desmeras-blog · 6 years
She longed to swim in the Rivers near her homeland, where not a single thought was given to her appearance or the opinions of others. That had been the purest form of happiness which she had ever felt. But the salt which coated her boots from the sea-water reminded her that Dragonstone was largely different to her home in the Riverlands. Still, she hummed a melody, a lament for her lost sisters. Despite the horrors which she had endured, the river girl did not allow it to change her heart. In spite of everything, Roslin remained kind. 
Roslin wondered if the sea would drag her away. The waves crashed into the sand and splashed at her skirts, but she did not move. Her focus was on the great unknown, the giant stretch of water which seemed to go on forever. Deep in her thoughts, Roslin began to sing a popular Westorsi song, 
I loved a maid as fair as Summer, With sunlight in her hair. I loved a maid as red as Autumn, With sunset in her hair. I loved a maid as white as Winter,…
Her singing was cut with the sudden realisation that she was not alone, “Oh,” she gasped, unable to form words out of embarrassment. It had been a long time she had sung for anyone. Her cheeks blushed and she forced herself not to shy away, even as she let out a short, bashful laugh. 
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Her finely made boots stepped into the sand, sinking slightly where it was dampened. If not for the political advantage and safety which it offered, Desmera would certainly have left. Her patience for Dragonstone had grown thin, it was dull and dreary, not at all like the Arbor. The sound of a girl singing twisted her insides bitterly, and she whipped her head around. What could she possibly have to sing about ?
❛  Do not stop on my account. I am sure the cats would still like to listen,  ❜  she remarked bitingly to the girl, who looked to be lost in song. It was not that the tune was disagreeable, but more the limited patience which she held for something so soft. It was said that people could wake up on the wrong side of the bed if that were true, then Desmera certainly had. The usual deceptive smile which she had on her face had been missing all day, her features marked by a storm.  ❛  You have ruined your gown. Your handmaiden will be up all night scrubbing the salt from it. ❜ Truthfully, she did not know what a maid’s day consisted of, only that she was there to serve her lady. 
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
While it was little secret that Olenna had favoured her Tyrell grandchildren (for the power of their house if no other reason) that was not to say she’d neglected her Redwyne family entirely; no, amongst golden vineyards there were some gems to be found and the aged matriarch took pleasure in seeing her ideals instilled within them; the ones who were at least receptive to them anyway. Her own children had been something of a let down in that regard. But where one harvest failed another could succeed and it seemed hope for the Reach was not to be lost with her.
Olenna smiled at the sight of Desmera and returned the girl’s embrace, “Kiss me child,” she said turning a cheek in preparation for the affectionate gesture. “Word was sent of our arrival but in the wake of such actions raven’s can be lost or go unread.” she said with a brief wave of her hand. “Bah,” she shook her head, “Worse than glass, that’s at least some use in showcasing the strengths of the one gazing into it; most of these fools are more akin to dung, useful to manure the crop and little beyond that. Unpleasant to be around too.” she added in a deadpan, “Speaking of unpleasantness how is your dear mother, have you heard from her? Is she just as boring as ever?” Olenna sharp words disguised something in the way of affection, otherwise she wouldn’t have asked at all. The Tyrell knew she could weather her son’s demise, and she was, but she couldn’t be sure the same was true of her daughter.
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It was not a task to kiss her grandmother, she held the utmost respect for the Queen of Thorns. While some might have said that title with contempt, Desmera thought of it only with love. As a child she would listen to her grandmother, even as she had been dismissed from the room to retire for bed, there was spy grate in the wall and she would listen as her grandmother talked, and her mother fumbled over her words. She loved her mother dearly, there was no doubting that, but they were not alike and often clashed. Over the years their arguments had mellowed out, Mina realised that there was too much of Olenna in her only daughter.
❛  They think to run a country from this stone keep, yet they cannot even deliver a raven - I fear for our Kingdom, grandmother and it has little to do with the walking dead, ❜ she said, taking a seat beside her grandmother. A slight nod of her head with directed towards the serving boy, so that her goblet could be filled. Her hands rested on the rich purple fabric of her gown, her head tilted in the direction of her grandmother, as a smile ghosted her lips. 
❛  Mother is well and she has much to grumble about. She has never much liked leaving the Reach, and save for our fruitless and bothersome journey to the Iron Isles all those years ago, I do not believe I have ever seen her leave,   ❜  she commented, taking a delicate sip from her glass, once it had been properly filled.  ❛ I do not believe that she is pleased that I have not yet settled on a husband. But I do not wish to have just anyone.  ❜
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
“My dear, if that’s the best needle-work you’re capable off you’d learn better skills at a brothel to help you keep a husband.” Olenna shook her head and sent the child scurrying on her way with tears building in her eyes; the little fool. There was a battle for their survival coming and the child asks about needle-work. As though she’d ever particularly cared for the hobby. Clicking her wizened fingers a server ran forward and shakily bowed before her, “Yes yes, bow all you like but get me another glass or arbor while you do. And try not to spill any this time.” Wasting a few drops of that vintage was worth more than his life, she didn’t have her usual supply since leaving the Reach.
But remaining there could be the case no longer. No instead she’d heard the three most powerful people in Westeros, when faced with a threat that could destroy them all, had come to conclusions and begun to scatter. So it appeared it was left to those precious few with sense to sort the issue out and bash them all together before they were all corpses decorating the countryside. 
Her goblet was filled and handed over just as a visitor began to be announced and she waved a hand to silence the announcer, “Do shut up. What a feckless job; if they’re worth knowing then I shall know them by sight and conversation. As though any within these walls require further inflation to their egos.” she finished dryly turning to her latest visitor.
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Excitement surged in her veins, carrying her feet forward. Despite the rise of emotion within the young girl, she carried herself with the upmost dignity, the rich burgundy shade of her gowns rippling through the hallways like a long river of Arbor red. If anyone tried to engage in conversation, she carefully excused herself, only one thought on her mind. Grandmother. Her idol, the woman whose likeness she tried to match in many ways. Her quips were always belittled, but Olenna Tyrell had respect and even amusement from others. Her grandmother was always a remarkable woman. 
She barely waited to be announced, sauntering past the page to hear her grandmother scolding the poor boy. She imagined that her mother, Mina, might have chided her grandmother for that. ❛  Grandmother! I would have visited sooner, but I have not long heard news of your arrival,  ❜ she greeted, a genuine smile on her lips, walking over to embrace the thorny woman. For a moment she considered her mother, had the elder woman wanted to keep her away from her grandmother’s influence, hoping to sweeten her sour daughter?   ❛  You would think that everyone had turned themselves in to glass, they’re acting that fragile. One harsh word and they’re nothing but dust !  ❜
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
where:  sharp point , the cliffs when:  early morning who:  open !!
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she sat upon the winged shadow’s back , on a spot at the base of his neck and between his wings.  it seemed to be made for her seat ;  the way the spines and frills that lined his neck stopped just short and how her feet could rest at the joint of his wings , enabling her to feel the muscles move.  the cool winds streamed by her features as drogon turned nearly perpendicular to the sea , heading back towards the cliffs of sharp point.  she savored in the last few moments of their flight before he descended.  
a loud , screaching roar came from within his chest as clawed feet and wings connected with the ground , churning up dirt and grass as he stabilized himself.  he’d shake out his frilled neck before lowering a shoulder , enabling his mother to step gently off his back.  daenerys would come around to scratch at his maw , causing a low rumble from his chest.  she’d likened it to a house cat purring. 
usually she’d make her way back down to the castle at this point , but she selfishly wanted a few more quite moments with her children.  with the coming war an alliance , they hadn’t had as much attention from their mother.  she was just about to send drogon off to rejoin his brothers out over the sea when she saw another figure.
Reverence. It was the purest thing that she had felt in her life. Her heart was not forged from soft things,  ❛  Your grace,  ❜  she whispered in awe, addressing the Dragon Queen. The emerald hues of her eyes flitted between the magnificent beast and the monarch whose cause she was ardently trying to turn her family towards - her love for the Lannister’s lacking. Never before had she seen something truly remarkable. The affluence of the Reach and her own family meant that she was in continuous receipt of untold treasures and trinkets to adorn her body with, but they were nothing compared with the magical and mystical force of a dragon.  
❛  I apologise for staring, your grace, I imagine that it is a common occurrence. It’s beautiful,  ❜  she gasped, her eyes filled with wonder. It was at that moment that she realised that she had been so spellbound by the creature that she hadn’t conjured up any fear. She supposed that some might have shied away from the fearsome creature, scared that it would act of its own will and eat them.  Desmera decided that it would be far better and more glorious to die by dragon fire than to suffer the knives of the living dead. 
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
ooc. has anyone else already watched the trailer multiple times? i’m not okay right now!!! it needs to be april
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
❝ I was sure we were both going to be killed. ❞
❝ If need be, I will dispatch a second army to destroy the rebels. ❞
❝ I promise the utter destruction of them, their wives and their children. ❞
❝ Do you understand me? I will destroy them all… ❞
❝ I was promised artillery when I arrived here, but I don’t see any guns! ❞
❝ I did not want to cause a panic by forcing people to part with their horses and drays! ❞
❝ I don’t require you to flatter me. ❞
❝ Of course, if you choose to go, you’d be like a lion among wolves. ❞
❝ Just because you have done everything that you have promised, don’t leave me. ❞
❝ You are the milk of human kindness, the light in my dark, dark world. ❞
❝ Without you, life is a desert, a howling wilderness. ❞
❝ Please, God, in Your mercy, don’t take her away from me! ❞
❝ One day I shall lie beside you again, I promise and we shall sleep together for eternity. ❞
❝ I know….But this too shall pass. Why go on dwelling in darkness? ❞
❝ I am more convinced than ever that he is the agent of Satan.  ❞
❝ If I could, I would strip him from the King’s side- and burn him.  ❞
❝ I have a moment of nostalgia now and then… even for my enemies. ❞
❝ She seems to but only for the sake of appearances. ❞
❝ I assure you I am not content. ❞
❝ I have relied upon you to inform and counsel me, and yet I am the most deceived. ❞
❝ I have trusted and favoured all of you. ❞
❝ Without knowledge, life is not worth having. ❞
❝ I have spoken to God so rarely, I do not think he would know who I was. ❞
❝ I have come here to die. ❞
❝ I believe that with all my heart and soul. ❞
❝ Do you think such a thing exists? ❞
❝ I can only thank God for the chance to win honor and glory in the field. ❞
❝ They will either fight or I’ll hang them by the wayside! ❞
❝ Are these the signs of fraternal love?  ❞
❝ The people look for light, and you bring them darkness. ❞
❝ I will not hide the truth from you. ❞
❝ I’d put all things were as they used to be, in times past. ❞
❝ I do not have your support, may I ask if you will act against me? ❞
❝ I have been thinking a great deal about loss. ❞
❝ What are you doing here? ❞
❝ You have not always been kind to her. ❞
❝ I have wept so often to see her alone, abandoned by her father. ❞
❝ Is that why you have come back, [Name]? ❞
❝ You have sent me away before, though I loved you. ❞
❝ She was the only pure thing in my life and in my life I neglected her. ❞
❝ I wanted so much to give you a son but now I am so proud of her. ❞
❝ I am very proud of her and I know how clever she is. ❞
❝ I wish that I could love her more, but from time to time she reminds me of you. ❞
❝ I was innocent. All the accusations against me were false. ❞
❝ Don’t you understand?! You have killed him! ❞
❝ But we were like two moths drawn to the flame- and burned. ❞
❝ Praise the God of all, drink the wine, and let the world be the world.  ❞
❝ I am sure they enlighten you, but I prefer them to remain mysterious. ❞
❝ I have never read the Gospels and never shall. ❞
❝ And you desire to know, I assume, on which side of the argument I belong? ❞
❝ You take it upon yourself to judge the clergy by the sole light of your fantastical opinions. ❞
❝ I was dead and am alive again. ❞
❝ What are you thinking? ❞
❝ The ladies at court are how you say… not exactly known for their virtue. ❞
❝ I would rather see her hanged than acknowledge her as my mistress! ❞
❝ I do not think he would know who I was. ❞
❝ Is the King thinking of marrying again? ❞
❝ Tell me what is happening in Court. ❞
❝ Do you want a confessor? ❞
❝ How can I help you, [Name]? ❞
❝ It is expected of me, and always has been. And I will not fail. ❞
❝ Yes, and the only mourners at that funeral were the ghosts of his children. ❞
❝ Now go away, and think. ❞
❝ If you leave so much as a sapling in the ground, one day it will grow into a tree! ❞
❝ That’s what you want, isn’t it [Name]? ❞
❝ I promise and we shall sleep together for eternity. ❞
❝ Perhaps you don’t understand. ❞
❝ God help me, I will hold you to account!  ❞
❝ Everyone has plans and what I want doesn’t matter! ❞
❝ God is not just in church, He is… everywhere. ❞
❝ There is no need for bells, and books, and candles. All you need… is your soul. ❞
❝ But, surely, Sir, you have to go to church for that? ❞
❝ I will see to it that none of your projects ever succeed! ❞
❝ Frankly, my lady, this lowers the field. ❞
❝ It was not a happy marriage. ❞
❝ will appoint you commander of the armies if you have the will and the stomach for the fight. ❞
❝ I come here today to speak with you to set forth my mind and the secrets of my heart. ❞
❝ The stakes could not possibly be higher. ❞
❝ Of all losses, time is the most irrecuperable, for it could never be redeemed. ❞    
❝ Even if some man recovers his fortune he is lost. ❞    
❝ Why should that surprise you, [Name]? ❞    
❝ Is that why you have come back? To chide me, for all that I am not? ❞  
❝ She ought to be a long time married by now, she ought to have her own children. ❞    
❝ But I was still your wife in God’s eyes- and still am. ❞    
❝ You must be proud of her too, [Name]? ❞    
❝ I wish that I could love her more. ❞    
❝ It was not her fault either.   ❞    
❝ I forgive you even for hounding poor, proud Surrey to his death, for it was his fault.. ❞    
❝ Whether you will it or not, you carry a great weight of confidence and influence. ❞    
❝ The King’s infirmity, and the youth of my nephew, make the question of succession urgent. ❞      
❝ He who possesses the heir to the throne will very soon possess the throne itself. ❞    
❝ I think your faction is engaged in a fight to the death. ❞      
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
“I would not put it past you. I know very little of you - thank the Drowned God - after all. ” Maron smirked good-naturedly. They certain were a pair forged deep in the shadows of hell, opposites in every way, but at least the could agree on the fact that the marriage should not have gone ahead. “Oh, I have a feeling it was something far more sinister than a spell or well-put argument from me that swayed my late-father. He was not a man who reacted well to compromise, particularly on account of me.” In life at least. Patricide had not been solely motivated by the proposed joining of House Greyjoy with House Redwyne, but Maron would be a liar to claim it was not at least a small part of it. “Fair enough, keep your secrets. I have little need for them anymore.” 
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❛  I imagine that you will not reveal the curious methods which you allude to, but I shall say that the Gods do work in mysterious ways,  ❜  she mused, casting a conspiratory look at him.  ❛  A sailors wife? Whatever was my father thinking?  ❜  Desmera held no interest in flattering Maron, and while he could certainly claim to be something more than a menial, a mere sailor, it was easier for her to associate him lowly within her mind - affirming that her decision to contest the match was the correct one.  ❛  They say that it the softest touch which calms the roaring beast, and let it be known that you are beastly. But unfortunately, I am not soft.  ❜ She scoffed at him then, fingers trailing over the exquisite gems which encircled her wrist.  ❛  You had little need of my secrets to begin with. Unless you imagine what it might have been like if I was your wife - how many secrets I would have kept from you... would it have turned your mind sour like spoiled wine?  ❜
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
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“Play a volta.”
requested by anonymous
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
“The thought had crossed my mind, yes, considering one of the few things I am sure of about you is that there is no-one whose company you deem of better quality than your own.” She was a viper tucked away in hiding amidst the rosebushes, and though Maron would rather have married a fish than Desmera Redwyne, he had found himself rather amused by her razor sharp tongue and cut-throat wit. “I am just as surprised as you are, I assure you. Both to be here myself, but also to see you amongst these people and not back at the Reach, stirring rotten grapes into your cauldron.” 
His tone was good-humoured, aided by two cups of ale as he continued to down a third, and the company of his men who could be heard across the room laughing raucously with each other. “What could it be that lures you this far from the Reach?”
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A smirk stretched her ruby stained lips, ❛  Forgive me if I am mistaken, do you suggest that I am performing some manner of witchcraft or sorcery?  ❜  she enquired in a silken tone, her former betrothed had gall, she was certain of that. Desmera had never liked to imagine what might have happened if they were wed, they were ill-fitting and likely to implode. ❛  Did you tell your father that I had put a spell on him? Is that why our betrothal was disregarded?  ❜ she asked, jesting with him. She did wonder how Maron had managed it so quickly, but she had never had the pleasure of his presence after the fact.  ❛  A woman has her secrets, Maron. I shall endeavour to keep mine. My business is my own.  ❜
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
lyarra had no true quarrel with the young woman. in the grand scheme of things, a bored lady of the reach barely registered with her. she would not be the tale of the evening by resorting to an argument with someone she hardly knew. “quite possibly.” the wine she sips from is as dry as her retort. “children are often much better company in comparison.” there was a wicked sense of humour buried beneath all that grief, one often too dark for those who had seen little loss to stomach. the northerner simply saw nothing amusing with the other’s jabs. “forgive me, my lady. but i am not of the habit of being lured into a competition just to entertain you. if it is merriment you seek, you should have stayed at home. war has little place for you.” the arch of her brow is stern, and for a fleeting moment she wonders when she had lost the ability to see the mirth in situations like this. it soon disappears with the realisation she’d lost the ability to care about that too.
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Her moss-green gaze narrowed at the lady’s sudden inclination to rise above, something which greatly perturbed her. She wondered if her grandmother, the remarkable Olenna, Queen of Thorns, suffered through the constant dismissals when she was in her youth, as though her words were the utterings of a petulant child and not the honest truth. It was never Desmera’s direct intention to upset another, but the lack of veil over her words meant that she always offended someone.  ❛   If that was not your will, then why did you seek to chide me in the first place, my lady?  ❜  she questioned with a deep frown.  ❛  My just reaction was merely a response to your suggestion that I belonged with the children, when I spoke a truth that others did not see fit to say - a miscalculation on my part. I think perhaps you judge me too harshly.  ❜
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
( from edmure / changed up the words a little ‼ ) ─ ❝ The more the realm sinks, the worse it gets. ❞
❛  The nausea from such a stench is enough to deter anyone from visiting the capital,  ❜  she responded, scrunching up her face in disgust. If she were not so young, her complexion would have become heavily lined from her expression, but instead, it merely creased and smoothed out. She sunk lower into the chair, nursing the goblet of wine in her hand, she supposed that the wine must taste terribly bad in the capital - even if it was from the Arbor. The eye-watering poison from Flea Bottom would surely muddy even the clearest and most pure substance.  ❛  They really ought to do something about it. If they were to spend more coin on building homes and better living environments for the peasants than they do jousts and extravagant weddings, the problem would soon dissolve.    ❜  If everyone was better off, the crown could raise taxes and put it back into the kingdom, she wondered if that was something Queen Daenerys would do. Desmera was never seen without a trinket around her neck and she lived a life of luxury, but the Arbor was a prosperous place and even the poor did not go hungry. 
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0 notes
desmeras-blog · 6 years
ooc. i’m only working 1 day in the next week because i booked some time off, which means i’ll be on alys and desmera a whole lot! it’s an exciting prospect. 
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
katherine howard + favourite costumes
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
✧     CRIMSON     PEAK     SENTENCE     PROMPTS    !   
❝ They take the heat from the sun, and when it deserts them, they die. ❞
❝ They’re dying.  ❞
❝ You’re monsters. Both of you! ❞
❝ It’s a world of everything dying and eating each other right beneath our feet. ❞
❝ Surely there’s more to it than that. ❞
❝ Beautiful things are fragile… ❞
❝ At home we have only black moths. ❞
❝ Formidable creatures, to be sure, but they lack beauty. ❞
❝ They thrive on the dark and cold. ❞
❝ What do they feed on? ❞
❝ You’re so… different. ❞
❝ Ghosts are real, that much I know. I’ve seen them all my life… ❞
❝ It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all. ❞
❝ But the horror… The horror was for love. ❞
❝ The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret.  ❞
❝ This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out.  ❞
❝ There are things that tie them to a place, very much like they do to us. ❞
❝ Will you still like to know my thoughts? ❞
❝ The aches that you describe with such earnestness, the pain, the loss. ❞
❝ In fact, you only seem to know what other writers tell. ❞
❝ You clearly have not lived it at all. ❞
❝ Where I come from, ghosts are not to be taken lightly. ❞
❝ You are nothing but a SPOILED CHILD! ❞
❝ What do you dream of? A kind man? A pure soul to be redeemed? Perfection? ❞
❝ I advise you to return to your ghosts and fancies. ❞
❝ A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. ❞
❝ It starts holding onto things… keeping them alive when they shouldn’t be. ❞
❝ Some should never be spoken about again. ❞
❝ You will stay here, with us… won’t you?  ❞
❝ A man that feeds off land that others work for him. ❞
❝ This parasite is perfectly charming and a magnificent dancer. ❞
❝ I cannot leave you here. ❞
❝ I find myself thinking about you even at the most inopportune moments of the day. ❞
❝ I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine. ❞
❝ The first time I saw one I was ten years old. ❞
❝ There were to be no parting kisses. No goodbyes. No last words. ❞
❝ You lied to me! ❞
❝ You poisoned me! ❞
❝ You said you loved me! ❞
❝ I’ve always closed my eyes to things that made me uncomfortable. ❞
❝ I don’t want to close my eyes. I want to keep them open. ❞
❝ It makes everything easier. ❞
❝ I heard you the first time. ❞
❝ It’s an excellent likeness. ❞
❝ The more the house sinks, the worse it gets. ❞
❝ Goodness. How many rooms are there? ❞
❝ We must do something about it.  ❞
❝ Others that hold onto an emotion. A drive. Loss. Revenge. Or love. ❞
❝ The spilling of blood. A terrible crime. ❞
❝ I don’t know. Would you like to count them? ❞
❝ Do we have to do this? Must we? ❞
❝ She stopped drinking her tea, but I poisoned the porridge. ❞
❝ That’s exactly what our mother told us in her last moment. ❞   
❝ This is your home now. You have nowhere else to go. ❞
❝ Perfection has no place in love, [Name]. ❞
❝ You know precious little of the human heart, or love, or the pain that comes with it. ❞
❝ I can’t. I can’t. ❞
❝ This place is hundreds years old. Souls come and go. ❞
❝ Some of them are good; some of them bad… ❞
❝ You insist on describing the torments of love when you know NOTHING about them. ❞
❝ How do you manage this house? ❞
❝ Actually, I’d rather be Mary Shelly; she died a widow. ❞
❝ Perfection has no place in love. ❞
❝ Perhaps we only notice things when the time comes for us to see them. ❞
❝ In [Country] we bank on effort, not privilege. ❞
❝ The men at this table, all of us, came up through honest, hard work. ❞
❝ Well, maybe not all of us. [Name] here is a [Occupation].  ❞
❝ If there’s one thing I know, it’s the importance of the right tool for the job. ❞
❝ I’m a builder, dear. ❞
❝ Everyone falls in love, dear, even women. ❞
❝ There are things that tie them to a place.   ❞
❝ The marriages were for money, of course. ❞
❝ You need a measure of bitterness… Not to be eaten.. ❞
❝ Nothing gentle ever grows in this land. ❞
❝ My heart would cease to beat and I would die. ❞
❝ I won’t stop… until you kill me… or I kill you! ❞
❝ So it’s all out in the open. No more secrets! ❞  
❝ I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine. And should that link be broken either by distance or by time, then my heart would cease to beat and I would die. ❞
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
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Georges Hobeika - Fall / Winter 2016-2017
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desmeras-blog · 6 years
ooc - working on a sunday should be illegal, especially this early in the morning! i’ll be on this afternoon to do replies and send in alys’ account 🙃
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