"Nothing can suppress a human's curiosity" -Eren Jaeger [Attact on Titan]
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"My story during the pandemic"
School closed suddenly in march as the threat of pandemic became a real crisis. Like many, I’ve been going through a grieving process. Since the pandemic started it hasn't been easy for me, I would not say that my story was unique because majority of the people had it too. Anxiety and breakdown has always been there during the pandemic I cannot focus to the things that I should be doing because I overthink too much and I always make my self felt bad and forgetting school to the point where I cannot focus anymore and having a hard time coping with the school requirments and activites, School can be a bit overwhelming, so I tried to pit my self together to make things for myself, family and friends is a welcome reprieve from corona madness. I am always thanksful to my friends because they where always there to accompany me and make me happy and it help me forget the agony from suffering anxiety.
It will be a long time before we can fully reckon with all that’s happened and is happening during this pandemic. But we are going through it together, and we hope that our contribution can help.
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I lived in a place where it's prone to floods for over a decade now, and it really cause a lot of distruction of our properties.
Environmental issues are a matter of concern these days. With the rise of pollution levels and floods all the countries in the world are concerned about the environment. This is mainly because environmental degradation threatens the existence of humankind. Previously, no one even bothered to care about the environment. People were careless about their surroundings. But now, with rising awareness, some of them have become more cautious.
People is much more concerned about Covid-19 but we need to put also our attention to these matter.Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by. People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation. Lack of awareness leads to more damage to the environment. With the rise of the internet, everyone is aware of environmental issues today. Not all of them understand the deeper meaning of each one of those issues. However, given the state of the earth, people realize that all is not well.
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Every minute someone is being bullied for their body. Weight-based stigmatization at home can lead to binge eating, weight gain, and drastic weight control measures. Negative comments make someone vulnerable and lead to an unrealistic expectation about their body. Supporting those who are victims of negative comments is critical, every gender and every status in life. I myself is bullied for my height even if I am a guy. We should stop body shaming especially for women, we don't their story they might came from being anxious or a trauma that causes them to have an eating disorder.
Whether you call it fat shaming or body shaming, one thing is clear nobody should feel shame over their weight, clothing size, or body shape. And while you’d never intentionally say or do anything to make your girl feel too fat, too big, too anything.No doubt you’ve heard advice from people who say complimenting a girl on her looks is a big no no. You’re supposed to tell her she’s brave, strong, curious, funny, bold, or smart basically anything but pretty or beautiful. But you know what? With so much body shaming going on in the world and so much pressure to meet unrealistic and often unattainable beauty standards, it’s actually important for your girl to hear she’s beautiful once in a while. Of course don’t make that the only thing you focus onshe is so much more than the way she looks, so mix in some praise for her hard work at school, her kindness, and her can do attitude but telling her she looks awesome isn’t going to hurt anything, and it might be just the thing she needs to hear. STOP BODY SHAMING!!
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"Care for Elderly"
Every night, when I am preparing for dinner I always watch documentaries while cooking and there this one time that the program I watch its about caring for the elderly and how every child in the world treat their parents after having their own family. I suddenly think of my parents when the time comes when I have my own family or I have to go far from them, how am I gonna take care of them?, Remaining in good health as an older adult requires much more than what medication elderly people need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety. Lack of awareness regarding the changing behavioral patterns in elderly people at home leads to abuse of them by their kin. Hence this article deals with the issues that affect the lives of senior citizens and further complicate into major physiological and psychological problems. I will promise my self that I will strive to give them a better life and make them feel loved.
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What I'd So Differently (Life Choices)
Life is one word that comes with a lot of meanings and experiences.Life is not the same for everyone. Some people face a lot of difficulty with life while some don’t.
I don't have the previlage that some people have but I always thought myself to be greatful of what I have struggles and circumstances is with me along the way and that changes my view of life as I grew up at some point where I am in a situation when I felt lost and lockdown myself in my room for week just because I am already tired and I am lucky to have people who cares me with in those times in mylife.
And after that I told myself that things will get better even though we felt sometimes that we're out of the road we should continue and fight back because at the end of the day it's your choice no one will decide for yourself but you.
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How I choose my major TCM
We're eleven in the family and yes it'a big family, when I was a kid I told myself to strive so I could help my family specially my siblings who's also studying that why I dream to finish school so I'll be able to have a big chance to have a good jobs and opportunities, struggles is always there along the way of course but that doesn't stop me until I finished my senior highschool. I had a hard time deciding what program should I take when I step in to college.
My dream school has a lot of programs to offer and I asked myself what I really want and does that program really for me? it is a challenge to pick one when it feels like the rest of your adult life is riding on that choice and so I did my research on what program suits me well.
I am not a talkative type of a person but I am good at express my thoughts and that leads me to the program which is the TCM or Techonlogy Communication Management. Don't judge me but I have this lame reason why I also choose TCM because they say that TCM doesn't offer the subject mathematics which I am not good at it, at first I admit that I didn't like my choosen program and regreted about it but as the time I spend in the program I started to appreciate and love my major.
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"Letter to my 10-year-old Self"
When I was a kid I'm always wondering the feeling of being an adult and I can't wait become one but things has change now that I am an adult already. I thought that being an adult would make me do the things that I can't do as a child but that doesn't work that way and I will tell him how much time you've wasted being afraid over something that doesn't worth it? You're in your elementary now do your best in your studies and don't mind those bullies they may be frightened you in some way but always remember the things that matters the most.
My message to my 10 year-old-self is to let him know that it always gets better and don't be hard to yourself, fall inlove with you first. You’re going to feel like the world is against you most of the time, but that isn’t the case. One bad thing doesn’t make it a bad life, it just makes it a bad day. Remember to stay true to who you are. There will be a lot of people who pressure you to change or to be different, but your quirks and your shyness only make you more empathetic.
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Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year, and in the place wherein they propose to vote, for at least six months immediately preceding the election.Since the election is coming we the people are required to vote and this is also the opportunity for us to choose who's going to be our leader.
For me, having the opportunity to vote is also giving the opportunity for us to choose for our future. we should perceive that while our votes offer victory to candidates, it likewise supports our political framework completely. We are choosing singular applicants as well as supporting the presence of our country's political framework. We should also remembet the fact that our future is on the hands of whom we vote, so vote wisely.
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"Covid-19 Vaccination Roll-out"
A lot has change since the pandemic strike us, we've never lived this way before. Stores are shuttered. We grocery shop as infrequently as possible. We wear masks, many of which were made by an army of everyday people who pulled out their sewing machines and created for the common good. All learning has moved online. Non-essential workers office from home. Parents have become home schoolers and families are learning how to live under one roof in the same space 24 hours a day.
Since the the corona virus hit us in 2019 we've been trying to find a vaccine to prevent the virus from entering out body, and finally for almost 2 years of research we've finally made it, but the question is how will it distribute to people equally and will the people trust the vaccine? The priority for now is the frontliners who works in the medical fields and the edlerly who is the most vulnerable in this time being and we should always remeber to be decipline and follow all the articles so that we can get through this pandemic in no time so we can go back to the life we've use to.
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