digisconfessions · 1 year
Allright, let's get straight to the point: What in the heck is Seri thinking? Is anyone else feeling like she lied about her plans? We knew Digis was moving away from being a business (which is reasonable for a single person setup) But now she says that she isn't going to use the IP? What part of this needs 'Digis' then? What about all the talk early on about making Digis better? At best, this was an UNCOMMUNICATED change in plans. At worst? Well...I said it already. This doesn't make sense.
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digisconfessions · 1 year
:( Makes me wonder how many people are still going to be interested in Digis and will continue to like Digis when/if this "archive/redo" of the site happens. I'm mostly upset because it was the only site that I interacted with in terms of OCs. Everywhere else is a different play style and I use those sites for other reasons.
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digisconfessions · 2 years
Honestly? I'd be down for a Digis fansite as long as it's not too taxing for the person hosting. 
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digisconfessions · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in a sort of... fansite for digis? It would not have the full features of a petsite but would have adoptable digis and the like. More of a nostalgia happy home for fun sort of deal.
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digisconfessions · 2 years
Saw a few posts so, figured I’d chip in-
1) There’s a Discord Server (it’s not very active). Updates sometimes get posted in there. https://discord.gg/zWEMBvqGTk here’s a link to it incase anyone cares.
2) The site being down is because the hosting ran out apparently, and isn’t supposed to be permanent.
3) While I crazy wish to save images and things- I also am not holding my breath about bulletpoint 2 either. The management has been messy for a long while now, and I don’t expect that to change at this point.
Wishing I could end this with a happier note/comment. But as much as I love Seri, and I appreciate that everyone has a life outside the internet. I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of “I promise” and plans, and not a lot of implementation or fulfillment. And unless that changes, and Digis is ACTUALLY put as some sort of Priority on the list of whoever owns it, this is just how it’s going to be. The fact the hosting ran out is proof of that. The End.
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digisconfessions · 2 years
When that other person asked about a collection of images to have, I looked up a website I used to visit. It was a site that had all of the FoTM and event colours, searchable by pose and colour (up to 2015 or so). I can't seem to find it anymore and wonder if anyone else knew of this website?
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digisconfessions · 2 years
damn I missed a lot. was there any official post or anything about the site going down?
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digisconfessions · 2 years
This is a longshot but...
Would anyone happen to have a compilation of images for pets/items for Digis? Preferably not customs or anything. Just sort of want to make a collage of things from the site since it's nostalgic for me. Don't know if the site's gone forever but even if it were around, I don't think I'd want to sign into it. Too many toxic interactions but I am allowed to reminisce on the artwork that inspired me to draw when I was 13.
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digisconfessions · 2 years
So... Is Digis officially dead then? The site seems to have completely disappeared.
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digisconfessions · 2 years
Hello, tldr I've been on a crazy binge of logging into old petsites I used to play, and as I got to digis I was telling my friend all about it. I came to this blog because I remember it from back in the days of me being on digis staff. And frankly I am CONFUSED to all hell because of everything I've read. You say you are ex staff too? I am curious who you are and am wondering if there is a way I can get in touch privately to chat?
Send a DM with contact deets and I'll reach out
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digisconfessions · 2 years
Wow... I just popped back over to digis after years and years away and I cannot believe how broken the site is. Did glitch quit? Did all their coders quit? And from reading the most recent posts here... It's honestly kinda sad to see where digis has ended up.
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digisconfessions · 3 years
Anyone else feel like Cayda should've given Seri the site a long ass time ago? 
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digisconfessions · 3 years
:( It actually makes me sad knowing that digis doesn't bring in that much money. I think the art is cute and the community is wonderful, but I guess it'll take a larger userbase to bring in more income. Hopefully more things will be exclusive to ST for folks to purchase
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digisconfessions · 3 years
Not sure why the one user with 12 pets who wants to pay for something that would make the whole of the user base’s lives easier (++would really benefit the ones who have bothered to stick around for the long haul) and was being advertised as a free for everyone, coming soon (TM) site feature is the one that gets to decide it’s suddenly probably going behind a paywall but go off I guess
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digisconfessions · 3 years
Oof Kitten and Rev don't deserve the shit they put up with from Cayda. If she can't financially support the site then she should give it over to someone who can.
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digisconfessions · 3 years
Artist nonnie - I can see both sides of the situation. No idea if they explicitly said they were looking for artists full time (ie, available all year round as opposed to seasonal) so I can't really comment on that. But I'm confused. You were ... aware artists weren't being paid but still applied? Or learned about that after from the staff member who explained the denied application was because of your availability?
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digisconfessions · 3 years
A short confession...
... I was debating on writing out this confession for the past few years. I stopped caring much over ~~drama blogs~~ but this pops into my head from time to time and maybe an anonymous confession might help put my mind at ease...
I had applied to be an artist a few years ago and put my all into what I could make! Only to not be accepted. I could accept that I wasn’t “good enough” but when I asked a friend, who was on the Digis team at the time—and I will not specify who this was—had actually told me that I wasn’t picked because I was honest in my application that I suffered from Seasonal Depression. Meaning about 3 months out of the year I’d be a bit behind.
Considering this was all unpaid work—at the time, this was when Lycan was still admin and I don't know if not paying people for their hard work is still a practice on Digis—you’d think they wouldn’t expect artists to be art machines and properly space things out among the artists, but I digress. I felt uncomfortable being on Digis and left shortly afterwards. Didn’t really want to be on a site with staff that practiced ableism. My life has been better without Digis. But I am allowed to think about that... Instance. Regardless, I do art practically everyday of the year and get paid and appreciated for my work. People who work with me understand I deal with mental illness. They are not disgusting about it and are patient with me. I can actually work through my depression now. Life goes on. 
Hopefully getting this off my chest will do me good. Digis seems to have gone to shit over time and a good handful of staff got their names smeared so the reassurance that a lot of people on the Digis team were disgusting really helps me move on as well. Goodbye to anything Digis related from now and forever! <3
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