We are a premier diesel remanufacturing company and parts supplier located in Memphis, TN. We provide rebuild services as well as parts for Chevy, Dodge, Ford, and Agricultural and Industrial diesels. We also offer technical support for customers who have questions about their diesel. For more information give us a call at 1-800-961-9290.
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Valentine’s Day is Friday! Enjoy these free punny Valentine’s cards perfect for the diesel owner in your life. #diesel #glowplugs #forddiesel #chevydiesel #dodgediesel #springs https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bfT-rBkWa/?igshid=eorihx5ylq29
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Here’s our first diesel valentine of the week, this one goes out to all of our nations farmers. Hope you have someone to share your holiday with! #diesel #agriculturaldiesel #agriculture #tractor #tractors #johndeere #deere #case #caseinternational https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ZAH_EBKPD/?igshid=14xxnu0c3v471
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We have lowered our prices on our website! In order to stay competitive with today’s market we have lowered prices on kits, tools, and remanufactured products as well as parts for Ford, Dodge, and Chevy applications. Check out www.dieselcare.store to see our new low prices! #diesel #forddiesel #dodgediesel #chevydiesel #injectors #pumps #powerstroke #duramax #cummins https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RYG_eBDMR/?igshid=10kp3iv6pwvka
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We’re a week out from Valentine’s Day! Show some love to the diesel drivers in your life with these custom made Valentine’s cards. #diesel #engines #db2pump #forddiesel #chevydiesel #dodgediesel #tractor #agriculture #valentines https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RSPdChr3u/?igshid=1w7c0noor9wd7
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You never know what’s going to pull up into the parking lot. A customer pulled up today in “The Beast”. Hope you all like big ole trucks. #chevy #gmcdiesel #diesel #chevydiesel https://www.instagram.com/p/B8O60qHhCLE/?igshid=19oiyf6kecv9f
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Have you found a Valentine’s card yet that’s perfect for your favorite diesel owner? #diesel #forddiesel #dodgediesel #chevydiesel #oilcooler https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Oq4SJhR94/?igshid=1qarlgzo24vmu
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We have a new installation guide added to our tech bulletins page for the P7100! Ever had questions about installing this pump on your Dodge? Wonder no more, with this guide installation is a breeze. #p7100 #cummins #dodgediesel #techbulletin #diesel https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MyyoHhy4U/?igshid=1u7rnycbyy8tm
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Because so many people were searching for it online, we’re offering our catalog in www.dieselcare.store! When you purchase a catalog, we’ll credit you the cost on your next order! What better way to know exactly which parts you need than to have a library of what we offer in the palm of your hands?! #diesel #forddiesel #dodgediesel #chevydiesel #stanadyne https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MaEvABdKl/?igshid=1dh95q20z90ci
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Look for our ad in “The Best of Tipton County”. Diesel Care and Repair is here for all your diesel needs. Order parts online and have them delivered to our shop so they’re ready when you pull up. Plus there’s coupons! Get $10 off an oil change or $250 off a motor swap! #diesel #forddiesel #dodgediesel #chevydiesel #tiptoncounty #millingtontn https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MUZHyhM7T/?igshid=jd75pxtyadrc
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Hope you like puns! Give your favorite mechanic a Valentine’s card just for them. #diesel #nozzles #billetwheels #turbo #valentines https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MIUotn0PC/?igshid=1af3h4rdwicr3
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Here’s today’s diesel Valentine’s Day card! #diesel #forddiesel #chevydiesel #dodgediesel #valentines (at Diesel Care & Performance) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Jg9PqBEF0/?igshid=qb6f094yjqip
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Thank you all for tuning in to our first FB live video last Friday! We’ll be doing our next video on Valentine’s Day, 12:00CST, and we’ll be talking about the DB2 pump. If you have any questions you’d like us to answer or topics you’d like to see us cover we’d love to hear them! Let us know in the comments what you’d like to see, and we’ll do our best to cover it. #db2 #roosamaster #stanadyne #forddiesel #agricultural #diesel https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HcnOKh_Ah/?igshid=1rxaiem0vt7lu
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Happy Australia Day everybody! Our hearts go out to the brave men and women combatting the wildfires in south Australia. #diesel #dieselfamily https://www.instagram.com/p/B71li8Fhnyd/?igshid=kjlwsj6mcdph
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We just got more DCP hats in, like this post and leave us a review, the first ten customers to do so will get a free hat! #diesel #ford #dodge #chevy #agriculturaldiesel www.dieselcare.store https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tp6XNBOkh/?igshid=17byea1qnhvoh
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This weekend DCP is having another sale, this time on all Dodge products! Head to dieselcare.store to cash in on all these savings! #dodge #dodgediesel #cummins #diesel https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tfF7UBn9L/?igshid=q85we2j0v0ja
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Here’s a little funny for your Thursday enjoyment. #theoffice #diesel #ford #dodge #chevy #underwarrantytho https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rNirFBXMq/?igshid=rzeonqcdm46w
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Feeling lucky? Do ya? Head on over to dieselcare.store and spin the wheel to see if you get a discount code! Just click the gift icon on the left side of your screen. #diesel #forddiesel #dodgediesel #chevydiesel https://www.instagram.com/p/B7oald4BNS5/?igshid=kk8jfy8gbqvy
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