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dinozzodavidtali · 7 months ago
Episode 6. Season 12 — "Ziva Was Here"
Washington - 07:05 am
NCIS Headquarters - Agent Dinozzo.
As soon as the elevator door opened, I saw and heard McGee and Bishop arguing. Tim wasn't really into that, which made me even more curious. I ran over to them to find out more about the heated discussion.
"Hey," I said as I got closer. "Stop before someone loses an ear." A smile was plastered on my face. I love busy mornings.
"I was just telling McGee that at Abby's Halloween party, when he comes all Bruce Banner-like and coming at me..." Eleanor spoke calmly as she glared at Tim.
"Yeah, but she doesn't want to wear a costume," McGee said in disbelief.
"What?" He stared at her with that doubtful expression. "Are you crazy? My God, for the love of God, newbie. Let's review the program. Abby takes this very seriously. Let's follow the rules, there will be consequences. Tell her, McGee" I stared at him.
"Halloween 2007 I told Abby I didn't want to carve the pumpkin" McGee was serious.
"And to this day the revenge hasn't ended" I confirmed the story.
"Actually, it's not that I don't want to dress up, okay?" -she started to explain herself. "It's just that Jake and I don't agree on the costume"
"Oh, weddings, here we go" I lamented. "Halloween used to be a singles' paradise, but it was changed and now... it attracts couples" Lately, I've been hating these holidays. "You're going with Delilah" I said, looking at McGee and then I turned to Bishop. "You have your other half, Abby has Officer Birdt, and even Duck has plans."
"Why don't you call Alisson?" Bishop asked.
"Who?" I had no idea who she was.
"From the technology department" she said obviously. "You went out with her last week" her tone was incredulous.
"Oh, yes! Things didn't work out" I quickly changed the subject.
"She was the sixth woman you've gone out with this month" Bishop argued.
"Yeah, that's a record, even for you" McGee said.
"Thanks! I'm back, baby." I said, smiling.
"Walking, body in Lake Ridge." -Gibbs said as he grabbed his gun and coat.
It didn't take long for our morning to officially begin. I grabbed my belongings and ran to catch up with Gibbs and the others. The walk there was silent, but as soon as we got out of the van, the questions started.
"What happened to Krista from HR?" Bishop asked.
"Very critical, she never laughed at the emails I sent her," I shrugged.
"That's because they were offensive," McGee said.
"See! Very critical," I confirmed.
"What about Erica from accounting? What went wrong?" Bishop seems to remember the name of every woman I've dated.
"Oh, hotties, so many hotties. And they were all called Mr. Darcy," I said without much interest.
"Don't you think you're being a little demanding?" Bishop asked as he looked at me.
Since I got back from Israel, McGee and Abby have been trying to set me up on dates or introducing me to women that deep down we all know won't work out. As soon as Bishop arrived at the team, she joined them in trying to find someone who would make me forget about Ziva. We walked in silence to where the body was; the exact location of the murder was on the ravine that surrounded the lake. I started taking pictures of all the evidence I found while McGee took the fingerprints from the dead marine.
"And what do you think of Lucy from the finance department?" Bishop said as he analyzed the marine's body.
"No! Who's name is Lucy?" I said in disapproval and Bishop rolled his eyes.
Of course the name doesn't matter and Lucy seems like a pretty sexy name to me, but Bishop wants me to choose any name, even ones I don't know. I moved a little away from where the body was to photograph some blood marks.
"Even teasing about the name, Tony." McGee laughed at the situation as he stretched out his arm with the camera in his hand, looking for a signal for the camera to identify the fingerprint.
The sunlight was reflecting off something that was shining brightly, and honestly, that reflection was bothering me. I approached the shiny piece and saw that it was a necklace. I took the photos and crouched down to take closer photos and collect the evidence.
"So tell me, Tony. What would be the ideal name? Or rather, describe the ideal woman to me and I'll arrange a date." She said jokingly, but already a little irritated.
I thought out loud as I analyzed the necklace in my hands. I looked at them and they both looked at me without knowing what to say. Almost every time I talk about her, they stay quiet and act as if she had died and I was talking about a ghost.
"Not about your newbie question, the necklace" I shook the necklace I was holding. "It's Ziva's necklace."
They looked at me as if they didn't understand what I was saying, as if I was speaking Greek.
"Boss." - I approached Gibbs. "I have reason to believe that this necklace belongs to Ziva." - Gibbs looked at the necklace and looked back at me.
"Because of the pendant?" he asked seriously.
" Is it the Star of David?" Bishop asked.
She was staring at the necklace.
"It's the Star of David, but that's not why" I dropped the necklace into Gibbs' hand and grabbed my wallet. With difficulty, I took out Ziva's necklace, which I had kept with me since our farewell. "Ziva gave me her necklace when I left her in Israel. It has two teeth marks because she always bit it when she was nervous, and the one I just found has the same marks" Gibbs looked directly at the necklace. Bishop stared at me as if I was going crazy, and McGee didn't seem to understand.
"Send Abby's both so she can compare them. If it's Ziva's, she could be involved in the murder." Gibbs seemed hesitant as he said this.
"Or she's one of the targets" Eleanor declared.
She knew that only I would identify the necklace and that would lead me to her. She definitely needs help.
This story was written in Portuguese and translated into English. Sorry for any mistakes. Kisses Tiva's fans <3
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dinozzodavidtali · 7 months ago
Washington - 07:05 am
Sede do NCIS - Agente Dinozzo.
Assim que a porta do elevador abriu, vi e ouvi Mcgee e Bishop discutindo, isso não fazia muito a praia do Tim o que me deixou mais curioso, dei uma corridinha até eles para saber mais da calorosa discussão.
— Hey -falei ao me aproximar. — parem antes que alguem perca uma orelha -o sorriso era estampado no meu rosto, adoro manhãs agitadas.
— Eu só estava dizendo para o Mcgee que na festa de Halloween da Abby, quando ele vir feito Bruce Banner pra cima de mim... -Eleanor falava calma enquanto fuzilava Tim com o olhar.
— É mas ela não quer usar fantasia -Mcgee disse incrédulo.
— Que? -a encarava com aquela expressão de dúvida. — você tá louca? meu deus, por tudo que é mais sagrado novata. Vamos revisar o programa, Abby leva isso muito a sério. Vamos seguir as regras vao ter consequências. Conta pra ela Mcgee -o encarei.
— Halloween de 2007 eu falei pra Abby que não queria esculpir na abobora -Mcgee falou sério.
— e até hoje a vingança não terminou -confirmei a história.
— na verdade não é que eu não queira me fantasiar, tá legal? -ela comecou a se explicar. — É que o Jake e eu não estamos concordando com a fantasia.
— ah casamentos, lá vamos nós -lastimei. — Halloween era o paraíso dos solteiros mas ele foi modificado e agora... atraí casais -ultimamente tenho detestado esses feriados. — Você vai ir com a Delilah -falei olhando para Mcgee e logo virei para Bishop. — Você tem sua cara metade, Abby tem o policial Birdt e até o Duck já tem planos.
— Por que você não chama a Alisson? -Bishop questionou.
— Quem? -não fazia mínima ideia de quem era.
— Do serviço de tecnologia -ela falou óbvia. — você saiu com ela semana passada -seu tom era incrédulo.
— Ah sim! as coisas não deram certo -desconversei rápido.
— Ela foi a sexta mulher que você saiu esse mês -Bishop argumentou.
— É, é um recorde até pra você-disse Mcgee.
— Obrigada! eu estou de volta, baby. -falei sorrindo.
— andando, corpo no lago Ridge. -Gibbs falou enquanto pegava sua arma e seu casaco.
Não demorou muito para nossa manhã começar oficialmente. Peguei meus pertences e corri para alcançar Gibbs e os outros. O caminho até lá foi silencioso mas assim que descemos da van começaram as perguntas.
— O que aconteceu com a Krista do Rh? -questionou Bishop.
— Muito critica, ela nunca riu dos e-mails que eu mandei para ela -dei de ombros.
— Isso por que eram ofensivos. -declarou Mcgee.
— Viu! muito crítico. -confirmei.
- E a Érica da contabilidade? O que deu errado? -Bishop parece decorar o nome de cada mulher que eu saí.
- Ah gatos, gatos demais. E todos se chamavam senhor Darcy. -falei sem muito interesse.
- Não acha que tá sendo um pouco exigente? -Bishop perguntou enquanto me olhava.
Depois que voltei de Israel, Mcgee e Abby tentam me arrumar encontros ou me apresentam a mulheres que no fundo todos sabemos que não vai rolar. Assim que Bishop chegou na equipe ela se juntou a eles na tentativa de arrumar alguém que me faça esquecer da Ziva. Caminhamos em silêncio até onde estava o corpo, o local exato do assassinato era no barranco que cercava o lago. Comecei a bater as fotos de todas as evidências que encontrei enquanto Mcgee tirava as digitais no fuzileiro morto.
— e o que acha da Lucy do financeiro? -Bishop falava enquanto analisava o corpo do fuzileiro.
— Não! quem se chama Lucy? -falei em sinal de reprovação e Bishop revirou os olhos.
Claro que o nome não importa e Lucy me parece um nome bastante sexy mas Bishop quer que eu escolha qualquer uma, até mesmo as que não conheço. Me afastei um pouco de onde estava o corpo para fotografar algumas marcas de sangue.
— implicando até com o nome, Tony. - Mcgee ria da situação enquanto esticava o braço com a máquina na mão em busca de sinal para que a máquina identificasse a digital.
A luz do sol refletia em algo que brilhava muito e sinceramente aquele reflexo está me incomodando. Me aproximei da peça brilhante e vi que era um colar bati as fotos e me agachei para tirar fotos mais de perto e coletar a evidência.
— Me fala então Tony, Qual nome seria ideal? ou melhor me descreve a mulher ideal que eu arrumo o encontro. -ela falou brincando mas já um pouco irritada.
Pensei alto enquando analisava o colar nas minhas mãos. Olhei pra eles e ambos me olhavam sem saber o que falar, quase sempre que é falado nela eles ficam quietos e agem como se ela tivesse morrido e eu tivesse falando de um fantasma.
- Não sobre a sua pergunta novata, o colar -balancei o colar que segurava. - É o colar da Ziva.
Eles me olhavam como se não entendessem o que eu tava dizendo, como se eu estivesse falando grego.
—Chefe -fui me aproximando de Gibbs. Tenho razões para acreditar que esse colar pertence a Ziva -Gibbs olhou o colar e voltou a me olhar.
- Por causa do pingente? -ele perguntou sério.
- É a estrela de David? -perguntou Bishop, ela encarava o colar.
- É a estrela de David mas não é por isso -larguei o colar na mão do Gibbs e peguei minha carteira, com dificuldade tirei o colar da Ziva que eu guardava comigo desde nossa despedida. - Ziva me deu o colar dela quando eu a deixei em Israel, ele tem duas marcas de dentes por que ela sempre mordia ele quando estava nervosa e o que eu acabei de encontrar tem as mesmas marcas -Gibbs olhava diretamente para o colar, Bishop me encarava como se eu estivesse ficando louco e Mcgee parecia não ter entendido.
— Mande para Abby's os dois para ela comparar, caso seja da Ziva ela está envolvida no assassinato. - Gibbs parecia receoso ao dizer isso.
— Ou ela é um dos alvos. - Declarou Eleanor.
Ela sabia que só eu identificaria o colar e isso me levaria a ela, com certeza ela precisa de ajuda.
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