devotee-journal · 4 years
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Full Moon, August 3rd 2020 ✨
Taken from my telescope 🔭 ✨🌙
Insta: @verbenalune✨
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devotee-journal · 4 years
Lammas/Lughnasadh Blessings one and all /|\🙏
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devotee-journal · 4 years
Write your Witchcraft
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The thing is, we change. We are not the same person we were five years ago. Hel, a lot of us are not even the same people we were last week. We change, and our beliefs, favourites, thoughts and the way we see ourselves changes with it. 
The same is true for our witchraft, religion and spiritual beliefs. This is why I have a list of question that I like to answer for myself every couple of years. I first started this when I came across a list of questions by Juniper from Walking the Hedge (site no longer in use) in 2008, yes, over ten years ago. Every few years I filled in the questions and looked back at the answers I gave before. Some never changed, some changed quite a lot. 
When our coven started a new lesson plan, I gave out the list of questions as well. We sealed our answers in envelopes and plan to fill them in again, once we finish our lessons. Then open the envelopes and look at the answers side by side. To see how we have changed. 
I looked at the list last week and found it actually lacking a bit. The questions were very deity- and spiritual based, so I was missing some more questions about my personality and witchcraft. So I decided to make my own list of questions! 
Since I wanted to make this more a weekly journaling/grimoire prompt for myself I put together 52 questions. These can be answered weekly (maybe every year) or you can work through the list in one go and repeat that every few years or so. 
Some notes on the wording: I consider myself both a witch and a pagan, but to keep it easier to read I only used wording like “witch” and “witchcraft”, they can however be substituted for “pagan”, “paganism” or even “my path”, should that fit you better. When I talk about “sacred space” this can both mean a ritual space like a temple or casting of a circle, but also just your home or outdoors witchy environment.
I’d love it if you would tag anything you feel comfortable with posting online with the tag #writeyourwitchcraft!
What draws me to witchcraft?
How do I see the divine?
What in witchcraft makes me happy?
Do I want to follow a path that has to do with a little nature, or a lot of nature?
What areas of witchcraft would I like to learn more about?
Where do my witchy talents lie?
What kind of deities, if any, do I want to honor?
How do I believe magic works?
Simple or elaborate spells/rituals? Why?
What are my views on cursing/hexing?
Do I want to practice something similar to my ancestors?
What are the basic morals and ethics I feel I should live by?
What in nature am I drawn to; the ocean, animals, the trees, etc?
Which (witchy) holidays, if any, would I like to celebrate and how?
How do I believe divination works?
Would I like to work with a group some of the time, all of the time or not at all?
Which aspects of witchcraft appeal to me most, which the least?
What do I believe happens to us when we die?
How do I see mythological creatures?
When do I feel most magical?
How much is witchcraft woven into my daily life; is this too much, too little or just enough?
What kind of witch do I feel I am?
Which texts/quotes best describe my current path?
Do I like research and gathering info, or do I like things handed to me?
Which things about witchcraft worry or scare me?
What is my favourite element?
How do I see gender (roles) in witchcraft?
Am I interested more in magic, or spirituality?
Do I like to be told how to do things, or would I rather figure it out on my own?
What rules, if any, do I live by when it comes to witchcraft and magic?
What do I gain from witchcraft and magic?
Formal or informal rituals/spells? Why?
What subject do I love to study?
What is my favourite type of magic; candle, sympathetic, sigils, etc?
What would my perfect witchy day be like?
Would I want to be dedicated/initiated?
Who do I honor (ex: deities, ancestors, myself, etc), and how do I, or would I like to, honor them?
How do I create a sacred/witchy space?
What do I believe is needed for a succesful spell/ritual?
Which cultures do I draw from in my witchcraft?
What is my learning style; books, websites, videos, more hands-on?
What, if anything, in my mundane life influences my witchcraft?
What are my hobbys, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
Where do my non-witchy talents lie, how do I (or can I) incorporate them in my witchcraft?
What would my dream witchy life look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
What would my dream sacred space/witchy home look like? What steps can I take to work towards it?
What symbols correspond with me; runes, animals, flowers, gemstones, etc?
Am I an open and proud witch, or do I (need to) hide my craft?
What are my favourite witchy items/tools; divination tool, ritual tool, décor, clothing, etc?
What is holding me back in my craft?
What is my pre-spell/ritual routine?
What are my ultimate witchy goals and how can I work towards them?
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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Oak Branch Sickle by Omega Artworks
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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devotee-journal · 4 years
If you haven't checked out Hedge and Hag Emporium out on etsy.. I'd appreciate it if you would. Thank you for following...
Here is a link to my shop HedgeAndHagEmporium
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devotee-journal · 4 years
a six-sided die, a goblet, and Rosé
Challenge time.
You’re putting together a witch kit. It doesn’t have to be small. It only contains three items. What three items do you put in it?
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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‘Styx’ by Pandora Young Graphite illustration print on heavyweight paper in a signed edition available through her Etsy store
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devotee-journal · 4 years
Was just informed by my mom that I do in fact have ADHD and the reason I thought I didn’t was because ever since I was seven whenever I got super energetic my mom would have me go chop wood so now when I’m feeling The ADHD I go chop wood and I thought it was just some sort of routine I started when I was little and wanted to blow off steam
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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devotee-journal · 4 years
Need a Face Mask? Buy Black Owned!
I had to do some shopping for face masks just now, and figured I would pass on these Black owned retailers I found on Etsy.
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KayKastle is based in South Carolina and makes colorful plain cotton masks for only $8! Her pricing is really affordable for those like myself lacking coin.
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For those wanting to show their more witchy tastes, TheOraclesHaven has celestial designs and their masks include filters. They’re based in North Carolina and their masks are $14.99.
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Finally, this gorgeous mask is sold by ClothnCord, a business that usually sells African jewelry and African inspired pieces. The mask is a bit pricier at $15.32, and it ties around the back of the head.
I just thought I would pass along these shops in case anyone is in need of masks. I’ve been making an effort to prioritize buying from Black owned businesses, and I hope this helps anyone else trying to do the same. :)
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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I have made my Witchy Hands Stickers into digital ones!✨
🌱Why do I absolutely love the idea of printables?
Because I am not going to use the paper (trees), there will be no shipping = no exhaust fumes, and you will use materials of your own choise OR use them in digital format for digital journals, planners, Books of Shadows and grimoires! This option is super eco-friendly! And it is also super affordable, only $2.50 because, again, no shipping.
Blessed be!
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devotee-journal · 4 years
What’s my favorite room in my whole house? This one.
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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💧💧💧Modern day water nymph💧💧💧
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devotee-journal · 4 years
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Milan Kovacevic  __  Dionysos
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