D A M O N // F I Ē Ł D
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Sydney / London - Travel | Style | Photography | Adventure
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df-venture · 5 years ago
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// W E E P I N G ~ R O C K // 08:47am / 5 July 2020 ___________________________ Olympus OMD EM10 MKII M.14-150 f/4-5.6 II 18mm 30sec f/22 ISO100 ___________________________ #livingontruelife #wanderlust #adventure #adventuretime #lifeofadventure #theoutbound #welivetoexplore #explore #havenolimits #garminadventure #earthpix #beautifuldestinations #lonelyplanet #explore #awesomeearth #epic #theglobewanderer #welivetoexplore #wonderful_places #waterfall #nature #photography #mirrorlessgeeks #getolympus #olympusOMD #olympusXplorers #olympusinspired #breakfreeolympus #olympus_breakfree #olympusrenegade ___________________________ @getolympus @garminau ___________________________ © Damon Field 2020 | Ref: 20200705-DF200577.jpg (at Somewhere In The Mountains) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9k-QDAvbI/?igshid=102lohcso2yze
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df-venture · 5 years ago
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// N A T I O N A L ~ P A S S // 10:04am / 5 July 2020 ___________________________ Olympus OMD EM10 MKII M.14-150 f/4-5.6 II 14mm 15 sec f/22 ISO 400 ___________________________ #livingontruelife #wanderlust #adventure #adventuretime #lifeofadventure #theoutbound #welivetoexplore #explore #havenolimits #garminadventure #earthpix #beautifuldestinations #lonelyplanet #explore #awesomeearth #epic #theglobewanderer #welivetoexplore #wonderful_places #waterfall #nature #photography #mirrorlessgeeks #getolympus #olympusOMD #olympusXplorers #olympusinspired #breakfreeolympus #olympus_breakfree #olympusrenegade ___________________________ @getolympus @garminau ___________________________ © Damon Field 2020 | Ref: 20200705-DF200608.jpg (at Somewhere In The Mountains) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC62rl7AeSA/?igshid=kdpyurypt4sc
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df-venture · 7 years ago
Reel #1 - Blue Mountain Falls
Saturday 02 September 2017
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This early morning Blue Mountains adventure took me chasing waterfall shots at Empress Falls, Wentworth Falls and Weeping Rock.
Here’s some of the gear essentials I took with me...
Gear list
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Olympus OMD EM10 MKII | 14-150mm F/4-5.6 w/ spare batteries
Peak Designs Slide Lite camera strap
Lance Lug Wrist Strap
Slik tripod
Garmin eTrex 10 GPS 
Energiser Head Torch
Stanley cook-set, gas burner and canister
Uniden power bank
Victorinox Spartan knife
Empress Falls
S -33.72082 | E 150.35905 A fairly step descent down from Conservation Hut, about 30mins into the gorge will find you in the heart of Empress Falls. These impressive falls have multiple cascades and great vantage points for photography. I arrived early, about 7am, but unfortunately missed the sunrise. Even so, the views are spectacular!... and at this time of the morning I had the place to myself. Just be sure to bring a jumper during the winter / spring as it was a brisk 3 degrees until the sun got a bit higher in the sky. Great track, will definitely be spending some more time in this location during the summer.
Click here to download the .kmz GPS file for this trail.  You can drop this file directly into Google Earth to show the way.
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Wentworth Falls
S-33.7281 | E 150.3748 These are easily accessible falls about 10 mins away from Conservation Hut in the suburb of Wentworth Falls. Even so, the views are great and there are some great shots to capture along this trail. The area gets pretty busy and at times felt a little overcrowded. For photography I’d recommend investing in some neutral density filters to get that water flow nice and smooth as there is little tree cover and the light can be quite harsh. Well worth the visit. 
Click here to download the .kmz GPS file for this trail. You can drop this file directly into Google Earth to show the way.
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