derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
“You want to be? And what do you do, until the big role comes along?”
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“I’m part of a theatre group, and I’m a light technician.”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
“Law enforcement. I didn’t come close to English literature I’m afraid..” Tyler explained, shrugging his shoulders. “I did see Henry V in theatres once.”
“Well, if that’s what you like to do, that’s what’s important.” He nodded once to emphasize his statement. “Did you like it?”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“What book is it anyway?  What if I spot two not so gently used books and have to pick one?”  He lies flat on his stomach to look under some of the chairs for a moment before standing back up.
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“Uh.. It’s a copy of Macbeth. Pick that one. If you see it.” He couldn’t manage more than clipped sentences, upset with himself for having forgotten it while looking at the same time.
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“What interpretation are you hearing exactly? Did I just open up a can of worms by asking this question. I thought literature could have more than on interpretation. As long as you can use the source material and maybe some primary sources to help back up your explanation you can’t be wrong.”
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“That’s true, but saying all that it is is irrational teenagers unable to think clearly is a dismissal, not an interpretation. I should've chosen my words better, I apologize for that."
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo… am I right?”
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“Absolutely right. Do you like it?”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
“Do people come to you to discuss Shakespeare’s greatest, that often?”
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“I’m an actor. Or I want to be. It comes up sometimes.”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
“I never studied any Shakespeare, so I’ll keep my mouth shut, okay?”
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“You’re missing out. Shakespeare is great. What did you study?”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
Long fingers clutched a battered book, fitting the vocalized description of the voice of the other sounded about perfectly. Her voice seemed to possess an almost apologetic ring as she pressed a crumpled tissue to her nostrils. A nosebleed had taken her by surprise, while all she did was flick through old pages. “Didn’t mean to–”, stain something that was probably dear to him with her blood.
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Book forgotten, he took a step forward before stopping himself. Boundaries. People had boundaries and personal space limits, and she was only a stranger, nosebleed or not. "Are you--" He motioned to her face, to the stained tissue. "--Are you alright? You should probably put pressure on your nose for a while." His face was painted with concern, not at all worrying about her getting anything on his book.
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
Bob in Home and Away (part I)
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“I don’t think I have, but I can help you look for a couple of minutes, if that will help?  I haven’t been paying too much attention for the last hour, so I could have missed it.”
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“Thanks, man, I owe you.” He went back to searching, hoping someone hadn’t thought it was garbage. He pushed a hand through his hair, huffing impatiently as he looked where the other guy wasn’t.
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“I think I’ll gray early if I hear wrong interpretations of Romeo and Juliet one more time.”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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“Have you seen a small book around here? Paperback...not very gently used.”
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
make me choose → bob morley or colin o'donoghue? (asked by anon)
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
Small ooc note that I don’t support the whitewashing in any of the gifs I may use. 
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derekblackmcre-blog · 9 years
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Name: Derek Blackmore
Birthdate: 10/10/1985
Nationality: Irish
Profession: Light technician, Followspot Operator
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Faceclaim: Bob Morley
Availability: TAKEN
“Closed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe;”
There’s a difference between loneliness and solitude, a line Derek rode almost constantly. There was joy in solitude, peace in the the way silence lays over a room. Loneliness was when the silence was heavy, when it reminded you that however much you’ve made peace with it, you don’t have anyone to connect with. To share it with
With mostly busy parents, Derek is used to doing things on his own. He found solace in film, in theatre, in music. He had a preference for classics, especially with film. When he wasn’t in school or taking care of other responsibilities, he was immersing himself in theatre, acting with others that seemed to share his passion for it. 
After finishing his secondary education, he moved to London with the hope of finding a job in theatre, if not as an actor, then some part of the stage crew. It’s intense work, and not having any friends in the company at first, though he’s used to it, makes work slightly more difficult. Old habits die hard, and he still keeps mostly to himself, doing his job well, and the cycle repeats.
The water crisis shook up Derek’s routines, lacing them with a certain amount of fear that he could get sick, that he couldn’t see Ireland again if he wanted to. He’s not religious, but in small moments, he casts silent hope out to whatever is out there. When the moment passes, he goes right back to what he’s doing, investing himself wholly in whatever has his attention at the time.
Derek is very reserved, shy even, and almost seems passive because of it. When he does speak up, he speaks intelligently, as well as kindly. He likes people well enough, he just doesn’t trust them, given that he was bullied early in his life. He’s resilient, and adaptable, able to take most situations as they come, dwelling very little on the negative of it. He treats people with kindness when he does interact with them, partly because he thinks it’s right and in part because he doesn’t like the idea of hurting other people.“
“… and the rest of the world is missing out.”
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