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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
familial hcs for mukuro & junko? any takes you have on how mukuro would grow as a person if junko wasn't in their life would be cool too if you feel like it!
They shared a bedroom from a young age. Mukuro tried to keep it tidy, but Junko was naturally messy. And somehow, Mukuro always got blamed when their room looked like it had been turned upside down and shaken.
Junko tended to pin the blame for something - like stealing the last cookie from the cookie jar - on Mukuro. If not for the few times that Mukuro had alibis, their parents would believe Junko all the time. Luckily, they were aware of Junko's lying tendencies.
Mukuro always had to remind Junko to take her meds, because Junko somehow always conveniently forgot to take them. (Mukuro was so proud they almost cried when Junko finally started taking them on her own.)
Mukuro really liked crosswords, but had issues with spelling and memory, so Junko would act as their spellcheck and thesaurus.
Junko didn't like to take care of any injuries she got - "But sis, getting an infection would be sooo despairing!" - so Mukuro always had to double-check to make sure she did. Eventually, they started buying cute themed band-aids as an incentive.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
reqs would be super duper duper duper duper appreciated!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
cutely begging for requests ♡
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
requests would be appreciated, for either bthb or just normal reqs! the inbox is empty, so now’s your time to hit me with whatever you want!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
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Here is your card for Bad Things Happen Bingo. Happy writing!
yippee! thanks a bunch! :P
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
hiii!! can i request some mastermind chihiro headcannons? just how she would be if she were to be a mastermind of any killing game/her motives/ aesthetics
ooh, interesting concept! here’s hoping i can get it right, hehe~
Chihiro had had enough of it. The entire world had been cruel to her because of her assigned gender, and she wanted it punished, starting with her classmates.
Maybe not a permanent punishment though, especially since setting up a real life killing game would likely get her the death sentence once she was revealed. She decided to create an elaborate virtual reality system instead.
She knew not to rely on anybody as a co-mastermind. She had Alter Ego run the killing game for her, so that she could participate. She gave herself administrative permissions in the simulation, so that if anybody tried to kill her she could just freeze them and erase their memories.
Chihiro had to admit that she did feel kind of guilty once the bodies started piling up…but not that guilty. She told herself that they were all getting what they deserved.
Junko, Kyoko, Makoto, Mukuro, and Byakuya all survived to the end, pretty much as she’d expected. She surrendered in the end uploaded everybody’s avatars back into their real bodies, but made sure there was enough of a delay that she’d get out first and be able to escape.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
Saw you needed request hmm if this is okay could I have headcannon of sora x yoruko, yuki, and syobai (separately unless you want sora x yuruko x yuki together I dont mind too) the moment both realize they’re in love with each other except they don't know the other also have same feelings for them and what would they do nexy. Hope you have a nice day writer and good luck!
sorry, anon, but i’m a bit confused by the wording of this ask. are you saying you want soruko and yuuki x syobai? i only do one request per post, so you’ll have to ask separately if that’s the case. please feel free to either clarify or request something else!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
Hello! May i have headcannon what happen if blackened korekiyo surviving the class trail because he not the cause of the first death (angie's) since monokuma specified that the trail was for Angie, not tenko. I feel like kiyo surviving will be interesting since imagine having to live and cooperate with someone who killed their friend. Such a bummer and a miss opportunity that didnt happen.
ooh, an interesting idea! for this one i’ll run with the idea that instead of kiyo bashing her on the head, angie simply tripped (like kokichi did during the investigation) and he covered it up.
It was hard to trust Kiyo after learning that he’d killed Tenko, let alone his whole sister thing. Himiko slapped him as soon as the trial ended.
Shuichi wanted to avoid him, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that if Kaede were alive, she’d want them to give Kiyo another chance. Kaito decided to forgive Kiyo as well, and Maki thought it would be hypocritical to hate him for being a murderer if she was one too. The training trio became the training quartet.
Kiyo was rather suspicious of Miu’s behavior about the Neo World Program, but didn’t want to confront her about it lest she attack him. When she was found dead, and when Gonta was executed, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had made the right call.
He suspected that it was Kaito inside the exisal from the start, but since he didn’t have any proof, he ignored it until Shuichi began talking about it. He brought up things like minor differences in speech patterns.
Although at first he was devastated by the reveal that it was all fiction, he quickly began relieved. If his memories were fictional, that meant he had never killed anybody, and his sister had never done those things to him. He accepted it faster than everybody else.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
hey hey, i’m pretty damn empty on requests~ more stuff in the inbox would be ve-ry appreciated!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
heya! can i request headcanons for a junko who's like, medicated and in therapy and trying to get better (from bipolar/psychosis specifically lol)
YESS ABSOLUTELYYY! i looove junko redemption sm
Mukuro was the one who convinced her to get therapy, of course. And by convince, I mean she straight-up forced her into it. Although Junko was angry at the time, she’s since forgiven her sister. She’s not sure what would have happened—both to her and those she cares about—if Mukuro hadn’t taken action.
For a while she didn’t take her antipsychotics, since hers had some pretty nasty side effects. Eventually her therapist found out and switched her prescription. She didn’t know why she hadn’t just asked for that in the first place.
It was really hard opening up to her therapist in general, actually. Junko was a person who didn’t like opening up about herself, but if she ever wanted to, like, heal or whatever she had no choice. It got easier with time, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever enjoy the experience.
There was a time when she almost gave up, just because of how hard it was. She felt like things would never get better, like she was wasting the time and energy of everybody around her. Getting out of that was hard, but it was absolutely worth it.
Years later, Junko found her old notebook from when she was sixteen, detailing her elaborate plans to cause the apocalypse. She felt like both laughing and crying, at how bad she’d been and how far she’d come.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
Hallo mod junko! This is not a request but i just wanna tell you I love your writing for ships! Your nail the characters and their dynamic so well. Though i wanna ask are they any ships that you like? And why is that? Hope you have a nice day and stay hydrate!!
thank you so much for the that high compliment, anon! i almost feel a tear coming out of my eye as we speak… ehe~!
as for ships i like, that’s a difficult question to answer, since i’m such a major multishipper lol. i’ll put under the cut some of my favorites and/or ones i’ve been hyperfixating on lately!
kinjomae (tsurugi x yuki)
tairashima (akane x junko)
mioshima (ibuki x junko)
kamushima (izuru x junko)
kamunaga (izuru x angie)
sorukoyuuki (sora x yoruko x yuuki)
minruko (min x teruko)
hanakiranako (hana x akira x nanako)
ty for asking!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
Hallo! Could i get nikei and setsuka? That damn video footage in danganronpa scene make my heart pain in cuteness and sadness sob. Such a cute scene too. Also love your writing!
terribly sorry, anon, but setsukei is actually a discomfort to me. feel free to request for something else, however!
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
My brainrot can't choose so i leave it up to you au idea ( Harry potter au or Pokémon au or hanahaki hurt comfort fluff au) for sorabai if that okay. Love your writing and have a nice day!
sorry, but i’m not knowledgeable enough about pokemon, and i don’t support harry potter. i’m pretty bad at hanahaki, but i’ll do my best!
Syobai had been having coughing fits for a while, but dismissed it as a side effect of smoking so much. He realized his mistake once he coughed up a white carnation.
It came as a surprise even to himself. Syobai couldn’t figure out who it was that he had unrequited love for, but he decided it didn’t matter. He was a piece of trash scum anyway, so what did it matter if he died? He didn’t deserve to have his feelings returned anyway, so he just resolved to distance himself even more from his class than usual until he died.
Of course, Sora decided to stick her nose in his business. Why was he even surprised? No matter how much he told her to leave him alone, she kept coming back. The way she found out was honestly pretty embarrassing—fed up with his behavior, she kneed him in the gut, causing him to cough up an unholy amount of flowers. Her face of shock struck him to his core, and that was when he knew that she was the one he’d fallen for.
He didn’t want to admit it, but eventually he did. He could never hide much from her, after all. Her reaction when he told her was as though the final pieces of her missing memories had finally fallen into place. She had gone by a different name back then, but they’d known each other as kids.
Sora’s memories coming back was the key to her realizing that she loved him too. Syobai coughed up the few remaining flowers, but they were shriveled and dead: proof that his feelings were returned.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
This is just crack ship but izuru and utsuro cuz they so similar is funny
ooh, i haven’t considered this one!
They met when Junko decided to get Utsuro’s help to break Izuru out of their glorified cage. Izuru recognized Utsuro’s luck immediately, but was surprised by it, since they’d never come across Divine Luck before.
Utsuro expected Izuru to be bored by his Divine Luck, since Junko was. It came as a surprise to both of them when they weren’t. The results of Divine Luck were predictable, but the methods it used weren’t, making Izuru interested.
They spent a lot of time together, despite neither of them being willing to admit that they enjoyed it. Izuru said that they were interested by Utsuro’s divine luck (which was true, but not the full truth) and Utsuro said they didn’t care whether or not Izuru spent time with him (which was a blatant lie). Junko and Akane, of course, saw right through them.
Izuru and Utsuro were unused to having emotions, so maybe it wasn’t quite their fault that they couldn’t figure out that what they were feeling was a crush. Even so, Junko got bored of waiting for them to confess on their own, and ended up spilling it to them one day in a cafe.
It ended up backfiring on her, because they decided that their relationship was worth more than some nebulous despair, and turned on Junko. In the end, she was pretty pleased with the results.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
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Here is your card for Bad Things Happen Bingo. Happy writing!
yippee! thanks a bunch! :P
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
Ooo can i get ship headcannon for sorabai? (Syobai and Sora)
sure thing!
It took forever for them to realize their crushes, since they both had a bit of a rivalry over being the smartest people in the class. If it had been anybody else, Sora probably would have figured it out sooner, but her having a crush on Syobai of all people was a ridiculous thought, and vice versa.
Not much changed once they started dating, besides their banter becoming a little bit different. They switched from insults to exaggeratedly sweet nicknames like "honeypie" or "sugar".
For their first date they went knife throwing, and Syobai "accidentally" stabbed Sora so he could use patching her up as an excuse to get closer. Sora saw right threw it, of course.
It took a while for them to get affectionate, considering their trust issues, but it happened eventually. They really did make a great couple.
A great team, too. Sora helped Syobai commit crimes, despite their saner classmates warning them. Once Tsurugi caught them and they spent a night in jail together.
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despairinghope-writings · 2 years ago
(Teleports in) Can I get some gay ass nikei and syobai headcanons <3
(materializes from a pool of tar) hell yeah baybee!
Setsuka tried multiple times to set them up, but they’re both so emotionally repressed and blind to social cues that they kept missing the point.
Nikei memorized Syobai’s favorite coffee order, and then immediately got so paranoid about people deducing his crush from that (they all already know) that he memorized the rest of his class’s coffee orders as well.
It took a lot of alcohol and a game of truth or dare (both Setsuka’s doing, with some involvement from Sora and the other Children of Utsuro) to finally get them together.
When they first got together, the other CoU took turns threatening Syobai along the lines of "if you hurt him we’ll kill you"… Or they tried. Emma kept laughing, Iroha passed out with fear, and Hajime was the only one who was even slightly threatening.
Even though it often seems to outsiders like they’re not very affectionate, that’s mostly because of their different love languages. To people who know them, they’re obnoxiously lovey-dovey. For example, Nikei remembers most of Syobai’s favorite things and likes to get them for him. Syobai tends to get information for Nikei’s articles or do household chores (laundry, dishes, etc) for him.
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