devilishlotus · 9 years
“I found out your secret.”
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Lysandre’s eyes narrowed on the woman. “I have a great deal of secrets, Miss. Enlighten me on which you know about.”
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devilishlotus · 9 years
Send My Muse Some Drama
“What’s the point of hiding anymore?”
“I know we can make, it if we just try!”
“I found out your secret.”
“I was told to find you here.”
“Can we try again?”
“I’m done with you.”
“I’m done with the rules.”
“Everybody’s dead.”
“They took everything.”
“There isn’t a home to go to anymore.”
“Why do you hurt me like that?”
“Please tell me that’s not blood.”
“Are you dying?!”
“Look out!”
“I’m not letting go.”
“This is too big for either of us to handle.”
“That’s poisonous!”
“You don’t have much longer to live.”
“This isn’t going to heal…”
“Wow, and here I thought you cared.”
“You need to leave.”
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devilishlotus · 9 years
My muse is dead, and your muse is visiting their grave 3 years later. My muse walks up behind yours and says "I'm sorry". How does your muse react?
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devilishlotus · 9 years
If you’re not suspicious of me, you’re not paying attention.
(via deathgcddess)
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He knew what it was. He still had treats in his pockets that was for carnivorous fire types. He didn’t intend for this to spoil the cat but he figured now that Lotus knew what he had he should give him one. “You don’t mind if I give him a treat do you?”
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Lotus made a disbelieving noise at Sycamore’s first statement. Lysandre shook his head hearing his Pyroar. He really could be a brat sometimes. “Well...” When hi trainer spoke again Lotus looked up at him and gave a bit of a pleading look. The Flare Leader chuckled and shook his head again. “Alright go ahead. He hasn’t had one today anyways.”
3. Pounced on your character and proceeded to lick their face.
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He saw his normally mellow Pyroar inch his ways toward the approaching Professor. Lysandre knew exactly what was about to happen and knew it wasn’t going to do any harm. So he merely pretended not to notice when Lotus pounced on Sycamore and started licking his face
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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“Well hi there fierce one.” Augustine began to pet him gently and smiled widely enjoying the affection the big lion was giving him. “You happy to see me or something?”
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The lion made a purring sound and nuzzled at the man under him. Now Lysandre chuckled, watching them. “I suppose he is. Or he smells something on you that he wants.”
3. Pounced on your character and proceeded to lick their face.
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He saw his normally mellow Pyroar inch his ways toward the approaching Professor. Lysandre knew exactly what was about to happen and knew it wasn’t going to do any harm. So he merely pretended not to notice when Lotus pounced on Sycamore and started licking his face
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devilishlotus · 9 years
3. Pounced on your character and proceeded to lick their face.
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He saw his normally mellow Pyroar inch his ways toward the approaching Professor. Lysandre knew exactly what was about to happen and knew it wasn’t going to do any harm. So he merely pretended not to notice when Lotus pounced on Sycamore and started licking his face
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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Oh god ow. Ow. My feelz have been majorly kicked. I’m listening to my music and Believe by Skillet came on and just...just... I am now imagining Lys singing this to Augustine. It hurts.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
Send '♫' for my muse to sing apart of a song mun recently listened too
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devilishlotus · 9 years
Send me a ★ to see what one of my character’s Pokemon did to your character.
You can specify the Pokemon if you’d like! 1. Tripped your character and caused them to fall into a mud puddle. 2. Stole your character’s lunch. 3. Pounced on your character and proceeded to lick their face. 4. Gave your character a random item. [perhaps something that my character owned.] 5. Curiously sniffed your character before biting them. [playfully or not] 6. Stole an important item from your character. 7. Pretended to be wounded just for attention. 8. Lead your character back to my character. 9. Scared them. [By jumping out from behind a chair, by sneaking up on them, by using an attack, ect.] 10. Started chasing your character.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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So the funny part of how I got Lys’s muse back... On another account a Professor Juniper popped up in the recommended. It made me suddenly remember that he had once hinted to an Alain that he and Juniper use to be a thing.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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Casually dusts off Lys too. Holy shit I didn’t realize I had so many followers here too omg.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
                                               CALL THIS AN EXPERIMENT.
So I explained to the french community how to rp on tumblr (I made them a 7 word pages tutorial actually) but they all are too afraid to not be able to speak english. Some of them actually have a good level. So yeah, maybe they’ll make a mistake or two but can you, please, like (or reblog) this post if you don’t mind roleplaying with someone whose first language is french? Knowing that they could make some mistakes in english.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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Yeeep yep yep just dumping Aftermath stuff here with no context.  I’m just so happy that I finally got this design to at least look decent!
Incidentally this is also pretty close to what Lysandre would look like as a dullahan in that Monsters AU we made up.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
Go anon and pretend to be my character's child.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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Lysandre held his head as his memories came flooding back to him. He never wanted to experience that again.
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devilishlotus · 9 years
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Haha gay.
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