would someone so horrible want to leave a place like that?
EEE! I made that intro paragraph as sort of a hooker but yeah so the CCC from here on out is in reference to the main city in the peaceful realm of Iolia, aka Coune. I'll probably create a proper map for the realm soon but I'm so pumped that I'm getting a better feel for what I want for this project! Especially since I'm now building this new version in Minecraft(wow that's a shocker Vic)
I'll keep you guys posted but for now, I've got so many headcannons for the ppl of Iolia it's insane. Ao3 content may be on the rise who knows.
Stay tuned if you like this crossover content!
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dippingstick · 2 years
Iolia(Character Crossover City revamp)
Okay so admittedly I've been mostly silent on this for a couple months and that's cause A) I've tweaked it a lot and B) I added like 6 more fandoms including but not limited to: Ride the Cyclone, Monster High, Monster Prom(which has me and my friends' ocs cause I can), Splatoon Idols, Project Sekai, and most likely Scorpion will be the newest cause I'm rewatching the series atm.
As for the worldbuilding aspect, the CCC no longer JUST contains the city. Here's the scoop:
The multiverse is vast and wide, full of different worlds of wonder, destruction, and everything in between. Though more common than not, the cruel indifference of one’s universe turns them down destructive paths as the good in one’s soul is ignored into oblivion. Death and despair lead one only further down a path full of nothing until one is left wondering: Is there anything good at all? In a small corner of the multiverse, an overabundance of good and positivity is left. A place where no one can die or commit such tragedies. A realm of peace welcomed to all, no matter how horrible their wretched souls may be.
Such a place is called Iolia, the multiverse’s biggest sanctuary of peace, despite nobody knowing how to get there or how they would even leave it.
But who would want to leave such a peaceful place?
Would someone so horrible want to leave a place like that?
EEE! I made that intro paragraph as sort of a hooker but yeah so the CCC from here on out is in reference to the main city in the peaceful realm of Iolia, aka Coune. I'll probably create a proper map for the realm soon but I'm so pumped that I'm getting a better feel for what I want for this project! Especially since I'm now building this new version in Minecraft(wow that's a shocker Vic)
I'll keep you guys posted but for now, I've got so many headcannons for the ppl of Iolia it's insane. Ao3 content may be on the rise who knows.
Stay tuned if you like this crossover content!
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dippingstick · 2 years
now that spotify wrapped is here, tell me your 3rd, 6rd and 9th songs in the tags
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dippingstick · 2 years
I think I’m cursed cause every time I get into a new fandom, my first thought everytime is “Omg Voltron au????” Like yes I watched all 8 seasons in real time but that doesn’t mean it needs to keep creeping back up on me after 4 YEARS/nm
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dippingstick · 2 years
reblog if you want to be that fucked up girl
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dippingstick · 2 years
RIP Mischa Bachinski you would’ve love Eminem🙏🏻
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dippingstick · 2 years
RIP Noel Gruber you would’ve loved Kurt Hummel😪
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dippingstick · 2 years
Another Update to the Character Crossover City!
(if you don’t know what I’m talking abt)
I recently completed the Cookie Run Kingdom buildings and also decided to expand the city area a bit but the main thing I wanted to tell y’all is…
There’s lore for the CCC now!
The CCC is in its own little pocket dimension of sorts where it's meant to be a "Sanctuary of Peace" of sorts(more on that later). Whenever a new fandom or fandoms arrives in the CCC, a new residential building is automatically created to accommodate the new people. Sometimes buildings are made with extra rooms that later on are able to accommodate more fandoms in the future. It honestly depends on how each individual fandom arrived in the CCC. Still, as a general consensus, most of(if not all) the fandoms, after experiencing a “reality-space-time-warping” event, were transported to the ccc regardless of anything else their universe may have planned for them.
Though, a rare few per each universe were actually transported to the ccc(basically only the main casts and all that), which leaves the fate of the rest of their worlds in an unknown state. The current fandoms in the CCC arrived there in a total of 3 waves:
Wave 1- Undertale, Steven Universe, DDLC, Gravity Falls, Soul Eater, Danganronpa, Voltron
Wave 2- JJBA, ENA, Dsmp, Deltarune, Kid Cosmic, Love Live, Hilda, ATLA/LOK, Kakegurui, Vverse(an original series of mine), BFB, II, Clue, TUA
Wave 3- Houseki no Kuni, CRK, STM, Hermitcraft, PJO, Parasyte, Moon Knight, Eternals, ZV, (possibly) JJK, and TG
Originally the first two fandoms to arrive in the CCC were Gravity Falls and Undertale which went along the lines of this:
Both fandoms were the first to enter the CCC simultaneously on opposite sides of the future city. Subsequently, as a result of the Weirdmageddon “aftershocks”(similar to earthquakes that occurred in Gravity Falls after Bill Cipher was erased from Stanley’s mind) and instead of reaching the surface(like the true pacifist run), both Gravity Falls and Undertale were sent to the CCC realm, where at the time there was only one building and a book with instructions on what to do with the CCC written by one Victoriob(basically stating the realm should be utilized as a “sanctuary of peace” for groups that find themselves transported here). After many long conversations with the more reasonable minds of each group(Like Toriel, Asgore, Ford, Dipper + Mabel, and Alphys), both fandoms reached a consensus. They decided to follow as the book says and cultivate the CCC as a peace sanctuary whereas other groups emerge they can interact and enjoy what the city has to offer. So while the CCC may not be entirely peaceful(especially with bill and flowey in it), it will definitely be a place safe for everyone that comes in.
As of now, that's all I have in terms of lore to give you guys but expect more updates in the future on this, thank you so much for following me on this project! <3
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dippingstick · 2 years
Hey so I thought I’d update y’all on where I’m at with the Character Crossover City minecraft build!
I did officially add one more fandom since then; that being Eternals and I may add the following fandoms in the future along with JJK and Tokyo Ghoul once the main buildings are finished:
Ajin: Demi-Human
Assassination Classroom
Onto what I really want to show you guys: so far 12 buildings have been built in the city(I’m saving the exterior detailing and decorating for last so forgive me if they look plain
In order the buildings that have been built are for the following fandoms: Shrek the Musical, Steven Universe, Land of the Lustrous, Hermitcraft, Dsmp, JJBA(pts 1-8), Inanimate Insanity(also did BFB/BFDI adjacent to II but forgot to screenshot)
Currently I’m working on the Cookie Run Kingdoms as well as some lore on the city itself and it’s origins of the fandoms in it. If this crossover interests you, feel free to drop a follow and look at some of my past posts on this!
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dippingstick · 2 years
Another favorite character type I LOVE: Discheveled men who have definitely seen A Lot of Shit and also probably listen to the entire Imagine Dragons discography to cope with the shithole that is their life. Also notoriously bad with love and keeping a girlfriend/wife. Added plus: have a ton of trouble regulating their emotions and feel the weight of the world on their shoulders and that they’re the one responsible for fixing all the problems in the world.
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dippingstick · 2 years
A little on the update on the Crossover City I mentioned last post:
I outlined all the buildings and will start work on building them soon! also if you have any questions or suggestions for this build feel free to tell me :D
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