When walk past my inbox and I see Invoices
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I just Voted (Arrested Development Edition)
How I Feel Now
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How I'll Feel in 24 Hours
How I'll Feel On Election Night
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How I'll Feel once the winner is Declared
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How I'll Feel 1 year from today
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How I'll Feel in 2 years
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My Outlook when I get back from lunch
is like...
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When I get a repeat cold call from a sales rep asking if I got their email about this-and-that-such-and-such
I'm like...
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When there are leftovers from a vendor lunch
The entire agency is like...
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When my co-workers start talking about last night's episode of Breaking Bad that I haven't seen yet
I'm like...
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When I read about the latest story out of my home state
I wish i could do this
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Whenever a coworker starts talking about politics
I'm like...
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Combing through my emails on Monday Morning
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When the 'influential' digital media gifbin tumblr steals my '5pm on a friday' gag after openly calling me out for doing my own digital media gifbin tumblr
I'm like
you know, like here, here, here, and here; but not here after they called me out
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When A Rep asks if they can contact the client directly
I'm Like
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When My Computer decides to crash
How I Want to Fix It...
How I Actually Fix It...
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When I'm about to walk into a vendor event and I see my old boss
I'm Like...
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When There's only one cookie left in the kitchen, and all four of us are staring at it
It's Like...
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When I'm asked what a CTR is...
What I'm Thinking...
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What Actually Happens...
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When the Client wants to move Friday's Meeting up to tomorrow
I'm Like...
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Before Coffee...
After Coffee...
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