Wonderful Octave
45 posts
A scenario blog for the animanga Daiya no Ace and the Idol rhythm game/anime IDOLiSH7! Requests are: open for both Daiya and Ainana!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Updates (and other stuff)
So today (March 23rd, 2020) I have made some updates to the rules. There isn’t anything major, just a few tweaks here and there, and I also added in the NSFW Headcanon rules as well. The list of the rules can be found here if you wish to read over them.
I am also closing requests for the Drabble Prompt List. I’ll answer the remaining few I have and the other requests before the beginning of May. Once the ask box is empty I’ll see if I need to add another mod so the work can be divided and help keep the blog more active. If I decide not to add another mod I’ll add in a few more series I’ll be willing to write for (I already have some in mind...) for the same purpose. I’ll make a more in depth post about this soon
I thank you for sticking with me during the past year and hopefully I’ll be more active for our second year together
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Hi! Is it okay to ask for a Hongo Masamune fic where s/o lives in Tokyo and goes to Seidou (and is a baseball manager) and Masamune decides to visit s/o at Seidou because he's in Tokyo for a practice game or something and everyone in Seidou freaks out. Thank you so much!
I am so sorry that you had to wait so long for this! I hit a very large road block halfway through but I hope this is satisfactory for you
You weren't technically supposed to be on school grounds at the moment. The entire team had an off day, managers included, but you came to school anyway to help a few certain idiots catch up with their school work. What kind of manager would you be if you allowed your batch's best pitchers fail a core class? A terrible one. And a terrible friend since Haruno had asked you to help study in her place due to a last minute scheduling change.
With the security guard's permission you walked towards the dining hall where Kanemaru, Tojo, Sawamura and Furuya most likely were. The closer you got, the more and more clear the yelling from inside could be heard. No doubt one of the voices was Sawamura, you could hear him clearly. The second voice couldn't be heard so easily, but you could make out a third and fourth, with the third being Kanemaru and the fourth belonging to Tojo who seemed to be trying to stop Sawamura from acting out of hand. Again.
You sighed and walked closer to the dining hall. This was going to be a long day if Sawamura was arguing with Furuya again. You understood that they both had a similar goal and where rivals but couldn't they settle it down for like, five hours so you all could study? Not everything needed to be a competition. 
You could feel the impending headache coming on as you opened the doors to the dining hall closest to the rucas your classmates were making.
"Please pardon my intru-" you stopped cold when all eyes fell onto you. The only eyes you cared about though are the silver blue eyes looking right at you. "Masamune? What are you doing here?" You smiled widely and closed the door behind you. It wasn't very often you two got to see each other, the last time was in spring.
"I came here to see you." Hongo said, not beating around the bush.
"Lies!" Sawamura yelled. "He came here to spy on us!" Furuya nodded from behind Sawamura, aura set ablaze.
"Why would I come to spy on you?" Hongo asked, glaring at the southpaw.
"Alright you two settle down now." You intervened, walking between the bickering party. You motioned for Sawamura and Furuya to return to their seats. They reluctantly sat down, still glaring daggers into Hongo who paid them no mind.
"But why would Hongo come to see you, Y/N?" Kanemaru asked, sitting down as well since you seemed to have everything under control.
"And why would he show up at the school and not your house?" Tojo added, curiosity lacing his voice. At least those two were being reasonable.
"Masamune and I are dating." You said it like it was the simplest thing in the world. You turned to your boyfriend. "But why did you show up at school? You know where my house is.” You took off your bag and slung it over a chair, claiming it as your own.
“Wait wait wait!” Sawamura intervened before Hongo could respond. “You’re dating!?”
“Yes.” You both replied.
“Since when!?”
“Since middle school.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Tojo asked.
“It never came up.” You shrugged. There aren’t very many times you can say hey guys I’m dating one of the best Pitchers in all of Japan you know?
“You didn’t need to know.” Hongo added.
“Uh yes we did!” Sawamura exclaimed “If one of our managers is in a relationship we have the right to know!”
“Settle down Sawamura.” You flicked his forehead. “Masamune is kinda right, the details of our relationship isn’t any of your business.” Sawamura rubbed the sore spot you left behind, mumbling to himself about how all of this was stupid.
“Now we’re here to study are we not?” You clapped away the negative atmosphere that started to grow. “Let’s put this all behind us and get to work!” You took the spot you had claimed between Sawamura and Furuya. “That means you too Masamune. If you’re here you’re going to study with us.”
“My grades are fine.”Hongo puffed, and crossed his arms.
“Yeah his grades are fine!” Sawamura added.
“I know for a fact that they are not.” Your voice dropped an octave. “Now sit down.”
Hongo said nothing as he took a seat across from you. This was going to be a long day.
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Happy new year mod fate! ❤️
Happy New Year to you too Nonie~!
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
*slides you $20* can we get headcanons of torao and yamato going ice skating with their s/o thank you
I've only ever been ice skating once and I kinda wanna go again...
Answering this now is kinda unfair to the other request senders but because this is more wintery than the others you get it sooner
Onii-san doesn't do ice skating, but he is incredibly weak to you so it's not like he can say no when you suggest it
Figures that since he can inline skate he can ice skate, right?
Oh how wrong he was
Falls flat on his butt and slides for a bit while you're gliding across the rink like some sort of ice fairy
You end up helping him up and he uses you as a crutch for a while
You slowly go around the rink a few times, arms linked together until you both feel that he's gotten the hang of it
And he falls immediately
You end up spending the entire date supporting Yamato, which was 100% more fun than you thought
The opposite of Yamato, he's a natural ice skater and the date was probably his idea
He insists on escorting you on the ice throughout your date, even if you're an experienced skater
Partiality because it's romantic, but also because he would leave you in the ice shaving dust
Definitely tries to be a showoff the first few minutes of the date. He wants you to think he's cool and suave but at this point you've already seen him in his Superman footie pajama's watching children's hero shows on TV so there is no point you know he's a dork
He did fall once but he swears it was because he lost his footing
If it's closer to Christmas he'd take you to an outdoor rink at night because he thinks it's way more romantic. You look beautiful under the multicolored fairy lights his heart almost stops
He does that thing where he'll spin you around and pull you close to try to seduce you because he doesn't want to accept the fact that he's falling under your spell and not the other way around
After the date it's a trip to his home for some well deserved hot chocolate and snuggles under a warm, fuzzy blanket
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Hi do you do character x character requests? 💕
I do not, this account is character x reader only
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
hi I hope this blog is still active! can I have headcanons of touma and s/o celebrating his birthday 💓
This account is still active yes, I've just been having some difficulty working on the older requests in my inbox and since I don't like to give out things half-assed I haven't answered them... Hopefully I'll get those done soon. I might end up making the one I'm having the most trouble with headcanons
Anyway I actually cried listening to 「Endless」 the first time. Happy birthday Bread Puppy!!!
Touma Celebrating His Birthday With His S/O
Spends the day with you before heading to Torao's for his birthday party
You do all of his favorite things and whatever he wants to do. He trys to pull the 'I want whatever you want' card but you promptly stop him, saying that he calls the shots today
You visit a dog cafe first. The dogs are practically all over Touma trying to get his attention. You end up having to take your drinks and food to go because they won't leave him alone
You had to drag him out though, he really didn't want to leave...
As an apology for having to leave the cafe, you head back to his house to get his dog and take a walk around the city!
He's such an energetic puppy he practically drags Touma everywhere until you take the leash
It was mutually decided that a dog park would be a good place to stop to let the little puppy run wild and to eat your food from the cafe
It was so much fun watching Touma interact with the other dogs your camera roll is now 90% photo's of him from just today alone!
After the dog park you take a worn out puppy home and decided to go see a movie
He picks the movie and is rather persistent in paying for the drinks and popcorn. You let him only because you still feel bad about forcing him out of the dog cafe
After the movie it's about time to head over to Torao's apartment for his party
His birthday party consists of you, him and the rest of ŹOOĻ hanging out, drinking and eating the finest of cakes from Fonte Chocolat
He said he didn't want a big party, just some cake and ice cream would be enough as long as you where all together but none of his group mates listened to that request
Torao brings out Touma's favorite alcohol along with juice for the minors after breaking into the cake and giving him his presents
You decided to act as the designated driver because you knew that Touma would probably drink more than he should
It's well past midnight when the party comes to a close. You end up dropping off Haruka and Minami before stopping to Touma's to help him get changed for bed and also help him sober up a bit
You set a glass of water and some pain killers on his nightstand before kissing him goodnight
Right as you are about to leave, Touma grabs your arm and drags you into bed with him, drunkingly saying that he wants you here with him when he wakes up
You can't really say no to him, not just because that's the sweetest thing he has ever told you but also because he's got you locked in an extremely tight cuddle
You two end up falling asleep and honestly, you wouldn't really mind going to bed like this every night...
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
A-again that ano... I didn't asked for the scene where s/o and her ex were confronting each other and as far as I read it's totally perfect so haha don't worry it's absolutely fine ;w;
Oh thank goodness I thought you did want it written. Well then I'm glad I was able to write something that met all your needs 😇
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
It's the ano who requested the whole ansgt thing. Please don't apologize!! It's just me who have weird and shady ideas please I'm sorry >.
It's fine hon I just have a habit of apologising when I feel like I haven't met the requesters intentions 😖
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Hey. Is it fine to ask for an angsty scenario? (I hope it won't be too much lol) Ryuu comes at his s/o's home but once he opens the door, everything is messy, destroyed and s/o is lying on the floor, half-conscious, bleeding and panting. Then, he learnt that s/o's ex threatened her to tell everyone she's dating Ryuu except if she breaks up with him and comes again at the ex. But s/o told him to fuck off, turning him violent. I want to see the whole scene along with a deathly worried/mad Ryuu >:3
I'm not good with this sort of angst, I'm better with the "A is in love with B but B is in love with C" type of angst. I didn't even attempt to write the scene where the reader confronts her ex so please forgive me ;-;
Ryu was happy. For the first time in over two months he was going to have a date night with you. For the longest time your schedules never lined up, when he had off you had overtime and when he was out of town you were sleeping in. Texting and video chats only did so much, and Ryu longed to hold you in his arms until morning.
There was no doubt in his mind that you were already home, music playing from the speakers while you cooked his favorite dish for dinner. A fresh bottle of awamori would be waiting to be opened on the dining table. Ryu longs for the day he could come home to that sight every day, not every once in a while.
Ryu was smiling under his facemask as he walked to your apartment door. He'd knock as gently as ever, you'd open the door and throw your arms around him the moment he said 'hi'. You would bury your nose into the fabric of his jacket, taking in the cologne he wore just for today because he knew you loved it so. He would wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close, the thing he had been itching to do for months now.
Ryu stopped in front of your apartment door and knocked. Instead of hearing your cheerful voice, he was met with silence. Ryu decided to knock again, a little harder this time. Still there was no response.
"(Y/N)?" Ryu called, knocking once more. You still hadn't responded. He knew you were home, you had the day off so you weren't at work. Ryu fiddled with the doorknob, finding it unlocked. Unusual, you always kept the door locked, even if you were home.
Deciding not to think of the worst case scenario and hoped you had been careless and taken a nap without locking the door, Ryu slowly opened the door and looked inside. There was no music, no smell of fish frying in the kitchen, and no sign of you.
"(Y/N)?" Ryu called as he entered the apartment. It was dark in the foray, he couldn't see a thing. Deciding that he would tread on, Ryu closed and locked the door and went deeper into your home. He took off his mask and hat so he wouldn't scare you when he found you.
When Ryu checked the living room his blood ran cold. The whole room was a mess, picture frames shattered on the floor, a lamp with the light on laid next to broken glass. The bookshelf was emptied of its components, the various books, movies and small plants were in disarray. The coffee table had flipped over. But what shocked him the most was you, laying on the floor in a pool of your own blood.
Instantly Ryu dropped what he was holding and ran over to you. He was relieved that you were breathing, if just barely.
"(Y/N)?" Ryu gently shook you "(Y/N) are you okay?"
You groaned but didn't move. "Ryu?"
The man moved so you could see him. "Yes it's me! What's going on, what happened?"
"My ex stopped by, he wanted to talk about something." You said, your voice weak and harsh. "He told me that if I didn't break up with you and get back with him, he would tell everyone about us."
You reached out a shaking hand for Ryu to take. Instantly he took your hand into his own, holding it firmly and tightly. 
"When I said no, he began to trash everything he could get his hands on, and hit me on the head when I tried to stop him." 
Ryu began to cry. Crocodile tears rolling down his cheeks. With a shaking hand Ryu pulled out his phone and dialed 911.
"You're going to be okay! I'm going to get you some help alright." 
You didn't respond to Ryu, choosing to save your strength instead.
When the ambulance arrived Ryu wasn't allowed to ride with you since he was only your boyfriend. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to ride with you in the first place, having a weak stomach to this kind of stuff and all. Instead he called Gaku and had him accompany him in the hospital's waiting room. Gaku had gone and asked the nurse at the front desk about you. Ryu didn't have the will to move from his seat until he was allowed to see you.
"They're going to be fine." Gaku said when he returned to Ryu. "The doctors said it wasn't as serious as it could have been. They'll only need to spend a few days here just to make sure."
"Thanks Gaku." Ryu looked at his best friend.
"No problem man." Gaku patted Ryu's back. Gaku probably wasn't sure what to do in this situation so he did whatever he could. Having someone here with him was better than being alone.
After two hours Ryu was allowed to see you. Gaku stayed behind, wanting to give you two the time alone.
When Ryu entered your room, he saw you laying in bed, a gauze wrapped around your head and an IV in your arm. You looked over at Ryu and weakly smiled. Ryu tried not to cry as he sat down next to your bed.
"How are you feeling?" Ryu asked.
"Better than before." You joked. Ryu took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers.
"I've given it some serious thought, and I want you to move in with me." Ryu said. "As long as you live alone, you're at risk of your ex coming back and doing something worse. I don't want to lose you."
"Are you sure you want me to move in? What about us being caught?" You asked. You didn't sound opposed to the idea.
"That doesn't matter." Ryu smiled. "All that matters is that you're safe." 
"Then that settles it." You smiled. Ryu felt a wave of relief wash over him for the first time all evening.
You yawned and Ryu told you to get some rest. He'd pack up your things in the morning and have everything settled in by the time you're ready to be discharged. And hopefully, when all this settled down, Ryu will be able to come home to the smell of fish frying in the kitchen, the sound of your favorite song playing from your speaker and your beautiful smile welcoming him home.
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Hi! Can I request you headcanons for Ryunosuke, Gaku and Yamato with an s/o on really painful periods? To the point she can get cramps, have fever and even faint? Hope it's okay ^w^;
As someone who has abnormally light periods I could never relate to the painful period trope, but I hope everyone who has painful periods are okay
He's going to hide his concern behind snarky comments. Don't take them too seriously, he really does care
Has a general idea on what goes on during your period but that did nothing to prepare him for when your period actually came
The first time you fainted he panicked and almost fainted too
Does whatever he can to make sure that you're comfortable while also being careful so you don't faint or catch a fever. He did some research about how to help cramps and suggests them to you when you're on
He's an old man who loves to cuddle so expect him to hold you all day if you're bedridden by cramps
A bit like Yamato where he has the general idea of what goes on but doesn't have a clue
When you faint for the first time he takes you to the hospital. The doctor fills him in with the general gist of things and he feels a wave of relief rush off him when he finds out it's just from your period and not a medical thing
In general the type of boyfriend to pamper his partner but when you're on your period it sky rockets. He just wants you to be safe and secure just in case something happens
Gets you everything you need and anything you don't need. Buys the extra good chocolate brand because he knows it helps
Unashamed to buy tampons/pads in public. He'll buy it in bulk too
The literal embodiment of 'my gf is on her period so I am too. It's uterUS'
Unlike Yamato and Gaku, Ryu had no idea what goes on during your period. You had to sit him down and talk about it a week before you started so he knew
Was like a mix between Gaku and Yamato when you fainted for the first time. He panicked and immediately tried to take you to the hospital when you told him that you where fine. You scared him you should feel bad
Becomes like mother hen when you're on. He makes sure you took some pain killers and that you've got extra tampons/pads on you at all times
Also uses your potential bedridden state as an exuse to hold you all day if he can. He sometimes forgets about all the things that need to be done when he knows you're in pain
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Status Update: Opening NSFW Headcanons
Wanted to test the waters for a bit. I've decided to start accepting NSFW headcanons, even though there wasn't really a demand for them in the first place. It's only head canons for now, I'm still a bit too nervous to begin NSFW scenarios (which this might help with). Standard rules will apply, and if you need a refresher on them, here they are.
That being said I do have some separate rules for NSFW. I won't do anything NSFW related for any of the Act II first years for Daiya, regardless if requested to be aged up or not. I really would prefer to not do anything NSFW with any of the Daiya characters due to their ages but then I'm pretty much limited to only Ainana since they have the most adult characters. I'm also a cis lesbian who has never seen a d*ck in her life so please don't ask for d*ck focused headcanons
That should be it, feel free to send in some NSFW stuff guys! Horny Hours Has Begun
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diamondish9 · 5 years ago
Ohhhh nswf stuff !! (✧ω✧) Welp, if you're fine with it, I'll gladly ask you some stuff lol
Hmm the longer I think on it the more I wanna open NSFW asks...
Hold on one moment
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diamondish9 · 6 years ago
Mima Souichirou x GN!Reader: Funny Little World
Haven't posted anything Daiya related in months and I am here to correct that wrong
Inspired by the song Funny Little World by Alexander Rybak (it's one of my favorites of his)
You where sitting on the couch, half paying attention to the movie on the TV. It was one of those cheesy made for TV comedy movies that one only really watched out of boredom. The other half of your attention was diverted to running your fingers through your boyfriend's hair, who was laying his head in your lap.
You never had taken Mima as the romantic type. He seemed like the stereotypical 'only cares about his sport' jock. Even his confession further pushed that image on you (but you wouldn't going to lie and say that was part of the reason you liked him in the first place). But once you two grew more comfortable around one another he became almost like a cat. Sometimes being in the room with you was enough for him, other times he had to have some form of physical contact with you. Even simple touches like holding your hand or having you lean your head on his shoulder was all he needed.
Other times, like tonight, he would allow himself to act upon his full desire for physical contact and pull you close while you did your own thing. It was this level of comfort that you loved. You loved it when Mima would pull you into his arms, or let you sit on his lap. He'd wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder, watching you try to complete the task you where doing. (He liked watching you knit the most and would recommend colors for your project)
You took in a deep breath and sighed in content. Mima looked up at you, a silent look asking if everything was alright. You looked back down at him, a soft smile forming on your lips, letting him know that everything was okay. Satisfied with your silent answer enough for him. He readjusted himself on your lap, moving just enough so that he was sitting up far enough to wrap his arms around your waist. He dug his head into your shoulder and when he was comfortable you once again began running your fingers through his hair. What a funny little world you lived in. A world where both of you could exist at the same time to be able to hold eachother like this.
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diamondish9 · 6 years ago
Hi, I'm the one that requested for Iori. Yeah, I think he should wear the cat-patterned shirt more often 😂 can I request more? #59 for Minami with female s/o?
My advice today once again is to Stan ŹOOĻ, stream Dejavu, and cry when Minami doesn't come home no matter how many times you try
Natsune Minami x Fem!Reader Drabble #59: Look at me (Drabble List)
Horror movies where not your thing. You where skittish and naturally jumpy so watching scary movies with you was a disaster waiting to happen. Despite knowing this, and having been avoiding it for a very long time at that point, you had finally decided to put on your big girl panties and watch "The Cursed Snake in the Mirror". Which, coincidentally, your boyfriend stared in.
You liked Minami as an actor long before you liked him romantically. He's the same age as you so when you first saw him on the silver screen as a child you grew quite attached to him. Your mother would joke about your little 'crush' on the child actor and soon enough her joking words became reality when you began seeing Minami. Because of your infactuation with the blond, you watched all of his movies, drama's and the rare occasion when he did voice over work. The only exception being, of course, "The Cursed Snake in the Mirror" due to your inability to watch anything remotely scary. Deciding to correct that wrong, you invited Minami over for a date night and requested that he bring over his copy of the movie.
"Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)-san?" Minami asked, sitting comfortably on your couch. He knew fairly well how easily scared you where.
"I'm positive Minami!" You placed the DVD into your DVD player and quickly ran to turn off the living room and dining room lights, only leaving the kitchen light on for good measure. "I can't be scared of something I see everyday."
Oh how wrong you where. Turns out Minami had been overly decorated in SFX make-up, leaving him almost unrecognizable. Before you even reached the halfway mark you had become a shaking mess, holding your knee's tight and rocking on the couch as the hero walked down the hallway, nervously looking for the man you called a lover.
Minami looked over at you and sighed quietly. He knew you couldn't do this, but what could he do about it? If he tried to wrap his arm around you, you would most likely scream. Turning the movie off would only make you upset. You looked so happy when you told him you had wanted to watch "The Cursed Snake in the Mirror" that he didn't even try to stop you.
Minami ended up deciding to turn off the movie when you screamed and buried your face into his shoulder. He could hear you crying. Well that wouldn't do.
"(Y/N)-san?" Minami used his available arm to hold you close and rub circles into your back. "(Y/N)-san look at me."
"Did you turn it off?" You asked, your voice muffled by his clothes.
"Yes I did."
You looked up at Minami, tears pooling out of innocent eyes. He wiped away some of the tears. He almost felt bad about scaring you so badly, but that is the objective of a horror movie right?
"Do you want me to turn the lights on?" Minami asked. You shook your head. "Then what do you want me to do?"
"Hold me." You said, voice meek.
Knowing that you two would fall asleep, Minami picked you up and carried you to your room. He may not be as strong or charming as Torao is, but he would always make sure his princess felt safe and secure in his arms in the most comfortable way possible.
"Are you going to stay the night?" You asked as Minami set you down on your bed.
"Would you like me too?" Minami asked, knowing your answer. You nodded. "Then I'll stay."
You smiled and held your arms wide open for him. As Minami crawled onto the bed and held you close, he figured a couple more horror movie nights wouldn't be such a bad thing he knew he'd get to hold you this tightly.
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diamondish9 · 6 years ago
Hi, can I request drabble #44 for Iori? Nice blog btw🥰
Does anyone else think Iori should wear the shirt he wore for the profile photoshoot in Episode 2 more or is it just me?
Izumi Iori x GN!Reader Drabble #44: "Is That My Shirt?" (Drabble List)
It wasn't very often that you got to spend time alone with your boyfriend. Of course while you loved hanging out with him, Tamaki and Haruka at school or with some of his groupmates (plus Kujo Tenn for some reason sometimes) outside of the classroom, you wanted to spend some time alone with him. You had decided to take the plot relevant empty dorms to your advantage.
You both walked home together after classes had ended like you usually do. Tamaki had been picked up by Banri for work right after the bell chimed so that left only you and Haruka as Iori's walking buddies. After Haruka had split to go to the train station to head to his agency, you and Iori where finally alone for the first time in what seemed like decades.
You and Iori quickly began talking about what you where going to do once you where at the dorms. Homework obviously came first and that was probably all you where going to get done by the time his brother, Yamato and Nagi got home. Not that you where happy with only doing homework during the only time you had to yourselves, but school came first, even for idols.
Iori held open the door for you at the agency and you greeted the office workers before following your boyfriend to the dorms.
"Make yourself at home." Iori told you when you entered the living room. "Would you like anything to drink?"
"Tea please." You replied, setting your bag and blazer onto the couch. "I'm going to use the bathroom before we start."
"Don't take too long." Was all Iori had told you before you headed to the bathroom. You had been in the dorms a few times before, enough to remember whose room was where. Iori had the last bedroom on the right, Riku's was between his and Mitsuki's and Yamato's was across the hall from him. Nagi's anime haven was right next to Yamato's room and Sogo came after him. Tamaki's chambers where the first door on the left, across from the bathroom. Yet you had completely passed the bathroom and headed straight to Iori's room instead. You flicked on the light and looked around, taking in the studious look of the room (you still weren't sure how a loft bed could fit so well in such a serious looking room, but it saves space). You eyed the cute little Usamimi Friends keychains on his desk and smiled. For such a serious boy, Iori sure did love cute and small things. Such a gap moe made your heart flutter.
You peaked into the open closet and found all of Iori's shirts organized like the rest of his room. Dress shirts sat closest to the front of the closet and every other shirt was organized by sleeve length and color. Jackets and hoodies stayed at the end of the closet. You noticed one of your favorite shirts of his and took it off the rack. It was a blue gray dress shirt covered in light gray cats. You remembered seeing him wear it in his profile page on the official website and fell in love the dorky shirt.
You took the shirt off it's hanger and slipped it on. It wasn't exactly comfortable wearing two button up shirts together, but you loved how Iori's shirts almost swallowed you. You where so busy admiring Iori's shirt that you hadn't noticed him walking into his room.
"Is that my shirt?" Iori asked, scaring the ever living daylights out of you.
"Y-yes?" You where embarrassed having been caught in such an odd state. You could have taken a jacket instead, that was a lot more common. "Should I take it off?"
Iori paused for a second before turning to the door, his back facing you. "Just use the restroom and head out into the livingroom. We have an assignment due tomorrow."
There was almost no mistaking how red the tips of his ears where as he left the room.
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diamondish9 · 6 years ago
Hi! I'm so thankful that someone writes headcannons for idolish7! Seriously this game stole my heart i love them so much ❤ Can i request trigger reactions to their s/o rapping in like karaoke club? S/o is also an idol itself would be great thank you so much!!! 😊😊😊
Thank you so much darling 😢
I completely understand how easy it is to fall in love with IDOLiSH7. It only took one beat map to fall in love with this series
Probably the most surprised out of all the TRIGGER members tbh
His face is permanently in an :O shape during the entire performance, especially if your image falls more on the cutesy side of things
Can and will convince you to start incorporating rap elements into your music, you're so good at it why hide it away?
If you listen to him he's so freaking smug about it
I don't know if his seiyuu can rap but I firmly believe that Gaku can a little bit and will rap with you if drunk enough
Forget him being surprised that you can rap, you're more surprised that HE can! Uso desu yo ;)
Like Gaku he's also going to try to convince you to incorporate rap elements into your music, and you'll do the same because it's a shame that such talent is hiddden
Too bad it doesn't exactly fit either of your images
Rap battles? Rap battles
You two will go to karaoke for the sole purpose of having rap battles. Loser buys the winner dinner
Goes from :O to :D in the span of 10 seconds because he was not seeing that coming
Not as pushy as Gaku and Tenn are for you to start rapping regularly in your music but would be really happy if you did
Not the best rapper in the world, so he's more content just watching you go
Has that stupid dumb lovestruck look on his face as you rap, he's so proud of you
It takes all his strength not to just, shout to the world how amazing you are
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diamondish9 · 6 years ago
Can you please dribble 6 with Ryuu?
Have I ever mentioned that Ryu is my Hypothetical Ideal Male Type? Because he is and I love him
Tsunashi Ryunosuke x GN!Reader Drabble #6: “No one’s going to hurt you.” (Drabble List)
Walking into your room after getting out of a bath, you sat down on your bed with your phone in hand and checked for any notifications you had missed during your soak. You swipped away SNS notifications and spam emails until you saw a Rabbitchat from Ryu. He asked you to call him as soon as you could.
Instantly your blood ran cold. You had been dating the man for almost a year now, and you tried your hardest to keep the relationship a secret. Not only was it taboo for Idols to be dating in the first place, but Ryu had a 'sexy playboy' reputation to keep up. Being in a serious relationship went against that image. Of course having a secret relationship would eat away at you and sometimes you wondered if this was all worth it. You wondered if Ryu had felt the same way, and decided to end the relationship. You couldn't blame him if he did, you saw how much strain it took him not to shout to the world how much he loved you.
With shaking fingers, you went to Ryu's Rabbitchat profile and hit the call button. The phone rang for a few agonising seconds before Ryu had picked up.
"Hey." You said, not knowing what else to say.
"Hey." Ryu replied back, sounding just as nervous as you felt. You hoped it wasn't the worst case scenario.
"What did you want to talk about?" You shifted around until you where on the bed entirely and sitting propped up against the pillows.
"I was wondering if" - Ryu took a deep breath - "I was wondering if you wanted to officially announce our relationship."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you just before it turned to fear. Did he just ask you if you wanted to publicly announce your relationship? As in telling everyone in the entire nation (and maybe even the world) that you where in a relationship with the Second Most Desired Embrace? To tell everyone that TRIGGER's Ero Ero Beast was in a serious relationship with some random civilian?
You almost dropped your phone until Ryu snapped you back into reality.
"Are you sure that you want to do that? I mean Gaku just did a press conference about his relationship with Takanashi-san last month." You remembered the moment fondly. You could tell how much love and affection Gaku had for the sweet little blonde just by the look in his eyes. Of course, even though a majority of TRIGGER's fans where happy for Gaku, you still did see hateful comments about Tsumugi, saying how she wasn't worthy of someone like Gaku and how she should just focas on her job instead of 'stealing Gaku away'. It was ridiculous, Gaku was a human person, not an object.
A large part of you knew that the same thing would happen to you. That even though people would be happy for both him and you, there would always be someone who despised that you even existed.
"That's exactly why I want to do it." Ryu said. "I saw how it looked like a weight had been taken off of Gaku's shoulders coming clean about his relationship with Tsumugi-chan. You know how much it hurts to keep us a secret."
"I know Ryu, but it still feels risky." You could understand where Ryu was coming from. Sometimes on TV you'd catch an interviewer asking Gaku about how his relationship was doing and he'd smile all the way up to his eyes as he'd talk about his beloved with such passion. Tsumugi was a very lucky woman. When you'd look over at Ryu he'd be smiling fondly, but there would be a little bit of pain in his eyes. He wanted to talk about you the same way Gaku could so freely talk about Tsumugi.
"If you're worried about what people will say: don't." Ryu told you "I promise that no one’s going to hurt you. I won't allow them too."
When he spoke with such rigour and passion, how could you say no?
"Alright, when's the next time we both have off?"
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