Hopeless artist
161 posts
Fanart and other things. She/they pronouns. I need to improve my english. Current obsessions: Loki.
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dianalux-trash · 6 months ago
Saludos, voy a escribir esto en mi lengua materna ya que quiero desahogarme y así me resulta más catartico (y más fácil). Entonces, la cuestión es que soy una persona autista de 23 años sin grandes necesidades de apoyo (aunque todavía las tengo) con muy poca ayuda y hace algo más de dos semanas mi hermana tuvo una conversación conmigo en la cual, en resumidas cuentas, dijo que le preocupa que no tenga más amistades/relaciones (algo con lo que tengo muchos problemas), que no quiere tener que ser responsable de mi y que mi personalidad/manera de mostrar cariño/afecto le resulta agotadora, con ejemplos de que no le gusta que le hable o este con ella cuando llegamos del trabajo o que le pregunte sus opiniones y cosas así, además de que me había estado tratando de manera desagradable durante días antes de esto. Pues, viniendo esto de la única persona en esta tierra con la que me siento medianamente bien o confortable, verán que fue bastante fuerte y revelador para mí. En fin, eso el mismo día en que me enfermé y tuve que faltar al trabajo debido al burnout y parece que todo solo ha empeorado en mi cabeza y en mi comportamiento desde ese día. He estado constantemente iracundo/triste durante casi 3 semanas (no lo recomiendo), agotado mental y físicamente, con dificultades para hablar y con un deseo de suicidarme que no para, es literalmente en lo único que pienso. Sigo pensando en como no les resulto agradable a las únicas personas con las que he convivido de cerca en mi vida y cómo se molestan cuando muestro el hecho de que no soy solo un cerebro con patas glorificado con todo resuelto y que de verdad tengo problemas y necesidades. Solo me ha recordado con más fuerza que no importa que tan bien me pueda llevar con las personas en un momento dado, siempre me siento como si no pudiera hacer una conexión genuina con nadie, que nadie realmente me entiende o tiene interés en hacerlo y que al final mi verdadero yo solo le resulta extraño, rígido o intenso a los demás.
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Here is a post I have up on my Instagram (also nikkilanecreates) I’ve been spending a lot of time learning about the connections between stress responses and ND brains.
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Alright was no one going to tell me that in the middle of the Nevada desert is an old cemetery that contains the bodies of a bunch of miners who died in a fire and next door is a haunted clown motel
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Why are we still setting horror movies in generic Victorian houses in the woods when this is a real place in the world
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
hi! my name is Ale. I was born and currently live in Venezuela with my mother. As you know, the situation in my country is complicated. My mother is a public worker and her salary is only enough for us to eat. I also hate that she pays for my studies because she always threatens me with that saying that I owe her my life and things like that, which makes my anxiety and stress around school much worse.
I don't really have a good relationship with my mother and living with her makes me feel horrible every day.
i am studying in a private university because we were able to pay the tuition with an inheritance from my father (he died when I was eight years old). the situation with inflation makes economic stability very very difficult because the price of the term goes up more and more, and in fact I'm only in my second term and I'm already suffering because I don't have the money and I really want to graduate. I currently work part time because if I worked at one of the jobs offered here I wouldn't have time to study. My current job gives me almost nothing but I use it to save, but still I don't have enough for the payment. I have tried to do jobs online but my internet is terrible (Venezuela huh) and I just feel so anxious and stressed because I have and need to pay for college because I really want to graduate and would really appreciate any help. thanks for reading until the end 🥺💗
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Do you have any tips or coping strategies as an autistic in the workplace that don’t require accommodations from HR? I start a new call center job tomorrow and I’m freaking out.
Okay, I work in a busy doctors office and these are how I cope:
Get ear inserts to lower the ambient noise. I use Flare Calmer ear inserts.
Bring stim toys, or at least a Fidget cube or soft tiny stuffed animal to have on your desk. They're accepted as just quirky.
Take your lunch break. And eat!
Drink water. So so important.
Write notes as you chat. Just have a disposable pad of paper on your desk to jot down what you were just doing, what you're currently chatting about, memory joggers etc. I live by my notepad.
Don't make after work plans until you know how you're coping. You need to rest.
Do something enjoyable to and from work. I listen to podcasts, and only on the drive to and from work, so I'm always interested in what's happening next. This also can be an audiobook or music etc.
Change the phone ringtone if possible, or lower it so it's not jarring, but it's still obvious to you.
Write down your greeting and tap it to your desk. Phone answering can be jarring, so it's good to be able to see your words as your brain switches.
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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More Jotun!Loki ♥
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
by @keiidakamya
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
the worst thing about being autistic is the ability to procrastinate to high hell and back but also being the most pedantic person on the planet and you need to clarify and research every single miniscule detail on a project that is due in less than three days. 
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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Honeybee Plush on Etsy
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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[♔] -“Give me Mjölnir, and I am yours to command.”
Inverse!AU: Thor is a berserkr imprisoned for off-realm massacres and Loki is the beloved crown prince of Asgard. Faced with a powerful enemy and imminent destruction of the Nine, Loki has no choice but to trust his vicious adopted brother with Asgard’s most powerful weapon… and his life.
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
AKSKDJDKKS have you seen LEGO Avengers "Loki in training"? It's awesome😍😍
Listen, I love all the LEGO things, but it's a crime I haven't been able to find this specifically online yet because????
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I have been looking ???????? YouTube clips are Not Enough. I. am. suffering. (x) (x) (x)
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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While Apple Sauce seems to have people’s attention
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
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Are you ever not going to fall for that?
LEGO Marvel Avengers: Loki in Training
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Really wish all the other species of human hadn’t died out
I know we would’ve fucked it all up somehow but imagine the memes
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Me being traumatized and not wanting that to happen to other kids makes me a bad person now :)) I’m disgusting :)) and horrible :)) and it’s my fault that happened :)) and everybody hates me more now :)) cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
You are not horrible. And I do not hate you. It is not your fault that it happened. But things that are marked as adult very clearly are not for kids, and if you read it anyway it is on the people who should have been supervising you and did not intervene, or, assuming that you were old enough to know what ‘adult content’ means and chose to engage with stuff produced by adult fans for adult fans, on you for ignoring the warnings.
If a ten year old child goes to a library right now, and walks to the romance section and pulls down a book, that child’s guardians are responsible for saying “Hey now that is not for you.” If that same child comes back at thirteen and, knowing there is content in that book that adults do not want them to read, furtively hides away from guardian’s eyes and reads it anyway, that is not the fault of the library for having that book, or the author for writing it.
I am very sorry you’ve been hurt. But adults are going to produce content for adults, and if you ignore the guidelines set in place to keep kids out of that content, then that’s not the fault of the adults who wrote the stuff.
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dianalux-trash · 3 years ago
Autistic-af Master List of Helpful Links
A major thank you to @infernalhedonist to helping me find many links.
This list is not the be all and end all. It's simply a useful tool to help those with lots of questions. I have tried to avoid heavy scientific papers, and keep it simple.
I may update it at a later date.
Note: some links use functioning labels or outdated terms. If I am linking to a problematic group, let me know ASAP so I can remove.
Please let me know if there are any issues or if there is more you'd like me to add.
Diagnostic Criteria
Getting Diagnosed
Pre-Diagnostic Tests
Embrace Autism
Stimming Explained
Good Therapy -Why People Stim
Script Autistic Master List of Stims
Spectrum News - Emotions are a Mystery
Embrace Autism - Alexithymia and Autism
Healthline - What is Proprioception
Musings of an Aspie - How Do I Feel?
Healthline - Understanding Masking and it's Consequences
Spectrum News - Autistic Burnout Explained
Good Therapy - Autistic Burnout: An Often Misunderstood Element of Autism
Meltdowns and Shutdowns
BBC The Social - How It Feels To Have an Autistic Meltdown and How You Can Help
Ambitious About Autism - Meltdowns and Shutdowns
Sensory Processing
ADDitude Magazine - Signs of SPD in Adults
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