This right here
One of the things I think gets overlooked in Percy and Annabeth’s relationship is that they check each other’s fatal flaws.
For instance Annabeth’s hubris stems from feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy from her dad and stepmom as well as Athena’s own high expectations for Annabeth. Because the world has hurt her over and over again it’s created feelings of arrogance and overconfidence that she could remake the world better than it is. So when Annabeth’s arrogance and overconfidence does get her in to trouble, Percy is always there to help her out of it. When he does, it reminds her hubris that she’s not invincible, but it also reminds her sense of inadequacy, that the hubris stems from, that she’s not expendable either.
Percy on the other hand, has his sense of loyalty as his fatal flaw. It’s even been stated that he would let the world burn if the people he loved were safe. Now, thankfully, Percy loves a lot of people and no enemy has ever been able to guarantee the safety of all those he loves, but if he were ever in that situation Annabeth would never allow him to take that deal. She’s not the type of person to passively sit by and let the world burn, she would run into the flames and Percy would run after her. Despite the world hurting her Annabeth would risk her life to save it, and Percy would risk his to protect Annabeth because she’s his world.
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This...has some very DARK implications....
Descendants 1-3: there's some not great implications, but all the conflict ultimately isn't that serious, because everyone always ends up as friends in the end. Aside from Maleficent (technically), nobody even faces real, lasting consequences for their actions.
Descendants: The Rise of Red: yeah the Queen of Hearts is a FASCIST DICTATOR. It's implied Red's mom PHYSICALLY ABUSES HER. Cinderella gets DECAPITATED OFFSCREEN. The Queen of Hearts only changes and becomes a better person in the end because THE ENTIRE TIMELINE GETS CHANGED, COMPLETELY ALTERING WHO SHE IS AS A PERSON ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL.
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my scalding hot take is that i really don't care that ella was off with charming when bridget was pranked. i think y'all are being very quick to forget that yeah bridget has no friends which is sad because she's so sweet, but ella has had an abusive stepfamily treat her as a servant for so long. she's lived a neverending nightmare of abuse after losing both her parents. her entire life has been serving her stepfamily.
and despite being good to her soul she's never had a moment's peace or kindness from the world. let my girl have one night where she doesn't have to cater to someone else!!!!! even if that person is bridget. let ella have one night where she doesn't have to expend all her energy on everyone but herself.
ella they could never make me hate you or believe you're a selfish person. i hope you and charming dance the night away forever in every timeline
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 500 likes!
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Has anyone else, wondered why Bridget only seems to have Ella as her only friend?
I mean, she seriously has no other friends other than this person?
I think, as pointed out by other posters, Bridget likely always had some issues/type of issue, and her being as nice/bubbly/brightly coloured as she was. Was just a front to hide her darker, deeper issues. An 'If I look happy and nice, no one will see my dark demons' thought bubble if you will.
As I mentioned in a previous post/reblog, there's some theory that Bridget's mother was very like the QoH Bridget would become...
Take a look at what Red has to go through. You really think Bridget wouldn't have some issues if her own mother was anything like her QoH persona?
And think about it, Ella's been abused her whole life by her stepmother and stepsisters. So to her, small bits of dark behaviour from Bridget (if they popped up) would be seen as normal.
I'm not saying that some of Bridget's acts of kindness weren't genuine. But I do think that Bridget being that nice was more of a front then people first think. Becuse if you think about it, Bridget really went 1-100 in her heel turn. You don't get that dark without the darkness at least somewhat already being there
Bridget's happy sweet bubbly persona was not an act per say but it was a front she put up, so no one would look at her the way they did Uliana and her gang.
Guys I'm sorry if maybe I'm just being too cynical about some people's new fav character but you have to admit....the pieces fit.
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Sadly, this is truer than most would like to admit...there's some theory that Bridget's mother (Red's grandmother) was very like what she turned into. That Bridget being all bubbly/pink/nice was a front she put up. Take one look at what Red goes through as the QoH's daughter, and tell me Bridget wouldn't have some issues from going through pretty much the same thing.
Most likely Uliana and her gang had been hassling Bridget for a lot longer than just the time point we saw, and it's possible that Bridget considered Ella to be all she had. (Which honestly is starting to cross over to the toxic side of friendship if it's becoming that clingy.) So when Ella wasn't there when Bridget had just been humiliated yet again... the nice persona Bridget had worked hard to have snapped/couldn't take it any more.
But yeah, my point is Bridget likely always has some issues and always had the potential to become as evil as she did. She just put up a bubbly/nice front so she wouldn't be automatically lumped with the 'villains.'
morgie is being woobified this, hook is being woobified that, bridget is being woobified. i hate to say this but most people don't snap so hard they start straight up decapitating people over a prank and their best friend not being there to emotionally babysit them after
just because she's pink and perky and sweet doesn't mean she doesn't already have Something Very Wrong . or else she wouldn't have snapped to that degree
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(trumpets blaring gloriously in the background)
So. Headcannon: Luke, for the longest time, bore a grudge against, hated Grover because it was Grover who took the wrong turn to the cyclops’ lair that delayed them and made Thalia die. So in Luke’s mind, it was all Grover’s fault that everything went wrong and in his mind, Grover messed up everything he touched. 
Like, maybe… Luke and Thalia’s relationship? Luke’s happiness? Thalia’s life?
“’The flying shoes were cursed,” I said. “They were supposed to drag me and the backpack to Tartarus.” “And they would have, if you’d been wearing them. But you gave them to the satyr, which wasn’t part of the plan. Grover messes up everything he touches.’”
-       page 368, the Lightning Thief, Percy and Luke.
AWWW YISSSS Even when he’s evil, Luke is so sweet for Thalia…
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People who have seen Rise of Red, who do you think is her father?
Seriously, help me out here guys, I have a theory but said theory doesn't hold a lot of water with the 10-year time gap.
I need thoughts.
Whose the dad Bridget/QoH?
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Thank you @gingerbearcloud and everyone who got me to 100 reblogs!
.....the irony in the fact that Huma is probably the healthiest relationship to come out of Descendants--I'm a Bal shipper as well, but even we must concede that the love spell wasn't exactly the healthiest relationship starting point, even if it was only for twenty-four hours. Yet, they (Huma) are the only relationship shown that can be called 'pure Isle.' That is just ironic in a world/place where love was frowned upon and not supposed to exist. You get one of the healthiest truest loves/relationships of all.
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As a fan of both Harry Potter and Descendants I love the fact that Bal are a Hufflepuff/Slytherin pairing
(And for anyone wondering Huma is absolutely a Slytherin/Slytherin pair lol )
edit: Argument could be made for Harry being a Gryffindor but I really can't picture those two apart :)
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Gryffindor for Thalia, Slytherin for Luke definitely.
the greatest problem in the thaluke fandom is who would be in slytherin and who would be in gryffindor
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Hera was an absolute COW--and yes the pun is intended for that! The only time I hated her more was when she took Percy away from Annabeth!
Reblog if you hate Hera for her plot that kept Thalia from seeing Luke before his death.
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Thuke: a tragedy and PJO's biggest 'what if'.....
Thalia's point of view must be so surreal because imagine the horror, the tragedy, and the cruelty, of dying... but then not. but you're not alive either. At least, not in the way you used to be. You're more or less caught, trapped, in this liminal state of being. You're still growing... but when you wake up you're not the age you should be. And suddenly, the little seven year old girl you helped protect and cared for and treated as your little sister is practically your age now. And your best friend, a boy that was a mere two years older than you is now a grown man, hardened and distorted by the very hate you saw the beginnings of. that you commiserated with.
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 🩷
*Blushes* Awwww! Thank you Gin! Right back at ya you beat me giving it to you! :D
But thank you so much! :D
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RIP Maggie Smith!
The world lost a little magic today but at least McGonagal has reunited with Hagrid, Snape, and both Dumbledores.
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How does one go from not even hiding the fact that she's dating a god. To drilling into her daughter's head that 'love is weak! It's not what you want!'....?
To be clear, I'm not trying to pull up any sympathy for Maleficent. No abusive parent deserves sympathy.
It's just Rise of Red makes me wonder....
What happened before, and in the early months when Mal was born that changed Maleficent that much? Into the insane, loveless lizard that we know her to be?
I believe some of the answers may be in the song 'Evil Like Me' the lines: 'I was once like you my child, slightly insecure.' 'Argued with my mother too.' Thought I was mature, but I put my heart aside, and I used my head.' Give us hints.
It seems that Mal wasn't the only one who got the 'love is weak' mantra drilled into her.
Maleficent's mother was probably hissing in her ear the entire time she was dating Hades. Maybe some time that they married to. They probably had many 'arguments' about it. Just slowly wearing down Maleficent's teenage faith in her relationship. She made her have doubts, and since on the Isle talking about emotion was seen as 'weak' Malf probably never talked to Hades about it. Or if she did, it was brought up in a fight.
And this time there was no 'out' of getting off the Isle to show that emotion was okay. So Hades left and, in a self forefilling prophecy, proved her mother's evil whispers and Maleficent's niggling, shoved back doubts right. Turning the evil but open to love/loyalty teen, into the hard untrusting insane adult. That never lets herself (or any child of hers) 'use her heart' again.
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