dimesdale-dimmadong · 5 years
iida: i brought the chicken nuggets you ordered!
midoriya: thanks!
iida: and here’s the ranch you forgot to order but i remembered and bought extra for you! enjoy!
midoriya, now crying: i lvoet you sso fuckigng muchgi yo uare the kindest ufckkign person ive ever met you are sodgood i dotni fknwo whaht ihd dhio withotu yowy youres o good i oveiobyo so mguhch
iida: logically i am concerned for your health because none of those words were coherent or understandable but i can feel the loving intent behind those unintelligible words and i want you to know i love you as well!
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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Bonus for the other one
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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Close the door!!! 
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
Izuku: Hey Tokoyami, wanna hear a funny joke?
Tokoyami: I’m more into dark humor.
Izuku: *turns off the lights* So the joke goes...
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
Collab with julian B (@hellwink ).
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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i spent too much time on this than i should have
i saw this post and i just knew
i had to do this
@agirlapencilandaplan god bless you for making that post
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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Dekubirb is tweeting rapidly and very excitedly. Shinsoubirb can’t follow but he’ll listen anyway.
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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just you wait, my fellow bad-childhood-experience-because-prejudiced friend. just you wait.
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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can’t argue with these facts
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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Me too Deku.
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
What Shinsou says:
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vs what Deku hears:
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
Thomas Sanders vines + BnHA + my unhealthy amount of free time = THIS
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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I’m glad I was finally able to catch up with MHA
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
Midoriya coming back home late after getting into trouble for the nth time
Inko, sitting on Izuku's bed: And where were you all evening?
Izuku: I was uh training with All Might.
All Might, turning around in a swivel chair: You wanna try again?
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
Gay marriage is pretty neat
Can anyone name one (1) great European achievement from the past 50 years?
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dimesdale-dimmadong · 6 years
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Okay this is kind of all over the place but
‘All Might who agrees with the Hero Killer’ au
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