Rp/Ask blog for the vampire ocs of the world of Eternal conflict| semi selective| 18+| please read About before interaction Crossover friendly
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He singlehandly wiped out all life in his home universe across all of time and space, and then he was defeated with a whistle and a rope. in traveling back through time and space (pulled by rope) it restored everything he destroyed. Can’t tell if threatened
Yes, I'm sure this is all incredibly fascinating to those involved. I have work to do. Compose your tale into a soap opera some other time.
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It would seem Sutekh, the being who contacted you some months ago, did recently try a gamble to take over his home universe but was stopped so no need to worry about that
Thank you for the reminder. The entire conversation was so mundane it was borderline forgettable.
That wasn't a threat. It was a child throwing a tantrum at anyone who would hear them. It's not noteworthy, and especially not worth my time.
However, if you believe it was a threat to you. Then congratulations on taking care of the loud child.
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Suppose common socialization shouldn't be that hard to put into practice.
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AYLSSA! FREE ME! FREE ME AND AN EMPIRE CAN BE YOURS! I SHALL SPARE YOUR CITY, LEAVE IT TO YOU AS A PLAYTHING! ANYTHING THAT YOU DESIRE! FREEE MEEEE— *connection with Sutekh lost as his screams fade out and he is pulled back into his temporal imprisonment*
Manipulation via bribery is the oldest trick in the book. Bold of you to assume I desire any of that. Almost like you have an assumption because I'm a vampire now that means I'm easy to toy with. Though that would be rude right. Probably won't even hear this message.
What is it that the little Irken girl says now? Ah, sucks to be you.
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I am Sutekh the Destroyer. I was freed from my imprisonment on Mars but was soon locked away again through the machinations of another. Release me so that I may spread my gift of destruction. Free me, give into my whims and set me free!
Ah, I see I got spam in my inbox. Odd, since it almost seemed like someone making baseless demands.
Enjoy your centuries or so of imprisonment then. I suggest reading to pass the time.
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Where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good
Yes. Now is there a point or did you want to be what they call edgy?
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You can say that. I did look after the child a few years back. That is a story for another time though.
Thanks for taking care of the kid. I know Zes can be stubborn if I remember right -__- -Alyssa @detective-of-the-night
No problem at all. I quite enjoy Zes' company, and I would be remiss in my duties if I allowed her to go about with inadequate seasonal clothing.
Are you a friend of hers?
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If you think work stops when things calm down then it's just wishful thinking. Probably would if I ever decided to not take some of these civil matters.
#Alyssa#I was told updating a blog would be productive#a gremlin yes but it is the point of having a blog
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You and me both kid. Though I suppose I'll get my answers soon enough.
Wow, it's honestly surprising I found someone familiar...on tumblr. That isn't the usual connection
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“Time spent could be spent finding solutions. All anyone has to do is think.”
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“I am well aware what people think of me. It’s not going to change how I do things.”
She shuffles some papers as she continues to work on the digital filing. A task she has done time and time again.
“People are free to think what they want. The difference is that I don’t deny the things I’ve done.” She could shout a reality of everything all she wanted. People just naturally want to cover their ears.
Human has nothing to do with it.
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Character Sketch Request 3
Character (c) @andyfire122
Art (c) koko-doodle
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Fictober day 3: I’ve waited for this
Original Fiction My personal world of Eternal conflict Mentions of an Infidelity case
“What I see is a sad little girl interfering where she doesn’t belong.”
Alyssa sighed as this conversation was starting to take a turn. Considering it was this man’s wife that hired her in the first place. It was a simple situation of investigating an infidelity situation. What she didn’t know was how long this man would go on thinking his power and social status were going to be enough for him.
I wonder how long I can make him squirm. It’s funny he thinks he can call the police.
“You are walking out of your room after spending time with your mistress. It’s just sad at this point to keep up this charade.“
The man almost turned to beat red with anger. It was most likely he wasn’t quite used to anyone telling him no. It explains the state of his wife when she came into the office. All it does is make her job much more enjoyable.
“Is it money you want? Well, you won’t get a dime from me you criminal.” He almost seems assured. Though where he got criminal from being called a sad little girl is beyond her.
Alyssa sighed. “I was hired already, you idiot. That’s the definition of a paying job.”
He was about to get closer to her when she pulled out her business card. Most of the time that could get her point across but it just seemed to make the man far smugger.
“Now that I have your name, Miss Forman, you’re done.“
She just laughed as she hit a button on her phone.
I’ve waited for this. It’s always the same with these high and mighty idiots. They think nothing can ever get to them. Just the icing on the cake was that his wife was the one who hired me.
“What’s so funny?”
She showed her phone screen for a moment. "I just forwarded all the info I had gotten to my client and most of our little conversation as a bonus. She’s forwarding my payment as we speak. Lovely woman your wife.”
His face went pale as he was starting to put the pieces together. It seems he was under the impression that she was hired by a political candidate or looking for some blackmail material. It seems his wife was the last one he thought of.
“I believe my business here is done.“
That look right there is why I love my job. It’s always so much fun watching someone stumble on their own stupid choices.
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Fictober day 9: There’s no right side to this
Original fiction My world of Eternal conflict. Mentions of Sex workers but no major details are given.
“What am I supposed to do?!”
Alyssa sighed as the latest client was now weeping into her couch. This wasn’t an easy case to put out. Though then again, she was never the right person to deal with delicate matters. The client’s brother did so many horrible things but it was also their brother.
At least he’s still alive. Though when did it say that detectives also have to be our client’s counselors.
“There is no right side to this, if you are expecting that then you’ve seen way too many movies.“ It’s harsh but she already did what she was hired to do.
The client went from distraught to extremely angry in a matter of moments. "I hired you to bring my brother back. Instead, I get the fact he had a prostitution ring.
“You hired me to find out what happened to your brother. I did and told you why you haven’t seen him. You were the one who assumed things. Detectives are not miracle workers.” Even delving into things are deep as she did wasn’t part of the usual job description.
She just knew how far to take things. To continue would have to involve the police.
Black and white aren’t how the world works.
The waterworks returned with a vengeance. Alyssa just seemed to be the prime target of all the anger they had built up.
“How was I supposed to take that then?! The money that saved my life would be one thing but everything he taught me was just a lie now.“ I was almost like they wanted someone to just come out and take it all back. That way their world would return to its happy view.
Such ignorance should be commendable. Still, that’s not how I do things.
She sighed and sat up from her desk. “No one ever decides to stop and think why someone would take less legal measures to do things. No one takes those jobs because they want to. You can yell and curse at me all you want. Though disrespect the reality of a situation isn’t something I will tolerate.”
That just shocked them into silence.
“Your brother worked to support you and he also worked with those girls who had no other option left in their lives. That’s why I said you have seen way too many movies. Now I suggest you go and speak to your brother then ramble on how much your shattered worldview is my fault.“ She opened the door and proceed to show her former client outside.
They have their brother’s current address in my report. What happens next is something they need to do.
She paused for a minute before heading back to her office.
“Here you are making another sweat person cry.”
The detective turned around to find the elderly landlord getting into her business again. "Are you here to tell me again that I’m heartless or are you just getting senile in your old age?” she asked.
He looked almost mad at that but went back to his usual demeanor. “You wonder why you get fewer clients when you treat them like that.”
Ah, so the old man forgot to eavesdrop on the whole conversation.
“So you expect me to sit there as my client disrespects someone who sacrificed everything to help them.“ She glared as the old man was starting to stumble on his words. Most days she would agree with him on his assessments.
She is a sharp and cold individual. Though in this case, she has standards.
“Maybe say it with a bit more kindness than someone would care what happens to you and your pathetic little business.” He scoffed and walked back to his room.
It’s like his mission in life is to gripe at my actions. Not like I’ve lowered land values by staying and conducting my business here.
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Fictober day 10: It’s so quiet
Original fiction My world of Eternal conflict What happens when I experiment with a new oc without spoiling things.
Almost immediately Alyssa felt a piercing red gaze fall upon her. If she didn’t know better, she would suspect it to be trouble. The feeling was like someone far greater was about to swallow her whole. She sighed as she put her pen down.
“If you’re going to be that board then why did you come along?’
The white-haired individual pouted as they peaked up from behind her. “Oh your no fun, it’s so quiet. I thought to liven things up with a lesson.”
Does it even occur to them that I might just like the quiet? That’s what it should be when you getting work done.
“Sovereign, go home. I got things to do.“ At this point, normal people would just leave at her usual antics.
This individual wasn’t getting the hint. "Oh dear, here I was going to be a proper sire and yet my child hates me. Is miss detective getting grumpy?”
They reached up from behind for the hug, but not before Alyssa ducked out of the way. From the begging, the detective found out that if you get caught in the sovereign’s hugs there was no escape. The worst part was that they were just playing around.
What did I say about the hugging? I’m never going to get any work done at this rate.
They went back to pouting as they worked their way to the couch. “You are a workaholic. Still, you’ll have to just deal with me. I am eternally doing my job.”
“You don’t have to be so smug about it.” The detective just calmly sat back down as she went back to the paperwork.
Can I go back and get someone new to be the one that changed me into a vampire. That would be a tall ask. Most people give up by now.
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Fictober day 14: Your information was wrong
Original writing My original world of Eternal conflict. Mentions of briefly of adult situations. Nothing explicate
“Isn’t your job listening to clients?”
Alyssa sighed as the latest client was drinking most of her coffee again. It was just the latest person that decided to come into her office to tell her how to do her job. Some of those people just sit and want to talk about their problems.
Can they please get to the reason they even want to hire a detective?
She just glared as she felt a headache coming on. “My job isn’t to be your counselor. There are trained professionals that handle that and I’m not one of them. Now if you would please get back to the topic of why you want to hire me?”
“If you’re going to be rude about it then fine.“ They slammed a piece of paper on Alyssa’s desk. It was divorce papers. She’s personally worked on divorce cases enough to see where this was going. In this case, the client was a middle-aged woman.
Let’s see the excuse this time.
Before she would lay down her judgment she would at least hear what excuse this one would provide. "Do you also think detectives are mind readers or do you want me to congratulate you on being single?” She asked. Already the nerves were unraveling aspects of this woman.
Despite being middle age, this woman seemed to be trying every possible way to make herself younger. All it did was make herself look worse than if she would wear her age naturally. Her entire look was so forced that She could even see the layers of makeup.
If I were the type to make assumptions I would say she’s a sex worker but that would be an insult to real sex workers. This is most likely my landlord thinking he’s doing someone a favor.
The woman almost turned red with anger but quickly regained her composure. “I was told you get things done and are very persuasive. He thinks I was cheating on him.”
“Your information was wrong. I find out the facts then I report the truth to my clients. I don’t see the point of taking on a case to lie on such a petty reason.” She leaned back on her chair and waited for the reactions to start.
The woman slammed her hands down on the desk. “You don’t know anything! I just need this to go away!” She yelled. Its facade was starting to unravel sooner than expected.
I see now. She likes being young and attractive to other men. Yet isn’t willing to give up her reputation as a respectable wife.
“The empty condom package that fell out of your purse is a dead giveaway. People don’t carry those around unless they have plans to use them. That and you smell of cheap perfume that’s trying to mask a greater scent. Seems you didn’t have time to shower before coming here.“ She smirked as she saw everything through the woman’s expression.
There was a reason observation methods were so popular in movies. In reality, it’s as binding as long as you maintain an air of confidence. Most of the time people give themselves away. That or seem to think that she needs proof when it’s her office.
The woman turned red with her anger. “How do you even know all of that?! I knew this was all a sham when that old fart told me this.”
Oh, he’s not going to like that. I’m not that desperate for money to take a pathetic case like this.
Alyssa gestures to the door. “You can leave now. Good luck with your new single life.”
The woman looked around for a moment. Like she was considering taking action against the detective in front of her. She stopped and took a moment to adjust her look before grabbing her purse. Almost to hide how she was just a moment ago.
“I’ll ruin you. I’m going to tell everyone that this place is a scam and you’ll never do business here ever again.”
Alyssa smirked. “You can try. I will tell you now. That old man you insulted doesn’t take kindly to those who take advantage.”
What she doesn’t know is that I have my entire office recorded. I don’t doubt she going to try and take action. The one being amused in the end will be me.
The woman just left and slammed the door. The detective sighed as she started to review her camera footage on her desktop. She could hear the footsteps of her landlord the moment the woman left. At least she was prepared before she could be accused again by the old man.
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Fictober day 20: That’s what I’m known for.
Original fiction More Eternal Conflict short stories. Mentions of Karens and dealing with a potential situations that involve them
“This is so stupid and you know it.”
Alyssa glared as it seems she attracted a rare short to the office. It wasn’t even a few moments ago that a woman came in and started going on random accusations. Normally she would agree with it as most complaints were concerning her personality.
This time there were talks of extortion and possibly accusing her of drug dealing.
I do believe I’ve seen her talking with that cranky landlord. He did mention someone new in the building. Didn’t think it was going to be a Karen.
“You stay right there. I know your type and I’ve already called the police.“ She looked like she was either proud or ready to fight.
Alyssa sighed as she leaned back into her chair. Judging on what the woman is accusing her of there will be police expecting the worse. She took out her phone to text her foster father on the situation as he is the current district chief.
Now for the tricky part. She’s not being too loud so most likely the old man has no idea about this little visit. I’m willing to bet the real extortion here is for her rent. That or to get a payment for emotional damage.
“Now as you inserted yourself into my office a lesson is in order. I normally charge to work like this so consider yourself lucky.” She grinned as she stood up and started walking towards the woman.
The tone changed completely as she backed away with each step Alyssa took. She imminently dropped herself to the floor, almost to appear as if she was thrown down. It was enough that let anyone in the building know something was going on.
“Assault! Help, I’m being assaulted!“ The woman yelled. I almost added her performance to make herself look in pain.
I’m only surprised she went with assault as her excuse. I’ll give it a few moments to let the old man climb the stairs.
A few moments later the landlord showed up, not looking pleased with the situation. As usual, he seemed more upset with Alyssa. It almost shocked the Karen how much she was being ignored. He huffed as he went directly to the detective.
“What on earth did you do now?!” He yelled. Normally she would have something to say when he accuses her like that but this time she kept quiet. The deciding factor hasn’t spoken up yet from her seat on the floor.
The woman immediately turned on the waterworks as she looked up. “This woman assaulted me and you said this building was safe. I can’t believe you tried to get me to live here with this criminal. Who knows what else she is hiding.”
It’s always a joy when they don’t notice the cameras I installed.
The old man looked between the two women confused before turning back to Alyssa. Despite how often they bicker there was some trust between the two of them.
“Did I hear all this crap? Alright, what happened?“ he asked.
The detective’s eyes narrowed as she kept eye contact with her little intruder. “She came in and I do believe a few of the accusations included extortion and something involving drugs. I tuned out when things got repetitive.”
“She’s lying! You’re going to believe someone like this over me?! You even said I would be the perfect tenet” The woman yelled as she pulled herself from the floor.
The old man just sighed. “Alyssa here is a pain in the ass and has the likability of a cactus. I do know she doesn’t lie.”
Glad my reputation has one thing going for it. I did tell the lady that this was all stupid from the start. It’s stupid because there is no chance of it ever succeeding.
“That’s what I’m known for. Besides, you are also being recorded.“ As she got out her phone, the woman rushed over to slap it out of her hand. She put her heel through the screen before anyone could have the chance to pick it up.
She smiled at the little display before pointing to one of the cameras stationed in the corner. “I was talking about my security cameras but sure, add property damage to your list. I don’t mind.”
The woman ran away as the police sirens started to be heard in the distance. The old man sighed as he too was about to leave.
“I’ll handle the police. I let the racist bitch into the building so I’ll clean the mess up. Though knowing how you work you probably are already ten steps ahead or some other nonsense.”
As she watched him leave, she quietly went back to her desk. As entertaining as the incident was, there was now new work that needed to be done. She knows her landlord is as good as his word but she still wanted the security footage ready.
Now I’m curious to see if she pulled this scam on other places. Putting her in prison would be a good start. Especially after losing a whole day of doing my actual job.
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