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devilscaress-blog · 7 years ago
hey all! jen here with my new baby nicki. im SO excited to do things with all of you guys, and if you’re interested in maybe plotting pls like this and i’ll hit you up!
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ok so hes twenty one and he’s a lifeguard at the camp 
he actually went by nick for most of his life BUT his mom always called him nicki, and right before she died she called him nicki and he just never wants to be called anything else because in his opinion if one small thing she did can be continued, its like shes still there with him
she died when he was seventeen of lung cancer, after battling it for four years
she was the one who wanted him to go to camp stillwater as a child to make friends and have fun childhood memories so he also feels like hes carrying on what she wants by going back
after she died his dad resulted to alcohol and he just depends on that more than anything else, and doesnt really pay any attention to nicki
nicki moved out with his best friend the day he turned eighteen and his dad hasnt talked to him since he moved out
hes got major trust issues and commitment issues
he makes REALLY bad decisions and always gets in trouble rip 
he smokes a lot but doesnt drink
he attends nyu and hes in law school oooOOooo
he’s ur basic bad boy™️ with a bad past 
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devilscaress-blog · 7 years ago
                Darling, can’t you  s e e…?                                  I’m a   b r o k e n   m a n                               with addictive tendencies                                       &&  I think I love you
                                But, I don’t ever think I can ever                                    learn how to love just right
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devilscaress-blog · 7 years ago
                           maybe one day 
                                 you’ll understand why
                            everything you  ( touch )
                                             surely  d i e s
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devilscaress-blog · 7 years ago
                   strike me, again… 
                                   ( my wounds heal over with STEEL )
                                        ( my bones mend into STONE )
                             strike me, again, and your hand will  b r e a k
                             ( my body is no longer only flesh and blood ) 
                                   strike me, a g a i n, and you will learn…
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