#*    interaction    /  edmure tully.
isefyres-archive · 6 months
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@dcviline asked: “ i don’t deserve you, but i want you anyway. ” (roslin @ edmure)
He   feels   like   a   fool   for   allowing   himself   for   thinking   for   a   second   that   she   meant   him   and   his   family   harm.   She   had   wept   on   their   wedding   night,   after   consummation   had   been   made   and   they   lay   in   bed,   she   had   wept   and   then,   soldiers   came   and   he   was   dragged   through   the   bodies   of   his   relatives,   his   poor   sister,   his   nephew,   friends,   all   dead.   Kept   separated   for   years,   now   she   is   here   in   Riverrun   and   it   feels   like   she   is   not   sure   how   to   behave.   Perhaps   she   thinks   Edmure   doesn't   want   her   here,   or   their   child.   But   the   moment   he   had   laid   eyes   on   her,   he   had   been   sure   he   wanted   her.   "Sweet   Roslin,   I   am   a   grown   man   capable   of   thinking   for   myself."   He   speaks   softly,   stepping   closer   to   let   his   hands   cup   each   side   of   her   cheek,   breathing   in.
  She   is   unharmed,   at   least,   psychically,   and   for   that,   he   prays   to   the   Gods.   "Regardless   of   what   happened   that   night,   when   it   was   just   us   in   the   room,   did   you   enjoyed   yourself?"   Edmure   asks   in   turn,   a   small   pause   as   he   speaks   before   smiling   back   at   her.   "Because   I   believe   I   proved   that   I   want   you   as   well.   Not   just   in   flesh   but   as   my   wife,   mother   of   my   children.   And   I   have   no   doubt,   we   will   overcome   this."   He   presses   his   lips   to   her   forehead,   lingering   there   for   a   moment.   "You   are   a   Tully   now."
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west1rosi · 1 year
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Ser Edmure Tully is a knight from House Tully of Riverrun, the liege lords of the riverlands. He is the heir of Hoster Tully, the Lord Paramount of the Trident, and Lady Minisa Whent, and the younger brother of Catelyn Stark and Lysa Arryn.
Edmure is fond of smiling and pretty girls, but is sulky and sullen when angered. According to Catelyn, Edmure dislikes singers because one once slept with a girl fancied by Edmure. Edmure is friends with Lymond Goodbrook, Patrek Mallister, Marq Piper, and young Vances.
Hoster refused an offer by Lord Walder Frey to wed Edmure to one of his daughters.Princess Arianne Martell wanted to accept Hoster's offer for her to meet Edmure at Riverrun, but Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, declined because of a secret marriage pact.
During the war council held at Riverrun, the northern and river lords proclaim Robb to be King in the North. When emissaries from House Frey arrive at Riverrun to negotiate Walder Frey's terms of reconciliation with Robb, Edmure is pressured by Robb, Brynden and Catelyn to take Robb's place in his previously arranged marriage to one of Lord Frey's daughters; the emissaries inform that he must marry Roslin.
At the ceremony, Walder lifts Roslin's veil, revealing her to be a beauty, much to Edmure's relief. At the wedding feast, Edmure enjoys himself immensely and, when Walder and Robb call for the bedding ceremony, eagerly allows himself to be led away by the other Frey girls. It is only after his departure that the Red Wedding begins.
Edmure is taken prisoner and remains a hostage of Lord Frey, who remarks to Lord Roose Bolton that Edmure spent his wedding night in a dungeon. Eventually, Edmure is released and his lordship bestowed back to him. He would be reunited with Roslin and a child conceived on their wedding night.
do not reblog/like/comment unless mutuals!
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blossomhcir · 2 years
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON STARTERS; ACCEPTING  @uncrvwned​​ asked  ❛ we haven’t spoke much…since… ❜  ( From Edmure )
“No… We haven’t.” If the Lady of Sweetgrove had seemed distracted, it was because she was thinking about the night in question. She had been the entire time they walked in silence together, unsure of what she should say. She glanced back at the maids tasked with chaperoning their walk in through the godswood before she said more. They were chatting amongst themselves, only paying the couple occasional glances. With the impending wedding they seemed satisfied that they had reached the near end with only a chaste courtship. Blissfully unaware.
 That night had found her restless, unable to sleep. The air of complacency seemed to be the consensus that had settled over Riverrun and she found it easier than she'd imagined to make her way to Edmure’s chambers. Her intention had been only to talk, hopeful that more time with her betrothed would give her the peace to finally sleep. They had talked, for a long while in fact. It had been Adelaide who kissed him, cutting Edmure short as he spoke. She couldn’t be certain what exactly it was that compelled her in the moment. It could have been the way he spoke, full of charm and life. Perhaps it was his smile or the way he looked at her with his almost too blue eyes that made her heart race in a way that thrilled her when she held his eye. If given the chance Adelaide believed she could list a hundred reasons why she felt so compelled, but they all totaled to the simple fact that she wanted to kiss him. 
She supposed it surprised both of them how eagerly she responded, to his kisses, to his touch. She could understand if he thought her too demure, she had given him little reason to think otherwise, but when he pulled her closer she responded emphatically. The wanting came in waves, crashing over her in a way that made her shiver despite how overheated her skin felt. Wanting to be closer to him, wanting to feel his hands on her, wanting him. Desire made her bolder, and it had been Adealide who had undone the ties to her nightdress to slide it from her body. A silent reassurance for him that Adelaide had no intention of denying him, or herself. She did sleep well that night, but not in her own bed. 
“I want you to know that I’m not usually so easily lost to passions. Which isn’t to say I lack passion, just- I never-” She cut herself off, gathering her thoughts before speaking again. Her voice was quiet so as to not be overheard, but laced with a soft affection. “What I mean to say is that our time together was very special to me, because it was shared with you. I’ve found myself very taken with you, Edmure, and I’m glad those moments were for us alone. ” 
Though she had never intended for things to transpire in the manner they had, she truly was glad for it. It gave her an unexpected peace for their first intimacies to have been something private instead of during a bedding. An experience only for the two of them, even if it had to remain their secret. There was intimacy in that too, another thing shared only between them. “I only hope that your opinion of me hasn’t been changed. While I don’t regret it, I know it wasn’t behavior befitting a lady. Especially one you might take to wife.”
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malmiele · 5 months
genderbent theon already compels me in its usual setup (i.e. she is still the hostage) but tbh in a world where theon was born a girl (teora? theia?), asha would be the one sent away as a hostage because she'd be the heir.
she'd be 13-14 when she arrived at winterfell, still young, but old enough to have her psyche mostly shaped by the iron islands. alannys raised her to be bold. how would she handle her new position in a foreign society? she'd be a good deal older than sansa and arya, but i would like to see how they interact. maybe besides jon, arya could see asha as someone she related to. as the heir to the iron islands the crown would definitely look into getting her married off, arguably more so than theia. but the starklings are too young, and benjen took himself out of the equation. would robert consider another great house? edmure? willas or garlan? would she then have been sent to riverrun or highgarden instead? (maybe not the reach, though, since baelor blacktyde was already sent to oldtown.) i am beginning to like the idea of asha being sent to be part of catelyn's entourage in winterfell in preparation for her eventual marriage to edmure.
meanwhile balon would raise theia as his heir. most likely she'll be similar to asha in the original timeline, although she wouldn't have had her own crew for as long. maybe she'll still have a fondness for fashion, which she probably won't be as mocked for, written off as a young woman's acceptable frivolity. i also think if asha is getting married earlier balon might also want theia married if he's serious about theia inheriting over asha (which he probably would be, the thought of greenlander grandchildren ruling his throne would drive him crazy). one way to ensure theia's inheritance would, as unsavoury as it sounds, be marrying her to one of her uncles, probably victarion. otherwise allying with another major house would also be good, maybe one of the goodbrother triplets? they're about robb's age. wouldn't it be cute if they were also redheads.
asha tully-greyjoy travels to meet her father to offer an alliance against the lannisters, insisting to her husband that she can go alone. theia sits in the place of honor beside their father, with a tall auburn boy that reminds asha of the boy who sent her here. while theia is sent to capture deepwood motte like asha in the original timeline, our asha is not trained at arms and probably stays on pyke.
winterfell is never sacked. robb never marries jeyne westerling. the red wedding still happens, but at robb's wedding to a frey daughter rather than edmure's. the freys do not have their paper-thin excuse this time, and they will be even more reviled by westeros, if that is even possible. edmure will be held prisoner, which could be good news or bad news for asha depending on how much she likes him.
asha is probably one of the first to know of balon's death at pyke. she quickly moves to claim the seastone chair while theia and victarion are away, but euron suddenly returns, and aeron calls for a kingsmoot. which euron probably still wins. and the greyjoy sisters will have to work together to save the situation...
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isefyres · 4 months
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𝔐𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔯𝔞:
CONQUEST ERA. aegon i targaryen, rhaenys targaryen, obsidia celtigar, torrhen stark, brandon snow, thorea stark.
JAEHERYS ERA. alaric stark, alyssa targaryen, baelon targaryen, viserra targaryen, saera targaryen, alarra stark.
DANCE ERA. laena velaryon, jacaerys velaryon, rhaena targaryen, serafia celtigar, kermit tully. floris baratheon, cassandra baratheon, heleana targaryen, criston cole, aemond targaryen, daeron targaryen. viserys i targaryen, rhea royce, lea tyrell, aliandra martell, lyandra saan.
POST DANCE ERA. viserys ii targaryen, jaehaera targaryen, myrmadora haen.
REBELLION ERA. rhaegar targaryen, ser arthur dayne, ashara dayne, elia martell, ned stark, catelyn tully.
MAIN ERA. osney kettleblack, balerion blackfyre, orysa baratheon, cersei lannister, tywin lannister, joanna swyft, laena longwaters, gendry baratheon, shireen baratheon, alynne connington, jon connington, vera dondarrion, rolland storm, shyra errol, daven lannister, addam mallister, elyra brax, jeyne westerling, joy hill, edmure tully, barbara bracken, eleanor mooton, liane vance, bethany blackwood, astor sunderly, gyselle goodbrother, wallace waynwood, myranda royce, lyn corbay, mya stone, bryanna coldwater, harrold hardyng, jennis templeton, catelyn stark, jeyne poole, mara mormont, jorah mormont, wylla manderly, alys karstark, beth cassel, brandon cassel, freyia knott, sigorn of thenn, howland reed, ellaria sand, edric dayne, gwayne dayne, addam whitehead, quira qorgyle, trystane martell, harmen uller, jeyne fowler, willas tyrell, elinor tyrell, desmora redwyne, megga tyrell, eleana vyrwel, bayard norcross, taena merryweather, tommen costayne, irri, doreah, lysandro orthys, narcyssa orthys, ezzara, sariah, cahira, malakai veltheos,
bold: most likely to respond faster and high need to write. italics: testing or wanting more interactions. nothing: can go either way.
*note: jacaerys velaryon, willas tyrell and maybe ashara dayne will get single blogs possible but they remain here. you can request things from solo blogs here or on my discord: caliofhousestark
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Terrible Fic Idea #51:  A Maiden Dark and Fair, but make it f!Jon Snow/Edmure Tully
Sometimes I have terrible fic ideas. Sometimes terrible fic ideas take hold of me and refuse to let me go. Such is the case with this one, where I had the passing thought I wonder if there's ever been a fic that has the Riverlands be the force behind the Targaryen Restoration? and it turned into: What if Edmure Tully ended up married to female!Jon Snow?
Aka: The Rhaella the River Queen Fic
Just imagine it:
Edmure is a hot-headed, good-hearted flirt. He's not the smartest fish in the barrel, but his heart is in the right place. So when he comes north with Robert Baratheon's party at the start of canon and overhears some of the Lannister soldiers saying crude things about his goodbrother's bastard daughter, Rhaella Stone, he takes them to task. It's done partly to protect the honor of a maiden, partly to protect the honor of his sister's household, but quickly grows out of hand.
By the time the story reaches the ear of the king, Edmure's defense of a maiden's honor has turned into Edmure's defense of his lover's honor. King Robert, always seeking to get into Ned's good graces, orders the Lannister soldiers sent to the Wall and legitimizes Ned's bastard so she can marry her lordling lover.
And so Edmure returns to Riverrun with a Stark bride.
Rhaella herself is too startled by this turn of events to have much opinion of them at first. In the two interactions she had with him before their marriage, she'd found him well-intentioned but ineffectual - and afterwards quickly comes to the realization that she must always be the strongest voice in his ear lest someone with less pure intentions rule him.
Hoster Tully is far from pleased by his only son marrying a jumped-up bastard, but accepts it as fait accompli - that, and he literally dies a month after their arrival. He doesn't have time to plot when his legacy is on the line.
And so Edmure Tully becomes the next Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. It would probably be a disaster if not for Rhaella gently pushing him in more constructive directions while juggling as many duties as she possibly can.
Luckily, Edmure is just self-aware enough to realize he's being handled and has just enough of an ego to want to better himself for her. This is enough to avoid most of his worst blunders in the War of Five Kings, though most still see him as a henpecked fool.
Canon proceeds apace.
Ned Stark is executed, Robb is declared king, and the Red Wedding is avoided by the fact 1) Jaime is being securely held in Riverrun and 2) Robb has no unmarried kin on hand to marry off in his place.
After the Battle of the Blackwater, the Seven Kingdoms hang in an extended state of stalemate until Dany arrives at Dragonstone, with neither the Lannister or Stark forces able to gain an advantage over their enemies.
With Dany's arrival, a Great Council is called at Harrenhal. Rhaella is among the attendees and finds kinship in Dany - kinship which is proved to be real once she's introduced to Dany's dragons and not immediately turned to charcoal.
The Great Council names Dany Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She never marries, but takes Rhaella's oldest child to be her heir. Her reign should prove to be short yet influential, with her heir succeeding her in their late teens/early twenties. This heir should very much not be a floppy fish, but the Westerosi equivalent of Edward III - popular, long-reigning, and pragmatic. Very much like their mother.
Bonuses include: 1) A strange sort of courtly love between Edmure and Rhaella, with Edmure casting himself as her white knight after his actions to defend her honor from the Lannister soldiers and Rhaella somewhat bemusedly indulging him. Edmure should be aware she does not love him at first, but wins her over through his earnestness and willingness to listen to her. Theirs surprises the kingdoms by being a remarkably successful marriage, and after Edmure's death Rhaella wears mourning black for the rest of her life; 2) Caitlyn never quite getting over the fact her stepdaughter has become her goodsister has become the mother of the next ruler. There are occasional flair ups of their dislike, but mostly they ignore each other's existence save for subtle jabs at the other's expense; 3) Rhaella never quite coming to terms with being a Targaryen - despite the dragon, - but finding all the meaning and purpose she might ever have wanted from being Lady Paramount of the Riverlands.
...and that is surprisingly more than I thought I would have, but this idea literally leaped into my brain and would not let me go. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Daemon the Destroyer | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Rhaegar the Righteous | River Queen
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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beyondmistland · 8 months
Based off his interactions with Catelyn, Hoster, the Blackfish, Robb (as well as Cats own POV and comment from Lysa), do you think Edmure Tully was largely despised or just not respected at all by his own family? If so, was it justified or not in your view?
I think that's putting it a little too strongly. Edmure's family may find him a little immature but that doesn't change the fact they all (with the exception of maybe Lysa) genuinely love him and vice-versa.
Thanks for the question, anon
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racefortheironthrone · 8 months
Based off his interactions with Catelyn, Hoster, the Blackfish, Robb (as well as Cats own POV and comment from Lysa), do you think Edmure Tully was largely despised or just not respected at all by his own family? If so, was it justified or not in your view?
I think that's a bit harsh. I think Edmure was generally loved, but perhaps thought of as well-meaning, but a bit immature.
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Their reaction to you being like Margery Tyrell - Set A
Hey my lovelies, back with another preference. My requests are open and my request guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
Requested by Anon
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Robb Stark; Robb smiles with pride. He's relieved to know how well percieved you are. You're so kind and selfless you are. You don't care for the tittle you have. All you want is the best for your people.
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Eddison Tollett; Eddison doesn't know how you do it. The way you move between people. He understands why people love you, but it puzzles him how you're sociable. Adapting to the situation depending on the person. He's in awe you could have anyone yet you choose him.
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Jaime Lannister; Jaime's curious if your genuine. It is not easy to have the people's affection. Let alone to maintain it. Jaime keeps close eye on you. Working out what's your secret, until he works it out. You don't have a secret agenda unlike many others who seek power at the expanse of others.
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Loras Tyrell; Loras understands the nessecity to have a good public perception. He thinks it's admirable. Playing the game is not easy, especially when you care about the people who frequently gt more affected. Loras thinks it's sweet you choose the harder path.
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Theon Greyjoy; Theon's in awe of you. He's transfixed because he wants to be treated like them. He doesn't understand why you treat the commonfolk with such kindeness. Yet despite this, Theon flocks to you. like a month to a flame, especially when he learns that kindness extends to him to.
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Bronn; Bronn's skeptical. He's heard of your reputation before the two of you met. How can someone be so wildly loved? Bronn doesn't know if your actions to be believed. Perhaps you use it to get ahead. Bronn isn't sure, however, meeting you makes him undersand you're a decent person in a sea of bad ones.
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Jory Cassel; Jory is in awe of you. He admires the way your passionate about your causes. The people's affection is well placed you care about them. You wish for their wellbeing to be improved, stomachs full etc
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Eddard "Ned" Stark; Eddard admires it. He doesn't know how you've managed to gain the people's admiration. However, Ned realises it's no easy occurance. You have to prove yourself to be true to them. Ned will often stand back to observe your interactions.
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Oberyn Martell; Oberyn believes they would be fools not to. You have always put their needs before your own. Attempting to privde them with the best quality of life. Oberyn knows how tirelessly you've worked over the years, standing against powerful men.
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Viserys Targaryen; Visery's doesn't understand why you bother with them. They need to follow you're in charge, you're are born to rule. Yet you continue to give to the people, you express them kindness and heart. Viserys find the people coming to you for advice and help. Viserys is forced to perhaps look at things differently.
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Thoros of Myr; Thoros knows you are something special. From the moment he witnesses people flock to you and the time and dedication you give to them in return. Thoros knows you have the power to change the world to cause a ripple effect. Thoros would follow you into danger and enforce your message.
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Dickon Tarly; Dickon is in awe of you. Observing you as you listen to everyone's problems and concerns. You care about what they have to say. Dickon admires how proactive you are in attempting to resolve their concern. Dickon will often step back and watch you, knowing you are right to be at Horn Hill.
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Khal Drogo; Khal knows he's chosen well. The people flock to you, you're warm and calm, exactly what he's looking for. He's proud whenever he sees you interacting with the people.
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Podrick Payne; Podrick is in awe of you. Before introductions are made Podrick finds himself watching you from afar. Podrick is no stranger to court and it's odd to see someone who is compassionate, caring and attempting to do the right thing.
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Edmure Tully; Edmure is a little intimidated. He doesn't know how you've managed to succeed with the public. Edmure questions whether he is worthy of your affections. However, Edmure also asks you to help him so he can be more successful with his people. To understand how to be a positive influence.
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Renly Baratheon; Renly would be impressed by your ability to get your subjects to listen to you. He'd stand back and admire you and take lessons. Renly would truly take inspiration from you to make himself a better and fair king,
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Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish; Petyr would desire to know why. Why do you bother with the common folk? Why do you care about them? Petyr would want to know what your plan is. If you're genuine he would want to know why. Petyr is no stranger to playing a game so he'd question everything.
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Jaqen H'ghar; Jaqen finds it admirable. He rarely sees people of high-born status being loved by the people. He would observe you for a time to see if you have ulterior motives. Jaqen knows people can have many faces. He's intrigued to know if you are hiding behind a mask.
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Tywin Lannister; Tywin's skeptical. He doesn't know why you bother with the common folk. Yet if you are persistent, Tywin will allow you to partake in your causes. After all, it aids in the reputation of his family.
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Tormund Giantsbane; Tormund would admire it. He'd be transfixed on you. The way you're so abundantly kind and nurturing to those around you. Tormund believes more people should love you because to him you are a variety. You're someone who cares and cares about those who need help.
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Any friendships you're hoping for besides obvious ones like dany + any stark
Bran developing a friendship with Devan seaworth would be cool if Davos sticks with the Starks after Stannis and Shireen's death, also maybe edric storm, rollam westerling and dickon tarly
Arya with one of the mormonts also Meera given the similarities
Sansa with Wylla
Edmure and Willas
Brynden Tully and Wyman Manderly
I'm hoping that Dany will form a bond with every girl who had a tough time and is around her age. Aside from Arya & Sansa, I'd like to see her interact with Brienne, Asha, Jeyne Poole, Meera etc. Please Martin give us all the positive female relationship you haven't shown us so far. And ofc I really want to see her meeting and teaming up with Tyrion.
Bran Stark and Devan Seaworth could be introduced and become friends since both are sweet kids. Can we also throw Lyanna Mormont here? In her letter she showed respect and loyalty towards the Starks so I'm sure she would be thrilled to be friends with future head of House Stark. Also, I hope sweet Robin survives and meets his youngest cousins ( Bran and Rickon) because poor kid seems in need of some friends.
Sansa and Arya need to meet the Manderly sisters and their sister of law, Jeyne, as well.
For Sansa, I'd be interested to see her interacting with her uncle Edmure and his wife Roslyn.
As for Arya, she needs to meet Meera, Alys and the Sand Snakes. And while I know that Ironborn don't get along with Northerners, I need Arya and Asha to interact. She should also meet her uncle Brynden Tully and let him be the one to train her in order to be ready for the The last Battle. That would be an ideal mentorship, imo.
As for Jon, he should meet JonCon and Young Griff ( unlikely to happen but still) because I want to see those three interact. Bonus points if that happens before the Jon's lineage revelation. Also, Jon should meet Meera and Brienne because they are exactly the type of girls he admires. Both have different love interests but still they deserve to meet a nice young man who would admire them for those reasons westerosi society looks down on them.
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isefyres-archive · 6 months
❛  is  this  good ?  ❜ (roslin @ edmure) @dcviline
Edmure laughs casually, his head tilt to the side as his young wife seems to be eager to make up for lost time. Her mouth is small and gentle on his neck and he closes his eyes. Years of torture now replaced with gentle kisses from Roslin. The babe is asleep and there is time for themselves and it seems his wife wants to learn. "Aye, sweet one. More than good. Come here." He helps her move from her side of the bed to his own, one leg on each side of his own and letting his hands rest on her hips.
"You can keep doing that and I. . ." His hand removed one of her sides of her dress, it falls easily to reveal one of her breast, and he leans in to take it, demostrating as his tongue toys with her hardening nipple. "And i'll be here. Tell me what you want to do. You can love your hips if you want." Slow, he guides her movement, sure she can feel him under her, the movement causing him to moan, capturing her lips in turn. "You remember how that felt?"
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neithergodsnormen · 5 months
@adreamofsilk sent: 🖋 (*evil laughter you can hear next to you*)
*  ―  send 🖋 or ( ‘PLOTS’ ) for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas i have for our muses, whether it just be certain types of dynamics or general storylines i’d like to explore. 
*rubs hands together and cracks knuckles* okay, let’s get started with this, probably gonna be smart and put this under a cut, going by who i already have on here, will likely give you some of the others when they come onto the blog
Addie Upcliff:
Dale Seaworth - Dale is a sailor, so perhaps meeting in one of his travels
Edmure Tully - Addie being a possible match that Hoster was entertaining the idea of
Jorah Mormont - possible match rather than Jorah marrying the Hightower
Sansa Stark - meeting when Sansa is “Alayne Stone”
Stannis Baratheon - Meeting when Stannis looking for help when Shireen contracts Greyscale - possible match for Stannis that Robert would have found funny
Victarion Greyjoy - Meeting when he is traveling, before he swears off taking another wife
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Alysanne Blackwood:
Arya Stark - Arya being fostered to the Blackwoods - Arya ending up with the Blackwoods rather than the Brotherhood - Arya being found by the Blackwoods long before she gets to the Saltpans after the Red Wedding
Brienne of Tarth - Brienne being fostered to the Blackwoods - One of Alysanne’s nephews being betrothed to Brienne before she makes the rule where they have to beat her in combat - Brienne stopping at Raventree Hall when looking for the Stark girls
Dacey Mormont - Ladies under the King of the North and Riverlands - Meeting up and interacting before the Red Wedding as the Blackwoods were sworn to Robb
Domeric Bolton - Possible match for Domeric, Roose surely was looking to have his only heir wed
Edmure Tully - Possible match for Edmure that Hoster was looking into
Jaime Lannister - Interactions when Jaime stops at Raventree Hall when retaking the Riverlands - Robb having the Blackwoods hold Jaime rather than keeping his hostage where most would expect
Jeyne Westerling - Alysanne being named as one of Jeyne’s ladies-in-waiting after Jeyne marries Robb
Jorah Mormont - Alysanne being the one to catch his eye, not the Hightower
Ned Stark - I think we discussed her being a betrothal option for Ned before Robert’s Rebellion
Robb Stark - Alysanne being sent to represent her brother in Robb’s court - Robb being betrothed to Alysanne long before the series starts
Roose Bolton - Alysanne being an option for Domeric as Roose would have been looking to have his son wed - Roose looking for a new wife after the loss of Bethany and Domeric and looking to the Blackwoods as an option rather than housing his bastard whom he believed had a hand in his heir’s death
Theon Greyjoy - Interactions when the Blackwoods swore to Robb - Theon being fostered with Tytos instead of Ned
Torrhen Karstark - Interactions when the Blackwoods swore to Robb
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Celia Thorne:
Aemond Targaryen - Pre-Dance interactions
Corlys Velaryon - Strategizing on Rhaenyra’s Black Council - Interacting Pre-Dance
Daemon Targaryen - Interactions Pre-Dance - Flirting from him before the war - Daemon ending up with Celia instead of Rhea
Jacaerys Velaryon - Growing up learning from Celia
Laenor Velaryon - Interacting when he is married to Rhaenyra
Lucerys Velaryon - Growing up learning from Celia
Viserys Targaryen I - Interactions from before he started to loose it/slowly die
Dayanna Umber:
Arya Stark - Arya warded to the Umbers
Dacey Mormont - Dacey traveling the North and making friends with Dayanna
Domeric Bolton - Possible intended for Domeric
Jon Snow - Jon being fostered at Last Hearth - Jon being engaged to Dayanna to make ties with the Umbers
Jorah Mormont - possible match for him that is not the Hightower
Ned Stark - Ned visiting Last Hearth
Robb Stark - Possible fiance for Robb for before the series starts
Roose Bolton - An option for Roose to engage to Domeric to ensure that his heir is married - An option for Roose to remarry after the loss of Bethany and Domeric so he has a new heir
Satin Flowers - Dayanna coming to Castle Black for some reason and seeing the pretty recruit - Satin fleeing to Last Hearth after Jon is stabbed
Sigorn - Alternate for Sigorn to be married to in order to tie the Thenns to the North
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis stopping at Last Hearth before making his way to Deepwood Motte
Theon Greyjoy - Theon being engaged to Dayanna to solidify the ward does not cause problems
Torrhen Karstark - Possible betrothed for Torrhen
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack 
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Heighden Drumm:
Arya Stark - Heighden finding Arya instead of the Braavosi ship when the girl was looking to go to Braavos
Bronn - Bronn was well traveled as a sellsword before the War of Five Kings, they could have met
Daenerys Targaryen - Heighden going to Meereen when she hears rumors of dragons - Heighden finding Dany before Barristan and Belwas when she is leaving Qarth
Dacey Mormont - Ironborn meets Bear Islander - Dacey learning by meeting Heighden that not all Ironborn are necessarily bad
Dale Seaworth - Both are sailors and traders, she could easily cross his path
Domeric Bolton - Roose would have been looking for a match for his heir
Jaime Lannister - Heighden bringing Brightroar to Jaime - Heighden meeting him after the Sack in my AU where he leaves after
Jon Connington - Her meeting Griff in Essos, possibly shortly after he brings Young Griff under his wing - Someone had to help him flee after Aerys banished him
Jorah Mormont - He was in Essos for a long time before making his way to Dany and Vis - Him falling for Heighden rather than the Hightower
Melisandre - The Red Witch is very well traveled
Ned Stark - Heighden helping Ned flee from King’s Landing
Oberyn Martell - One of his many lovers?
Quentyn Martell - Quent being an option for her before the whole Viserys/Arianne plot went bunk
Robb Stark - Robb falling in bed with her instead of Jeyne Westerling
Roose Bolton - Roose looking for a match for Domeric - Roose looking for a new bride after he looses Bethany and Domeric because he needs an heir
Satin Flowers - Her favorite plaything in Old Town? - Satin ending up going with her rather than whatever happened to make him take the Black
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis being offered Heighden as a bride after he smashes the Iron Fleet - Heighden bringing knowledge from Essos on Greyscale treatments for Shireen
Torrhen Karstark - Possible match for Torr, cos what better way to keep the Iron Isle in check by marrying their daughters to Greenlanders
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion - Heighden currying favor by bringing Tywin Brightroar
Victarion Greyjoy - Rock wife option
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Arthur Dayne - I have an AU where he takes the Black after the Tower of Joy so he would meet her when the Free Folk all come south
Dacey Mormont - We know that the Free Folk of the Frozen Shore raid Bear Isle so that could be an interesting interaction
Dale Seaworth - He is well traveled with his ship - AU where he survived the Blackwater and goes north with Stannis as a guard for Shireen means he would meet her
Dalla - During Mance’s march - We don’t know where Dalla is originally from, so she could be travelled enough to have visited the Frozen Shore in the past
Domeric Bolton - I have an AU where he flees North of the Wall after Ramsey tries to kill him
Jaime Lannister - AU where he took the Black after the Sack means he would meet her when the Free Folk come south
Jon Snow - Interacting in Mance’s camp - Interacting after the Free Folk are let through the wall
Jorah Mormont - Frozen Shore Free Folk raid Bear Isle - AU where Jorah took the Black means he would meet her when she came through
Melisandre - Meeting in Castle Black
Ned Stark - I have an AU where he was actually allowed to take the Black rather than Joff just killing him
Satin Flowers - Meeting when she comes through Castle Black
Sigorn - During Mance’s march
Stannis Baratheon - Meeting at Castle Black after he defeats Mance
Victarion Greyjoy - We don’t know how far he sails so he reasonably could reach the Frozen Shore
Jasline Beesbury:
Brienne of Tarth - Interacting when Renly’s Summer Army was still in the Reach
Bronn - He is well travelled
Domeric Bolton - Roose was definitely trying to get his heir married
Edmure Tully - Jasline being one of many that Hoster looked at for Edmure to marry
Garlan Tyrell - Someone Mace could have had him interact with before he married his wife - Garlan may also travel the Reach more often than his siblings
Jaime Lannister - Jasline could be betrothed to Jaime after he is made to step down from the Kingsguard after the loss of his hand
Loras Tyrell - Loras travelling the Reach means he could interact and her father, not knowing his proclivities, tries to get him to see her as a possible match and the ensuing awkwardness
Margaery Tyrell - Reach girlies interacting
Robb Stark - Someone that he could fall into bed with rather than Jeyne Westerling
Stannis Baratheon - Option for marriage rather than Selyse
Theon Greyjoy - Possibly warded to the Beesbury’s rather than to the Starks
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Aemond Targaryen - Aemond seeking her out when Helena was expecting as he adores his sister and only wants the best for her to ensure her safety
Arthur Dayne - Arthur bringing Lyla to the Tower of Joy to attend to Lyanna
Ashara Dayne - Lyla helping Ashara through the birth of her daughter
Corlys Velaryon - Corlys collecting Lyla on request of Rhaenys for any of the following: Aemma, Rhaenyra or Laena
Daemon Targaryen - Lyla attending any of the following through their births and Daemon just lurking: Aemma, Rhaenyra or Laena
Daenerys Targaryen - A proper midwife attending her when she gives birth to Rhaego rather than Jorah having to resort to taking her to the Maegi
Dalla - Lyla being able to help Dalla survive her birth
Doran Martell - Doran hiring Lyla to attend to Elia when Elia is expecting Rhaegar’s children
Elia Martell - Lyla helping her through the birth of Rhaenys and Aegon
Jeyne Westerling - AU where Jeyne has Robb’s child rather than her mom feeding her contraceptives, she would need a midwife cos it can’t be known about her pregnancy so they can’t resort to a maester
Jorah Mormont - Jorah hiring Lyla to help his Glover wife
Lyanna Stark - Lyla being at the Tower of Joy to attend to Lyanna
Ned Stark - Ned trying to get Cat to accept a northern midwife for his children’s birth and Lyla getting to witness that argument
Roose Bolton - Roose hiring Lyla for any of his children with Bethany or for Walda’s pregnancy to try and deter Ramsey from being able to kill the babe before it is born
Satin Flowers - Brothels can see a good number of births and would need a midwife on hand
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis panicking at the birth of Shireen and wanting all the chances of a successful birth so hiring Lyla
Viserys Targaryen I - Vis actually having a midwife on hand rather than letting the maester butcher Aemma
Arthur Dayne - Red Keep interactions before Robert’s Rebellion
Arya Stark - Arya finding her way into Meyla’s office
Ashara Dayne - Red Keep interactions before Robert’s Rebellion
Bronn - Bronn wasn’t always at Tyrion’s side and could have come across her in the keep
Dale Seaworth - AU where he survives the Blackwater but is a prisoner in the Red Keep
Elia Martell - Red Keep interactions before the Sack
Garlan Tyrell - He is def in the Red Keep after the Blackwater
Jaime Lannister - Interactions with the only person who likely asked him what happened with Aerys
Jon Connington - Interactions when Jon was Hand to Aerys
Loras Tyrell - He’s been in the Red Keep often
Margaery Tyrell - She was meeting with everyone at court when she was engaged to Joff
Ned Stark - Ned getting to meet the Keeper of the Keys when he arrives in King’s Landing
Oberyn Martell - Oberyn was known to be wandering when he was at the Keep
Stannis Baratheon - Literally have 14 years we can cover where he was at the Red Keep
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion - Interactions when Tywin is Hand of the King (both for Aerys and his grandsons)
Viserys Targaryen III - Interactions with little prince Vis before the Rebellion
Saeralla Targaryen:
Aemond Targaryen - Interactions of angry boy with his second cousin
Corlys Velaryon - Black Council meetings
Daemon Targaryen - Daemon adoring his cousin - Black Council meetings
Harwin Strong - Someone had to be her escort when she came from Volantis, who better than Harwin
Jacaerys Velaryon - Black Council meetings
Laenor Velaryon - Interactions with her when she comes from Volantis
Lucerys Velaryon - Growing up with his third cousin near - Little sweetie just adoring his ‘aunt’
Viserys Targaryen I - Viserys greeting her when she first arrives from Volantis - Someone needs to yell at him for what he had done to Aemma
Sanira Farman:
Dale Seaworth - Dale could easily have sailed to Fair Isle
Domeric Bolton - Possible match for Domeric, Roose would have seen House Farman as a very plausible option due to there being many options
Edmure Tully - Another possible for Hoster to try to marry to Edmure
Jaime Lannister - Tywin engaging them when Jaime is forced from the Kingsguard after the loss of his hand
Jorah Mormont - Another who could have caught Jorah’s eye other than the Hightower
Loras Tyrell - Her father and uncle would have been looking for options for the girls, he could be one of hers leading to awdwardness
Margaery Tyrell - Possible lady brought so Margaery doesn’t just have Reach-born ladies-in-waiting
Oberyn Martell - We know that he is very well traveled
Quentyn Martell - An option for Quentyn before it was known that the Viserys/Arianne plot went bunk
Robb Stark - Someone other than Jeyne Westerling that Robb could fall in bed with
Stannis Baratheon - Option for Robert to have Stannis marry other than Selyse, it would be seen as a family that only has girls which Robert would have found funny
Theon Greyjoy - Possible ward/betrothed for Sanira
Torrhen Karstark - Possible betrothed, as a thirdborn son he is not in line for Karhold and as she has no brothers it would be seen as beneficial
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Victarion Greyjoy - He could easily have landed on Fair Isle often - Temptation to take another salt wife even after he swore he wouldn’t after the last one
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Una Borrell:
Dale Seaworth - Boy travels a lot on the sea so he could easily meet her
Edmure Tully - Addie being a possible match that Hoster was entertaining the idea of
Jorah Mormont - possible match rather than the Hightower
Ned Stark - The ‘fisherman’s daughter’ theory
Sansa Stark - Meeting ‘Alayne Stone’
Stannis Baratheon - Robert would find it funny to betroth Stannis to someone from the Sisters
Victarion Greyjoy - Meeting when he is traveling, before he swears off taking another wife
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - possible match for Willas, who needs to marry as the Heir
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How would Riverrun have been as a place for Theon Greyjoy to spend his time as a hostage, compared to Winterfell? What would Hoster Tully be like as a foster-father, and do you think Theon would have gotten along well with Edmure?
Theon would have had a very different time at Riverrun, because for one thing, he'd be the only child there. We don't know Edmure's exact age, but the latest date the ASOIAF wiki suggests is still 4-5 years older than Theon, and I at least suspect he's older than that. Enough of an age difference that the two of them wouldn't have interacted a great deal. Edmure in canon has a whole circle of buddies who he goes carousing with. Theon would have to assimilate into that circle as an eight-year-old boy and this would be extra difficult because one of Edmure's friends is a Mallister of Seagard, who have spent generations defending their territories from reavers. We see how Theon's Ironborn heritage sets him apart in Winterfell, and those lands aren't anywhere near the coastline. It would be much harder for him surrounded by people who have personal beef with his family.
I expect Hoster would be largely uninvolved. He'd delegate that task to his steward and probably only notice Theon when Theon was brought to his attention. Brynden is the Tully who likes kids, and he followed Lysa to the Eyrie after Robert's Rebellion.
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west1rosi · 1 year
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Jayne Ladybright: Dornish lady, her aunt was treasurer for Prince Doran and Jayne is a lady at the service of Princess Arianne. She is later meant to ship sail to Princess Myrcella's location.
Indya Sunderly: Ironborn lady, lady of saltcliffe. Her family vouched for Balon Greyjoy and Theon at the Kingsmoot. Her family trades spices and silks from Essos to the Iron Islands.
Patrek Mallister: Heir to Seagard, Robb Stark's personal guard and taken at the Red Wedding. He has been released and went back to the Riverlands. He serves as Edmure Tully's guard as for now.
Wylla Manderly: Youngest daughter of Wylis Manderly. Blonde hair naturally, Wylla is known for dying her hair green. She is known for being brave and fiercely loyal, taking revenge on the Boltons for what they done to Robb Stark. She later supports Jon Snow.
Wynafryd "Wyna" Manderly: Oldest daughter of Wylis Manderly. She is described as sweet and kind, quieter than her younger sister but as equally loyal. Trained to pretend to be compliant, Wyna participates in the schemes to kill her bethroded Rhaegar Frey until he is murdered.
Manfryd Merlyn: Ironborn. His father supported Asha Greyjoy in the Kingsmoot. He is captain of the Iron Fleet ship, Kite. He supports the Greyjoys and associated with the Dragon Queen.
do not reblog/like/interact unless we are mutuals!
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suispiria · 2 months
9, 12, 16, 23? ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
9. Build your small council with any characters dead or alive
olenna tyrell for the vibes and soirées she’d organize, asha, dacey mormont, Melisandre but only if we have the ghost of high heart around to compare prophecies and visions, edmure tully so we can all point and laugh at him and someone really good w money. let’s add otto hightower too he’ll keep the continent afloat
12. Who are you traveling the ravaged Riverlands with?
brienne is like. The only character I can think of that wouldn’t go look at my companion through the infinite torture spiral man I’m killing them in their sleep. And the blackfish. LOVE that old queen
16. Favorite sibling dynamic
the sand snakes . the version of lyanna and benjen that live in my mind
23. Two characters you need to interact
jaime and danyyyy . she doesn’t know how terrible her father was she doesn’t know anything about her mother period and here comes the guy that you want to put through a meat grinder but he’s the only one left that can talk to you about them (we fawking hate you barristan)
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I found a post abt them I made during my 2023 asoiaf reread
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ofmargaery · 4 years
There was an old saying that she somewhat tried to abide by - to keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Edmure Tully was neither of those things. Or at least he wasn’t an outright enemy but nor was he an open friend of the Tyrells. The dynamic was somewhat undefined, coexisting as peacefully as two mafias ever truly could. But he’d lost his sister in the same attack that had taken her mother from her and perhaps that counted for something. So when he happens to come up next to her while she’s waiting to be served a warm smile was aimed his way, the same that almost anyone else would get from her, before light words left rosy lips. “I’m beginning to wonder what a girl’s got to do to get served in here. I can get you something if you’d like? So long as you don’t mind waiting.”
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