dimusprime96 · 2 years
Knowing how drastically different the cultural viewpoints of faunus are in vacuo and atlas, the culture shock for whitley (being a sheltered rich kid who I doubt rarely ever left the manor without his father much less atlas) I think would be pretty fascinating -.- while he doesn't really exhibit any overt prejudice like early weiss did, I doubt he doesn't have misconceptions about societal norms (eg. the class differences between faunus and humans, prevalence of faunus-human relationships and/or families, difference in prevelance of auto-segregation and de jure segregation (? actually not sure if this existed anywhere in atlas), faunus in positions of power, etc).
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
*takes every single single thing Whitley has ever said to Weiss and adds "(I love you)" to the end of it*
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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Batley, I love him
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
Jaune: (Past age) Dad, how do you like your eggs?
Papa Arc: (Looking at Mama Arc) Mm, fertilized~.
Jaune: Fertilized? Dad, what are you talking about?
Papa Arc: Ah! Uh, that is, uh, actually, i-it's just another way to say scrambled. But, uh, don't say it in front of your mother. She'll be very sad if you do.
Jaune: Oh no! I don't want that!
Papa Arc: Arc's word, son?
Jaune: Arc's word!
Jaune: (Present age) What's for breakfast?
Nora: Pancakes, bacon, and eggs!
Ren: How do you like your eggs, Jaune?
Jaune: Fertilized, please!
Pyrrha: (Spits out her orange juice) E-EXCUSE ME?!
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
Summer: I'm leaving now. Tai is in charge. I've left notes for each of you with intructions
Raven: Mine just says "Raven no"
Summer: And you can apply that to any situation.
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
Esdeath vibes
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gay baby jail
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
I like how Weiss sees Jaune, Nora, and Ren as annoying/incompetent
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But she sees Pyrrha as a literal goddess
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
RWBY Gelé Empire: A Flashback
I was taking long bus rides and just came up with this. 
The following excerpt occurs seven years prior to RWBY Vol 1 Ep 1
Willow Schnee laid unconscious on her ward gurney. On life support, she was treading on thin line with her basic bodily functions to get a grip on whatever chances she has on staying alive, let alone wake up and recover. Additionally, she had suffered massive loss of blood from her abdomen after a certain dragon-like being sunk it's teeth into her already beaten body.
The wall clock hit midnight as the white-haired huntress continued to breathe slowly despite having low-brain activity. The room door slowly swung open and a woman of jet-black hair entered. Jacqueline Gelé walked slowly towards Willow. With her right arm in a cast and her left cheek covered in crepe bandage after being stitched, she herself had sustained damage, albeit not as severe as her sister-in-law.
  "Your children and your butler were hysterical. They had doubts as to whether you'll wake up, or even live," Jacqueline began speaking. "But I know better, you have a strong aura and my brother is already assembling the finest surgeons and doctors he could pay for to work on your current predicament."
"It's going to be Weiss' tenth birthday in a week. The little girl is worried that you won't live to see her strike that double-digit age," Jacqueline stared at the almost lifeless Willow and could not help but slightly sympathize with her. "I believe you'll wake, I believe you will recover just in time for her birthday party. The only question is, will you be that same strong-willed woman who has always defied Jacques whenever he screams at your children, ignore his children, even physically harm them? Or will you falter just like all those Atlesian brats moping and whining when they finally met with defeat after having their wealthy parents shower them with obscene amounts of lien?"
  She then morphed her still working left palm into its skeletal form and used it to move a chair from a corner of the room to where she was standing. Four skeletal tails wrapped themselves around each leg of the chair and dragged it closer to their user. It was Jacqueline's semblance at work but unlike the Schnees, it was a hideous ability that had been known to creep out even the most hardened criminals.
"Now that we've had our battle, it's time I open up to you as a sister-in-law," she sat down and rested her back with one leg above the other. "What was it that your father used to tell you, Willow? That you'd grow up to be the best of the best? That you will always be his little snowflake?"
  She scoffed at the very thought of a father showing love and affection to his very privileged daughter. The ward was silent, the only consistent sound being the repetitive beeping of the life support but it was hardly a distraction to her. "I grew up very poor. I was the youngest in the family," Jacqueline took a deep breath before digging back into her painful childhood. "When I was nine, Jacques was still in high school, attending lessons in the morning and coming back home to finish the housework since there was no one else to do it. My father was never there, he was always out galivanting with different women while splurging his money on parties, alcohol and gambling with not a single cent of his salary ever used for the family."
  "And my piece of shit mother would beat me half to death every day during training because she so badly wanted me to become a huntress like her," her fist went into a tight clench before loosening again.
"It was Jack who was the sole breadwinner for the family. He had just started work as a runner for the Mantle Dust Cartel. I remember that time Jacques found out about his real profession and got into a heated argument with him because he hated the thought of our eldest brother getting involved with crime. But eventually Jacques conceded and no longer opposed Jack’s decision to work with the cartel...all five of us needed to be fed," there was a mixture of pain and fondness in her voice. Even though that particular feud reopened old wounds, it was heartwarming that all three siblings were still close at the time.
To be continued...
I might write more if I have the time and inspiration and when my writing skills improve. I got this idea when I was watching a scene in Better Call Saul when Gustavo Fring was talking to Hector Salamanca in the hospital ward.
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
I think there should also be a flashback that explains his side of the family; the Gelés. Perhaps the reason for Jacques discarding his former family name could be not just because the pull of the Schnee prestige but the push away from the Gelés.  
One possibility may be growing up poor as a child in the streets of Mantle, romanticizing the idea of marrying into a rich family to disassociate himself from whatever memory of poverty he had during his younger years. Another maybe having a sibling who was already a dust trade giant even before he met Willow, evoking feelings of jealousy which led him to sever ties with the Gelés.
Whitley mentioned in Volume 4 that he and Jacques see huntsmanship as being barbaric, which was why they saw combat as being beneath them. In my headcannon, this could possibly allude to having a member of the Gelé family who was a huntress/huntsman that was either extremely violent or had gone rogue over his/her combat career which led Jacques to have a distorted view of such arts.
I've always wondered how Jacques became to be so infatuated with the schnee family. Because it's not that he's just greedy (which he is, very much so) but he seems so insistent on using the schnee family legacy as a reasoning for his actions. His whole mansion is basically a shrine to the schnees. There is no semblance of Jacques having his own family or parents or heritage at all. He's simply erased it. Not being an actual schnee by blood is what angered Jacques enough to slap Weiss when she pointed it out. Like it's still a sore spot for him, despite him having the entire family wealth and legacy in palm of his hands at that point. Being an actual schnee was the one thing that he never had, and never could feasibly have, ever. It borders on fetishization (I don't mean that in a sexual way).
(this isn't even getting into his particular obsession with the wealthy image of the schnee family while continuously degrading their the semblance/huntsman aspect of their family heritage because that isn't personally what he's interested in)
I think that has a lot to do with his favoritism of Whitley. Jacques' already had everything the schnee family had (and more) but because of his narcissism it just wasn't enough. In his mind, he is almost perfection, the only thing he's missing is being an actual schnee by blood. And if he couldn't be a schnee by blood himself, then he could live vicariously through his son whom he would groom to be exactly like him. From that perspective, it's such an incredibly unhealthy and traumatizing relationship to have with a parent- to not even be really seen as a person, but just as an extension of someone else and to have every "inconvenient" aspect of yourself neglected.
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
Jacques: Jacqui! The white fang degenerates are raiding my dust ships again, deal with them!
Jacqueline Gelé: You know the drill dear brother. Whitley spends the weekend at my house or I’m not doing any assassination for you.
Willow: Stay away from my son, you witch!
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
Jaune: Hey uh, sorry I did it with your sister, Winter.
Whitley: That’s fine, you know I kinda cuddled with Saph. She’s like the Winter I always wish I had.
Winter: I should have thrown you into that cell with Father...
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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Hello from the other siiiiiideee
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in stand side by side and you’ll make it
White Rose ballroom dancing for a kofi ;v; I still have not caught up on RWBY but I will always, always adore these two ❤️🤍
(ID: Ruby and Weiss stand in a mostly-white ballroom with large windows back lighting them. Weiss wears a very light-blue suit and has her arms around Ruby’s waist. Ruby is wearing grey fingerless gloves, a dress with a red skirt and tan top, and a black corset. Both of them are looking at each other happily.)
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
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Here’s my full piece for @melittologyzine ! 🥰💛🖤🐝
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dimusprime96 · 2 years
She didn't expect that.
Weiss: Do you want me to believe that you know how to pleasure a woman? Ha! Don't make me laugh.
Jaune: Wanna bet?
Weiss: And what do I gain by doing that?
Jaune: If you win, I'll be your servant for a year.
Weiss: And if you win? Even though we know it won't happen.
Jaune: If I win, you'll go out on a date with me.
Weiss: Deal! I hope you're ready to wear a maid outfit.
Moments later:
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Weiss: Please, stop! Aah!~ This is too much for me! Shit!~
Jaune: Say it
Weiss: Never! Mmm!~
Jaune: Say it!!
Weiss: Fuck!~ You win, okay! I'll go out on a date with you! But please, cum in me already!
Jaune: As you wish, Mmm~
Weiss: OH FUUUCK!~
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