Devi Finds Delish
33 posts
Let's have some fun :3~Some SFW, Some NSFW, All G/T~
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
deviousdeliciousness · 1 month ago
(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Love it
It's been sitting without an update for awhile and I'm fearful. Pls. I beg of thee. Pls finish.
It shall be done........ eventually :333
life is a hectic canoodle my fren, is all I'll say
but temporarily.
tisn't abandoned tho frfr
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deviousdeliciousness · 3 months ago
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*cue screaming montage*
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deviousdeliciousness · 6 months ago
Take Care
Summary: Carl has an emergency, and he doesn't have anyone else he can ask to look after his tiny friend Sean except for his Aunt Lisa. Surely everything will be fine, right? Surely she wouldn't think to leave the tiny's well-being in the hands of another.
"Aunt Lisa, I really don't want to have to do this, but it's an emergency," Carl pleaded, his hands slowly lowering from where they'd been cupped to his chest.
Hunched over in his palm and looking a mixture of sheepish and exasperated, was a tiny. The boy looked to be around the same age as Carl, with dark hair and pale skin, and he was wearing a navy colored hoodie and a matching pair of jeans.
The only show of Aunt Lisa's surprise was a slight raising of her eyebrows.
"...And you can't leave him alone because..." she trailed off questioningly, tone not accusing and only faintly curious.
Carl sighed, shifting on his feet. "I've got a rat problem at my place still - it wouldn't be safe to leave him there without me. And I can't bring him back to his town 'cause that's an easy thirty minute drive that'll be in the opposite direction to where I gotta be. So..." he looked at her pleadingly, carefully extending his cupped hands.
Aunt Lisa eyed him and the tiny for a couple more seconds before relenting with a sigh, plucking the tiny up and setting him on her other palm.
Sean flinched at the abrupt series of actions, going fully tense as he landed in her palm and snapping his head over to Carl to stare at his friend with wide eyes.
Carl winced back at him, shrugging helplessly. He really did have to go, and there was no time for a second option for who to leave Sean with. Plus, even if Aunt Lisa was a little... lacking in courtesy right there, she hadn't hurt Sean or anything - she just wasn't around tinies that much to readily know better, was all. Plus, since she had two kids at home, Carl trusted she'd know how to supervise the new person put in her care.
Giving the two of them a wave, Carl farewelled with, "I'll be back by tonight - ten at the latest, alright?"
Aunt Lisa nodded, and Sean clutched her thumb to keep himself from shaking with the motion, feeling a little sick at being held up on only a single, smaller palm.
Without another word, Carl was gone.
"Alright, then," Lisa said briskly, and Sean flinched at her change in tone, twisting around to try and meet her gaze.
She stared back down at him, eyes half-lidded and almost... bored. Callous.
Her next words confirmed it. "I can't sit around watching you all day," she huffed, spinning on her heel and starting up a brisk walk. Sean yelped and held onto her thumb for dear life, trying to answer back (what, he had no idea. That she didn't have to constantly watch him - he just had to be somewhere in her sight so she knew some animal or something didn't get to him, maybe), but she talked right over him. "My girl Sarah's still at school, but Gabe can take care of you," she informed him dismissively.
She had kids? Carl forgot to tell him about that. Still, maybe being around this Gabe would be better than Lisa, who was very quickly showing her lack of regard for Sean - or maybe just tinies in general. How old would Gabe be, though? Sean and Carl were in college, which explained the odd hours, but would Gabe be too? That was the only thing that made sense to Sean, since the hours meant high school was still currently in session and Lisa looked too young to have had a kid much older than that.
Having lost himself so much in his reverie, Sean didn't come back to himself until Lisa had opened a door and - in a gratingly high-pitched voice that border-lined a coo - said, "Hi there little Gabie, how's my big boy doing?"
What the hell? Who talked to anyone like-
Sean twisted around, and he could swear his heart stopped.
That wasn't an adult. That wasn't a kid, even. That was a toddler.
A two, maybe three, year old sitting on the floor in what was quite apparently a play room, staring up at his mother with his bright blue eyes and pudgy cheeks, a line of drool following the toy block he'd just been gnawing at in his mouth. "Mama!" the boy exclaimed, raising his free arm to make a grabby hand at her
"Mrs. Lisa," Sean called loudly, his voice high-pitched and reedy.
He flinched as the toddler's gaze zeroed in on him, doubly so the way they seemed to light up. Behind him, Lisa responded with a short, annoyed sounding, "Yes?"
"I - you - you can't leave me here with him," he choked out, hating how his voice was already on the verge of pleading.
Gabe responded before she could, carelessly dropping his block to raise his other arm and make even more desperate grabby hands, breaking out into a milky-toothed smile. "Gimme mama, gimme!" he cried happily, scooching forwards and not taking his eyes off Sean for a second.
The tiny shrank back on Lisa's palm, only to yelp in shock as his entire station was lowered - as Lisa crouched down.
She ignored what Sean had said entirely to instead respond to her son, voice once more all gooey and sweet. "Now, Gabie, you have to be gentle with this one, alright?" she told him kindly, and Sean flinched as a rough finger stroked down his spine as if in demonstration.
This was not fucking happening. Abruptly, Sean's voice raised to a shout, "I am NOT GOING TO-"
He cut off with a yelp as fingers pinched around his waist, squeezing the breath out of him in what he doubted could be anything but a reprimand, and Lisa once again talked like he said nothing.
"It's very delicate, okay Gabie?" she cooed, extending her hand out towards the toddler's.
Sean writhed, limbs flailing as he finally let out a panicked scream, his mind filled with a litany of terror-filled nonononononoono's this couldn't be happening, why was this happpening - It only made the toddler reaching for him giggle, and suddenly a much smaller fist was wrapping around the tiny's torso, squeezing him tighter and tighter until it felt like his ribs were about to crack. He cried out.
"Gently, Gabie, remember?" Lisa fondly reprimanded, and the toddler eased his grip the barest fraction - just enough for Sean to suck in a half-breath.
"N-no-" he wheezed out, but he doubted either of them even heard this time. Not that they would care either way.
From behind him, he heard the sounds of Lisa rising back to a stand, and she gave her son a sweet goodbye of, "I'll be back later, lovie. Make sure to take good care of your knew playmate for mommy, kay?"
The toddler's head nodded up and down, the force jerking Sean in his pudgy fist that gave a little squeeze with the motion and expelled all the air from his lungs. "'kay mommy," Gabe promised with all the seriousness he could seem to muster. Then, his eyes were back on a panting Sean, excitement making them shine. The tiny let out a terrified whimper, frozen except for the shivers that'd started wracking his body. He was too afraid that a single move would end up with him finally being crushed, his bones snapping easily in a toddler's tight fist.
And as the door closed behind Lisa, Sean couldn't help but parallel it to the sealing of his fate as he stared up at the giant toddler's face in front of him with an overwhelmingly crippling sense of dread.
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deviousdeliciousness · 7 months ago
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"just hold me"
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deviousdeliciousness · 9 months ago
Just an Accident
Welp. Uh. OKAY - first off no actual harm comes to the tiny!
Still kinndaaa def angsty tho ngl - oop
Astel yelped like a kicked dog - all high pitched and suddenly, painfully betrayed terrified - as a hand large enough to crush him beneath it came rushing down from far above. His legs collapsed underneath him, and he shot his arms up in a useless attempt to ward off his impending fate as he trembled in horror, only for the hand to abruptly stop.
For a second, everything was still. Then a giant face peered from around that palm that was now nothing but menacing in Astel's eyes, Chris looking down at him in surprise.
Chris's eyes were wide with his startlement, but they relaxed as he finally spotted Astel, casually moving his hand back away and to his distant side. "Woah, didn't see you there, buddy," he chuckled as easy as anything. He gave a funny little smile when he noticed Astel's tense, stiff posture, awkwardly joking, "Geez man, relax. You're acting like I was trynna kill you, or something."
And then, as if nothing had happened at all, the giant just... walked away, rubbing at the back of his neck as he headed for the living room.
Astel swallowed in large gulps of air, his trembling finally picking up now that the adrenaline from the shock finally hit his system. He shakily put a hand over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut and scrunching his knees to his chest.
No, Chris hadn't been trying to kill him.
Astel couldn't help but think that that fact made it all the worse that the giant still almost had.
If Chris hadn't heard his scream - if he'd been wearing those headphones and blasting music like he was prone to do - Astel could be dead right now.
He could be nothing more than a smear of mangled bones protruding from his flesh in broken shards, crushed into a pulp without any intention behind it.
Just a giant's careless action, not looking where he was placing his hand before going to lean against a counter to reach a higher shelf, and Astel would be gone.
Or maybe he would've survived. Maybe the seemingly immeasurable weight of Chris's palm bearing down on him would've only landed on part of him - just an arm, or his legs.
And then Astel would be dead anyway. it was a feat approaching impossibility to fix a broken limb at his size. And no borrower could live a long life after losing the use of a limb.
An arm? Maybe. It wouldn't be a very good life, though. Climbing - basically an essential to a borrower's way of life - would from then on be out of the question. His sense of balance that he'd spent his entire life honing to a fine point would return to that of a helpless child's. His ability to care for himself the way a single borrower needed to would arguably be at less than that.
A leg? Both? He might as well kill himself then and there for how long he'd survive on his own afterwards.
And what other option would there be? Staying with Chris full-time? Losing his own autonomy and slowly but surely regressing to being treated as something less than - some kind of pet? Coddled and dehumanized and treated like an object rather than anything worth more -
Astel shuddered, burying his head against his knees.
It was fine. He was fine. None of that had happened, so there was no point in thinking about it.
Chris hadn't meant to come off as so callus about it, either, Astel was sure. The giant was probably thinking about something else, hadn't noticed how truly close he had come to -
Astel swallowed heavily, his arms curling across his chest to clutch at his ribs, soothing, comforting.
It was-
He was fine.
Chris cared about him, he did. It was just an accident - one that technically didn't even happen.
... so what if Astel's pulse refused to settle, if waking nightmares flashed across the backs of his eyelids with every squeezed-tight blink.
... so what if Astel couldn't help but now think that every carefully dealt out ounce of trust he had steadily handed out to the giant was built on a foundation of sand, of splintering wood that had already been eaten through from the very beginning.
whow this was uhh another more depresso fic than expected, uhhhhhh ye
Not really loving how this turned out, but it's been a minute since I've posted a story soooo Huhzahz
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deviousdeliciousness · 9 months ago
Master List
A bit late on this, but here's more or less everything I've posted on here thus far
G/T Stories (sfw):
Just an Accident
I'm always watching you (Pt. 1)
Jarred (Pt. 1, Pt. 2)
Pinned Down
Sweet Nothings
A Drunken Giant (Pt. 1)
Just a Taste (Pt. 1)
Tipped Off
Not a Mouse (Pt. 1)
G/T Prompts/Thoughts:
G/T Thoughts
A Teasing Giant
Pinning Board
Stuck Tiny
G/T Fear Play
Master List/AO3 Account
G/T Stories (nsfw):
A Helping Hand
Filled to the Brim
G/T Fearplay be hittin' different
Me being me
(Good idea @therealavs XD)
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deviousdeliciousness · 9 months ago
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Liddol man 🥺
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deviousdeliciousness · 9 months ago
Hi! I love your writing and prompts and was wondering if you have master list of all of them or an ao3 account? Apologies if you do have either of those posted on tumblr and I just suck at finding things lmaooo
Hey, thanks!! (Edit: I have now created a Master List!). As for an AO3 account... I do have the one that I just linked, but it's not what I post here - there it's all fanfic NSFW stuff (still a buncha G/T) and significantly moreee uhhhhh sordid, I suppose you could say, so visit there at your own risk 🫠.
Hope that helps!
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deviousdeliciousness · 9 months ago
A Teasing Giant - G/T Story Prompt
A giant who likes to tease constantly and is painfully oblivious in all the wrong ways (for the tiny's mental well-being and continued sanity, that is).
A captured tiny (A sacrifice? Maybe their community said that the tiny made the choice willingly so the giant takes that to mean that the 'offering' was into this sorta thing or something hA nOPE) who has a 100% stone face that shows none of their terror that they most definitely feel, and they only speak when they know their voice won't shake so as not to give themselves away (maybe they don't want to give the giant what they think it wants - their terror) and is what the giant calls 'feisty.'
Misunderstandings and angst galore! Potential for resolution genuinely possible! Angst/Comfort sure to ensue!
Poor bb tiny ;-;
Good for us readers tho XDDD
Side Note: I shall return to writing my actual fics here instead of just throwing out random story prompts.... eventually...
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
Hallucination - G/T Story Prompt
Giant thinking the tiny is just a hallucination (due to lack of sleep or some other explainable reason) resulting in them behaving carelessly/callously with the tiny.
Giant's idly spoken musings (to the absolutely terrified tiny):
"Never knew you could feel a hallucination, and it sounds and looks so real too." - spoken while carelessly tugging on one of the tiny's fragile arms from where the tiny is trapped in the giant's too-tight fist.
"And where'dyou think you're going?" - said while easily - and not nearly gently enough - snatching the tiny up into a fist.
"You'd think it'd have more sense behind it than just trying constant escape - this is MY hallucination, can't I MAKE it act different?" - big oof words for the tiny to hear. Imagine the tiny desperately crying and pleading and trying to convince the giant that they're real, to no avail. Begging the giant to let them go, to not hurt them, to not do anything irreversible while under the impression they can't injure something that isn't even real.
...ehehheheh I think I'm gonna make a story with this :3
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
I WANT to hug Kai so bad! He needs it after what the giant did with him.
Dude he definitely does - honestly, I'm putting basically all of my borrower characters through the wringer atm, so they all could really do with a hug XDDDDD (...whoops)
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
hold on tight :3
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the teasing will NEVER END 🔥👹🔥
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
Pinning Board - G/T Story Prompt
Fairy g/t
This is a story idt I'd do myself (the premise is a bit darker than my usual, even), but I feel like it would be a really good read if anyone managed it, since it has many opportunities to apply liberal angst (hopefully with a happy ending).
Fairy gets caught in a giant's net and passes out.
Wakes up in a terrarium with the room outside of it being just wall after wall covered in pinned fairies, their lifeless glass eyes seeming staring back at them.
The Doc that captured them is mildly sad but not surprised when the fairy is seemingly hostile/afraid of him.
Doc thinks fairies are pretty much mindless creatures, little more than butterflies. He doesn't kill them, though! He lets them live out the full extent of their lives, providing them with whatever they might want/need, and when they pass, he pins them to continue admiring their beauty after their deaths.
Little does he know, fairies are more than sentient, and they rely on happiness (or maybe hope or freedom or some rare thing they can only get in their natural environment) to live, so it wasn't that fairies have short lifespans that made them die so quickly in the Doc's care, it was that they were miserable and terrified and were slated to die because of the fate the Doc had unwittingly handed to them.
Big oof potential ya'll.
For the good resolution, maybe our main fairy boi has/finds some way to communicate with the Doc that the other fairies didn't try out of fear/panic/misery/hopelessness. Doc is devastated when he finds out and rightfully sickened when he realizes what he's done.
.... okay I'm not sure how good an ending this can have with the premise ngl but uhhh, yeah here's the thought of the day!
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
I'm always watching you Pt. 1
Here is where we've got our borrower being the oblivious one, and our obsessive giant just can't get enough of her~
TWs: stalking, invasion of privacy, and lowkey (highkey?) yandere
It'd been a couple of months now since Leela had moved into this new home, her last (being the one to the right of this one) having become uninhabitable after the humans had all moved out for good, leaving nothing for her to scavenge.
She was thankful for the final spur to change her own place of residency, though. Her new home and its singular inhabitant were much better - it wasn't even a fair comparison! He always had food laying around to take crumbs from, he was a bit of a klutz with losing small things and forgetting about them (much to Leela's continued joy), he lived alone and didn't entertain guests, and he was perfectly, blissfully oblivious to her existence, not suspicious at all.
It was nothing like her last place, with a whole family of humans to worry about spotting her and more than one of them being meticulous cleaners to the point it had become quite the task for her to scavenge enough food for a single full night's meal.
Really, the only small, insignificant issue she had here was this... feeling that she'd been getting. It'd started only a day or two after she moved in, and from then on, it'd become a near constant thing.
Honestly, at this point, she'd grown quite used to it, brushing it off as a quirk of moving homes again for the first time in so long.
But every now and then, it'd catch up to her, that feeling, the creeping, prickling sensation that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and sweat bead along her spine. If she had to equate the feeling to anything, it was like the one time she'd been prowled on by a cat, barely managing to escape with her life.
It was the feeling of being watched - watched by a predator.
Now, she shook her head, firmly pushing aside the notion. It was obviously untrue, and it wouldn't do her any good to feed into her paranoia.
No, she wasn't in any more danger than usual for a borrower, and she most certainly wasn't being watched.
Huffing softly to herself with a wry little smile, she hoisted her sack over her shoulder and set out towards the entrance to her nest, ready for another day of successful borrowing to further stock up her stores.
The only actual problem she had with living here was that the giant tenant was something of a shut-in, seeming to work from home, and he rarely ever left. In fact, even his groceries seemed to be delivered straight to his doorstep!
But that was okay. Really, it was!
Her new giant was rather... lacking, in terms of self-awareness.
She muffled a giggle to herself, pressing her palm to her lips to smother her grin as she recalled the few (or, well, more than a few now that she thought about it) times where the human had walked right into the room she was in and never even came close to noticing her, even when she was practically in plain sight!
She finally allowed herself a little smile at the recollection, fondly shaking her head.
It was almost endearing - for a giant.
And it meant that she felt perfectly safe to go out to do some foraging now, even in the broad daylight with the oh-so-tall giant sitting right at home.
Silas bit his lip and shivered in pleasure as he watched his sweet little guest scamper between the shadows along the floor, her hair tied up with a plastic little clip - the pastel blue one this time. It was his favorite one of her collection, and he briefly allowed himself to entertain the fantasy that she'd worn it just for him. His eyelids lowered to half mast at the notion, and he released a low, enraptured hum, a hazed breath gusting over his lower lip.
A moment later, he swallowed languidly, and he nudged aside his idle daydreams with efficiency of many long hours of practice.
She wasn't wearing it for him, he knew. Not yet.
For now, his let his gaze seem to stay unerringly on his computer in front of him as it always did. His peripheral vision was better than most, and it was a trait he'd been making liberal use of in the past few months since his heart-stealing, precious little doll had come into his life - into his home.
He had to bite his lip again to hold back a croon as he watched her climb as nimble as a fairy onto the kitchen counter to his left, with him sitting directly in her line of sight (and him conversely in hers) from where he'd taken up residence at his dining room table.
She only spared him a brief glance, dismissing his presence as easy as anything. If Silas hadn't know any better, he would've thought she was teasing him.
But he did know better, unfortunately. After all, it was his own hard work that had gotten the both of them to this point. His sweet fairy had been so heart-breakingly skittish at first, jumping at the slightest sound and flinching at the mere sight of him.
It had hurt, truthfully, but he'd never dared let it show. It wasn't her own fault after all, that she didn't understand him yet.
Instead, he'd been meticulous in changing her reactions to him. He slowly but surely convinced his precious little creature that he was just a harmless, oblivious human being, nothing like whatever made her so upsettingly wary of his presence.
Why would she have to fear him if he never seemed to notice anything around him to even come close to being able to cause her any harm?
Oh, it had been difficult, and at times he had wanted to cave into his desires and turn to drink in her presence directly (to reach over and catch her with his bare hands and hold her close and-), but he never did. He was rather prideful of this fact. And there was a saying, wasn't there? That slow and steady wins the race?
Silas felt a curl of warmth low in his gut as he watched his adorable guest putter around on his countertop, gathering the fresh crumbs he'd purposefully left on the surface despite his distaste for being so untidy.
Yes, for now, this was plenty. For now, he would sate himself through these less direct means.
It was true that the miniature cameras he'd procured and hidden in her nest never did her justice, but at least they were enough for now as the only way he could content himself with watching her all safe and warm and tuckered out in her adorable little burrow beneath the wooden slats of the closet of the spare bedroom. It had been rather easy to find her precious nest (she almost always headed in the direction of the guest bedroom after she finished her foraging, after all), but it had still been quite the exhilarating discovery for him to pull up a loose board and find what could only be said nest, empty at the time and fluffed with downy feathers and old cotton socks. It was far less than she deserved, of course, and he had had to fight back the immediate, intense urge to find her and scoop her up and away from the hovel. The only reason he hadn't done so was his self-awareness of the misunderstanding such an abrupt turn in his behavior could cause.
And he could admit that her little self-made home within his own was heart-throbbingly enchanting in its entitlement - as if she was staking a claim upon him like he dreamed of doing to her. So he let her be, for now.
One day (one day soon), though, he would watch her sleep before him, curled up and warm and safe in the palm of his hand, his to hold and keep and love forever.
Hhehhehehuuhuhuhuh yandere giant, here we come!!~~ :33333
Ya'll I haven't given this a read through yet so hopefully any mistakes are minimal!!! Hope you enjoyed tho!~
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
Stuck Tiny - Story Prompt
Here's another wee blurb, this time of what could potentially happen if a Tiny gets stuck whilst trying to escape after being spotted~
Fearful even as giant only starts to help wriggle them out while verbally sympathizing, the tiny in their panic not believing a single word.
The feel of huge, thick fingers around a fragile body, oh-so-carefully squeezing and tugging, the tiny terrified that the giant's patience is going to snap and they'll end up torn in two with a single harsh jerk of movement from those monstrously-sized digits brushing up and pressing against their thin, heaving torso.
Does the tiny pass out? Does the giant safely get them free but then not release them even as the tiny tries to escape, claiming the tiny 'owes them' now? Does the giant truly accidentally hurt the tiny while trying to get them free, a mistake that the tiny will undoubtedly find either purposeful or a sign of the giant's lack of care/self-awareness?
Who knows!!~~~~
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
I've got like three dif stories that are set to be out of more parts, but instead of working on them, I'm writing a whole new OC fic about a yandere giant infatuated with the oblivious little borrower that's moved into their home~
Yk cuz usually it's the other way around, right? Where the borrower is super aware of their surroundings and good at staying unnoticed/unobtrusive. But here we're gonna have the opposite~!! ;DDD
Edit: Pt. 1 is up :3
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deviousdeliciousness · 10 months ago
Jarred Pt. 2
Due to popular demand, this now has multiple parts!!
Previous: Pt. 1
Jack made himself wait thirty seconds, biting his lip in anticipation as he tapped his foot against the ground. Honestly, his spark of anger at Tee had more or less died as quickly as it'd come, settling into a familiar level of annoyance, but he'd kept the act up anyways so he could rightfully get back at the tiny for the unwarranted jab.
Still, now, he couldn't help the feeling of a sort of almost... curl of something that seemed to settle heavier in his stomach as each second ticked by.
Tee's face right before Jack had closed the cupboard...
Jack swallowed, shaking his head and the thought away. The notion refused to settle, though, the image of Tee's panicked face swimming back to the forefront of his mind.
Jack almost thought he'd seen... a tear, going down the tiny's cheek, but it had to have been a trick of the light - a distortion of the jar. There was no way Tee would cry over something like this.
The more Jack thought about it, the more convinced he was, and his victorious anticipation bolstered from where it'd hesitantly fallen to the wayside.
Yeah, Tee was a stubborn little guy - had the personality of a mule and the attitude of someone, well, someone twenty times his size.
There was no way the tiny was genuinely as panicked as he'd seemed over being put in time-out.
Still, it would be actually mean to keep him in there for much longer.
That in mind, Jack grabbed back onto the cupboard's handle and swung it open again, smugly teasing with an already growing smirk, "Well? You learned your lesson?"
His smirk withered and died off his lips as he looked down at Tee in the jar.
His heartbeat began to pound against his chest even as everything seemed to grow muted in his ears. "... Tee?" he called softly, slowly reaching for the jar.
The tiny was curled up at the bottom of the glass, tucked into a ball with his face pressed against his knees as he laid limply on his side.
A suddenly desperate, screaming part of Jack reasoned that Tee was just playing a trick on him. That he was trying to get one over on Jack in revenge. That the tiny couldn't really be passed out, trapped in the bottom of a sealed jar after being forced inside of it and shoved into a dusty old cupboard.
Jack's stomach sank, and he couldn't stop the faint shake to his hand as he reached forward to carefully take hold of the jar.
Tee didn't even twitch from his prone position, not even when Jack lifted the jar - the cage (and oh, how the comparison had nausea crawling up his throat) - and slowly carried it over to the table nearby, ever so gently placing it on the surface before slumping into the seat before it.
With rote motions, Jack untwisted the lid of the jar, grimacing as the noise grated against his ears and setting the top to the side.
Still, Tee didn't show any sign of consciousness, limp as a doll.
Jack would have worried if he was even alive if not for the barely visible rise and falls of his little chest.
"Tee," he whisper-called, quietly trying to rouse his friend.
Not even a twitch.
Jack licked his lips and swallowed, trying again. "Tee."
Jack squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his hands together hard enough that his nails dug into his knuckles, whitening them.
Think, he told himself. Think. Tee wasn't waking up, and Jack had no way of knowing why.
Of course, the most obvious - and likely - cause glared accusingly at him, stabbing viciously at his chest.
Every one of Tee's actions leading up to this moment seemed to flash across Jack's eyes on replay, freed of any filters the giant had so easily let himself use to distort the tiny's behavior into a lens he felt comfortable with.
No longer did Tee's struggles to get away from his hand seem playful or exaggerated. No longer did Tee's shout seem like he was just playing along. No longer did Tee's fear seem anything but genuine and horrifying and sickening in its truth.
Because Jack had done that. Jack had scared his friend - terrified him - even before he'd forced the tiny into a jar he wouldn't be able to escape from. Hell, Jack had sealed him in.
For all Tee knew, Jack could've been planning on keeping the tiny in there indefinitely, leaving it up to chance whether Tee suffocated to death or not all alone in a cold, glass prison in the dark.
Jack pressed his palm tight against the mouth, swallowing back the sudden surge of bile that crawled up his throat.
He couldn't even protest his own accusations. He couldn't even reason that of course Tee should've known that Jack would never do something like that to him.
How could Jack reason such a thing after having so blatantly ignored the tiny's absolute terror to that point and on?
"Fuck," he whispered, scrubbing his hand up harshly through his hair and tugging painfully at the strands. God, he must've looked like a monster to Tee.
He'd acted like one.
Of course Tee had passed out in the face of everything, if only from the stress alone. Had he hyperventilated in those cruel, long moments Jack had so one-sidedly decided to keep the tiny locked away and alone for? Had the shock and terror of a giant so completely taking control of his actions sent him out like a light?
The only other reason Jack could think of for why Tee was unconscious was that something was physically wrong (physically wrong too, because there was no argument Jack could make that he hadn't mentally affected his friend - that he'd in all likeliness traumatized him with his callous, careless actions).
The thought that Tee might also be physically hurt had another sickening jolt of dread racing down Jack's spine, a feeling that did nothing to mitigate the lead stone of guilt that'd long since sunk into the pit of his stomach and instead worsened it.
What if Tee really was hurt?
What if Jack had been rougher than he'd realized, and the tiny had gotten his head knocked against the glass? What if the blow had eventually made the tiny pass out, or given him a concussion, or worse?
"Shit," Jack hissed under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut and barely restraining from burying his face in his hands. He took a deep breath and leaned in closer to the jar Tee was still stuck in the bottom of, ignoring the sick feeling seeing it now brought him, to take a closer look at the tiny.
He didn't - Tee didn't look hurt, but that was hardly saying much. The tiny's face was hidden by his knees, and his full, dark hair would hide any potential bumps or even small lesions against his scalp.
Jack swallowed heavily, a thick thread of unease winding through him. With Tee not waking up, he would have to take the tiny out of the jar himself to check him over.
He didn't want to.
He didn't want to be anywhere close to the tiny anymore.
He didn't deserve to be, not after what he'd done.
The thought of touching Tee (frail, so frail, so small, slight, defenseless against Jack except for in words, and even those had done nothing to stop the giant this time, to keep the tiny safe, respected, unfearing-) right now (at all, anytime soon, ever), of feeling the tiny's limp form in his palm (his fault, Jack's fault, all his fault)...
Jack's chest felt like it was compressing in on him, but he breathed around the strain, shakily bringing his hand to the opening of the jar. This wasn't for his sake. His feelings didn't matter in this.
What mattered was that Tee was unconscious, and Jack would be even worse of a person than he already was if he didn't at least ensure that the tiny was physically alright.
It was unlikely that knocking against the jar would've left more than a bump if it happened (which was already bad enough), but there was a small chance that the skin on Tee's scalp could've split open upon contact. And everyone knew that head wounds tended to bleed.
Jack's desire to get away and leave Tee to wake up on his own (with the jar carefully tilted to the side so he could leave and not be trapped or worry about a monstrous, horrible giant keeping him there-) was even crueler selfishness if it meant risking leaving the tiny to bleed out concussed and alone in a cold glass jar.
So Jack swallowed his nerves and finally squeezed his hand into the thankfully wide opening to the jar, his fingers twitching and flaring wide so that he would be able to carefully lift the tiny free, not unlike the hooks of a claw machine.
In the same moment, Tee bolted upright with a heaving gasp, and they both froze as they took each other in - Jack, looking at Tee's whole form, Tee, staring up at Jack's twitching, giant hand looming above him.
A fraction of a second later, Tee was slamming his back against the glass, crouching as low as he could and throwing up his trembling arms as if to ward off Jack's encroaching hand, and a horrible, sickeningly heart-rending scream that would undoubtedly haunt Jack's nightmares tore free from the tiny's throat.
.... teehee :333
So~~ at least Jack wasn't at all malicious, right ;D poor sods, the both of them
Cliffhanger who? :DDDD
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