detourtourist · 3 months
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detourtourist · 7 months
Oh god the weird DUNE takes are coming in.
Like, most of them are funny but there is a distinct subset that is leaning a bit too hard into the whole Orange Catholic / Zensunni thing BEYOND the base premise of the books and derivatives
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detourtourist · 7 months
I really love this for a lot of reasons but mainly because, for some reason, I never imagined Nostromo (as shown in the top half) being so bright and lit up. For some reason, I always imagined it as a slightly more Sci-fi gaslamp noir kind of place. Always night regardless but still dark.
Curze being a boogeyman in a neon drip light kind of place feels fresh and a bit more creepy... The dark places here are going to be truly aphotic.
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Konrad Curze on Nostramo by Ulfr Larynsson
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detourtourist · 1 year
HERESY MASOCHISM REREAD PART 4 - The Flight of the Eisenstein
The first one of these that is about as "good" as I remember, although the characterisation of Rogal Dorn is hilariously angry and petulant.
Also Keeler is still the weird, floaty prophet lady rather than the more grounded one she was characterised as later. YMMV
I'm a bit neutral towards the Garro stories as the underlying subtext is always how he deals with being orphaned and finding purpose (which is basically the whole plot of Eisenstein- rather than focussing on the more interesting sketchy shit Malcador is doing...
Anyway, we have Fulgrim next and MY GOD THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ONE..
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detourtourist · 1 year
Heresy Masochism Reread Part 3 - Galaxy in Flames
FUCKING PUT THIS TRILOGY OUT OF IT'S MISERY IT'S ALREADY DEAD. Okay, I'm calming down. There are a "few" decent parts. For all the fuss that Isstvaan 3 is given in the heresy timeline, it's still rather sparse in the broader fluff but this book does at least try to scope it. Probably more by dint of it's placement in the series than anything but the whole Abbadon / Aximand vs Loken / Torgadden bit is nuanced. They've been focal for the last few books, however variably written.. I kind of wonder if Black Library had fully planned out the series how much difference it would have made - as it happens the initial trilogy is kind of messy and very obviously a result of a publishing group that wasn't quite planning on the concept dragging out longer than a mini series. BUT ENOUGH OF THAT, AND ON TO THE REST OF THE DUMPSTER FIRE
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detourtourist · 1 year
"The best thing we can do with power is give it away" - On the leftist critique of superhero narratives as authoritarian power fantasies:
The ongoing "Jason Todd is a cop" debate has reminded me of a brilliant brief image essay by Joey deVilla. So here it is, images first and the full essay text below:
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"A common leftist critique of superhero comics is that they are inherently anti-collectivist, being about small groups of individuals who hold all the power, and the wisdom to wield that power. I don’t disagree with this reading. I don’t think it’s inaccurate. Superheroes are their own ruling class, the concept of the übermensch writ large. But it’s a sterile reading. It examines superhero comics as a cold text, and ignores something that I believe in fundamental, especially to superhero storytelling: the way people engage with text. Not what it says, but how it is read. The average comic reader doesn’t fantasize about being a civilian in a world of superheroes, they fantasize about being a superhero. One could charitably chalk this up to a lust for power, except for one fact… The fantasy is almost always the act of helping people. Helping the vulnerable, with no reward promised in return. Being a century into the genre, we’ve seen countless subversions and deconstructions of the story. But at its core, the superhero myth is about using the gifts you’ve been given to enrich the people around you, never asking for payment, never advancing an ulterior motive. We should (and do) spend time nitpicking these fantasies, examining their unintended consequences, their hypocrisies. But it’s worth acknowledging that the most eduring childhood fantasy of the last hundred years hasn’t been to become rich. Superheroes come from every class (don’t let the MCU fool you). The most enduring fantasy is to become powerful enough to take the weak under your own wing. To give, without needing to take. So yes, the superhero myth, as a text, isn’t collectivist. But that’s not why we keep coming back to it. That’s not why children read it. We keep coming back to it to learn one simple lesson… The best thing we can do with power IS GIVE IT AWAY." - Joey deVilla, 2021 https://www.joeydevilla.com/2021/07/04/happy-independence-day-superhero-style/
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detourtourist · 1 year
Heresy Masochism Reread Part 2 - False Gods
Good grief, everyone does a 180 personality change and grabs the idiot ball so hard it burst.
Horus turns at the drop of a hat with almost no scepticism about anything. Abbadon and Lil Horus become dicks right away, and Garviel and Aximand just kind of... Go along with it?
And apparently deamon summoning is super easy?
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detourtourist · 1 year
Generally loving AC6 but some of the boss fights feel a bit too dependent on having a very specific build.
I know the game is very much about tinkering with components to find what works but still..
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detourtourist · 1 year
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detourtourist · 1 year
Repost far, wide, and every time you see this.
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detourtourist · 1 year
Darth Vader Scene From Rogue One Except With Gimme More by Britney Spears
There are times I forget this exists. Time to correct that lacuna.
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detourtourist · 1 year
I like the setup for this - the beaureaucratic sibling tired of his family's increasing amount of bullshit, a little old lady who's almost certainly a very different kind of eldritch horror to the usual kind in the setting and A FUCKING TROLL.
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Warhammer III - Shadows of Change
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detourtourist · 1 year
The End and the Death PART INFINITE
So it's going to be AT LEAST 3 parts...
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detourtourist · 1 year
Okay, 40k painting inquiry...
How do you do coloured shiny metal? I'm trying to make metallic green on my primaris but I'm not really sure how to do it.
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detourtourist · 1 year
I hate how indecisive I am being over settle on a colour scheme for my custom primaris chapter.
Impcat helps test things but then I hobble myself ;
* Can't be too close to another chapters colours
* Has to fit thematically with my clutch of ideas
* Can't look too tacticool style
* Has to vaguely fit with the potential chapter rules along with the thematic ideas..
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Best I can do right now is this for my Thorn Bears / Briar Lords chapter. And even then it looks a bit too Dark Angel at times.
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detourtourist · 1 year
Heresy Masochism Reread PART 1 - HORUS RISING
Pretty much all as I remember, although finding it hilarious in retrospect that Kyril Sinderman says that the Astartes are only deployed against other human civilizations as a last resort when diplomacy failed............ Okay, fair enough, it was the very first book in a series that none of the writers expected to go on this long but WOW.
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detourtourist · 1 year
about to embark on an act of Sadism and reread / relisten to all the Horus Heresy and Siege of Terra books before the last part comes out. Pray for me..
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